AI-based systems for teaching and learning

Recommendations for use in teaching and learning at the University of Bremen

Technological tools that use artificial intelligence (AI) processes are able to imitate human intelligence and solve complex tasks. They are created to work using different levels of autonomy. Generative AI such as ChatGPT is a specific subgroup, which attempts to create new content based on the patterns and structures of existing data and generates results such as texts, images, or music.

We see the development of AI-powered technology as a way to advance all areas of the university (teaching and learning, research and transfer, and administration).  We see them as tools that can be used within a legally secured framework to optimize processes.  We want to play an active role in shaping this. Although AI-based systems are considered to have great potential, we must carefully consider whether and how they should be used. It is crucial that we identify and prevent any risks – ethical, data protection, security, environmental, or social – and find and develop appropriate strategies for effective, efficient, and transparent use.

All usage scenarios must therefore be disclosed and agreements made about how we deal with these. This includes considering the legal framework, for example through the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the EU AI Act as well as copyright laws.

NEWS - April 2, 2024

On the forms page of the central examination office (ZPA) new documents with supplemental explanations on the use of AI have been released.

  • Written examination - Declaration of independent work and delcaration of consent for checking with plagiarism software
  • Copyright declaration, declaration on the publication of BA/MA theses, declaration on electronic checking for plagiarism
  • Beispielhafte Dokumentation der Nutzung von KI in der Lehre (currently in German only).

As a first step, we provide university-wide recommendations for the use of AI-based systems in teaching and learning in order to create a reliable and transparent framework for teachers and students that takes legal requirements into account. The University of Bremen sees the opportunities and possibilities, as well as the risks. As part of their studies at our university, students should learn a critical and reflective approach towards AI and develop an attitude that integrates both the potentials for success as a student and in the professional world.

Competence-oriented teaching takes place at the University of Bremen in a variety of teaching and learning scenarios. Should AI-based systems be used for these, students need to be informed about the functions, limitations, and risks of the tools in order to make both the potential benefits as well as problems visible and to ensure compliance with data protection regulations. Inequalities due to differing levels of prior knowledge and willingness to use AI-based systems must be taken into account in establishing learning objectives, and must be considered, evaluated, and handled sensibly.

This also includes professional and methodological reflection and the application of the principles of good scientific practice to the use of AI-based systems in teaching and learning. This competence in the critically reflective use of AI-based systems will become a cross-cutting issue in all subjects and degree programs.

Challenges in learning and teaching can currently be identified above all for examinations. This involves the use of AI-based systems in submitted work, both by students (e.g. automatically generated texts, images or music) and by teachers (e.g. automated assessment of assignments).

At the same time, additional opportunities arise for teaching and learning scenarios, for example

  • learner-oriented individualization of learning material, automated feedback, facilitation of collaboration between learners and
  • teacher-oriented automation of tasks, progress reports, support with course planning and assistance with research processes.

The specification and design, optional use or non-use in teaching is the responsibility of the faculties, degree programs and lecturers.

The general parts of bachelor's- and master's examination regulations,  in particular §8 and §9 AT, contain regulations which require a declaration of originality to be submitted for written work. This regulates the use of aids in preparing written work, which is also applicable to the use of AI-based tools. In addition, the regulatoins listed in § 7 DigiPrüfO apply for digital examinations.

AI-based systems and other tools may be permitted as aids, but there cannot be an obligation to use these.

However, rules must be defined by teaching staff and examiners and communicated accordingly. This applies in particular because students are always responsible for the results of their work and, in the case of the use of AI-based systems, it must be made clear what exactly is the work of the students and what was the result of the AI-based system's support. The task of explaining the scope and nature of the use of AI-based systems and the assumption of responsibility for the results lies with the creators.

Proof of use and documentation, including a list of "works cited", must be specified. Legitimate assessment requires that lecturers know what the person submitting work has achieved.

In order for the student's own work to be assessed, it must be clear in the source reference what is the student's own contribution was as well as what was the work of the AI-based systems. Teachers must communicate exactly what evidence is required.  For example, lecturers can request that the prompts and/or prompt sequences used are submitted or that the use of AI-based systems is documented transparently.

It is recommended that teaching staff members, degree programs, and faculties agree on a basic procedure for their degree programs. Particular attention should be paid to this:

  • the quality of coursework and examinations in which the results of AI-based instruments are used is the responsibility of the students.
  • the principles of good scientific practice always apply, and require students to be particularly transparent about AI use.
  • copyright issues have not been conclusively clarified in legal terms; the current regulations must always be observed. If the data on which AI-based systems are based contains work that has been plagiarized, the answers generated by the tool could also be considered plagiarized. Anyone who reproduces or publishes such a text in accordance with Sections 16 and 19 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) is committing a copyright infringement. In the examination performance, the lack of indication of the source would then be considered plagiarism and therefore treated in accordance with Section 18 AT.

When dealing with personal data of third parties in connection with AI-based systems, compliance with Data Protection Law, in particular the GSVO and the Bremen Implementation Act to the EU-General Data Peotection Regulation (BremDSGVOAG), must be ensured. This applies both to the upload of information to AI-based tools and to the content generated by them.

In suspected cases of attempted cheating or violations of good scientific practice, the usual examination procedure according to § 18 AT (attempted cheating) is to be implemented. This lists multiple types of unauthorized aids, which would also include AI.

Please see the German version of this website (Termine und Veranstaltungen) for a list of upcoming events.


Literature research


A PDF can be uploaded here, e.g. a central paper for your own research question - and Researchrabbit maps the research landscape around the paper.

connected papers

Similar to Researchrabbit.

