Colorful, creative, innovative and full of variety: This is how to describe the University of Bremen’s Yearbook 2013. At what has meanwhile become a regular annual event, the publisher of the Yearbook and Rector of the University, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, presented the new issue at the traditional Yearbook reception attended by friends and sponsors of the University and a large number of University members. The new Yearbook 2013, which appears in German and English, is available from the University Press & Communications Office and the University Book Shop. This time the Yearbook can also be accessed in the Internet at (English). The main feature this year is internationality, a topic that recurs throughout the whole new issue.
Who better to relate what goes on at our university than the students themselves, as well as the senior students, researchers, the administrative staff and alumni of the University? The 100 pages of the Yearbook are therefore packed with information about people and projects that reflect the international and intercultural diversity of the University.
Some examples:
We introduce two students from Pakistan and China who contribute in their own special way to the stimulating international flair of campus life at the University of Bremen. A Humboldt award winner from Nigeria reports on his cooperation with the Faculty of Biology/Chemistry which involves developing a new vaccine against malaria and sleeping sickness. We learn how the University fosters young international academic talent, why it is so important to maintain such a large number of partnerships with other universities around the world, and the benefits of obtaining a so-called “International Certificate”. An article focusing on the international activities of the University Choir and Orchestra underscores the importance of music as a medium of international communication.
Members of the University’s administrative staff relate their experiences during residencies at partner universities in Europe. An alumnus reports from Turkey and a senior student from Bassum, near Bremen, talks about how he accompanies students from India and Pakistan in their spare time and the pleasure he derives from his voluntary work. In a new Yearbook feature entitled “Global Issues – Bremen Solutions”, readers learn about the field work students of computer science are carrying out in Laos.
The Timeline and the new face of the editorial
As always, the new Yearbook also contains a chronicle, or Timeline, with a selection of the past year’s important events and a list of the prizes and awards conferred on University members in the course of 2013. And the Rector’s editorial has been given a new face: It now takes the form of a filmed interview with University Rector, Prof. Bernd Scholz-Reiter.
The Yearbook is financed by friends and sponsors
The Yearbook is compiled by the University‘s Press & Communications Office and Uni-Transfer, in cooperation with Gruppe für Gestaltung (GfG). It is financed by generous contributions from a large number of sponsors of the University of Bremen.
You can obtain further information by contacting:
University of Bremen
Press & Communications Office
Meike Mossig
Phone: +49 421-218 60168
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