Press Releases

Presentation of the definition of racism with recommendations for action for anti-racism in administrative bodies to the Minister of State in the Federal Chancellery.mus in der Verwaltung an die Staatsministerin im Bundeskanzleramt.

Recognizing and Combating Racism Together: Expert Council Presents Definition

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21: The Expert Council on Anti-Racism has published a definition of racism that provides authorities and institutions with a clear basis for effective anti-racism measures. Prof. Yasemin Karakaşoğlu helped to develop the paper.

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International Arctic Conference at the University of Bremen

From March 16 to 21, 2025, the Faculty of Geosciences at the University of Bremen will host the 10th International Conference on Arctic Margins (ICAM-X), a major Arctic conference with about 130 researchers. On March 18 at 7 p.m., a public lecture on Arctic governance will take place.

Kelps, here Saccharina latissima around Nuuk, Greenland, are brown macroalgae that form dense and extensive underwater forests along Arctic rocky shores. The ecological role of kelps can be compared to trees on land: They provide food, habitat, and a nursery ground for a variety of organisms and thereby maintain complex ecosystems.

The Unforseen Effects of Melting Glaciers on Arctic Coastal Ecosystems

Researchers found that climate change induced glacial melt increases the heavy metal content and changes the microbiome of habitat-forming brown algae in Arctic fjords. As algae are at the basis of the food web, this will likely have cascading ecological and economic consequences.

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New Center for Deep-Sea Research Inaugurated

The new Center for Deep-Sea Research has been opened at the University of Bremen. The 4,000 square-meter facility will allow the resident research groups to integrate research and the development of new technologies. The interdisciplinary center investigates processes in the deep sea.

Young people work at a laptop.

Studying in Bremen and Bremerhaven

At joint online events, the universities in Bremen State will introduce themselves and provide information about their degree programs and application procedures. The events will take place digitally via zoom on Tuesday, March 11, and Thursday, May 8, from 4 to 6 p.m. Registration is required.

Wortwolke mit den Worten "Bremen Big Data Challenge 2025" in der Mitte

2025 Bremen Big Data Challenge Begins

The Cognitive Systems Lab invites you to participate in the tenth Bremen Big Data Challenge. University members and employees of partner companies can solve data analysis tasks until March 31. Winners can look forward to cash prizes, totaling 1,500 euros, and non-cash prizes.

Eine Gruppe junger Menschen vor einem Tisch mit Geschirr

FreeShop: Household Goods for International Students and Researchers Wanted

International students and researchers at the University of Bremen can obtain free household goods at a FreeShop at the beginning of the semester. Donations are still welcome for this purpose. They can be dropped off at campus until March 20, 2025.

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A Commitment to Social Responsibility – University of Bremen Adopts Sustainability Strategy

The University of Bremen has adopted its first sustainability strategy. It will guide the university’s efforts to be more sustainable and climate-friendly in all areas: in research, teaching and learning, knowledge transfer, campus operations, and university life.

[Translate to English:] Early Access to New Information System with Data on Global Dynamics of Social Policy

With WeSIS, the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) “Global Dynamics of Social Policy” at the University of Bremen has published an interactive web-based information system. It offers comprehensive data to describe and explain social policy worldwide.

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New Space for Innovation: Opening of #MOIN Working Space in Bremen

Space for creative exchange and innovation: The research and transfer initiative “#MOIN – Model Region Industrial Mathematics” of the University of Bremen officially opened its new co-working space in the Digital Hub Industry facilities on Tuesday, February 11.

Practical nursing lessons

Nursing Degree Career Day: Retaining Our Region’s Highly-Skilled Professionals

What prospects does Bremen offer after studying nursing? This is the focus of the Career Day for University-Qualified Nurses. APOLLON University for Healthcare Management, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, and the University of Bremen will provide information about career paths.

Bild eines Hauses in Blumenthal, davor eine Wiese mit Bauzäunen

SalusTransform: Collaborative Project Evaluates Urban Development Measures

How do urban development measures affect health, social justice, and ecological sustainability? Researchers are now investigating this in the SalusTransform collaborative project, which is being coordinated by the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research at the University of Bremen.

Two Children

Bremen Kids’ University: From Researchers for Kids for More than 20 Years

The University of Bremen is inviting you to the 20th Kids' University from April 1 to 10, 2025. Children between the ages of 8 and 12 can take part and together with scientists, they can discover exciting research areas.

Zwei Frauen sitzen auf Stühlen auf einem Rasen und unterhalten sich. Im Hintergrund ist eine weitere Personengruppe zu sehen.

“Lehramtsstudium International”: Third Project Phase Begins

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is supporting the "Lehramtsstudium International" project for a further five years from 2025. The project aims to make internationality, in conjunction with inclusion and diversity, a quality feature of teacher training.

State and University Library Opens Juridicum at New Location Forum at Domshof

The time has come: The State and University Library's law branch, the Juridicum, has moved to its new location. After extensive renovation work, the SuUB has opened its new premises in the Forum at Domshof building.

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Universities of Bremen and Oldenburg Establish Northwest Alliance

The universities of Oldenburg and Bremen are jointly establishing the “Northwest Alliance.” A memorandum of understanding was signed by the university administrations and the heads of the Bremen and Lower Saxony science departments on the sidelines of the science ministers' conference in Berlin.

Arndt Wonka vor einem Bücherregal

New Research Project: Effects of EU Action to Promote Democracy and the Rule of Law

A new research project at the University of Bremen is investigating how EU measures to promote democracy and the rule of law in EU member states are debated along party lines and how these debates affect the respective political opinions of citizens.

Vorstand der „unifreunde“, Peter Hoedemaker, Rektorin der Universität Bremen, Jutta Günther, Senatorin für Umwelt, Klima und Wissenschaft, Kathrin Moosdorf, Präsident der Constructor University, Stanislav Protasov (v.l.).

“Non-Negotiable Values: Diversity, Open-mindedness, and Liberty”

Science needs diversity, open-mindedness, and liberty. These values are “non-negotiable,” stated President Jutta Günther at the New Year's Reception at Bremen City Hall. On Tuesday, she spoke to around 300 guests from the worlds of politics, science, business, and society.

Flags of the University of Bremen

International Ranking: Outstanding Law Research at University of Bremen

The University of Bremen's law program has attracted attention with its first-time placement in this year's Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject. The social and life sciences were also recognized.

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Visitors from Paris: Sorbonne Choir and Orchestra perform at the Glocke

After the brilliant joint concert in Paris, the Sorbonne Choir and Orchestra are now coming to Bremen. At 5 p.m. on Sunday, February 2, the joint end-of-semester concert with the University of Bremen Choir and Orchestra will take place at Bremen's Glocke concert hall.

Stolpersteine (stumbling stones) on the street

Day of Remembrance: University of Bremen Commemorates Victims of National Socialism

On the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of National Socialism, the University of Bremen is hosting a lecture by social and economic historian Jörn Lindner. On January 27, 2025, he will speak about the use of forced laborers at the Bremen shipyards during the Second World War.

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hoi Start-Up Factory: Science and Industry in Close Collaboration for More Innovative Startups in the Region

The “hoi" start-up factory aims to sustainably increase competitiveness in the northwest through close collaboration between science and industry. It brought together more than 150 entrepreneurs, pioneers, committed individuals, and start-ups for a sponsor event at the Weser Stadium in Bremen.

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Language Learning in Winter

The Language Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen is offering various opportunities for intensive language learning in February and March 2025. The program includes intensive courses for beginners and advanced learners, educational leave offers, and opportunities for autonomous learning.

Innovation and Start-Up Projects at the University of Bremen: Students Present Ideas

What are the business models of tomorrow like? This question is the focus of Demo Day on January 23 at the Digital Hub Industry. Students specializing in start-up management will present their own business idea prototypes and future concepts for various companies and organizations.

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University of Bremen Reintroduces Sports Degree Program

The University of Bremen officially reintroduced its Sports program with a ceremony at the Bremen Parliament Building. The new degrees are central to teacher training for sports education at schools in Bremen and the surrounding area.

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Major European Project Investigates Methane Emissions

A new major European project to study methane emissions started in January. The Institute for Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen is a participating partner. The European joint project IM4CA is funded by the EU Horizon program and aims to develop more accurate measurement methods.

Ankündigungsplakat für den Global Game Jam

Creating New Games in 48 Hours

The Digital Media Lab at the University of Bremen is hosting the Global Game Jam from January 24 to 26, 2025. Anyone interested in creating a computer or board game in 48 hours can join. Participation is free of charge.

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Academic Achievement and Civic Participation – Deutschlandstipendium Scholarships Awarded

Not only do they stand out for their excellent academic achievements, they also participate in and contribute to society: 119 students have been awarded Deutschlandstipendium scholarships. The scholarship includes financial support as well as a multifaceted accompanying program.

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Up to 30 Million Euros for Technology Transfer

A celebratory contract signing at the University of Bremen made the founding of Germany’s first JHS MaTeNa innovate! Center official. The Joachim Herz Foundation (JHS) will provide 30 million euros for materials science research applications.

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DAAD Prize for Jody Danard

The French doctoral candidate Jody Danard has been awarded this year's DAAD Prize for her outstanding academic achievements and her special social commitment. The award comes with prize money of 1,000 euros.

Ein Quantenmaterial wird von einem Lichtpuls angeregt.

Quantum Materials: New DFG Research Unit with Participation from Bremen

Physics professor Michael Sentef from the University of Bremen is a co-spokesperson in the new decentralized DFG Research Unit “Optical Control of Quantum Materials (OPTIMAL).” The research goal is to control the functional properties of novel materials using light.

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How Do You Make a Kilogram? Gravity Can Provide New Answers

Claus Lämmerzahl, Professor of Gravitational Physics at the University of Bremen, and Dr. Sebastian Ulbricht, scientist at the Natural Metrology Institute, have proposed in a new article that gravity could be the basis for the quantum-physical realization of quantities.


University of Bremen Researchers Participate in ESA CO2M Mission

At this year's UN Climate Change Conference in Baku, the states were unable to agree on further steps to reduce climate-damaging greenhouse gases. Nine years ago, on December 12, 2015, the goals at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris were more ambitious.

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Breaking New Ground Together: Academic Senates of the Universities of Bremen and Oldenburg Meet

It is a first in the history of the two universities: The Academic Senates from Bremen and Oldenburg met together on December 11. At the meeting, which took place at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg in Delmenhorst, the university executive boards and the AS members discussed joint plans for the future.

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Berninghausen Prize for Excellence in Teaching Awarded

The 2024 Berninghausen Prize for Excellence in Teaching has been awarded to three teaching staff members. Sociologist Sabine Ritter impressed the jury in the Excellence in Teaching category. The Student Prize goes to psychologist Barbara Cludius and mathematician Hendrik Vogt.

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Bremen Thesis Award Presented

The unifreunde Bremen Association, together with the University of Bremen and Constructor University, presented the Bremen Thesis Award on November 27. At the event in the Bremen State Parliament ceremonial hall, eight people were honored for outstanding master's theses and dissertations.

Logo of the University of Bremen

University of Bremen Conferences in December

In December, one of the conferences at the University of Bremen will focus on new developments in artificial intelligence for health care. Another conference will address the fair distribution of care work in academia and studies.

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“Gesunde Stadt Bremen” Research Cluster Invites You to Annual Conference

How can the state of Bremen tackle health challenges? Researchers from the University of Bremen, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, and the APOLLON Hochschule der Gesundheitswirtschaft have been researching this for two years.

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Advent: Experimental Physics Show

The Faculty of Physics at the University of Bremen once again invites you to an experimental show. On Saturday, November 30, 2024, Professor Justus Notholt, Lukas Grosch, and the physics internship team will provide an Advent atmosphere with spectacular and exciting entertainment.

Marc Avila and Katharina Brinkert

ZARM Has a New Dual Leadership Team

The Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) has now a dual leadership team. Together with Professor Marc Avila, Professor Katharina Brinkert is now serving as the director of the institute.

In der Bremer Kunsthalle findet am 21. November um 18 Uhr der Auftakt der 36. Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche zum Thema Wissenschaftsfreiheit statt.

Academic Freedom Today: Practices – Threats – Controversies

Universities in the crossfire of geopolitical threats are the focus of the public lecture at the Kunsthalle gallery, to which interested parties are invited at 6 p.m. on Thursday, November 21. It is the start of the 36th Bremen University Talks on the topic of academic freedom

Main entrance to the State and University Library Bremen.

SuUB Bremen Acquires Historical Newspapers from Bremen-Nord Region

Almost 200 newspaper volumes from Bremen-Nord, including issues of the Vegesacker Wochenblatt from 1849 onwards and the Nordwestdeutsche Landeszeitung, have been added to the Bremen State and University Library's collection.

Udo Buskamp, BLB/Immobilien, Staatsrätin für Umwelt, Klima und Wissenschaft Irene Strebl, Prof. Sönke Gerhold, Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft, Uni-Kanzlerin Frauke Meyer, Bürgermeister Andreas Bovenschulte

Opening of Forum at Domshof: Studying in the Heart of Bremen

Around a month after 1,500 law students began their studies, the Forum at Domshof building was opened in the city center on November 14, 2024. It is home to the Faculty of Law and several institutes.

Stand von „Humans on Mars“ und dem Zentrum für angewandte Raumfahrttechnologie und Mikrogravitation (ZARM) auf der Messe Space Tech.

“Humans on Mars” at the Space Tech Expo Europe Trade Fair

From November 19 to 21, the “Humans on Mars” initiative will present its own research focus, as well as this year’s submitted cluster proposal for the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments.

Students sit in the lecture hall.

Bucking the Trend – Growing Number of New Students at the University of Bremen

4,468 new students started at the University of Bremen in the 2024/25 winter semester. Although many German universities are experiencing a decline in the number of first-year students, the University of Bremen has seen an increase in the number of new students compared to the previous year.

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University of Bremen Conferences in November

Two conferences will take place at the University of Bremen in November 2024. One workshop will focus on the deployment of health professionals at elementary schools in Bremen, while the “Healthy City Bremen” research cluster's annual event will alsoprovide an opportunity for exchange.

The Amazon rainforest

Domino Effect in the Amazon Region: Adaptivity threatened by global warming and deforestation

An international team of researchers that includes scientists from MARUM, the Faculty of Geosciences, and the Institute of Environmental Physics of the University of Bremen, have investigated how a change in Atlantic circulation would impact the Amazon Rain Forest.

Award Winners

Dr. Hans Riegel Awards for Outstanding Research by Pupils

On October 29, 2024, the University of Bremen and the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation honored pupils from the region for their outstanding pre-scientific papers. The Dr. Hans Riegel Awards are endowed with a total of 5,000 euros.

Von Algen dominiertes Korallenriff in der Karibik

Surprising Findings on Bacterial Growth as a Threat to Coral Reefs

A study led by the University of Bremen suggests that on algae-dominated coral reefs, it is not the algae but the corals themselves that may contribute to the growth of harmful bacteria. This discovery suggests that a disturbance in the natural composition of the water jeopardises marine ecosystems.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Navigating the Labyrinth of Social Policy: Invitation to FIS Forum 2024

Social policy is facing challenges. Administrations are overwhelmed, and a plethora of social benefits and social infrastructures that are difficult to navigate and lack coordination complicate things further. Policy-makers, administrators, and practitioners will discuss options for a new structure.

Die zehn Finalist:innen des Transferpreises

From Research to Real-Life Application: First Outreach Award awarded by the University of Bremen

For the first time, the University of Bremen has awarded its “Outreach Award.” It was bestowed upon the “DENCAI – DENgue CAse Investigation” project led by computer scientist Dr. Thomas Barkowsky. In collaboration with students, he devised a software for the mitigation of dengue outbreaks.

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Local News App Molo: New Features, New Cities

The local news app “,” which was co-developed by the University of Bremen, has abbreviated its name to “molo” and received a comprehensive update. With its new logo, improved user interface, and new posting function.

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Mayor Bovenschulte Visits University of Bremen

Mayor Andreas Bovenschulte visited the University of Bremen to learn about current developments in the Excellence Strategy funding competition organized by the German federal and state governments.


Energy-Efficient Beer Brewing Possible Thanks to Data-Driven Optimization

Beer brewing is energy-intensive, which currently results in high costs. However, time-variable electricity prices enable the beer industry to contribute to the energy transition by making their manufacturing processes more flexible. In the BrewFlex project, industry partners are working on a specif

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Language Diversity: New SZHB Courses Start in October

Have you always wanted to learn Thai? Or prepare yourself language-wise for a stay abroad in Sweden or France? The Language Center of the Universities in the State of Bremen (SZHB) offers an extensive program with over 250 courses in 22 languages.


Artificial Intelligence and Satellite Data to Improve Climate Projections

A team led by Prof. Veronika Eyring from the university's Institute of Environmental Physics and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) has developed an approach to integrate AI into Earth system models and has published two perspectives on future research priorities.

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Change of Leadership at MARUM

MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen has a new director. Prof. Kai-Uwe Hinrichs was elected for a term of six years and will take over from the current director, Prof. Michael Schulz, on October 1, 2024.

