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Wesolek Reconfiguration of plane trees Break 16:15 - 16:35 Clément Legrand-Duchesne Kempe recoloring of odd-hole free graphs 16:40 - 17:00 Kshitij Gajjar -- To be updated -- Break 17:15 - 17:35 Vijayaragunathan
Section: FB3
place are varies from subject to subject. The most sought after places, and therefore the greater the odds against being awarded a place, are in the subjects of Psychology, Teacher Training for Elementary
respective topic. Meeting point is every 2nd Monday in the even months from 15:30 - 17:30, in the odd months every 2nd Friday from 10:00-12:00. The Qualitative Research Workshop currently takes place in
Section: FB11
Search Trees 8. Feedback Vertex Set 9. Above Guarantee Parameterizations 10. Iterative Kompression und Odd Cycle Transversal 11. Dynamische Programmierung über Baumzerlegungen (11b. Color Coding) 12. Beyond
Section: Universität
awareness of the importance of sustainability on all kinds of dimensions, these two trends are at odds and solving this dissonance is paramount for becoming a sustainable digital society. A small “warning” [...] awareness of the importance of sustainability on all kinds of dimensions, these two trends are at odds and solving this dissonance is paramount for becoming a sustainable digital society. A small “ warning
Section: FB7
the participants always saw the same facial expression during the entire meeting, which was very odd. Imagine someone talking very matter-of-factly while having an artificial grin on their face the whole
well-known personalities. But I was always amazed by those who had taken their own path – against all odds – such as Alexander von Humboldt or Charles Darwin, to stick to my field of expertise here. But there
Section: Sites
on Twitter. The advantages are clear for Ludwig and Vlug: a presence on social media increases the odds that someone will happen upon their research and, ideally, will be enthused by it. Additionally,