Nominate now: CAMPUS PRIZE for sustainable research honors theses

The initiators of the new "CAMPUS PRIZE: research for a sustainable future" are convinced that this kind of research deserves the awarding of a prize. The award was launched by the KELLNER & STOLL FOUNDATION FOR CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT, the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) and the University of Bremen. The prize money amounts to 2,000 Euro and will be awarded annually.

Excellent young scientists from the University of Bremen can be proposed for this prize from now on. Requirements: Topics of the doctoral or master thesis must include research on sustainable use of resources and protection of the environment, climate and oceans. The prize will be awarded for final theses which push forward sustainable research by their special approaches, methods, results and practical relevance. The submitted theses must have been prepared within the last two years.

Research for sustainability and marine science

"By offering the CAMPUS PRIZE we would like to acknowledge innovative ideas which contribute to maintaining the viability of the earth for future generations", explained Dr. Rita Kellner-Stoll and Rainer Stoll. A prerequisite for sustainable use of natural and particularly marine resources is that the researched knowledge is made available comprehensively, accurately and in a suitable way for practical use. An essential point for the award is a research approach involving all participants engaged in the project "at eye level" and involvement of local partners, enterprises or the civil society", the founders specify.

The "CAMPUS PRIZE: research for a sustainable future" is also supported by the enterprises REETEC and ADLER Solar. "For us sustainability is not just paying lip service, and that is the reason why we support the CAMPUS PRIZE of the KELLNER & STOLL FOUNDATION within the scope of our Corporate Social Responsibility", Gerhard Cunze, Managing Director of ADLER Solar explains the commitment of his company.

Deadline for applications is the 31 October 2016.

Applications can be submitted from 1 September to 31 October 2016. Details and requirements for participation can be found on the website

A top class jury will review the applications and make a final selection: Prof. Hildegard Westphal, Director of the ZMT, Prof. Andreas Breiter, Vice-President Research of the University of Bremen and Prof. Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Prof. Justus Notholt, Dr. Rita Kellner- Stoll, Reiner Stoll and a member of the media industry still to be confirmed. The prize will be awarded in April 2017.

Further information:
Dr. Rita Kellner-Stoll und Reiner Stoll
Phone: +49 421-230569
E-mail: infoprotect me ?!campuspreisprotect me ?!.de

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Bis zum 31. Oktober 2016 können Lehrende Abschlussarbeiten nominieren, die zur nachhaltigen Nutzung von Ressourcen und zum Schutz von Umwelt, Klima und Meere beiträgt.