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University of Bremen Conferences in October

In October, a conference on diversity in higher education will take place at the University of Bremen.

Two scientists

Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Astrobiologist Cyprien Verseux

Astrobiologist Cyprien Verseux from the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity has been awarded the European Research Council's prestigious Starting Grant. For five years, he will be able to pursue a cutting-edge research project with 1.56 million euros.

Flags of the University of Bremen

University of Bremen Conferences in September

From industrial mathematics and social cohesion to Enid Blyton's literature – researchers at the University of Bremen are organizing six conferences in September.

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CAMPUSiDEEN Ideas Competition: Projects Honored

As in previous years, the CAMPUSiDEEN competition has awarded prizes to the best ideas from Bremen's higher education landscape. A jury awarded prizes to three winners in the categories “Business Ideas” and “Business Concepts.”

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Free Study Places: Apply at the University of Bremen Now

Anyone who did not get their desired study place at the University of Bremen or did not apply in time can still enroll in attractive study programs. Enrollment for a number of bachelor's degree programs and a few master's degree programs is open from September 1 to 15.

Jarina Kühn, Dr. Martin Heinlein, Dr. Kerstin Ksionzek, Prof. Dr. Christof Büskens

NordWest Award for #MOIN Model Region Industrial Mathematics

The best in the northwest: Transfer initiative #MOIN Model Region Industrial Mathematics wins the Metropolitan Region Northwest’s “NordWest Award.”

Colorful coral diversity in the Red Sea.

New Concept for the Protection of Marine Biodiversity: The AGELESS Project

Human-made climate change is not confined by national borders. The AGELESS Consortium explores the question of how marine life affected by climate change can be protected beyond areas of national jurisdiction. The Federal Government funds the interdisciplinary project over a three-year period.

University of Bremen Enters the Race for Excellence with Two Clusters

The University of Bremen has submitted a full application and an application for continuation in the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Government. The university enters the race with its high-profile areas Materials Science and MARUM – together with the University of Oldenburg.

(From the left) Emanuel Hupf, Jens Beckmann, and Marvin Janssen in the chemistry laboratory at the University of Bremen discussing their latest discovery, the first isolated nitrene.

First Isolated Nitrene: Revolutionary Discovery at the University of Bremen

Scientists at the University of Bremen have successfully isolated a nitrene for the first time, which was previously considered impossible to isolate. The discovery was published in the renowned "Science" journal.

Students sitting in the auditorium during a lecture

Places Available at Informatica Feminale and International Summer University for Women in Engineering

Informatica Feminale and the International Summer University for Women in Engineering are offering around 60 classes from August 14 to 29. Female students of all subjects, female researchers, and other women interested in further training are invited to attend.

Elektrischer Rennwagen wird enthüllt

Bremergy Student Initiative Unveils New Racing Car

The Circuit de Barcelona in Spain or the Hockenheimring in Germany: tracks that are familiar to motorsport fans. The BreMo24 electric racing car from the Bremergy e.V. student initiative will soon be racing on these tracks. The new vehicle was recently unveiled on the university campus.

Jubelnde Mannschaft

Bremen Is World Champion: B-Human Wins 2024 RoboCup World Cup

Robots can also play soccer – this was demonstrated in recent days at the RoboCup World Cup in Eindhoven. Team B-Human from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) won the world championship title for the eleventh time.

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"Future of Care" Cluster Investigates Technological Innovations in Care

Improving care through the use of digital solutions while reducing the burden on care staff is the goal of the "Future of Care" research cluster funded by the federal government. In the second funding phase, the focus is on transferring new technologies into practice.

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Researching Heat Waves in the Mediterranean with the Diving Community

A new project, which is being coordinated by MARUM, is systematically collecting data to monitor temperatures in the Mediterranean Sea. Researchers are relying on citizen scientists, divers who practice their hobby in these waters and always have a mini-computer with them for safety reasons.

Rauchende Schornsteine

Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Steelworks Now Measurable by Satellite

Researchers at the University of Bremen’s Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP) have developed a method to measure greenhouse gas emissions from individual steelworks from space. The values obtained from satellite data enable an independent assessment of emissions for the first time.

Ai in der Kommunikation

New DFG Research Unit on Automation of Social Communication

The Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI), together with the Hamburg Leibniz Institute for Media Research and other institutes, has successfully applied to the German Research Foundation for a research unit. The topic: "Communicative Artificial Intelligence."

Logo of the University of Bremen

University of Bremen Successful in Funding Lines for Exchange with Industry and Society

The University of Bremen is the university with the most participation in funding programs in the so-called "Third Mission" sector. The Third Mission comprises activities that involve a two-way exchange between universities and industry, society, and politics.

University of Bremen Illustration

University of Bremen Conferences in July

Dynamic systems describe how states change over time and are used, for example, in physics, biology, and computer science. Two conferences on this topic will be held at the University of Bremen in July.

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Studying at the University of Bremen: Information Event on the Application Procedure

Anyone interested in studying at the University of Bremen can still apply online for a place until July 15. An event on Friday, July 5, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the House of Science in Bremen will provide information on how to do this.

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Language Learning in the Summer

From July to September, the Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen (SZHB) is once again offering a wide range of opportunities for language learning. The courses are aimed at both beginners and advanced learners. A number of said courses are open to anyone who is interested.

Flags of the University of Bremen.

University of Bremen’s Success in Receiving “DATIpilot” Knowledge and Technology Transfer Funding

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research aims to strengthen transfer activities at universities and promotes social and technical innovations with the “DATIpilot” funding line. Out of nearly 500 applications, 20 were successful, including two with participation of the University of Bremen.

Andreas Hepp

Appointment as ICA Fellow: Prestigious Honor for Andreas Hepp

A special honor for the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) spokesperson at the University of Bremen: Professor Andreas Hepp was named an ICA Fellow at the International Communication Association (ICA) conference in Australia on June 22, 2024.

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Rolf Drechsler Named Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery

Rolf Drechsler, Professor of Computer Architecture at the University of Bremen, has been named a fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and has thus received the international association's most prestigious honor.

Dr. Lars Wörmer and Prof. Kai-Uwe Hinrichs

78 Million Euros for Research on Resilient Crops and Ecosystems

A new research project will focus on the development of climate-resilient crops. The project, led by the University of Copenhagen, will receive around 78 million euros over a period of seven years. Researchers from MARUM will be contributing significantly to the project.

University of Bremen Illustration

future concepts bremen: Students Support Companies with Business Model Updates

Wie entwickelt man die Geschäftsmodelle von morgen, wenn permanent neue Möglichkeiten entstehen, aber die innovativen Fachkräfte fehlen? Mögliche Antworten auf diese Frage haben Bachelor-Studierende mit bremischen Unternehmen gefunden. Sie werden im Rahmen des „Demo Day“ am 27.06.2024 präsentiert.

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University of Bremen Invites Visitors to International Day on June 27

Visitors can experience the University of Bremen's international flair on June 27 from 12 to 3 p.m. in the Glass Hall. There will be a wide range of activities on offer – from traditional Indian dance to a presentation of the urban gardening project.

Thea Institute for Artificial Intelligence

University of Bremen Is Founding Member of the Robotics Institute Germany (RIG)

On July 1, the Robotics Institute Germany will be established. Its work will strengthen Germany as an international hub for robotics, while fostering talent and accelerating the transfer of innovative technologies to industry and society.

Prof. Dr. Kurosch Rezwan, head of MaTeNa and spokesperson of MAPEX – Center for Materials and Processes at the University of Bremen, in his laboratory at the University of Bremen.

University of Bremen as a Pioneer: 30 Million Euros for the First Center for Accelerated Technology Transfer

Accelerating research to market readiness – this is the goal of the first “innovate! Center”. Three pilot projects will develop sustainable solutions for technological challenges starting in 2025. The Joachim Herz Foundation will provide up to 30 million euros of financing for the endeavor.

The first environmentally friendly, hybrid straddle carriers in the Port of Hamburg operate at HHLA's Tollerort Terminal (CTT) and are manufactured by Konecranes Noel.

AI-Assisted Status Monitoring of Port Vehicles Optimizes Logistics Processes

Together with industry partners, the University of Bremen has developed an innovative, AI-supported status monitoring system for port vehicles in the "KISS" research project. It uses state-of-the-art technologies to monitor the technical condition of vehicles in real time.

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Carl Katz and Others: False Collaboration Accusations against Jews in Holocaust Historiography

On June 25, 2024, a joint event of the Leo Baeck Institute New York and the University of Bremen will take place at the House of Science. The topic is false collaboration accusations against Holocaust survivors and putting these in the proper historical and social context.

Wirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck, Dr. Daniel Otero Baguer (aisencia GmbH), Franziska Gloeden (Uni Oldenburg), Rektorin Jutta Günther (Uni Bremen), Anna Christmann (v.l.n.r.)

Lighthouse Northwest: Start-up Support with International Appeal

The aim of the "Lighthouse Northwest – Shining across Borders" project is to connect the existing start-up support in Bremen and Lower Saxony and to create a seamless start-up journey through complementary offers. The universities of Bremen and Oldenburg received funding approval from Robert Habeck.

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University of Bremen Looking for Rooms for International Summer Course Students

From July 29 to August 23, 2024, 120 students from more than 20 nations will be attending the international summer school courses of the Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen. Rooms in Bremen are still needed for them. Hosts will receive an expense allowance.

Polarstern in the West Antarctica

New Study: Before the Ice, There Were Rivers

Geoscience researchers, together with the Alfred Wegener Institute and other international participants, have discovered a vast river system in the Antarctic. Around 34 million years ago, a temperate climate prevailed. The scientists have now published their findings in the Science Advances journal.

Vogelperspektive auf Wellen an einem Sandstrand

"Energy Transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean" Collaborative Research Center Extended for a Further Four Years

The Collaborative Research Center (CRC) "Energy Transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean" has existed at the University of Bremen since 2016. The German Research Foundation has now approved the third funding phase of the CRC, which will run until June 2028.

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June 12: Information Day for Prospective Students at the University of Bremen

Prospective students are invited to find out everything they need to know about studying at the University of Bremen on Wednesday, June 12, 2024. All undergraduate bachelor's degree programs will be presented at the information day.

Logo of University of Bremen

“Praxisbörse”: Career Choice Support

The University of Bremen’s “Praxisbörse” career fair offers insights into fields of work and is a great chance for first talks with companies. This year’s fair will take place online on June 4 and in GW2 Building on campus on June 6, 2024. Attractive employers will present their companies.

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Power Semiconductor Devices: World's Most Important Conference in Bremen

From June 3 to 6, 2024, the world's most important conference in the field of power semiconductor devices will take place in Bremen. The event, which only comes to Europe every four years, will be hosted by the Institute for Electrical Drives, Power Electronics and Devices (IALB) at the University.

Der Chor der Universität Bremen

End-of-Semester Concert at the Glocke: Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy

On June 23, the University of Bremen orchestra and choir will perform their traditional end-of-semester concert. From 5 p.m., works by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy will be performed in the Bremen Glocke under the title "Lobgesang – Von der Finsternis zum Licht." The conductor is Mariano Chiacchiarini

Bild von der StartUp-Lounge im Dezember 2023

19th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge: Challenge

"Challenge" is the motto of the 19th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge, which will take place at 6 p.m. on May 29 at the Bremen Digital Hub Industry (Konrad-Zuse-Straße 6a). The event is organized by the university network BRIDGE.

Weltraum CampusIdeen

CAMPUSiDEEN 2024 - Apply Now as the Best Start-up Idea in the University Landscape

Attention Bremen start-up founders and those interested in setting up a business: This year, the CAMPUSiDEEN ideas competition is once again awarding prizes for the best business ideas and business concepts in Bremen's higher education landscape.

Porträt von Jutta Günther

Jutta Günther Elected YUFE Vice-President

Professor Jutta Günther, President of the University of Bremen, has been elected Vice-President of the YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) European university alliance. She will chair the Strategic Council, which is made up of the leaders of all universities.

Flaggen mit dem Logo der Universität Bremen

Two new DFG Research Training Groups at the University of Bremen

The German Research Foundation has approved two research training groups involving the University of Bremen. "CAUSE" is dedicated to technical systems that explain their own behavior. "HEARAZ" is concerned with the development of a health monitoring system for the ear.

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Dual PhD in Teacher Education: Apply now!

Completing a doctorate in addition to an integrated postgraduate internship – prospective teachers can do this with the "Dual PhD" program. The new scholarship are currently being advertised (application deadline: July 31). Sparkasse Bremen is participating as a funding partner for the first time.

A student in the workplace.

Studying in Bremen and Bremerhaven

At a joint online event, the universities in Bremen State will introduce themselves and provide information about their degree programs and application procedures. The event will take place digitally via zoom on Thursday, May 16, 2024 from 4 to 6 p.m. Registration is required.

Reichhaltig illuminierte mittelalterliche Handschriften aus der Bremer Sammlung.

New Exhibition: Medieval Animal Illustrations in the SuUB

A rare opportunity: a new exhibition of the State and University Library Bremen will display illustrations of animals in medieval manuscripts. This historical collection is normally not accessible to the public. The exhibition will open on May 14, 2024 at 5 p.m.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Bremen Research Team Analyzes Start-Ups for Ukrainian Refugees in Moldova

The University of Bremen and ASEM initiated a new joint project, funded by the “Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit” (GIZ), to promote the integration of Ukrainian refugees in Moldova through entrepreneurial initiatives.

The façade of the glass hall.

CHE University Ranking: High Level of Student Satisfaction at the University of Bremen

The latest university ranking by the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) shows that the general level of student satisfaction at the University of Bremen is above the national average. Many subjects at the university occupy top positions in both research and teaching.

Universität Bremen und Fahne

University of Bremen Conferences in May

In May, two conferences will focus on transitions: A symposium at MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences will deal with research into the seabed, the interrelationship of marine ecosystems, and findings from the past. At City 46, the focus will be on changes in aesthetic movements.

Students sitting in the auditorium during a lecture

Application Procedure Information Event on May 6

Anyone interested in studying at the University of Bremen can apply online for a place to study from May 1 to July 15. A digital information event on Monday, May 6 from 3 to 5 p.m. will provide information on how to do this.

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CAMPUS AWARD for Sea Grapes and German Lessons

The 2024 CAMPUS AWARD: Research for a Sustainable Future winners are biologist Dr. Lara Stuthmann, postdoctoral researcher at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), and prospective primary school teacher Laura Sheng. The award, endowed with 3,000 euros, was presented on April 25.

Logo of the University of Bremen

University of Bremen Committed to Protection against Discrimination

Members of the University of Bremen will receive stronger protection against discrimination as well as extensive options for dealing with specific incidents. This applies to everyone – from management to employees and students. To this end, the Academic Senate has adopted new statutes.

An actress sits on a table

Theater InCognito Performs "Kunst" by Yasmina Reza

How much conflict can friendships withstand? And to what extent can we argue about taste in art? Yasmina Reza's play "Kunst" – which means "art" in German – revolves around these questions. It will celebrate its premiere at the University of Bremen's theater on April 17.

Many people suffer from eczema and psoriasis.

Chronic Skin Conditions: AI Support for Safe Light Therapy at Home

In a joint research project, the Center for Computing Technologies at the University of Bremen and the start-up Skinuvita are developing new AI-based image analysis methods. The goal is to provide a system to treat skin conditions at home using phototherapy.

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Major Anti-Wildlife-Crime Project Launched

Wildlife crime is widespread and poses a significant threat to rare species. That is why 13 partners – including the Research Center for Animal and Wildlife Law at the University of Bremen – have joined forces under the leadership of WWF Germany in the EU LIFE project “wildLIFEcrime.”

Würfel mit Buchstaben

Language Learning in the Summer: Choose from 22 Languages

22 languages and many different course formats: Directly after Easter, the Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen will start the summer semester with its range of courses. The program includes semester and intensive courses as well as paid education leave.

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Better Healthcare Information for Migrants in the Field of Oncology

People with a migration background often face challenges when they want to obtain comprehensive information during their cancer treatment. In the joint "DivO-Inform" project, the University of Bremen and the University Medical Center Halle are developing improved services.

Federal Chancellery advisors: Professors Iris Pigeot (left) and Tanja Schultz from the University of Bremen have been appointed to the Expert Council on Health and Resilience.

Iris Pigeot and Tanja Schultz Appointed to Federal Chancellery Expert Council

Professor Iris Pigeot, director of the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS, and Professor Tanja Schultz, head of the Cognitive Systems Lab at the University of Bremen, have been appointed to the Federal Chancellery's new Expert Council on Health and Resilience.

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Seven Researchers Elected to DFG Review Boards

Bremen competence for the German Research Foundation (DFG): Three female and four male professors from the University of Bremen have been elected to DFG Review Boards. The 49 review boards are important advisory bodies when awarding DFG funding.

Picture of a small block of the composite material made from straw, husks, and starch.

Avoiding Packaging Waste with the Help of Mycelium

Mycelium is a fine thread-like network of fungi. It is suitable as a packaging material. A new research project led by BIBA at the University of Bremen focuses on this biodegradable material as well as the production, use, and recycling of packaging.

A group of students gather in front of the Mensa.

