
Dr. Sergei Tretiak - Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science

Dr. Sergej Tretiak from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, who is currently a guest at the Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science (BCCMS) and the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, has been honored with the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award.

Sergej Tretiak carries out research in close collaboration with his host, Professor Thomas Frauenheim at BCCMS, and the Ultrafast Nano-Optics group, which is led by Professor Christoph Lienau, at Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. All partners share interest in experimental analyses and computer simulations of photo-induced phenomena in extensive molecular systems, solids, nano-scale materials, as well as boundary surfaces and optoelectronic construction elements that are significant for energy storage.

Each year, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation awards up to 100 Humboldt Research Awards. This scientific prize honors the complete works of internationally leading researchers from abroad who work in all disciplines. The award is endowed with 60,000 euros. The award winners can carry out research projects chosen by themselves at a scientific institute in Germany together with the colleagues there. Such research stays generally last 6 months to one year and can be split up into separate stays.

You can find a specialist summary of the joint research activities of Sergei Tretiak, Thomas Frauenheim, and Christoph Lienau here: Pressrelease

Sergej Tetriak