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de/zetem/cms/detail.php?id=4381&language=en Contact: Prof. Dr. Christof Büskens Center for Industrial Mathematics (ZeTeM) Faculty of Mathematics
Section: FB3
implement an electrode mat, which was developed by Professor Andreas Kreiter and Professor Walter Lang as leaders of the “I-See” Creative Unit together with the Brain Research Institute and the Institute
Section: Universität
remained far behind. The intellectual situation seems to have been opposed with eminent remigrants like Lange and Kalecki and original thinkers like Kotarbinski, Schaff, and Kolakowski in Poland. In East Germany
Section: FB7
teaching, with the active participation of Björn Jindra and excellent technical support from Marcel Lange, a comprehensive digital offer for our students was made possible by Jessica Birkholz/Jutta Günther
Computer Science (PD Dr. Stefan Bosse) and Faculty of Physics / Electrical Engineering (Professor Walter Lang), as well as the Fiber Institute (Professor Axel Herrmann), the German Aerospace Center (DLR), and
erhalten ein Preisgeld von jeweils 2,5 Millionen Euro. Diese Gelder können sie bis zu sieben Jahre lang nach ihren eigenen Vorstellungen und ohne bürokratischen Aufwand für ihre Forschungsarbeit verwenden
Section: Sites
Materialforschung IFAM ) will act as Chairman of the Management Board, assisted by Professor Walter Lang (Faculty of Physics/ Electrical Engineering) and Professor Hans-Werner Zoch (Faculty of Production
kaminski(at) Karl-Ludwig Krieger Automotive Electronics Krieger(at) Walter Lang Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) wlang(at) Kai Michels Dynamic Systems and
Section: FB1
smartCAST – digital castings with condition monitoring for autonomous vehicles back to projects group Lang