University of Bremen Doubly Successful in DAAD Skilled Labor Initiative

With the “Campus Initiative for International Experts,” the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) supports the professional qualification of international students and graduates. Of the 114 projects selected nationwide, two are from the University of Bremen.

Graphic in the different programme: specialist lectures with experts, film screenings and Care-Impro-Theatre as well as a variety of workshops.

Equal Care Day Nordwest 2024: Cares about Caregiving over a Lifetime

On March 14, the network “Equal Care Day Nordwest” invites you to the event “(Ver)Sorge(n) im Lebenslauf in der Region Nord-West.” It will take place from 12 to 4 p.m. at the Jade University of Applied Sciences in Wilhelmshaven, is free of charge, and the first part is online.

A student is looking at her laptop during a lecture

Studying in Bremen and Bremerhaven

At a joint online event, the universities in Bremen State will introduce themselves and provide information about their degree programs and application procedures. The event will take place digitally via zoom on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 from 4 to 6 p.m. Registration is required.

Spotlight on Over 100 Expeditions at the University of Bremen: Marine Researchers Meet for the Status Conference of Research Vessels

From March 5 to 6, the University will host the Status Conference Research Vessels. In 80 lectures from 108 trips, scientists will present the results of their research expeditions from 2019 to 2021. The organizers are the GPF and Project Management Jülich on behalf of the BMBF.

[Translate to English:] A computer simulation of the GABAA receptor surrounded by its sugar shield, embedded in the cell membrane.

Faster Drug Discovery with GlycoSHIELD

An international research team, which includes members of the University of Bremen, has developed a novel, environmentally friendly algorithm that can predict the morphology of sugar coats on clinically relevant proteins within minutes.

Bengt Beutler vom Vorstand der „unifreunde“, Konrektor Michal Kucera, Phil Kahrs, Katharina Roß, Dr. Irina Zakharova, Senatorin Kathrin Moosdorf, Dr. Shokoufeh Faraji, Dr.-Ing. Alireza Mahzoon und Karsten Michelmann von der Firma Bruker Daltonics

Bremen Thesis Award 2023 Awarded

On Tuesday, February 27, 2024, the “unifreunde” association awarded the Bremen Thesis Award for outstanding final theses. Three dissertations and two master’s theses were honored. A special prize for one master’s thesis was sponsored by Bruker Daltonics GmbH & Co. KG.

The graduates of the coaching training with Georg Müller-Christ (left), Iris Stahlke (right) and Lisa-Marie Seyfried (second from right).

Training Students to Become Systemic Coaches

Currently, 40 students of the Business Psychology master’s program are undergoing coaching training. After passing the examination, five of them received their certificates at the founding ceremony of the Institute for Sustainability Coaching on 24 February.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Distinction: University with Strong Gender Equality

With great success, the University of Bremen has again participated in the Female Professors Program of the federal and state governments. The Joint Science Conference (GWK) awarded a special prize for its approaches to gender equality.

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University of Bremen Conferences in March

Three conferences will take place at the University of Bremen in March. They deal with health literacy, research vessels, and particles and process engineering.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Bremen Thesis Award 2023 for Outstanding Final Theses

The “unifreunde” Association of the Friends of the University of Bremen and Constructor University will award the Bremen Thesis Prize for outstanding final theses on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at Bremen Town Hall, starting at 6 p.m. Bruker Daltonics GmbH& Co. KG. will sponsor a special prize.

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Aerospace: Bremen Strengthens Research and Partnerships

On February 12, 2024, Bremen’s research institutions laid the foundation for the Aerospace Research and Transfer Center (FTS LuR) at the invitation of the Bremen Senator for the Environment, Climate, and Science and the University of Bremen.

Der Angriffstrupp bespricht das Vorgehen.

Newly-designed Team Trainings Increase Cooperation and Effectiveness in Firefighting

The University of Bremen, the Universität zu Lübeck, and the Cologne Fire Department, supported by the German Social Accident Insurance, have developed a specialized team-training plan for fire safety courses. It is to be extended to regular fire safety courses throughout Germany.

Main entrance to the State and University Library Bremen.

Private Collector Donates Historical Registers to the SuUB

The State and University Library Bremen (SuUB) has received around 130 historical family registers from Bremen and the surrounding area from a private collector.

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By Researchers for Children: 2024 Bremen Kids’ University from March 12 to 21

The University of Bremen is inviting children to the 2024 Kids' University from March 12 to 21. Children between the ages of 8 and 12 can take part. Registration is now open.

Personen auf dem Mars

Bremen Materials Science Team Clears First Hurdle on the Way to Excellence Funding

The University of Bremen submitted three draft proposals for the establishment of new Excellence Clusters as part of the federal and state governments' Excellence Strategy. One research team has now been invited by the German Research Foundation (DFG) to submit a full proposal.

Stanislav Protasov, Präsident der Constructor University, Jutta Günther, Rektorin der Universität Bremen, Andreas Bovenschulte, Bürgermeister der Freien Hansestadt Bremen, Peter Hoedemaker, Vorstandsvorsitzender der „unifreunde“, (v.l.)

Academia Needs Diversity: "unifreunde" New Year's Reception at City Hall

Universities have a special social responsibility. President Jutta Günther said this at the "unifreunde" New Year's Reception at City Hall, where she spoke to around 300 guests from politics, academia, business, and society on Monday. Newly appointed professors were also welcomed at the event.

University of Bremen Illustration

University of Bremen Conferences in February

In February, conferences on logistics processes and networks, as well as gender law will take place at the University of Bremen.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Students Showcase Healthcare Ideas

Students of the "Public Health – Health Services, Health Economics and Health Management" master's degree have spent three semesters working on five research projects with stakeholders in Bremen's healthcare system. They will present their results at a symposium on February 2, 2024.

Stolpersteine (stumbling stones) on the street

Day of Remembrance at the University of Bremen

The power of writing often manifests itself as an effective form of resistance. As part of the Day of Remembrance for the victims of National Socialism, the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies will be exploring this topic at a public event on January 29.

Ein Student und eine Studentin stehen neben einem Monitor und präsentieren ihre Ergebnisse vor Publikum.

future concepts bremen: Science Transforms Business Practice

Innovative solutions for Bremen-based companies and student organizations: This is the goal of future concepts bremen, an innovative, practice-oriented teaching format at the University of Bremen. The results will be presented on Demo Day, January 25, 2024, in the Campus Space of Sparkasse Bremen.

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Study Reveals Babies Are Well Aware of Their Social Environment

When babies cry, they should not be ignored. This is because babies can tell whether others are interacting with them and may feel left alone. Together with her team, Professor Louisa Kulke was able to show that babies are much more socially sensitive than expected.

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Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy: Degree Program to Start Next Winter Semester

The University of Bremen is introducing a master's degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy in the 2024/25 winter semester. Thanks to the recruitment of specialist staff, the degree program is now able to start and will be open to a total of 30 students.

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Achievement and Social Commitment: Deutschlandstipendium Scholarships Awarded

Not only are they characterized by excellent achievements, but are by their commitment to society: 140 students from the University of Bremen will receive a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship. The scholarship includes financial support as well as comprehensive accompanying offers.

Blick von oben, aus einem Flugzeug aufgenommen, auf den Kohletagebau im Bowen Basin.

Australia's Coal Mines: Insights into Methane Emissions

Aircraft-based airborne measurements in Australia's Bowen Basin, planned and conducted by the University of Bremen and Airborne Research Australia, have provided precise data on methane emissions from coal mines. The findings deepen our understanding of the environmental impacts of coal mining.

University of Bremen Illustration

Start the Year with Fresh Language Skills

In February and March the Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen (SZHB) is offering a wide range of opportunities for language learning. The program includes courses for beginners as well as advanced learners, paid educational leave courses, and autonomous learning opportunities.


Start Your Degree in the Summer Semester: Apply now!

Those interested in studying at the University of Bremen can for the first time start their degree course in the summer semester. A digital information event on January 11, from 4 to 6 p.m., will provide information on how to apply.

Paria Moraghebi and Dr. Mandy Boehnke, Vice President for International Affairs, Academic Qualification, and Diversity.

DAAD Prize Awarded to Paria Moraghebi

Student Paria Moraghebi has received the DAAD Prize for Outstanding Achievement by Foreign Students at German Universities. The Iranian was honored for her high level of social commitment and her academic accomplishments. The award is endowed with 1,000 euros.

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End-of-Semester Concert at the Glocke – A Focus on Nature

On Sunday, January 28, 2024, the traditional end-of-semester concert of the University of Bremen orchestra and choir will take place. Starting at 5 p.m. in the Bremen Glocke under the title "Behold, the Sea itself!," pieces by the English composer Vaughan Williams will be performed.

Five people stand at three standing desks in front of a screen that reads "Ideensturm" [Ideas Storm]. One person holds a microphone in their hand.

18th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge: Motivation

"Motivation" is the motto of the 18th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge, which will take place on December 13 at 6 p.m. at Bremen's Digital Hub Industry. The BRIDGE university network, the central point of contact for students and members of Bremen’s universities for business start-ups, organizes the event.

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Global Ranking on Sustainability: University of Bremen Ranks Top 10

1183 universities all over the world took part in the “UI GreenMetric World University Ranking” in 2023, which assesses the sustainability of universities. The University of Bremen ranks 10th.

Gletscher in der Arktis

COP28 in Dubai: Bremen Researcher Involved in Climate Crisis Report

Climate scientist Professor Ben Marzeion is co-author of the most comprehensive assessment of tipping points ever conducted. The "Global Tipping Points Report" will be presented at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai (COP28).


Federal Government Sustainability Conference at the University of Bremen

On Thursday, December 7, 2023, experts from science, society, and politics will come together at the University of Bremen for a major regional conference of the federal government on the topic of sustainability.

[Translate to English:] Two people are sitting at a table and talking about things written on a notepad. They are laughing.

Supporting Social Innovation: Social Impact Challenge Weekend

From December 8 to 10, current and former members of BRIDGE universities will have the opportunity at the "Social Impact Challenge Weekend” to develop social innovations as solutions to social challenges in order to help shape a sustainable future.

A picture of the little book Carmen Nova. It's a slim paperback with a yellow cover and a picture of a woman on the cover in black and white.

Panel Discussion: Mystery Surrounding Umberto Eco's Crime Novel

The Bremen State and University Library (SuUB) and "Freundeskreis" (Circle of Friends) are hosting a panel discussion on the topic of literary forgeries at 5 p.m. on December 7, 2023, at the SuUB main library. The mystery surrounding Umberto Eco's supposed crime novel "Carmen Nova" will be examined


Start Your Degree in the Summer Semester: Apply now!

Those interested in studying at the University of Bremen can for the first time start their degree course in the summer semester. Two digital information events on December 6, and January 11, both from 4 to 6 p.m., will provide information on how to apply.

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Berninghausen Prize for Excellence in Teaching Awarded

Four teaching staff members from the University of Bremen have received the Berninghausen Prize for Excellence in Teaching. The prizes were awarded in the “Excellence in Teaching” and “Student Prize” categories and are endowed with 2,000 euros each.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Climate Change and Health: University of Bremen Investigates Effects

The University of Bremen is investigating climate justice in Germany from a public health perspective. The report, written in collaboration with the Centre for Planetary Health Policy and Bielefeld University, focuses on health equity in the face of climate change impacts.

University of Bremen Illustration

University of Bremen Conferences in December

The Healthy City Bremen: Interprofessional, Digital, Sustainable (“Gesunde Stadt Bremen: Interprofessionell, digital, nachhaltig”) research cluster is holding a conference on December 1 titled “Healthy City.”

Professor Notholt is standing at a physical instrument and has a microphone with which he explains his experiment.

Advent Physics: Experimental Show Returns to the Lecture Hall

On December 2, the Faculty of Physics at the University of Bremen invites you to an experimental show. Professor Justus Notholt, Dr. Matthias Buschmann, and the physics placement team promise not only fascinating insights into the world of physics, but also plenty of fun and excitement.


University of Bremen to Train Sports Teachers Once Again

The University of Bremen will establish a sports degree program for the 2024/25 winter semester. This was decided by the Academic Senate at the November meeting. With the new course, elementary and secondary school sports teachers will be trained.

The Arctic

Further Research into Arctic Warming and its Global Impacts

The SFB/TRR 172 "(AC)³" has been awarded a new grant and will continue its research in the third phase of DFG funding for a further four years. The focus is on improving understanding and prediction models for the rapidly increasing warming in the Arctic.

Physicist Andreas Sentef stands in front of a red wall in a dark suit and smiles.

ERC Success Streak Continues with Consolidator Grant in Physics

Physics professor Michael Sentef has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). The University of Bremen has thus received six ERC grants this year and has been successful in all funding lines of the ERC competition.

At the award ceremony (from left to right): Professor Rolf Drechsler (dean of the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science), Henrike Illig (research assistant in the Center of Excellence for Women in Science and Technology), Veronika Oechtering (academic director of the Center of Excellence for Women in Science and Technology), Professor Christiane Floyd (laudatory speaker), and Professor Sanaz Mostaghim (chairperson of the jury).

Informatica Feminale Awarded Prize for Outstanding Gender Equality Work

The Informatica Feminale – International Summer University for Women in Computer Science was awarded the prize for outstanding gender equality work by the German Council of University Faculties in Computer Science. The prize was awarded this year for the first time.

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University of Bremen Successful in Global Ranking Once Again

The University of Bremen has once again secured a top position in the international Shanghai Ranking and has ranked first in Germany in the field of marine sciences. The university also leads the table of German universities in geosciences.

Two people stand in front of a desk in a laboratory and look into the camera. There is a lot of technical equipment on the desk and on the wall behind them. Some cables can be seen. A graphic next to them reads "Research Uni 3022.

Material with Feelings: AI Helps to Detect Material Damage

The University of Bremen has achieved first results in the DFG Research Unit FOR 3022. Thanks to innovative sensor nodes, which are smaller than a coin, it is possible to detect and evaluate hidden damage in fiber metal laminates (FML).

Logo of the University of Bremen

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: The University of Bremen has a new Mission Statement

The University of Bremen has a new mission statement. At the meeting on November 15, 2023, the Academic Senate unanimously approved the second reading of the steering group's draft. The focus is on sustainability and the university's associated social responsibility.

The picture shows a group of around 30 pupils. They are standing together with Katrin Moosdorf, Senator for Environment, Climate & Science and Dr. Mandy Boehnke, Vice-Rector for Internationality, Academic Qualification and Diversity at the University of Bremen, Mandy Böhnke.

Dr. Hans Riegel Awards for Outstanding Research by Pupils

On November 13, 2023, the University of Bremen and the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation honored pupils from the region for their outstanding pre-scientific papers. The Dr. Hans Riegel Awards are endowed with a total of 5,800 euros.

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"Atmosphere of Change" – Panel Discussion on the Topic "Past and Future of the Reform University"

To mark the publication of the book "Aufbruchstimmung. Die University Bremen und das Projekt Hochschulreform" , the University of Bremen invites you to attend the book launch and a panel discussion on November 16, at 6 p.m. in the rotunda of Cartesium Building (Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 5).

Glass Hall with the university logo

Disconnected Lives? The RISC's First Cohesion Report Examines the Make-Up of Social Circles of Acquaintances in Germany

The first cohesion report by the RISC shows that large portions of the population have homogeneous circles of acquaintances – and this influences their world views and experiences. Together with the universities in Frankfurt and Leipzig, the University of Bremen is coordinating the scientific work.

Ones and zeros, connected with the lettering DataNord

DataNord: A Data Competence Center for the Bremen Region

The University of Bremen, in close collaboration with the U Bremen Research Alliance and other partners, is establishing a data competence center for the entire region. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is supporting the establishment of the center with over 3.5 million euros.

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The Future of Energy Transition in Times of Crisis and Uncertainty

Germany’s energy transition will be at the focus of a public lecture at Kunsthalle on Thursday, November 9, at 7 p.m. It is the start of the 35th Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche series, this time on the subject of energy transition.

Geochemist Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, petrologist Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach , climate modeler Prof. Dr. Gerrit Lohmann, from left to right

Bremen Climate and Marine Sciences Achieve Triple Excellence Status in Europe

Historical success at the University of Bremen: For the first time, three projects were awarded the renowned Synergy Grant of the European Research Council. Funding will support climate and marine science projects at the University of Bremen in cooperation with AWI, with eight additional partners.

This microscope image shows individual bacterial cells of a microbiome. Some of these bacteria have ingested sugars.

New Emmy Noether Junior Research Group on the Degradation of Complex Sugars by Marine Bacteria

How do marine bacteria convert sugar into energy? This question is the subject of a new Emmy Noether junior research group at the University of Bremen. The German Research Foundation will fund the team led by marine biologist Dr. Greta Reintjes with around one million euros over the next six years.

Ein Autoschiff auf dessen Laderampe einige Autos stehen. Diese werden aus dem Autoschiff herausgefahren. Die Autos sind neue Autos, was durch die Schutzfolie auf der Motorhaube sichtbar ist.

Isabella 2.0: Successful Completion at BLG AutoTerminal

The "Isabella" system will make car handling in ports more efficient in the future. BIBA – Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics at the University of Bremen and the industry partners BLG LOGISTICS and 28Apps Software have spent six years researching and developing this.

