
AI Strategy for Public Administration

City of Bremen and University of Bremen sign Memorandum of Understanding

Artificial intelligence can transform public administration by automating routine activities and improving the way large amounts of data are processed. AI can use chatbots to answer recurring questions around the clock, thus providing citizens with additional means of communication. There is great potential for AI to digitally transform administration; however, successfully implementing AI requires a strategy.

In order to develop such an AI strategy for administration, the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen and the University of Bremen want to combine their outstanding expertise in this field. The AI strategy for the administration of the City of Bremen will be made available in summer 2025. Finance Senator Björn Fecker and University President Professor Jutta Günther signed the corresponding Memorandum of Understanding on August 23, 2024. In addition to providing a clear vision for the use of AI in public administration, the project will assess the current status of the digital transformation. This will then allow subsequent actions to be identified and prioritized, and individual concrete project ideas to be gathered to create a coherent overall concept for the use of AI.

Finance Senator Björn Fecker said, “Digitization and artificial intelligence can boost the efficiency and effectiveness of public administration. With targeted use of AI, both the processing time of individual cases and services in general can be shortened. This serves to both assist employees and improve the quality of service for citizens and companies. We are now laying the groundwork for AI to potentially transform public administration.”

Professor Jutta Günther, University President: “AI research is centrally anchored at the University of Bremen – which is why we have an endowed professorship ‘Digital Transformation of Public Services.’ We see this partnership as an opportunity to enrich and expand our previous activities, both for extending this research and successfully transferring knowledge.”

Professor Björn Niehaves heads the “Digital Transformation of Public Services” research group at the University of Bremen, and will assist the AI strategy development with his expertise. “Artificial intelligence is the natural continuation of digitally transforming public administration. It is crucial to approach the issue strategically in order to implement the right projects in the right way at the right time.”

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From left to right: Carola Heilemann-Jeschke (head of “Digitalization” department, Senator’s Office for Finances), Dr. Martin Hagen (State Councilor, Senator’s Office for Finances), Professor Jutta Günther (University of Bremen President), Finance Senator Björn Fecker, Professor Björn Niehaves (head of “Digital Transformation of Public Services” research group).