Jutta Günther was appointed professor of economics at the University of Bremen in 2014 and is a member of the Institute for Economic Research and Policy (IERP) within the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics. She is also a faculty member of the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) and co-initiator of the Bremen Research Center for Energy Systems (BEST). From 2015 to 2019, Jutta Günther was the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics` internationalization officer. Since 2017, she has been a member of the go diverse project advisory board at the University of Bremen. She is also a member of various scientific advisory boards and working groups on a federal level (BAFM, BMWi, Stifterverband). Prior to her time in Bremen, Jutta Günther worked in leading scientific positions at the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research in Halle (IWH). Further stops in her academic career were Jena (habilitation), Oldenburg and Osnabrück (studies, PhD) with study and research stays in the USA, Japan, Norway, and Russia, among others.