Glass hall with the university logo

University of Bremen Rises 50 Places in Global University Ranking

Success for the University of Bremen: In the current THE ranking, the university has climbed 50 places. With a rank of 301 to 350, the university is among the top 20 percent worldwide. In total, more than 1,900 universities from 108 countries and regions were compared.

The winners of the CAMPUSiDEEN competition

20th Anniversary of CAMPUSiDEEN Competition – Business Ideas and Concepts Honored

Once again, the CAMPUSiDEEN competition has honored the best business ideas and business concepts in Bremen's higher education landscape. Six winning teams were recognized at the awards ceremony on October 12.

Schematic representation of the most important North Atlantic currents. Red (blue) arrows show the upper (deep) circulation paths. The acronyms indicate the positions of the North Atlantic Current (NAC) and the Eastern Boundary Current (EBC). The black lines show the transport lines of the observatory arrays.

Close Connectivity within the North Atlantic Current System Identified

Long-term comparative study reveals parallels between time series from Florida and Newfoundland

Würfel mit Buchstaben

Language Learning in the Winter Semester

21 languages and over 200 courses: On October 16, the Language Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen will start its program, which includes semester and intensive courses as well as paid educational leave. Catalan is a new addition to the program.

Main entrance to the State and University Library Bremen.

“Pictures of a City. Bremen in Old Travel Guides”

From October 11, 2023 to January 14, 2024, the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB) will present historical Bremen travel guides at its headquarters on the university campus.

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University of Bremen Conference in October

In October, a conference on maritime law will be held at the University of Bremen.

Frauke Meyer, Dr. Torben Möller

Insights for Apprentices: University of Bremen and Nordic Campus Start Cooperation

In October, the University of Bremen and Nordic CAMPUS Bremen will begin a cooperation in the field of vocational training. Director of Finance and Administration of the University of Bremen Frauke Meyer and the managing director of Nordic CAMPUS have signed a cooperation agreement to this effect.

The steelworks of Arcelor Mittal on the River Weser in Bremen.

Hydrogen Project hyBit Presentation at the Bremen Trade Fair Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe

How can the steel mill at Bremen’s industrial harbor be powered with green hydrogen in the future using electrolysis? The large-scale research project hyBit is investigating this. Those interested can gain information about the project at the Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe conference.

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Unexpected Addition of Medieval Document at SuUB

Bremen State and University Library has received a late medieval document from Japan for preservation in its historical collections. The document was brought to Bremen by the Japanese native Professor Tatsuo Terada from Hokkaido University Sapporo, who is a German Studies specialist.


Close Strategic Partnership between the Universities of Bremen and Cardiff

Around 30 students from Cardiff University and the University of Bremen are exchanging ideas on the subject of Sustainability & Entrepreneurship and are developing sustainable business ideas. The meetings take place partly online and partly in person. The results will be presented on September 21.

Glass hall with the university logo

University of Bremen Involved in the Establishment of a Local Competence Center for Labor Research

A new major collaborative project at the University of Bremen with partners from research, development, and industry has started its work. It is aimed at establishing a local competence center for labor research. The BMBF is providing 9.7 million euros of funding for the project.

New Impulses for Teacher Training

At a closing event yesterday in the “Domkapitelhaus”, researchers from the University of Bremen presented the results of the “Designing Interfaces” project. Over the last eight years, a team of about 45 researchers developed concepts for teacher education, supported by the Government and the Länder.

Romance studies scholar Julia Borst

European Research Council Starting Grant for Julia Borst

Over a period of five years, the Romance scholar Dr. Julia Borst will investigate how Afro-European communities present themselves in the digital space. She has been awarded a prestigious ERC Starting Grant for this work.

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Secure Your Place at the University of Bremen Now

The University of Bremen offers attractive degree programs for students who have made up their minds at short notice and enrollment is still possible. Between September 1 and September 15, 2023, there is the opportunity to enroll as a first-year student for many bachelor's degree programs.

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University of Bremen Conferences in September

Four conferences will be held at the University of Bremen in September. The topics include health psychology, Maltese linguistics, teacher education, and artificial intelligence and health.

PRAXIS Summer Camp

PRAXIS Summer Camp: Students Work on Practical Tasks

63 students from various fields at the University of Bremen, Constructor University, and partner universities are working on a total of 18 projects at the PRAXIS Summer Camp for 21 companies and institutions from the region as well as for a company from England.

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Better Capture Gender Diversity in Health Research

Gender diversity is still not sufficiently recorded in health research. Researchers at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research at the University of Bremen have developed a handout on how to better record gender in surveys.

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New Findings: Arctic Atmosphere Moister and Regional Storm Activity Increasing

A publication on early results from the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) on climate change in the Arctic has made it onto the cover of the prestigious Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society journal. The University of Bremen is involved in the Transregio (AC)³ CRC.

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Life on the Ocean Floor: “3,688 Meters Below Sea Level” Exhibition at House of Science

The impacts of the climate crisis pose global challenges that present marine researchers with new tasks. The ocean floor plays a significant role in this. It is the focus of an interactive exhibition at the House of Science, which opens on July 20. The exhibition was created by MARUM.

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Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research Redesignated as WHO Collaborating Centre

The World Health Organization (WHO) has once again named the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research’s (IPP) Department of Social Epidemiology at the University of Bremen as a WHO Collaborating Centre on Environmental Health Inequalities.

Eine Frau und ein Roboter schütten gemeinsam ein Getränk in eine Tasse.

New Co-constructive Artificial Intelligence Center

The universities of Bremen, Bielefeld, and Paderborn have joined forces to develop AI systems that can provide humans with targeted support in performing tasks.

Bachelor's degree students from the Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship at the University of Bremen have presented solutions for business model innovations for companies and institutions in Bremen.

future concepts bremen: Business Model Innovation in 100 Days

Students from the Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship at the University have presented solutions for business model innovations for companies and institutions in Bremen. The participating companies included DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung, CITY 46 Kommunalkino, and Sparkasse Bremen.


Applying Online to Study at the University of Bremen

Anyone interested in studying at the University of Bremen can still apply online for a place until July 15. A digital information event on Wednesday July 12 from 4 to 6 p.m. will provide information on how to do this.

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Awards for Outstanding Doctoral Supervision Handed Out

Mathematician and computer scientist Nicole Megow and political scientist Kerstin Martens have received the Award for Outstanding Doctoral Supervision from the University of Bremen. The Alumni Network of the University of Bremen donated the prize money of 2,000 euros per person.

Language Course

Languages Centre Summer Classes

The Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen (SZHB) is offering many opportunities to learn a language from August to October 2023. If you are thinking about learning a new language or brushing up your skills, you are at the right place.


Large Turnout at Two-Day OPEN CAMPUS

Lectures, laboratory visits, and open-air concerts: from June 23 to 24, the University of Bremen's OPEN CAMPUS proved to be a huge success with around 20,000 guests. Top stage act was Gentleman and on Friday evening, rapper MAJAN, among others, created a party atmosphere in the campus park.

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Educational Equity in Bremen – Dialog Event and Award Ceremony on June 28

Why does educational success still strongly depend on socioeconomic status, and how can this be changed? The "Weitwinkel Bildung" network is organizing a dialog event on this topic on June 28, at which the "Bremer Bildungsgerechtigkeit konkret" prize will also be awarded.

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Yasemin Karakaşoğlu Appointed to Federal Government's Council of Experts on Anti-Racism

Yasemin Karakaşoğlu, Professor of Intercultural Education, has been appointed to the Federal Government's Council of Experts on Anti-Racism. In this role, she will contribute her professional expertise to the field of policy advice.

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Study Examines Strategies for Preventing Obesity Due to Shift Work

A study will examine how obesity can be prevented in people working shifts. The study is part of the SHIFT2HEALTH project. It is being supported with a total of 10 million euros, around 1.5 million of which will go to institutions in the state of Bremen.

Ein runder Sensor liegt in einer Käste Äpfel. Er misst Sauerstoff und Kohlendioxid um die Atmungsaktivität der Früchte zu bestimmen

New Project: Less Food Waste during Storage

Reducing spoilage of fresh foods such as apples during storage is the goal of a new project by the University of Bremen and the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) in Potsdam. The project will be supported with 600,000 euros until 2026.

Mitglieder eines IT-Projektteams können sich in der virtuellen Realität treffen und ihre Software als „Code City“ visualisieren. So können sie beispielsweise die Struktur des Codes oder die Beziehungen zwischen verschiedenen Bausteinen darstellen und diskutieren.

Interactive Visualization of Software for Spatially Distributed Teams

The Center for Computing Technologies (TZI) at the University of Bremen is investigating new methods for better understanding complex software as part of a DFG-funded project.

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University of Bremen’s Grand End-of-Semester Concert at the St.-Petri Cathedral

At 5 p.m., July 2, the grand end-of-semester concert of the University of Bremen Orchestra and Choir will take place at Bremen's St.-Petri Cathedral. The program includes pieces by Richard Strauss, Alexander Borodin, and Martín Palmeri. University Music Director Mariano Chiacchiarini will conduct.

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Open Worlds – Share Knowledge: OPEN CAMPUS at the University of Bremen

On June 23 and 24, the University of Bremen invites you to OPEN CAMPUS. After an open-air concert on Friday evening, a full program of lectures, guided tours, and a poetry slam will follow on Saturday afternoon. In the evening, a live show with headliner Gentleman will conclude the event.

SuUB Bremen

Online Now: A Bibliography Especially for the State of Bremen

Every year, books and essays about Bremen are published – in print and digitally. To make it easier to find them, the SuUB has released the digital "Bibliography of Bremen" to the public. Interested parties can search for free in approximately 23,000 titles concerning Bremen.

University logo on the glass hall.

University of Bremen Conferences in June

In June, the University of Bremen will host an international conference on social movements in the context of the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine. The development of sea ice will be the topic of an international symposium organized by the university together with other institutions.

Panel discussion at the 16th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge

17th BRIDGE StartUp-Lounge: Idea Storm

“Idea Storm” is the motto of the 17th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge, which will take place at 6 p.m. on June 8, at Bremen's Digital Hub Industry. The organizer is the BRIDGE university network, the central point of contact for students and members of Bremen's universities for business startups.

Students sit in the lecture hall.

Digital Information Event on Studying in Bremen and Bremerhaven

At a joint online event, the universities in the state of Bremen will introduce themselves and provide information about their offered study programs and application procedures. The event will take place on Thursday, June 1, 2023, from 4 to 6 p.m.


“Diversity at German Universities”: University of Bremen Receives German Rectors' Conference Funding

The University of Bremen will receive 50,000 euro from the German Rectors' Conference. This will strengthen the further development of diversity concepts via the "Diversity at German Universities" initiative, which the HRK launched with funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

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University of Bremen Welcomes Afghan Scholarship Holders

It has been a year since the University of Bremen and the HERE AHEAD Academy announced the Omid Farda Scholarship for at-risk Afghan students. Ten of the eleven selected scholarship holders have now arrived in Bremen and were welcomed at the University.

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Improving the Chances of Healing through Medical Measurement Technology

Professor Andreas Fischer from the Faculty of Production Engineering at the University of Bremen is receiving funding for his latest project as part of the Volkswagen Foundation's Momentum Initiative. This will provide almost 800,000 euro over a period of four years.

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Education and Digitization: Maren Petersen Appointed to Federal Government Committee

The Vice President for Teaching and Studies at the University of Bremen, Prof. Maren Petersen, will advise the German government on the topic of education in the digital transformation. She has been appointed as a member of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research's "Digital Summit" platform.

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Artificial Intelligence, Bots, and More: Automation of Communication and Media

The annual conference of the German Communication Association will take place at the University of Bremen this year. At the invitation of the ZeMKI, more than 300 experts will discuss the transformation of digital communication from May 18 to 20, 2023.

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CHE University Ranking: University of Bremen at the Forefront in Supporting Students’ Degree Start

In the current university ranking by the Centre for Higher Education (CHE), the University of Bremen once again ranks top in the majority of the assessed subject fields when it comes to supporting students at the start of their degrees. But there are also top rankings in other categories.

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90th Anniversary of Nazi Book Burning in Bremen: Commemorative Event at the House of Science

On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the National Socialist book burning in Bremen, the University of Bremen is organizing a commemorative event at the House of Science between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. on May 10. Entry is free.

[Translate to English:] Sommerakademie

Register Now: Summer Academy for Young People

The University of Bremen is once again inviting high-achieving high school students to the Summer Academy from June 26 to 30, 2023. Registration is open now and participation is free of charge.

Rediscovered in the SuUB: One of the Oldest Chronicles of Lehe

The original manuscript of a part of today's Bremerhaven has been rediscovered in the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB): It is the so-called “Lehe Chronicle” from the 16th century.

A group of small children with colourful jackets and rucksacks.

Family-Friendly University: University of Bremen Certification Renewed

The University of Bremen's certification as a family-friendly university has been renewed by berufundfamilie Service GmbH. The certificate will be awarded on June 13, 2023, in the presence of Lisa Paus, Federal Minister for Family Affairs and patron of the audit.

Climate rally

MARUM Project Develops Climate Education with and for Schools

In the MARUM school project “Climate – I’m changing!” students develop and test climate-protection measures for everyday life. After three years, the pilot phase of the project, which was initiated by MARUM at the University of Bremen, is now coming to an end.

Infografik zum Wettbewerb CAMPUSiDEEN

CAMPUSiDEEN Competition: Start-up Ideas Wanted

Attention all Bremen start-up founders and those interested in entrepreneurship: This year, the CAMPUSiDEEN idea competition will once more honor the best business ideas and concepts from Bremen’s universities. The application deadline ends on June 11, 2023.

Logo of the University of Bremen

University of Bremen Conferences in May

In May, the University of Bremen will host the 27th International Bremen Film Conference. The focus is on the cinema of Latin America. The lectures, forums, and films will explore the film-aesthetic diversity and significance of Latin American films for the exploration of the region’s own history.

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May 10: Information Day for Prospective Students

Prospective students are once again invited to find out everything they need to know about studying at the University of Bremen on Wednesday, May 10, 2023. The bachelor's degree programs and the Law degree program will introduce themselves at the event.

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CAMPUS AWARD Goes to Biologist and Production Technician

The 2023 CAMPUS AWARD: Research for a Sustainable Future winners are biologist Dr. Esther Thomsen from the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) and master's graduate Alex Peer Intemann. The award, endowed with 3,000 euro, was presented at the University of Bremen on April 27.

Studierende während der Proben

No Exit: Theater InCognito plays Sartre

Theater InCognito at the University of Bremen invites you to the premiere of the play "No Exit" by Jean-Paul Sartre at 8 p.m. on May 5, 2023, at the campus theater. No Exit, which is about dependence on the judgment of others, is still relevant today.

scene from the play

Revival of the Play „Die Sünde des Andersartigen zu riskieren“ at the “Kulturambulanz”

What is “crazy”? This question is at the center of a play based on the story of Hedwig D. The History Department and the Center for Performance Studies/Theater of Assemblage have developed a play based on her story. Thanks to the popularity of the show, it will be performed again in April.

Das Bild zeigt eine Frau, die mit einem Scanner ein Dokument der Bremischen Bürgerschaft einscannt.

Bremen Parliament Speeches and Minutes Digitized: 210 Volumes Freely Accessible

In cooperation with the Bremen Parliament and the Bremen State Archive, the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB) is digitizing the historical parliamentary printed matter from 1823 to 1999. 210 volumes are now freely accessible as part of the SuUB's digital collections.

Ausstellungswände der Ausstellung "Macht Sinn!" zu den Themen Digitalisierung, Gesundheit und Medizin sowie Diversität und Integration.

"MACHT SINN!" Exhibition on Science Foundations at the University of Bremen

Making the remarkable civil commitment of Bremen citizens to science and education visible and honoring it - that is the goal of the University of Bremen Foundation with its “MACHT SINN!” exhibition. It will be on display on the university campus from April 13, 2023, onwards.

Schülerin im Labor

Teaching the Teachers at School-Student Laboratories

The Institute for Information Management Bremen at the University of Bremen is launching an interdisciplinary collaborative project called "LFB-Labs-digital" together with seven universities. It is expanding school-student laboratories on STEM subjects into places for advanced teacher training.

Robots on Mars

Robot Swarm Practicing for Mars Exploration

Exploring Mars can be best achieved when robots with different capabilities work together – ideally autonomously. Important prerequisites for this are being created as part of the VaMEx-3 project, in which three working groups from the University of Bremen are playing a key role.

Michael Beetz

AI Researcher Michael Beetz Receives Coveted ERC Advanced Grant

AI achieves impressive results, however it still lacks the ability to plan actions predictively. Professor Michael Beetz from the Institute for Artificial Intelligence is working on the foundations for this and has received the ERC Advanced Grant, which is endowed with 2.5 million euros.


DFG Establishes Priority Programme

The University of Bremen has once again been included in the selection of new Priority Programmes by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The faculty of Production Engineering is one of the six new programs selected from a total of 33 initiatives submitted.

