DFG Praises Exemplary Gender Policy

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) has evaluated the interim reports on gender equality of 68 universities within the concept “Research-oriented Standards of Gender Equality”. The University of Bremen was praised for its “convincing overall strategy”, which according to the DFG is quite exemplary.
The DFG highlighted the varied measures employed by the University to increase the female quota on all levels of research: the Grete Henry Program to recruit more female professors, “plan m” mentoring for young researchers starting out on their scientific careers, perspective promotion in support of female researchers in the social sciences and the humanities, as well as the activities of the Competence Center for Women in the natural and engineering sciences.

The brilliant performance of the University of Bremen constitutes a significant criterion for the financing of collaborative research activities. The University Vice President for Research and Young Academics, Professor Rolf Drechsler, said: “We are once again delighted to receive such praise from the DFG, which is sure to increase our chances in the competitive Excellence Initiative.” The DFG research-oriented standards of gender equality are to be implemented at all universities by 2013. The evaluated interim reports will be published online by the DFG at the beginning of September.

Further information can be obtained from Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler, Vice President for Research and Young Academics, and from Anneliese Niehoff from the Bureau for Equal Opportunity/Anti-Discrimination, e-mail: chancen1protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de phone 0421 218-60181, and on the Internet under www.chancengleichheit.uni-bremen.

Uni Bremen