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and humanities, or across these divisional boundaries. In this way, the university would like to bring its interdisciplinary strength to the fore. WHO CAN APPLY? This funding line is aimed at new members
Section: Research
appointment, preferably with suggested dates. Once you have received confirmation of an appointment, bring your completed and signed application for recognition , the original certificate and a copy with you
Section: FB7
University of Bremen that carries out international and intercultural projects. Our programs and events bring foreign and German students together. We provide orientation, broaden horizons, highlight points in
Section: Studies
Bremen now hosts six research training groups The new allocations and prolongation described above bring the number of structured doctoral programs at the University of Bremen up to a total of six – some
published in the A-Rate journals Language Typology and Universals, Linguistics and Morphology, thus bringing Maltese to the attention of a wider linguistic audience. The aim of the DFG project Prepositions
Section: FB10
lectures, colloquia, workshops, study days, field trips, and field research visits are organized to bring topics in Maltese linguistics to the student audience and other interested parties. In addition to
The goal of the virtual building is to present research on all facets of cognitive-based AI and bring together top international research in one place. The Bremen Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Section: FB3
News 12.06.2023 Look forward to DJ SMILES and DJ ALEX RUTHLESS! The DJ brings the end of the evening! North bass? Bremen bass? Call his sound whatever you want. One thing is for sure: it's all about the
Section: Sites
for acts of solidarity. If we ask ChatGPT directly: “What problems can a lack of transparency of AI bring within the working world?”, we get the following list of answers: Bias and discrimination in decision
also needed in Bremen. At the same time, a climate-friendly, sustainable, and equitable way of life brings a wide range of opportunities with it that we can take advantage of and help shape. Well-trained