[Translate to English:] Eine Mentorin und Mentees stehen an einem Tisch

ProMentes: Students in Graduating Phase and Dedicated Executives Required

The career-oriented mentoring program of the University of Bremen ProMentes will start again in September. For ten months, committed executives from business, culture, and administration will advise and mentor students and graduates who are about to enter professional life.

Arctic kelpforests

How Climate Change Is Affecting Underwater Forests in the Arctic

Due to climate change, underwater brown algae, so-called kelp, are likely to only be able to grow in shallower areas of the Arctic in future. University of Bremen researchers came to this conclusion as part of the EU project FACE-IT.

Two students work with a dictionary.

Learning Languages in the Summer Semester

From Arabic to Japanese and Portuguese to Turkish, after Easter, the semester courses for different levels of 19 languages start at the Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen (SZHB). The courses are open to auditing students and, with a few exceptions, will take place in person.

[Translate to English:] Eine Person schaut sich die App auf einem Smartphone an. Research Network Tests Bremen News App

Following a successful test operation in Bremen, researchers are investigating how the news and information app can be made available throughout Germany. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is providing 1.5 million euros of funding for the project.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Digitization and Artificial Intelligence: Discussion on the Opportunities and Risks

What economic opportunities lie within the development and application of artificial intelligence? This question is at the heart of the event “Digitization and Artificial Intelligence: The Agenda for Bremen,” hosted by the University of Bremen and the Hans Böckler Foundation.

Two radio hosts moderating a live show for radio

Media Practice Week of the University of Bremen

The Media Practice Week of the University of Bremen from March 6–10, 2023, offers exciting events and initial impressions of Bremen’s communications and media sector. This year, the five-day networking event will once again be organized by students.

Ein Mädchen hält eine Weltkugel und eine Pflanze in den Händen.

The Impacts of Climate Change: New Learning Modules for Schoolchildren

As part of a new project, researchers from the Universities of Bremen and Vechta are developing learning modules for schoolchildren on the impacts of climate change. The project is being funded by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) with 270,000 euros over three years.

Pflegeperson hält die Hand einer Seniorin

Study on dementia: More sense of togetherness, fewer hospital admissions

If people with dementia regularly train their memory and movement in assisted communities, they are less likely to be hospitalized. This is the result of a joint study by the University of Bremen and the University Hospital Erlangen.

Small lake on the boulevard.

Bremen Goes Sustainable: One Million Euros for Sustainability at Bremen’s Higher Education Institutions

Developing, testing and anchoring sustainability concepts for research, teaching and operations together – higher education institutions in the state of Bremen and the Alfred Wegener Institute are pursuing this goal with “BreGoS – Bremen Goes Sustainable.”

Gruppenfoto im Rathaus

Bremen Thesis Award 2022 Awarded

On Tuesday, February 28, 2023, the “unifreunde” association awarded the Bremen Thesis Award for outstanding final theses. Three dissertations and two master’s theses were honored. A special prize for one master’s thesis was sponsored by Bruker Daltonics GmbH & Co. KG.

Glass hall with the university logo

Conferences at the University of Bremen in March

From language learning to geophysics and computer science – three conferences on different fields of science will be held at the University of Bremen in March.

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Improving First-Aid Training with Virtual Reality

Professor Björn Niehaves and his team from the University of Bremen are aiming to prepare potential first-aiders for possible accident scenarios as realistically as possible in the ARRIVE project. To this end, they develop first-aid scenarios in virtual reality.

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Unknown Deep Sea: “The Swarm” Series

In Frank Schätzing's bestselling novel "The Swarm" science meets science fiction. Now the literary novel has been made into a film, drawing attention to, among other things, the deep-sea ecosystem, which is also the focus of research at MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences.

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Gründungsradar: University of Bremen Again Among the Best

The Gründungsradar 2022 of Stifterverband confirms the University of Bremen’s excellent performance in promoting start-ups: it is ranked 15th among the 48 largest German universities.

Studierende im Hörsaal

Studying in Bremen and Bremerhaven

The universities in Bremen State will introduce themselves and provide information on their degree offers and application processes at two joint online events, which will take place on February 23, 2023 and on June, 01, 2023 between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.

sea ice in Antarctica

Sea Ice Is Declining Steadily in Antarctica

The sea ice in Antarctica continues its record minimum course. Satellite data from the Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP) at the University of Bremen show that the extent of sea ice there has currently fallen to the lowest value ever measured.


Clock Metrology: A Novel Approach to Time in Geodesy

Scientists at the University of Bremen are involved in a new research project that has been established by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In terms of content, the focus is on “Clock Metrology: A Novel Approach to Time in Geodesy.”


1.5 Million Euros for University Communications Engineering

The 5G mobile communications standard is a part of everyday life, while research is already being carried out on its successor 6G. The working group for communications engineering is receiving around 1.5 million euros from the BMBF for research and realization of “wireless networks of the future.”

Kinder forschen

Bremen Kids’ University Back on Campus

The University of Bremen will hold its “Kinder-Uni” (“children’s university”) from March 21 to 30, 2023. Children aged 8 to 12 can take part. This year, they will once again be able to discover exciting areas of research together with scientists in person at the university.

Zusammengeknülltes Papier, aus dem ein Origami-Kranich wird. Steht sinnbildlich für eams verschiedener Fachrichtungen, die Geschäftsmodellinnovationen erstellen.

future concepts bremen: innovative solutions within 100 days

Students from the university presented innovative solutions for Bremen-based companies and institutions. Industry partners included the Federal Employment Agency, hanseWasser and TOPAS Industriemathematik Innovation. The Demo Day took place in Sparkasse Bremen's Campus Space.

Logo of the University of Bremen

unifreunde and Universities’ New Year’s Reception in the Town Hall

The New Year’s reception of unifreunde e.V. for the two Bremen universities traditionally marks the start of the current academic year. On January 30, representatives of the University of Bremen and Constructor University will meet in the upper room of the town hall at 6 p.m.


Holocaust Remembrance Day: Engineering Sciences in the Nazi Era

What role did engineers play in the Nazi era? How did technical higher education institutions behave in the Third Reich? The Faculty of Production Engineering – Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering – is inviting you to a public online event with a lecture on 27 January, 2023, at 4 p.m.

A person writes in a foreign language on a whiteboard.

Winter Offers from the Languages Center

The Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen (SZHB – Sprachenzentrum der Hochschulen im Land Bremen) offers intensive courses in nine languages from February to April. These courses are aimed at students, applicants, and all interested parties from Bremen and the surrounding area.


Digital Humor: Differences According to Gender and Age

“Memes” are the pictorial jokes in messengers such as WhatsApp, Signal, or Telegram that deal with current topics. University linguist Dr. Inke Du Bois has gathered and analyzed around 1,000 memes. The conclusion: digital humor varies according to age and gender.

The State and University Library Bremen

“Scheduled Time” – Exhibition on Calendar History at SuUB

In the exhibition “Scheduled Time. History of the Printed Calendar in Bremen,” the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB) will show exhibits from the 17th to the 20th century. The opening of the exhibition will take place on January 17 at the library's headquarters on the university campus.

[Translate to English:] Ausschnitt aus dem Film "Wir sind alle Kanaken".

Eleventh Ethnographic Film Festival in Bremen

For the eleventh time, the Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research at the University of Bremen is playing host to the Bremen Days of Ethnographic Film. From January 24 to 26, 2023, a total of 15 current international productions from the field of ethnographic film will be screened.

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University of Bremen and HWWI Sign Partnership Agreement

The University of Bremen and the Hamburg Institute of International Economics – HWWI (Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut) have entered into an agreement to cooperate in the areas of teaching, research, academic qualification, and transfer.


Greenhouse gas concentrations further increased in 2022

Preliminary analyses of global satellite data by researchers at the university's Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP) show: Atmospheric concentrations of the two major greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) continued to rise sharply in 2022.

Die vier geraubten Bücher.

The Bremen State and University Library Returns Nazi Loot

As part of the “Looted Cultural Property” project, the State and University Library is returning four books to the Supreme Court of Justice in Vienna.

Professoren reden miteinander

First-Class Research: Excellence Chairs to Be Extended

A special research format has proven successful. The cooperation between researchers at the University of Bremen and top international scholars is so successful that seven of the “U Bremen Excellence Chairs” that have existed since 2019 will now be receiving funding for a further three years.

Antje Boetius

Professor Antje Boetius is “University Teacher of the Year”

Antje Boetius is “University Teacher of the Year.” The prize, which is awarded by the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV), honors the marine researcher at the University of Bremen as “an advocate of the oceans and outstanding communicator of science.”


Synthetic Biology: Serotonin Enters, Light Exits

Researchers from Bremen, Bochum, Bonn, and Hamburg have succeeded in bettering our understanding of how the chemical messenger serotonin works. They developed “sDarken” sensors to measure neurotransmitter dynamics in the brain. The results were published in Nature Communications.

Wurm C.elegans

USD 1.25 Million for Protein Research

Biologists at the University of Bremen and the IMP in Vienna are investigating the interplay between the aging processes of proteins and the entire organism. For their research, the two were accepted into the Allen Distinguished Investigator program. The award is endowed with USD 1.25 million.

A laptop and a notebook

OnCourse: New Platform for e-Learning

With the OnCourse platform, a new service comprising interdisciplinary digital courses has been launched. It is aimed at students and staff of Bremen’s universities as well as the general public.

Dr. Nadja Belova and Dr. Moritz Krause.

University Chemistry Teaching Excellence Recognized by the 2022 Polytechnik Prize

Dr. Nadja Belova and Dr. Moritz Krause from the Institute of Didactics of Science Education have received the 2022 Polytechnik Prize special award. They developed a teaching module to sensitize young people to fake news on social media.


Bremen State and University Library Switches to Open Source

The Bremen State and University Library (SuUB – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek) is the first library in the Common Library Network to introduce Folio as the library software for lending and acquisition.

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2022 Berninghausen Prize: Two Female Lecturers Are Honored

This year’s Berninghausen Prize for outstanding teaching goes to a production engineer and an Anglicist. The awards were given in the “Blended Learning” and “Student Prize” categories and are endowed with 3,000 euros each.

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DAAD Prize for Hadya Sleman

Student Hadya Sleman received the DAAD Prize for outstanding achievements by foreign students at German higher education institutions (HEI). The Iraqi student was honored for her high level of social commitment and her academic achievements. The accolade is endowed with a prize money of 1,000 euros.

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16th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge: Cohesion

“Cohesion” is the motto of the 16th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge, which will take place for the first time in the Digital Hub Industry on December 7. BRIDGE is the central contact point for students and members of Bremen higher education institutions (HEIs) on the subject of business start-ups.

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Performance and Social Commitment: Deutschlandstipendien Awarded

Scholarship for demonstrating outstanding performance and commitment to society: 126 students at the University of Bremen receive a Deutschlandstipendium. It includes financial support and a comprehensive accompanying program.

Zwei Wissenschaftler im Labor

Climate archives under the magnifying glass

Climate archives provide insights into past climate changes, the processes that propelled our planet from one climate state to the next. For humans and ecosystems, variability over periods of weeks to years – the weather – is often critical.

Mann macht Experiment

Exploding Chocolate Marshmallow, Unusual Light Bulb, Burning Iron

The team of environmental physicists Dr. Matthias Buschmann and Prof. Justus Notholt and chemist Dr. Stephan Leupold are once again offering a digital Advent calendar in the natural sciences in 2022. An experiment on the university’s YouTube channel will be available every day from Dec. 1 to 24.

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When the flight system evaluates the rotors on the high seas

The Bremen Institute for Measurement Technology, Automation and Quality Science (BIMAQ) at the university is working with partners on an automated flight system that will significantly increase the yield of wind turbines. The project is to be funded by the federal government with 1.8 million euros.

Zwei Männer

Bremen Engineering Prize Goes to Master’s Student at the University

“Material transport of product mixtures of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis analysis using nuclear magnetic resonance”: with this master’s thesis, Production Engineering student Alexander Zimmermann has greatly improved the process. For this, he was awarded the Bremen Engineering Prize 2022 by the VDI.


Autonomous Driving: Important Advances Thanks to Cognitive Neuroinformatics

As part of a project with automotive supplier Continental, the Cognitive Neuroinformatics working group has contributed important research findings to the development of advanced driver assistance systems. Artificial intelligence makes it easier to identify complex traffic situations.


Macht Sinn!: Exhibition Opening November 10 in the Wallsaal

On November 10, 2022, it will finally be time: the University of Bremen Foundation will be presenting its exhibition “MACHT SINN! Stiften für die Wissenschaft” in the Wallsaal of the Bremen public library. It summarizes the campaign MACHT SINN!, with which the Foundation participated in the universi

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Dr. Hans Riegel Specialist Prizes for Excellent Student Research

On November 2, 2022, the University of Bremen and the Dr. Hans Riegel-Stiftung honored students from the region for their particularly good prescientific work. The Dr. Hans Riegel specialist prizes are endowed with a total of 6,800 euros.

Dr. Johanna Menges (MARUM, Bremen) sampling a peat core in the Cuvette Congolaise during the 2022 expedition.

Peatlands as climate tipping points

When peat swamps dry out they can release large amounts of greenhouse gases. Because they react so sensitively to climate changes, they are important tipping points. A study published in Nature investigates how sensitively the carbon stored in peat reacts to environmental changes.

Flags on the campus of the university

Conferences at the University of Bremen in November

Two conferences in November 2022 will focus on design and development of digital entertainment, human-computer interaction, and game design and laser technology. The third conference will deal with 3D printing and issues regarding measurement technology.

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New Professor of Digital Administration

Professor of Information Systems Niehaves assumes the endowed professorship “Digital Transformation of Public Services” at the University of Bremen, financed by the Bremen Finance Department and the IT service provider Dataport. It is located in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Jo Ana Schunter and Julija Storz from Tuuli

CAMPUSiDEEN 2022 Projects Receive Awards

The CAMPUSiDEEN competition has once again been recognizing the best ideas from Bremen’s higher education institutions. A jury representing the worlds of business, start-ups, and universities announced three winners each in the “Business Ideas” and “Business Concepts” categories.


When the Robot Sets the Table

The Institute for Artificial Intelligence equipped a new research laboratory with a kitchen and furniture. The aim is to support people with physical disabilities by improving the suitability of robots for undertaking everyday activities. There is also a “digital twin” for international researchers.


Improved AI Methods to Detect Programming Errors

On behalf of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), researchers from the University of Bremen and employees of the Bremen-based company team neusta investigated the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in code analysis. The study is available free of charge from the BSI.


New and Appealing: Astrophysics and Space Travel Degree

The University of Bremen has launched a new Master in Astrophysics and Space Sciences degree course together with three other European institutions. Roughly 25 young people will specialize in the fields of astrophysics and space travel. Bremen offers ideal conditions for this.

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What Makes a City Dementia Friendly? Send Us Your Photos

The Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research at the University of Bremen is investigating how neighborhoods can assist or create barriers for people with dementia and in which exact locations. Those providing care to relatives can take part by sending photos or voice messages.

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An Exchange between Academia and Politics: Social Policy Forum

The German Institute for Interdisciplinary Social Policy Research (DIFIS) of the Universities of Bremen and Duisburg-Essen is hosting the forum of the Fördernetzwerks Interdisziplinäre Sozialpolitikforschung (FIS) and the Social Policy Biennale from October 5 to 7, 2022 in Bremen.

Language Course

Learning Languages in the Winter Semester – in Class or on Your Own

If you want to refresh your language skills or learn a completely new language, you will find many opportunities at the Language Centre. Courses will be offered for 19 languages. A Ukrainian course is a new addition. Most of the courses will take place in person again.


Multimillion-Dollar Project for Better Quality of Care in the State of Bremen

Until now, there has been no place in long-term nursing care where teaching, research, and care have been carried out at the same time. In the University of Bremen and HSB cooperation project T!CALL, nursing facilities are to be expanded into “teaching nursing facilities.”


University of Bremen Conferences in October 2022

The threat to tropical coral reefs from rising sea temperatures, new developments in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, and the relationship between the text genre of utopia and colonialism – these topics will be addressed by conferences at the University of Bremen in October.


Even Deeper insights into Media Activity

The Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) at the University of Bremen has published a comprehensive update of its scientific research software. The apps developed provide insights into people’s media activities and the resulting digital traces.


More than €500,000 for AI Research with Quantum Systems

Machine learning and artificial-intelligence (AI) methods are now used in many areas of life. Two projects at the university’s Institut für Theoretische Physik are researching machine learning with quantum systems and quantum photonics. They are now receiving more than €500,000 in funding.

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CAMPUS CITY: The University Is Coming to Town

In October, the University of Bremen is putting on lectures, workshops, and exhibitions throughout the city. From October 10 to 23, the second edition of CAMPUS CITY will feature events covering a wide range of topics from the world of science and academia. Tickets are available online.


SuUB Awarded the Open Library Badge

The Bremen State and University Library (SuUB) places great importance in providing open services for users, academia, and the general public. This is why it is committed to the openness criteria. The Open Library Badge (OLB) initiative has now awarded the SuUB the Open Library Badge.

