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Hydrogen Project hyBit Presentation at the Bremen Trade Fair Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe

How can the steel mill at Bremen’s industrial harbor be powered with green hydrogen in the future using electrolysis? The large-scale research project hyBit is investigating this. Those interested can gain information about the project at the Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe conference.

Leading researchers in the project will be present on Thursday, September 28, to answer questions between 12:30 and 1:30 p.m. at the matchmaking area of Messe Bremen. Participation in the talks is free of charge and can be booked with a visitor pass at The presentation at the exhibition is taking place as part of the first annual meeting of the project members. From September 26 to 28, more than one hundred project participants from the 19 partner institutions will meet to discuss the progress of the project and plan its further course.

About hyBit

In the “Hydrogen for Bremen’s Industrial Transformation” project, around 130 researchers are examining how to supply Bremen’s industrial harbor in the future with green hydrogen using electrolysis. The central starting point of hyBit is the steel mill, which will need a large supply of hydrogen as part of the envisioned transformation process. Today it is responsible for over 50 percent of Bremen’s CO2 emissions and its transformation could serve as the key to quickly reaching Bremen’s climate goals. hyBit is funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research with around 30 million euros. The hyBit project consortium, led by the University of Bremen, consists of 19 research and industrial partners, including Wuppertal-Institute, Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics (BIBA) at the University of Bremen, Fraunhofer-IFAM (Bremen), Fraunhofer-ICT (Karlsruhe) and Hochschule Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, as well as other key contributors to Bremen’s industry such as Arcelor Mittal Bremen, swb and BLG.


Further Information:



Dr. Torben Stührmann
Overall Coordniator hyBit
University of Bremen
Faculty Production Engineering – Mechanical Engineering & Process Engineering / Department Resilient Energy Systems
artec | Sustainability Research Center
Tel. +49 (0)421-218-64896
Email: t.stuehrmannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


The steelworks of Arcelor Mittal on the River Weser in Bremen.
The steelworks of Arcelor Mittal on the River Weser in Bremen. Replacing carbon with hydrogen in steel production is one of the many tasks that the large-scale hyBit research project is devoted to.