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l, Axel Schubert, Sylvia Jürgens, Khaled Swaidan, Professor Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Professor Rolf Drechsler, and Professor Helga Grubitzsch. Special Event Planned for the Fall In the fall, the project and
Section: Universität
The latter category was named after the two largest international AI conferences. Professor Rolf Drechsler, dean of the Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science, and Dr. Moritz Tenorth from the Institute
Section: Sites
fe): Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lucio Colombi Ciacchi, HMI, University of Bremen Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Rolf Drechsler, Computer Architecture Group, University of Bremen Dr.-Ing. Nils Ellendt, CRC 1232 “From colored
waltungs AG | Deutschlandstipendiaten cohort 18/19 | Carl Dolle GmbH & Co. KG | Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler | Manfred and Ursula Fluß-Stiftung (foundation) | GESTRA AG | Hanseatische Waren Handelsgesellschaft
Metals 2019, 9, . A. Toenjes, H. Sonnenberg, C. Plump, R. Drechsler, A. von Hehl: Measurement and Evaluation of Calorimetric Descriptors for the Suitability for Ev
Thomas Röfer from the DFKI Research Area Cyber-Physical Systems, which is led by Professor Rolf Drechsler, and Dr. Tim Laue from the University of Bremen. About the Standard Platform League B-Human plays
Thomas Röfer from DFKI’s Research Area for Cyber-Physical Systems, which is led by Professor Rolf Drechsler, and Dr. Tim Laue from the University of Bremen. B-Human has been participating in RoboCup competitions
team – racking up the number of goals they scored during the championship to 37. Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler, leader of the DFKI research area Cyber-Physical Systems and professor for informatics at the University
Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI). The research area is led by Prof. Rolf Drechsler. Behind the “B-Human” soccer robots is a group of 17 advanced students led by researchers from the