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Outstanding Language Promotion: Two Awards from the Joachim Herz Foundation

Success for two University of Bremen projects in the Joachim Herz Foundation competition: the prizes for outstanding commitment to language development in the categories of children and young adults aged 10 to 16 and 17 to 25 respectively go to the Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences.


Bremen Participates in Research Flights over Canada

Methane is produced by oil and gas extraction, coal mining, landfills, farming, wetlands, and thawing permafrost areas. But what are the exact numbers for each source? To find out, the HALO research aircraft has been operating over Canada – with researchers from the University of Bremen on board.

Model Region for Industrial Mathematics Is Being Created in and around Bremen

How much (industrial) mathematics is part of our everyday lives? What do we know about it and how can society and industry benefit? This is what the “#MOIN! – MOdellregion INdustriemathematik” innovation and transfer project is all about. The BMBF is funding it with approximately 6 million euros.

Fluss in Malaysia

Geoengineering Could Destabilize Tropical Peat Soils

The earth is warming up at an increasing rate. In her research on reducing carbon dioxide (CO2), Dr. Alexandra Klemme from the University of Bremen discovered that “enhanced weathering” – which, until now, has been considered a promising method – is not suitable for tropical peat soils.

Rush hour

Researching Society Together

In the citizen science project “GINGER – Researching Society Together,” citizens and academics are jointly conducting research on the topic of social cohesion. The local project meetings will begin on September 29, 2022, in Klub Dialog. Those interested are invited to participate.


Hackathon: Bringing Maritime Navigation Instruments to Life

Seaman’s Gear: a two-day hackathon on October 8 and 9, 2022, aims to breathe new virtual life into historical maritime navigation instruments. The organizers are MAPEX, the German Maritime Museum – Leibniz Institute for Maritime History, and the Bremen University of Applied Sciences.

Two teachers working on a flipchart in front of an audience.

“Places Available for Master‘s Degree

In cooperation with the Chamber of Labour, the University of Bremen is offering a master’s degree in “Work – Advice – Organization” with three certificate programs. There are still places available on the course which starts in the beginning of October. Applications are possible at short notice.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Transparent and Fair Appointment Negotiations

The German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV) has awarded the University of Bremen the seal of approval for fair and transparent appointment negotiations for a further five years. This means the university has successfully passed the re-audit procedure for the second time.

Mariano Chiacchiarini

Mariano Chiacchiarini Is the University of Bremen’s New Director of Music

The University of Bremen has a new Director of Music. Mariano Chiacchiarini took up his position in September 2022 and now leads the choir and orchestra. The internationally renowned, multi-award-winning conductor was previously Director of Music at the University of Trier for eleven years.

Group photo with four women and one man on the university campus.
Beschäftigtenportal| Service|

New President Begins Term of Office with New Vice President Team

The new President, Professor Jutta Günther, began her term with an inauguration attended by the Bremen Mayor, the Senator for Science, the University Director of Finance and Administration, and many guests on September 6. She starts her term with a new team of Vice Presidents.


From Bremen to the Stars: Astronomical Society Annual Meeting

From September 12 to 16, the University of Bremen is hosting the Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society – AG (Astronomische Gesellschaft). Under the theme “Astronomy from Ground to Space,” participants will discuss the latest findings in astrophysics, focusing on space-based astronomy. …

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hyBit: New Large-Scale Hydrogen Research Project Launched in Bremen

Hydrogen is seen as the “energy carrier of tomorrow.” But the path to an efficient hydrogen economy is complex and requires excellent scientific research. The large-scale hyBit hydrogen research project coordinated by the university is receiving almost 30 million euros in funding for the purpose.

Portrait of three women.

25th Anniversary of the International Summer University Informatica Feminale

For 25 years, the international summer university Informatica Feminale at the University of Bremen has offered women a diverse range of science- and practice-oriented courses in computer science. It enables new impulses, creates networks, and demands gender justice.

Man with glasses and suit sits at the table and looks into the distance.

Farewell and Thank You: “Bernd Scholz-Reiter Has Achieved Great Results”

He is a successful and respected academic who has led the University of Bremen as President for ten years: Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter will now retire on August 31, 2022.

Logo of University of Bremen

Making Better Use of Smartwatches and Smartglasses at Work

As part of a joint project, the University of Bremen developed a privacy management system for personalized assistance systems such as smartwatches and smartglasses. The results will be presented at the Bremen Parliament House on August 31.


KIWI: Success in Just a Few Swipes

Digitization and robotics are changing the world of work, making continuing education and orientation vital. As part of the KIWI project, a team from the University of Bremen is developing a VR training environment and AI-supported career and training recommendations inspired by dating apps.

Logo of the University of Bremen

University of Bremen Conferences in September

The University of Bremen’s conferences in September 2022 will focus on a diverse range of topics, including artificial intelligence and robotics, the mathematical question of Boolean logic, the exciting field of presenting data via sound, and the challenges presented by modern logistics.


Still Haven’t Received a Place at University – What to Do?

Haven’t got a place at the University of Bremen? Two digital events on August 26, 2022, from 10 a.m. to noon, and September 6, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., will provide information about what opportunities are still available to get a place at university for the winter semester.

Green points on black background

New Insights into Huntington’s Disease

Huntington’s chorea is a hereditary disease that leads to cognitive and motor impairments and death. Scientists at the University of Bremen have worked with international partners to elucidate the mechanism by which the mutated huntingtin protein can be kept at bay.

Man in white coat, mask and VR glasses looks at 3D-printed human liver he holds in his left hand.

3D Technologies for Surgical Success in Medicine

Scientists and developers of the VIVATOP research network have developed 3D technologies that enable novel, fast, and precise preparation for surgical procedures. The project results also aid surgeries and medical training.

EU flags waving over blue sky

European Union continues to support the YUFE university alliance

The European YUFE Alliance (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) will continue to receive funding from the EU. This was decided by the European Commission on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. Over the next four years, 14.4 million euros will go into the YUFE project across Europe.

Photo with robots in a kitchen.

University of Bremen Takes On Key Role in Robotics Network of Excellence

The University of Bremen is a member of the European Robotics Excellence Network "euROBIN". Within the research network, which includes renowned research institutions and large industrial companies, it coordinates one of four scientific focal points.

Glashalle im Sonnenschein

University of Bremen Successful in Worldwide Ranking

The University of Bremen has once again achieved a top position in the international Shanghai Ranking. It ranked first in Germany in marine sciences. The University of Bremen also leads the table of German universities in the geosciences.


Political Science Information Service Receives Further Funding

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) has now approved a third funding phase for the specialized information service for political sciences (Pollux), located at the Bremen State and University Library (SuUB) since 2016. The service will be allocated 1.79 million euros from 2022 to 2025.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Health Research: Giving Greater Consideration to Gender Diversity

Gender diversity is still understudied in health research. This is shown by a survey conducted by the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research at the University of Bremen. A distinction into the categories “male” and “female” does not do justice to the complexity.

Zwei B-Human Roboter posieren glücklich mit ihren zwei neuen Pokalen.

In a Class of Its Own: B-Human Wins RoboCup World Cup 2022 in Bangkok without Conceding a Goal

The world champion in robot soccer, both old and new, is Team B-Human from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) who managed to beat Leipzig in the final. With 48:0 goals in seven games, B-Human remained champion without conceding a goal.

Mittelalterliche Buchmalerei

All Medieval Manuscripts of the SuUB Now Available Online

The complete collection of medieval manuscripts at the State and University Library (SuUB) Bremen has been digitized as part of a DFG project. Now this important source for research on medieval intellectual and cultural history is also freely available online.

Ehrung mit Leuten

University Spin-Off Ubica Wins European Robotics Award

The start-up Ubica Robotics, founded as a spin-off of the University of Bremen, makes robotics and artificial intelligence retail friendly. Together with the university and dmTECH GmbH, it has now received the euRobotics Technology Transfer Award 2022.


DLR Design Challenge Has Been Won: Smoke Detector “Sniffs out” Causes of Fire

A smoke detector that can “sniff out” causes of fire before it breaks out: A team from the university’s Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) has now won a prize in a major innovation competition.

Logo of University of Bremen

15th Bremen StartUp Lounge: Balance

“Balance” is the motto of the 15th Bremen StartUp Lounge, to be held on-site again on July 14. BRIDGE is the central contact point for students and members of Bremen higher education institutions on the subject of business start-ups. This year BRIDGE is also celebrating its 20th anniversary.

Korallenbleiche in Okinawa, Südjapan.

Prominent Support for the World Coral Reef Conference in Bremen

The 15th World Coral Reef Conference drew to a close on July 8, 2022. Around 1,100 marine biologists from 80 countries presented their latest research in Bremen. Prince Albert II of Monaco and Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke lent their support with a visit to the conference.

Würfel mit Buchstaben

Summer Offer from the Language Center

The Language Center of the Universities in the State of Bremen is offering a range of intensive language courses from August to September 2022. If you want to learn a language or brush up on your language skills, this is the place to be. Most courses on offer are open to anyone interested.


Production Engineering Goes Back to School for Study Choices

The Faculty of Production Engineering at the University of Bremen has a long successful track record of cooperating with schools in Bremen and Lower Saxony. By organizing information events and joint projects, we aim to provide practical orientation and help in choosing a course of study.


Humans on Mars: Pathways Toward Sustainable Settlement

Is sustainable human exploration of Mars possible? How will humans affect the new environment? Around 60 researchers from the University of Bremen and other institutes are investigating these questions as part of an initiative.


EPOC: 1.1 Million for Marine Research

Professor Monika Rhein’s research group (Institute of Environmental Physics and MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen) has now raised 1.1 million euros in a major European research project looking into the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation.

The elkhorn corals of this massive reef wall are completely dead.

Threatened Ecosystem in Focus: 15th World Coral Reef Conference Starting

More than 1,000 scientists from over 80 countries will discuss the world’s most important event for coral reefs starting this weekend in Bremen. Host of the 15th International Coral Reef Symposium is the University of Bremen.


Teacher Education at the University of Bremen: Info Event

Those who wish to study teacher education surely have many questions. Prospective students will have a good chance to gain an insight into the structure and content of such a degree at the online event “Lehramt studieren an der Uni Bremen.” The event will take place at 4 p.m. on Thursday, July 7.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Netzwerk Selbsthilfe: Students Conduct Interviews with Chronically Ill People

Public Health/Health Sciences bachelor’s students at the University of Bremen are conducting research on chronic illnesses. The seminar project is in cooperation with Netzwerk Selbsthilfe Bremen-Nordniedersachsen e.V. Students will present first results of their surveys on July 12, 2022, at 6 p.m.

Zwei Leute

Funding in the Millions for New AI Research Group

As part of its strategic funding initiative on artificial intelligence (AI), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [German Research Foundation – DFG] is establishing eight new research groups. One is coming to Bremen – “Lifespan AI: From Longitudinal Data to Lifespan Inference in Health”.

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The University of Bremen Invites You to the “International Campus Day”

Tea ceremonies, international food, games, music, dancing, and lots of information about international study opportunities. the University of Bremen invites you to the “International Campus Day” on Thursday, July 7, 2022, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Glass Hall in the Central Campus Building.

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Prizes for Excellent Student Research

This year, the University of Bremen and the Dr. Hans Riegel-Stiftung are once again awarding the Dr. Hans Riegel specialist prizes for exceptionally good research papers in biology, chemistry, geography, computer science, mathematics, and physics. The closing date for applications is July 10,22.

University of Bremen

Get Your Place Online: the University of Bremen Informs

Anyone interested in studying at the University of Bremen can apply for a place online. Two digital information events on June 30 and July 14, both on Thursdays from 4 to 6 p.m., will provide information on how this is possible.

Studierende sind in Posen auf der Bühne zu sehen

There’s Never a Dry Eye in the House: Theater InCognito Performs Pension Schöller

Theater InCognito at the University of Bremen invites you to the premiere on Wednesday, July 2, 2022, at 8 p.m. in the theater on campus. The play “Pension Schöller” will be performed, a farce by the comedy authors Wilhelm Jacoby and Carl Laufs, which premiered in Berlin in 1890.

Logo of University of Bremen

New Video Series Aims to Raise Awareness about Handling Diversity

The university is offering students and all higher education institutions in Germany a unique range of courses. The aim of the video series “Diversity Competencies” is to raise awareness about social issues of diversity, power, inequality, and discrimination and to reflect on them scientifically.

[Translate to English:] Arzt hält im Patientengespräch Asthmasprays in der Hand

More Environmentally Friendly Medicines: Less Propellant in Asthma Sprays

Inhalers such as asthma sprays, which are commonly used for lung conditions, pollute the environment through their propellants. The health scientist and physician Dr. Guido Schmiemann from the University of Bremen wants to raise awareness among physicians and nurses about alternatives.

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The University of Bremen Publishes 2022 Transfer Report

The University of Bremen contributes to the social and economic development of the city of Bremen with a broad range of activities. This is according to the 2022 Transfer Report, which has just been released and provides an insight into knowledge and technology transfer at the University of Bremen.

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Study: Algae Mats as Refuge for Animals in Mediterranean Sea

Marine ecosystems are changing due to climate change. Red algae mats, little studied to date, play a special role as a refuge for many animals. The Department of Marine Ecology at the University of Bremen has now published surprising results in a renowned journal.

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Reorganization in the University Executive Board of the University of Bremen

The future President of the University of Bremen, Professor Jutta Günther, will begin her term in the fall with three new Vice Presidents. The Academic Senate (AS) followed the proposal of the incumbent President at its meeting on Wednesday, June 15, 2022.

two men

Eastern Europe Expert: Senate Medal for Professor Wolfgang Eichwede

The founder and long-time director of the Research Center for Eastern Europe Studies at the University of Bremen, Professor Wolfgang Eichwede, has been awarded the senate medal for art and science of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen on June 15, 2022.


Audio Tour: Celebrities explain the University Library

The SuUB is receiving celebrity support for its new audio tour: For example, Jan Böhmermann and Tim Borowski explain how the SuUB works. Celebrities will, for example, describe how to borrow books or what the break disks actually do.

Pupils:inside with laptop on a meadow

Students Present Ideas for Sustainable Living

At the Hafenmuseum (Port Museum) Speicher XI, students will present their ideas for climate-friendly living in the future. From June 4 to July 3, self-constructed sustainability houses will be on display. The exhibition opening is at 10 a.m. on June 13.

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Honorary Doctorate for Prof. Caren Sureth-Sloane

In acknowledgement of her outstanding scientific achievements, Professor Caren Sureth-Sloane from Paderborn University has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics at the University of Bremen.


Information Week for Prospective Students

From Monday, June 13 to Friday, June 15, 2022, prospective students are invited to find out everything about studying at the University of Bremen. Around 50 bachelor’s programs will be presented at the online Information Week for Prospective Students.

Vier Männer

Startup from the University of Bremen Wins Science Award

The startup Ubica Robotics GmbH, founded out of the University of Bremen, has won the EHI Foundation's Science Award 2022 in the category "Best Startup." This award is given to startups that are particularly innovative and relevant to the retail and consumer goods industries.

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Bremen Diversity Award for "rent a teacherman"

"rent a teacherman" has received the Bremen Diversity Award "The Colorful Key – Shaping Diversity!". The project by Dr. Christoph Fantini and the Senator for Children and Education has been assigning male student teachers to elementary schools for 10 years. The aim is to dispel stereotypes.

Dr. Christina Roggatz

“Freigeist” Fellowship for Researcher at the University

The Volkswagen "Freigeist” Fellowship has been awarded to the chemical marine ecologist Christina Roggatz from the University of Bremen, who will now receive around 1.3 million euros for her research project. It is the first time that one of the fellowships has gone to the University of Bremen.

Young women and men stand in a laboratory with protective goggles and examine food.

Places Still Available: Summer Academy for Young People

The University of Bremen is once again inviting high-achieving high school students to the Summer Academy from July 4 to 8, 2022. It will take place in the last week before the Bremen summer break. Registration is still possible until June 9, 2022. Participation is free of charge.


Studying in Bremen and Bremerhaven

The universities in Bremen State will introduce themselves and provide information on their degree offers and application processes at a joint online event, which will take place on May 31, 2022, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Logo Universität Bremen

“Freiraum 2022”: Innovative Teaching Receives Funding

The University of Bremen is receiving funding to support innovative teaching as part of the "Freiraum 2022" call for proposals. Four projects have been selected by the "Innovation in der Hochschullehre" foundation. With this funding, lecturers can develop and test new ideas.


Further Training in Project Development for Climate Protection and Sustainability

The University of Bremen is offering a further education course on "Project Development for Environment – Energy – Sustainability.” Those who are looking for a job and have a previous qualification, for example in the STEM field, can further qualify themselves in this future-oriented sector.


Using New Technologies for More Efficient Tropical Medicine

Interdisciplinary top-level research in the field of tropical medicine is the goal of a new transnational network of excellence being established under the leadership of Professor Anna Förster of the University of Bremen. It is being funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

A yellow fish swimming in a coral reef

International Coral Reef Symposium in Bremen in July 2022

In 2021, it had to be organized virtually, this year it will be held face-to-face in Bremen: In July 2022, the university will host the International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS). There will be numerous accompanying public events starting in May.