Data sources: Semantic Scholar



Enter a research question, on the basis of which Elicit then searches for literature. The results of the studies are immediately visible at a glance and the studies can be compared in terms of various parameters.

Data sources: Semantic Scholar



Comparable to Research Rabbit. Sources can be displayed in a network thanks to graphics. Combination with Zotero possible.

Semantic Scholar

Search tool for scientific literature, displays references and citations as well as relevant papers; creates abstracts. Completed corpus of literature / Focused on journal articles.


Similar functionality to Elicit.

Search by entering the research question, explicitly for the academic search.



A research question can be entered here, on the basis of which Perplexity then searches for literature and formulates a short answer text on the results.

Data sources with focus on Academic: Semantic Scholar.


Here you can either upload a PDF and Keenious will then display similar papers, but it also analyzes the subject areas of a paper and displays further literature in these subject areas.
Text generation



The basic version is free and has no interface to the Internet. Only the Pro version (20 US dollars/month) allows the tool to access the Internet, thus reducing the likelihood of incorrect content.


Bing works in a similar way to ChatGPT. The advantage is that you can also access the internet in the basic version. The full range of functions is available when used via the Microsoft browser, Edge, and after prior registration.


Bard is Google's AI chatbot and works in a similar way to ChatGPT and Bing.


This is a text-generating tool especially for scientists. The generated text can be directly linked to real existing scientific sources; sources can also be uploaded, which Jenni processes directly in the generated text


A text-generating AI tool that integrates a literature search.


AI-writers to generate new content or improve existing content.


The use of artificial intelligence is intended to simplify scientific work. The AI tool obtains its information from a large number of scientific databases, publishers, open access articles and metadata. This allows scientific works to be discovered, compared and evaluated and helps to find, process and evaluate content and citations in scientific works.


Free API connection from ChatGPT. Specialized in creative work to find titles for theses.



The AI writing assistant for text revision automatically corrects spelling and grammatical errors, provides helpful alternative suggestions and makes it possible to adapt the style and tone of the text to the target audience.


AI writing assistant to improve, correct or adapt the style of English-language texts.

Scientific work


Simple interface for uploading a PDF and then chatting with it. Suggests possible questions to the PDF.


Simple interface to upload a PDF, analyze the content and then chat with it, ask questions and get answers.

Audio / video production


Text-based laying technique videos (text to video). Suitable for creating short, animated explanatory videos.



Create voice-overs for video clips or podcasts. The AI tool Murf converts text into natural speech. You can simply insert text and download a natural-sounding audio file as a result (download only possible in the paid version). It is possible to upload audio files with your own voice and create an AI-generated voice from them.

Automatic subtitling of videos, transcription, additional translation into English, connection Stud.IP to ZMML server.

The artificial intelligence behind generates musical moods and is designed to help promote concentration, relaxation or sleep. Music is played that appeals to certain stimuli and is intended to trigger the desired effect. According to the developers, a change in one's own behavior and state of mind occurs after around 15 minutes..


The AI-based audio editing tool, which has been on the market since 2011, provides support in audio post-production. Users can have their audio files edited automatically. Various parameters such as volume, noise or interference are analyzed and adjusted accordingly according to common standards.

Interaction in the course

DGDPR-compliant integration of chatGPT into an audience response system. Q&A platform with chatGPT as AI tutor and learning assistant.


Audience-response system for interactive meetings or courses.Live surveys, quizzes, word clouds and Q&A can be created. Integration in PowerPoint and zoom enables seamless use.


AI-based opensource transcription software (GPL-3.0) that transcribes interviews for qualitative research purposes. It can distinguish different speakers and understands about 99 languages, user-friendly editor to review and correct the transcript.

Image Genertion


1-4 images can be generated on the basis of prompts. In the free version up to 20 images/per day

Canva AI

Creates designs and images for application scenarios (presentations, social media). Various settings, formats and styles can be preselected and do not have to be formulated in a prompt.


Can be used via ChatGPT. Text to image generation and reworking possible by adding to the prompt. You can "talk" to the AI and adjust the result more easily. The "outpaint" function enables the stylistically accurate expansion of images beyond the previous image boundaries.

Adobe Firefly

Various styles are already available in the tool in a selection menu and no longer need to be specified in the prompt.

Midjourney / Discord

Image quality is very good. Four very different suggestions are created, which can then be enlarged, modified and changed. Individual sections of generated images can be edited. Images can be enlarged and/or extended. You can upload your own images.

SkyBox AI

The tool can generate virtual 360° environments. A gallery and a prompting guide are available.

Stable Diffusion

Open source software for generating images and videos. There is a large selection of models and styles and the option to create and use your own models.

Status: 06/2024
This recommendation was created by the SKILL project in collaboration with Team Hochschuldidaktik and ZMML and is without guarantee.

Further information can also be found at


A working group on AI in teaching is developing a strategy for the university.
The next step will be to extend the principles/recommendations to other areas of the university, such as research, transfer, and administration.
In addition to discussions on the topic and target groups, an overarching working group will bring the AI topics together.

If you are interested in participating, please get in touch with the contacts listed below.

The Center for Multimedia in Teaching supports the use of AI in teaching. Further information can be found on their websites.



Franziska Richter

Administrative Unit 13: Teaching and Studies

Building/Room: VWG 0300
Phone: +49-421-218-60372
Email: hddgprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Christina Gloerfeld

Team CDO

Building/Room: ECO5, Room 3.91
Phone: +49-421-218-60042

Martina Salm/Yildiray Ogurol

Center for Multimedia in Higher Education

Building/Room: FZB 0561
Phone: +49-421-218-61470
Email: infoprotect me ?!zmml.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de