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over the award in March 2022 during the annual DPG conference in Erlangen. The Jury's Reasoning: HorstSchecker has shaped and further developed the field of empirical physics didactics over a noteworthy period [...] within all projects and that the relevance for school education is not neglected at the same time. HorstSchecker has formed the field of didactics of physics over decades like no other. His analyses of pupils’ [...] editor and author. Most recently, the book “Unterrichtskonzeptionen für den Physikunterricht.” HorstSchecker holds both state exams in secondary school teacher education for the subjects of physics and
Section: Universität
für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften, Abteilung Physikdidaktik Prof. Dr. HorstSchecker Telefon: 0421-218 62020 E-Mail:
Computer Science) 2014 Erklärungskompetenz von Physiklehrkräften Dr. Christoph Kulgemeyer (Prof. Dr. HorstSchecker, Faculty 01: Physics / Electrical Engineering) Konsumkritisches Medienhandeln Dr. Sigrid Kannengießer
Section: Research