Lighted room with images, information boards and Glass showcases with exhibits

May 17: SuUB Bremen Invites You to Finissage and Talk

The State and University Library (SuUB) Bremen invites you to a finissage with a talk at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17. The exhibition "The Invention of Biology – Bremen's Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus and his Estate at SuUB" will be on display until May 22.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Students Research Hate Crime and Everyday Racism

Cultural studies students have conducted a survey on racist attacks in a seminar. The project is based on a cooperation with the Council for Integration and the Bremen Police. The results will be presented at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17, at Theater Bremen.

Young people at information stands in a large building.

May 18 on Campus: Information Day for Prospective Students (isi)

Prospective students can learn everything they need to know about studying at the University of Bremen on Wednesday, May 18. After two years of pandemic, the Information Day for Prospective Students (isi) will once again take place on campus.

Logo of the University of Bremen

University Foundation and Trust Foundations Funding 16 Projects

The board of trustees of the University of Bremen Foundation, together with the trust foundations, is funding 16 new projects. They will receive funding worth around 60,000 euros. Topics include Bremen's colonial past, climate protection, climate justice, and transnational literature.


For Start-Ups: CAMPUSiDEEN 2022 Competition Begins

Attention all Bremen start-up founders: This year, the idea competition CAMPUSiDEEN will once more pick out the best business ideas and concepts from Bremen’s universities. The application deadline ends on May 29, 2022.

Portrait of a man with cap and beard

“I Talk Like a River” Wins 2022 HUCKEPACK Prize

For the seventh time, the Phantastische Bibliothek library in Wetzlar and the Institute of Storybook Research at the university have awarded the HUCKEPACK Storybook Prize. The winner was the Canadian book “I Talk Like a River” by Jordan Scott and Sydney Smith.

Film camera chalkboard and roll on wooden table

Film and Ecology: International Bremen Conference

The relationship between nature and film is the focus of the 26th International Bremen Film Conference, which will be held at Bremen's "Kommunalkino Kino 46" cinema from May 18 to 21, 2022. The University of Bremen is involved with the Film Studies group from the Faculty of Cultural Studies.


Ten Scholarships Offered for Afghan Students

Together with the HERE AHEAD Academy, the University of Bremen is offering ten scholarships. The scholarships are aimed at students who were unable to begin or complete their bachelor's or master's studies after the Taliban took power in their country.


The BEST Set-Up: University Opens Research Centre for Energy Systems

Bremen Research Centre for Energy Systems has been opened at the University of Bremen. Professors from varying disciplines will carry out interdisciplinary work on the diverse challenges faced by this broad field at the centre.

Four young people wearing orange high-visibility vests stand on a railing and look down into a huge hall. The word "pilot" is written on their vests. The picture is taken from behind.

Strong in Research and Great Support for the Start of Studies

The University of Bremen provides good support at the start of studies, and it is a research-strong university. This has been confirmed by the results of the current CHE Ranking. The ranking examines more than 300 universities and universities of applied sciences throughout Germany.

Young woman and young man stand in front of roll up and smile at camera

CAMPUS AWARD Goes to Law and Biology Didactics Scholars

Frogs in Ecuador who have sued their country and teaching materials that give students a better understanding of sustainability and modern agriculture. This is what the papers that received this year's "CAMPUS AWARD: Research for a Sustainable Future" are all about.

Microphone on TV moderation desk in soccer stadium

Sports Communication: The University at the Stadium

In the summer semester, linguists at the University of Bremen are organizing the first linguistic lecture series on the topic of "Sports Communication. Language, Media, Culture – Interdisciplinary Perspectives." Some of the events will take place in the Ostkurvensaal of the Weser Stadium.

University of Bremen

Diversity@Uni Bremen Event Series

What do social background and educational success have to do with each other? This question is the focus of the Diversity@Uni Bremen event series. The aim is to shed light on classist discrimination and to ask what measures are needed to achieve educational equity.

Two girls sit at a table and work with colorful geometric shapes. In the background you can see other children.

Kids’ University: Online Lectures and Workshops on Campus

The University of Bremen invites you to the renowned Kids' University from May 30, to June 7, 2022. Girls and boys between the ages of 8 and 12 can discover exciting areas of research together with scientists – on campus and digitally.

[Translate to English:] Junge Fau auf einer Treppe

“Die Sünde des Andersartigen zu riskieren”: A Play about a Woman Declared Incompetent

What is “crazy”? This question is at the center of a play based on the story of Hedwig D., who was declared incompetent in 1908. The History Department and the Center for Performance Studies/Theater of Assemblage have developed a play based on her story.

Roboterfußballer vom B-Human-Team

RoboCup German Open 2022: B-Human Triumphs in Hamburg

Winning the title without conceding a single goal: B-Human – the robot soccer team from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) – has once again won the RoboCup German Open. In Hamburg, the Bremen team won all eight matches.

State and University Library Bremen

State and University Library and Parliament Digitization Project Launches

In the future, those interested in politics will be able to read contemporary historical documents from the Bremen Parliament digitally. The State and University Library Bremen has begun digitizing parliament documents and minutes from 1823 up to the publication of online editions in 1999.

Aerial view of research vessel in ice.

Making Shipping in Ice Regions Safer

Sea ice is declining significantly due to climate change. This means a rethinking of shipping is necessary: increasing navigation decisions in ice-covered waters require a detailed assessment of the ice situation. The FAST-CAST 2 project aims to make a decisive contribution to route planning.

Logo of University of Bremen

For the Third Time: University Wins "Eine Uni - ein Buch" Competition

For the third time, the University of Bremen has won the "Eine Uni - ein Buch" competition. What is unusual this year is that the book is yet to be written. The plan is to produce a collection of poems that can be used in the classroom. The project is being funded with 10,000 Euros.

Flags on the campus of the university

Large Conference in Bremen Next Year

The annual conference of the German Communication Association will take place at the University of Bremen next year. At the invitation of ZeMKI, more than 300 experts will discuss the transformation of digital communication from May 18 to 20, 2023.

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On Campus Now: University of Bremen’s “50 Reasons WHY” Exhibition

The University of Bremen's “50 Reasons WHY” anniversary exhibition has moved to the campus. You can see it now and over the whole summer semester in MZH Building (1st floor) and in the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB).

Students from different disciplines can take part in the diverse live-online formats.

Career Camp: Career Tips for Everyone

More than 40 companies and institutions will introduce themselves as employers during a career week at the University of Bremen. "Career Camp" 2022 offers students the opportunity to participate in career-orienting, profile-sharpening events as well as informative events on starting a career.

Studio, live, broadcast, on air.

Register Now: Media Practice Week

Exciting events and first impressions of the communications and media sector in Bremen are being offered by the Media Practice Week of the University of Bremen from April 4 - 8, 2022. Students are once more organizing the five-day networking event this year. You can register now.

Zwei Männer

Top Research University Receives Two ERC Grants

Top research university: Two professors receive an ERC grant, one of the European Research Council's most highly endowed awards. Engineering scientist Andreas Fischer and marine scientist Jan-Hendrik Hehemann will each receive around 2 million euros for their foundation research.

Young woman and young man standing in front of a table with a 3D model of a building.

Students Work on Possible City Campus

The possibility of a partial university relocation to the former Sparkasse Bank building is being discussed and the science authority has ordered a feasibility study. The matter is something that students have considered. The "3D Modeling with FabLab Technologies" class invites you to an exhibition.

Language Course

Start Spring with Offers from the Languages Centre

Semester courses for 19 languages will soon be offered again by the Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen (SZHB). They will begin after Easter and last 15 weeks. The courses are also open to guest students and, according to current plans, will be held in a classroom setting.

Universität Bremen

Petition Against Russian Attack on Ukraine

The University of Bremen has signed a petition from the “New University in Exile Consortium.” In it, the consortium condemns the Russian attack on Ukraine and declares its solidarity with Ukrainians, but also with the people protesting against the attack in Russia.

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Research Cluster Investigates Participation in Neighborhoods

How can Bremen become fit for the health challenges of the future? That is one of the questions being investigated by the joint research cluster of the University of Bremen, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, and APOLLON University of Health within the Integrated Health Campus Bremen.

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dekoder Special on Dissent in the USSR

The University of Bremen is investigating the loud and quiet acts of resistance against the authoritarian state with the Grimme Online Award winner "dekoder – Decoding Russia." The special edition entitled "Being Different – Dissent in the Soviet Union" tells the stories of dissidents.


Studying in Bremen and Bremerhaven

The universities in Bremen State will introduce themselves and provide information on their degree offers and application processes at a joint online event, which will take place twice. Namely on March 17 and on May 31, 2022, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.

An agricultural machine in action on a field. In the background you can see forest and blue sky.

An Autonomous Vehicle for the Agriculture of the Future

Researchers from the University of Bremen and Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences are working with Lower Saxony-based agricultural machinery manufacturer NEXAT GmbH on the autonomization of an electrically powered, multifunctional vehicle for the agriculture of the future.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Largest Educational Science Congress in Bremen for the First Time

The Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences at the University of Bremen, together with the German Educational Research Association (DGfE), is organizing the largest online congress in this field in Germany to date, with around 1,700 participants. The topic is "Dissolving Boundaries."

Forschung im Labor

On the Path to the Next Generation of Energy Storage Systems

Aqueous zinc-ion batteries without any risk of explosion or fire - this is supposed to be the next generation of energy storage devices. A team from the University of Bremen has now outlined the main challenges that we face in the renowned scientific journal Nature Communications.

Image with blossoming cherry trees and red chairs on campus

University of Bremen Conferences in March

The Faculty of Educational Sciences is hosting the major congress of the German Educational Research Association in March. In the field of teacher education, the Bremen sub-project "Digi-Spotlights" of the federal-state program "Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung" invites participants to a symposium.

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Professor Jutta Günther to Become New President of University of Bremen

The University of Bremen will have a new president starting September 1, 2022. The Academic Senate elected Professor Jutta Günther for the role on March 2. She will replace Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, who will retire at the end of August after ten years in office.

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University Reduces Ties to Russia to a Minimum

The University is reducing its ties to Russia to a minimum. At the same time, it declares its solidarity with Russian researchers who have written an open letter against the war in Ukraine. Additionally, there are offers of assistance for refugees.


When Fuel Sloshes Dangerously: New Research Findings

Coffee sloshing over the rim of a cup: annoying, but bearable. Sloshing fuel in rockets or tankers: more dangerous. Dr. Kerstin Avila from the University of Bremen conducts research on this topic and on turbulence - with success, as two outstanding publications now show.

Care work is an indispensable contribution to our society, but its effectiveness runs under the radar of public perception and appreciation.

Equal Care Day 2022: Shining a Light on Care Work

Equal Care Day regularly draws attention to the importance of a fair and equal distribution of care work. On March 1, this year's day of action will take place in four cities and virtually.


ProMentes: Students in Graduating Phase and Dedicated Executives Required

In September, the University of Bremen's career-oriented mentoring program ProMentes will enter its twelfth round. For ten months, committed executives from business, culture, and administration will advise and mentor students and graduates who are about to enter professional life.

Flags on the campus of the university

Bremen Thesis Award 2021 for Outstanding Final Theses

The "unifreunde" Association of the Friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University will digitally award the Bremen Thesis Prize for outstanding final theses on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, starting at 6 p.m. A special prize will be sponsored by Bruker Daltonics GmbH & Co. KG.

Portrait of a woman with short gray hair and glasses. She wears a black jacket with a red scarf.

Minister of State Appoints Director of SuUB Bremen to Advisory Board

The Minister of State for Culture and Media Claudia Roth has appointed Maria Elisabeth Müller, Director of the State and University Library (SuUB) Bremen, to the Advisory Board of the Coordination Office for the Preservation of Written Cultural Heritage (KEK).

Logo of the University of Bremen

WHO Assessment: Health Problems due to Social Differences

Socially disadvantaged population groups in Europe are most frequently affected by environmental pollution and housing conditions. This is the conclusion reached by the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) in a data analysis commissioned by WHO.

Senioren mit Handy

Digital Participation in Older Age: Support Demand Higher than Expected

Many older people need help with the accelerated world of digitalization. A study carried out by the university’s Institute for Information Management Bremen (ifib) has investigated for the first time what support older “offliners” and also “onliners” need on a communal level.

Barrierefreies Assistenzsystem

Digitalization to Support Handicapped People

Digitalization offers diverse opportunities for the integration of handicapped people into the working world. BIBA– Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics at the University of Bremen and the Bremer Berufsbildungswerk are developing a novel assistance system in this field.

Three macaques are staying in an indoor enclosure. One is sitting on a small wooden hut, another on a thick branch. The third is on the floor, which is covered with litter. All animals wear a metal mount on their heads. In the enclosure hangs a car tire on a rope as a plaything.

Freedom of Science: Court Rules in Favor of University of Bremen Brain Researcher

The experiments carried out at the Brain Research Institute of the University of Bremen are legal and must be authorized by the responsible health authority. The Bremen Administrative Court announced this on Friday, February 4, 2022.

A boy is sitting on a chair with an electrode cap on his head. A young woman stands next to him and works on the cap. Another young woman is watching on the right.

District Scavenger Hunt and Robot Programing

The University of Bremen is coordinating the regional “meerMINT” cluster, which is being financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The activities on offer span from district scavenger hunts to robot programing and jam sessions. Children between the ages of 10 and 16 can take part.

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Room for Discussion: European Media Salon

A joint initiative from communication and media researchers from Germany, Estonia, Finland, Great Britain, Italy, and Sweden has been brought to life in order to portray the European public in the form of a media salon. The series is open to all researchers.

Uni von oben

Close Cooperation with Top International Academics

The University of Bremen is collaborating with renowned, international academics - even during the pandemic. Four additional research cooperations have been established as part of the U Bremen Excellence Chairs initiative.

Flags of the University of Bremen in front of the MZH building.

future concepts bremen: Innovative Solutions in 100 Days

University students present digital innovations - from AI applications for small and medium-sized companies to e-commerce in retail, digital marketing between companies, and digital solutions to win over trained staff. The “DemoDay” will take place via Zoom at 9 a.m. on February 2.

A futuristic glowing CPU quantum computer processor. 3D illustration.

Award for Pioneers of Quantum Computers

Researchers have been honored for their work, as they laid important foundations for today’s software solutions for quantum computers. Their paper was created as part of a student project at the University of Bremen over ten years ago.

Logo of the University of Bremen

University of Bremen Postpones Degree Course

The university must postpone the planned start of the “Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy” master’s degree. This was decided by the Academic Senate on January 26, 2022. It was initially planned that the course commence with around 30 spots in the coming winter semester 2022/23.

autonomous caregiver robot is holding a elastic bandage, giving it to an senior adult woman

Project Aims to Strengthen Artificial Intelligence in Nursing

The number of people in need of care will clearly increase in the coming years. Artificial intelligence (AI) methods can support nursing staff with their work. Researchers from the University of Bremen are investigating how the implementation of artificial intelligence in nursing can be successful.

Universität Bremen

Conferences at the University of Bremen in February 2022

The challenges of modern logistics as well as trends in the field of testing methods and reliability of circuits and systems - those are the topics of two conferences in February 2022.

Picture shows work under a microscope

University of Bremen Receives Millions in Funding for Technology Transfer

It is an important step from basic research to technology transfer: The EU will provide Professor Rita Groß-Hardt and her team, together with KWS - one of the world's leading plant breeding companies, and potato breeder Aardevo, with highly regarded funding of around 2.5 million euros.

[Translate to English:] Stolpersteine auf der Straße

Day of Remembrance: Geosciences in Nazi Times

How did Jewish geologists fare in Nazi times? How did the big expeditions between both World Wars influence the politicization of science? The Faculty of Geosciences invites interested persons to listen to two public, online talks at 4 p.m. on January 27, 2022.

Men and women stand in front of large granite stone balls on a green area in front of a building

“Boule-Spiel”: A New Piece of Art on Campus

You have probably already noticed it – the University of Bremen has a new piece of art on campus. For a while now, “Boule-Spiel” by the artist Bernd Uiberall has stood in front of the administration building in the Garden of Nations.

Female physician listening to her patient during consultation.

Informed Contraceptive Choice: Project Optimizes Guidelines

Those who are looking for the right contraception method need evidence-based information. The joint “GenDivInfo” project of the universities in Bremen and Halle is developing a concept for guidelines so that they provide information that is suitable for laypersons.


Climate Change Is Endangering Biodiversity in Hedges

Northern and Western Europe are characterized by hedge landscapes. A Europe-wide study, in which the University of Bremen is involved, has investigated the effect of the climate and care on biodiversity in said hedges. The result: Climate change has an effect here too.


Bremen Days of Ethnographic Film

A variety of interesting films from around the globe are being shown at this year’s Bremen Days of Ethnographic Film by the Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research, University of Bremen. The online and hybrid festival will take place from January 18 to 20, 2022, for the tenth time.

Würfel mit Buchstaben

Languages Centre Offers Classes for Everyone

The Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen is offering a diverse online program from February to April 2022. Those who are thinking about refreshing their language skills or even learning a new language are in the right place. Participation is open to all Bremen citizens.

