navigare - Career Coaching for International Females in Science
the final enrolment for the navigare programme, please contact Dipl.Psych. Susanne Abeld E-Mail: chancen4 protect me ?! uni-bremen protect me ?! .de . Fri. 29.11.2019 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Kick-Off Workshop [...] the final enrolment for the navigare programme, please contact Dipl. Psych. Susanne Abeld, E-Mail: chancen4 protect me ?! uni-bremen protect me ?! .de . Contact For any questions concerning the navigare programme [...] University of Bremen Office for equal opportunities GW2, room A 4168 Phone: 0421 – 218 – 60183 E-Mail: If you require childcare during the seminars, please have a look at the Uni KLEX website