Hand using smartphone with Social media concept

How It Is Possible to Spread Less Misinformation

Fake news related to COVID-19 and vaccinations is circulating - especially on the internet. Researchers from the University of Bremen have developed a method that supports users in sharing less fake news on social media.


Summer Semester 2022: Apply Now!

From Applied Philosophy to Physics and Mathematics - the University of Bremen will be taking on new students in one bachelor’s course and 13 master’s courses in the coming summer semester. Applications can be submitted until January 15, 2022.

Die Virtuelle Akademie stärkt Nachhaltigkeit in der Online-Lehre

University of Bremen Strengthens Sustainability in Online Classes

After ten years of third-party funding from the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) and the Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BMBF), the Virtual Academy of Sustainability has now become a permanent scientific institute at the University of Bremen.

Logo of the University of Bremen

University of the Future: Panel Debate with Top-Class Guests

“University of the Future.” It is under this title that the University of Bremen is inviting those interested to the last event in the “Looking Back – Looking Forward. A Foray into 50 Years of the University of Bremen” series. The public panel discussion will take place digitally from 6 to 8 p.m.

Korallenbleiche eines Riffes bei Mahé, Seychellen.

Young Corals Provide Insight into Recovery from Coral Bleaching

The number of young corals can reveal how reefs are recovering from coral bleaching. A new study from the University of Bremen, which was recently published in “PLOS ONE” journal, has shown this.

RV Meteor

Study on Oxygen Content in the Deep Sea

In a study recently published in the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Science” journal (PNAS), researchers were able to show that circulation in the deep ocean was significantly slowed down during glacial periods.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Outstanding Research by Pupils

On December 3, 2021, the University of Bremen and the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation honored pupils from the region for their outstanding prescientific papers. The Dr. Hans Riegel Awards are endowed with a total of 6,400 euros.

Eva-Maria Feichtner überreicht Kameel Khoury den DAAD-Preis für hervorragende Leistungen ausländischer Studierender.

DAAD Prize for Kameel Khoury

Student Kameel Khoury has been awarded the DAAD Prize for outstanding achievements of foreign students. The native of Syria was honored for his immense commitment to society and scientific achievements. The award is endowed with 1,000 euros.

Juliane Jarke, Irina Zakharova, Jan Harima, Nina Heinrichs

Berninghausen Prize: Four Teaching Staff Members Honored

Four teaching staff members from the University of Bremen have received the Berninghausen Prize for Excellence in Teaching. The prizes were awarded in the categories “Participative Teaching” and “Students’ Prize” and are each endowed with 2,000 euros.

Screenshot of the awarding ceremony

Deutschlandstipendium Scholarships Awarded

They stand out due to their great achievements and are active in the community: 116 students from the University of Bremen will receive a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship. The scholarship includes financial support as well as comprehensive accompanying offers.

Close-up of man with glasses looking at a glass flask in which condensed water can be seen.

A Stumbling Sponge, Secret Scriptures, and Burning Aluminum

Once again this year, the teams led by environmental physicist Justus Notholt and the chemist Stephan Leupold are creating a digital natural science advent calendar. Every day from December 1 to 24, you can watch an experiment on the University of Bremen’s YouTube channel.

[Translate to English:] Lernszene mit Student und Studentinnen an Tischen.

CHE Ranking: Good Grades for Master’s Degrees

Praise for the university in the current CHE Ranking: Master’s degrees in mathematics, computer science, and physics receive great marks. Additionally, students praised the university’s management for information management during the corona crisis.

Yasemin Karakaşoğlu in ihrem Büro.

Order of Merit for Yasemin Karakaşoğlu

On Friday, December 3, 2021, Professor Yasemin Karakaşoğlu from the University of Bremen will receive the Federal Republic of Germany’s Order of Merit together with seven other women and seven men at Bellevue Palace.

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50 Reasons WHY Exhibition Now at Weserpark

After the “50 Reasons Why” exhibition of the University of Bremen was on display at the Lower Town Hall, you can now visit it at Weserpark shopping mall in Bremen-Osterholz.

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Success for Social Sciences Collaborative Research Center at University of Bremen

The German Research Foundation (DFG) will continue the CRC 1342 “Global Dynamics of Social Policy.” This will encompass funding of around 15 million euros over the next four years. The second funding phase will begin on January 1, 2022.

A school pupil working with a microscope.

The MARUM University School Lab Opens: More Room for Learning

New rooms for younger generations: For the past 20 years, the MARUM University School Lab has connected schools and the university. After a break caused by the pandemic and renovation work, the team is now inviting groups to the new and remodeled labs on the University of Bremen campus.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Music and Time: Concert with Singer Anna Depenbusch

What does music have to do with time? A great deal. Norman Sieroka, professor of theoretical philosophy at the University of Bremen, has organized a concert. At 7 p.m. on December 4, improvisations and chansons in the Kulturkirche St. Stephani will focus on the sound of time.

Sorgen für mehr Chancengleichheit im Leistungssport und haben bei den diesjährigen CAMPUSiDEEN von BRIDGE den 2. Platz in der Kategorie Geschäftskonzepte erhalten: Laura Elbers, Miguel Bebensee, Lina Soffner (von links).

14th Bremen StartUp-Lounge

“Realization” is the motto of the 14th Bremen StartUp Lounge, which will take place as a home edition on November 24. The event organizer is the university network BRIDGE, a central point of contact for students and members of Bremen’s universities for all matters surrounding starting a business.

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“Just Change the World” – Talk Series from the 3nach9 TV Studio

Marking its 50th anniversary, the university and its alumni network invite you to an online talk series starting at 6 p.m. on November 17, 2021. Distinguished guests will discuss global challenges in space, in Africa, and in climate protection, and talk about the early days of the university.

Logo of the University of Bremen

DFG to Fund Research Training Group

A great success for the promotion of early career researchers at the University of Bremen. The DFG has approved the “Contradiction Studies” research training group for an initial period of four and a half years. The funding amount is around 4.5 million euros between 2022 and 2026.

View of two hands holding mobile phone, flyer and pen. The display shows the projects for voting.

The Golden Plietsch: 10,000 Euros for Smart Bikes

The “BIND: Bike Friend” project receives the Golden Plietsch foundation prize of the University of Bremen. The project aims to use smart bicycles to ensure greater safety and sustainability on the roads. The winners were recently selected at the House of Science.

Rektor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Sporanistin Corinna Reynolds, Nationaldichter Ifor ap Glyn, Vice-Chancellor Colin Riordan (v.l.)

Bremen-Cardiff Alliance: “The Future Is European”

Students and staff from both universities profit from the strategic partnership of the Bremen-Cardiff Alliance - even in times of the corona pandemic. That is what University President Bernd Scholz-Reiter and Vice-Chancellor Colin Riordan underscored during the “Wales in Bremen” event.

Zeichnung von Leuten rund um einen Tisch

Demand for School Qualification Reform

Alongside learning a second foreign language, a successful language exam in a language of choice should also be recognized for German high school graduation finals. That is what a research and development project about transnational mobility at the University of Bremen is encouraging.

Fahnen mit dem Logo der Universität Bremen

University of Bremen Conferences in November

In November, the University of Bremen is involved in the FIS Forum, a conference that will be held in a hybrid format at the University of Duisburg-Essen. The newly founded “Deutsche Institut für Interdisziplinäre Sozialpolitikforschung” (DIFIS) is the host.

Analog-Astronautin und-Astronaut während eines Außeneinsatzes in der Negev-Wüste.

University of Bremen Involved in Mars Simulation

AMADEE-20: That is the name of the simulated Mars mission of the Austrian Space Forum, which was carried out in the Israeli Negev Desert. More than 25 experiments were carried out there. Two projects from the University of Bremen, namely INTERTEAM and MarsLock, were also involved in the research.

Logo des Forschungsprojektes

Protection of Staff Data as Competitive Advantage

Operation optimization by means of recording staff data and protecting said data at the same time does not always have to be a contradiction. The university project “Success through Employee Data Protection” wants to turn the supposed problem of data protection into a competitive advantage.


Study on Pregnancy Terminations

Why do some women decide to terminate their pregnancy? A study carried out by the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Bremen has found out that disruptive, biographical experiences have a significant influence.

Black lettering with colored graphic elements around it

30,000 Euros for Bright Minds

To mark 50 years of the University of Bremen, the university foundation, its sheltered foundations, and the alumni association will be awarding the “Golden Plietsch” sponsorship prize to courageous and innovative projects at a public event at the House of Science on November 1, 2021.

Logo of the University of Bremen

“Looking Back – Looking Forward” Lecture Series Continues

This winter semester, “A Foray into 50 Years of the University of Bremen” will continue. Four lectures will focus on topics such as the early days of the university, project-based courses, and the West German women’s movement. Kickoff is at 6 p.m. on October 28, 2021.

[Translate to English:] YUFE-Postdoc-Program

Launch of YUFE’s Postdoc Program

Within the framework of the postdoc program, it is possible to research as a postdoc at several YUFE partner institutions. The first postdocs started their research activities at various locations this fall. Applications for the second round are open until December 10.

Durch das Programm führt die preisgekrönte Comedienne, Schauspielerin und Youtuberin Idil Baydar alias Jilet Ayşe.

Curtain Up: Against Stereotypes, Obstacles, and Gender Clichés

To mark its 50th birthday, the University of Bremen is hosting its first Equality Slam. The event, which is a take on the traditional poetry slam, focuses on the topic of (in)equality at universities and in science. The slam will take place at the Schwankhalle and online at 8 p.m. on October 29.

Chemiker Stephan Leupold bei der Physik-Chemie-Show der Uni Bremen

CAMPUS CITY: Registration Still Possible

CAMPUS CITY has begun: To mark its 50th birthday, the University of Bremen is presenting itself in Bremen’s city center until October 30. The successful first event was a science show last weekend. It is still possible to register for upcoming events.

Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter is standing in the campus park. You can see the MZH building in the background.

State University Presidents’ Conference Statement

Before the coalition negotiations start in Berlin, the Bremen universities have stated their support for the demands made by the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) to the partners in government: A focus must be placed on the strengthening of the university system in a possible coalition agreement.


50 Years of the University of Bremen: An Asset for the State

The founding of the university 50 years ago was celebrated with a senate reception in the town hall. Mayor Bovenschulte, Bremen Parliament Vice President Dogan, and University President Scholz-Reiter held speeches at the ceremony. The European Commissioner for Research, Gabriel, sent a video message

Europe flag against blue sky

Ten European universities Meet in Bremen

To mark the University’s 50th anniversary, the annual YUFE Alliance meeting is being held in Bremen on October 13 and 14, 2021. Among others, political representatives of the respective YUFE regions will attend – including Bremen’s Mayor and the Bremen Senator for Science.


Orientation Week on Campus

The University of Bremen is welcoming its first-semester students on campus again this year. The orientation week, in short o-week, will take place from Monday, October 11 to Friday, October 15 - one week before the face-to-face lectures start.

[Translate to English:] Frau mit Maske und Smartphone

Institute Needs Participants for Corona Study

The Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) is looking for participants for a new study. The research topic: “What do our daily lives look like with corona and how does it make us feel?”. Everyone who is over 18 and owns a smartphone can take part.

Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Florian Pronold

“Most Recycling-Paper-Friendly University”

The University of Bremen has received the title of the “most recycling-paper-friendly university.” President Bernd Scholz-Reiter accepted the award in Berlin on Tuesday, October 5, 2021.

The word WHY in large letters with the university logo standing on a marketplace with people. In the background city hall and cathedral.

The University Is Coming to Town

The university is coming to town from mid-October with lectures, workshops, science shows, guided city tours, talks, and the 50 Reasons WHY exhibition. Additionally, a celebratory reception will be held at City Hall on October 14 – the historic date on which the university was founded in 1971.

On a meadow that stretches to the horizon, you can see a construction sign with the inscription "University of Bremen".

Staged Reading on the Founding of the University

“From the Files to the Stage” – the joint project between the University of Bremen and bremer shakespeare company will stage a special anniversary reading at Bremen State Parliament building. It is about the long way to becoming a university town. Opening night is at 7 p.m. on October 11, 2021.


“Praxisbörse”: Career Choice Support

The University of Bremen’s “Praxisbörse” career fair offers insights into fields of work and is a great chance for first talks with companies. This year’s fair will take place in the Glass Hall on campus between October 5 and 7 (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Attractive employers will present their companies.

[Translate to English:] Jan Elsner, Janina Clasen und Dr. Jens Pelzetter

CAMPUSiDEEN 2021 Projects Honored

This year, the start-up competition “CAMPUSiDEEN” once more honored the best ideas on the Bremen university landscape. The digital awarding ceremony took place on Wednesday, September 29, 2021. Three winners for each of the categories “Business Ideas” and “Business Plans” were chosen.


Groundbreaking research success: Speaking by imagining

Groundbreaking research success: Computer scientists at the University of Bremen have succeeded in an international project to realize a so-called speech neuroprosthetic. With it, imagined speech can be made acoustically audible.

Portrait einer Frau mit Zopf.

Artificial Intelligence: The Promise, the Myth, and a Pinch of Reality?

All interested parties are invited to partake in the talk, which will focus on artificial intelligence, in the Schütting building at 6 p.m. on Thursday, October 7. The talk marks the start of the 33rd Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche conference on the topic of data science.

Sprachlehrerin schreibt chinesische Zeichen an eine Tafel

In-Person Language Classes in the Winter Semester

Those who want to freshen up their language skills or even learn a new language have many options at the Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen. Courses for 18 different languages and on different skill levels are on offer. Most courses will take place face-to-face.

Portrait of an old man

Senghaas Lecture on Failed Afghan Peace Process

The failed Afghan peace process is the focus of the sixth Senghaas Lecture of the University of Bremen. Professor Hans-Joachim Gießmann from Bremen will visit the House of Science at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, September 29, and hold a talk entitled “Kriege beenden, aber wie?” (Ending Wars - But How?)

Logo of the University of Bremen

Foundations as Driving Forces: Campaign Day on October 01

How are Bremen foundations sources of societal change? This question will be asked at the “Zusammen gestalten wir Zukunft” campaign day at House of Science, to which the University of Bremen Foundation and Stiftungshaus Bremen invite you on October 01, 2021. Registration is open until September 28.

Neubau Architektur

4,000 Square Meters for Deep-Sea Research

At the corner of Leobener Straße and Hochschulring, the new Center for Deep-Sea Research (ZfT) is being built. Located next to the University of Bremen’s MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, research into fundamental deep-sea processes will be conducted.

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Let’s Hear if the Painting Hangs Crooked

Psychoacoustic sonification: This term refers to the expression of data in form of sound rather than though visualization. Students at the University of Bremen have now used this technology to create an acoustic spirit level, which is available free of charge in the form of the “Tiltification" App.


The Smart Fence for Keeping Out Wolves

A joint project of the universities of Bremen and Gießen and the RoFlexs company is researching and developing a pasture fence that uses AI to detect and deter wolves. The system is designed to better protect grazing livestock and promote coexistence among people, livestock, and wolves.

Frau am PC

Lecture on the Digitalization of Academic Education

“Digitalization of Academic Education – Everything Back to Pre-COVID Times or Digital Transformation?” is the topic of the discussion at the 12th Conrad Naber “Visions” lecture, organized by unifreunde and the University of Bremen. It takes place on Monday, September 20, 2021 at “Die Glocke.”

Inventation to CampusIdeen

CAMPUSiDEEN 2021: Digital Awards Ceremony

Once again, this year, the CAMPUSiDEEN competition honors the best startup ideas from Bremen’s university landscape. The digital awards ceremony will be held at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, September 29, 2021. The finalists include nine business ideas and five business concepts. Anyone interested is welcome

 Mangroves and small salt marsh in Brazil.

Research Mission Investigates the Ocean as a Carbon Store

How can the ocean help to effectively contain climate change? This question forms the core of the first research mission of the German Marine Research Alliance (DAM), which has just started. The University of Bremen plays a significant role in two projects.

Flags on the campus of the university

University of Bremen Conferences in September 2021

Three conferences will take place at the University of Bremen in September 2021. They focus on experimental fluid mechanics, advanced training in mathematics, and an interdisciplinary debate surrounding the Anthropocene.

[Translate to English:] Ausgedörrter Acker

University of Bremen Researcher Contributes to World Climate Report

Professor Veronika Eyring from the University of Bremen and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) is involved in the IPCC report that was presented on August 9, 2021. The climate researcher is the coordinating principle author of the “Human Influence on the Climate System” chapter.

equipment in front of sunset.

University Involved in Important Climate Research Program

Better forecasts for air quality, weather, and climate: The University of Bremen is one of eleven German institutions contributing to the EU research infrastructure ACTRIS. The scientific location of Bremen is being strengthened immensely in the German field of atmosphere and climate research.

Frau am Computer

Start of PRAXIS Summer Camps 2021 at University

84 students, 25 industry partners, three weeks of project time - at the university’s 5th PRAXIS Summer Camp (PSC21), students are focusing on real tasks from company operations. The points of focus are digitalization, health, innovation management, new work, communication, and media.

The photo is divided into two parts: The left side shows an intact coral reef with the water surface; the other a bleached one.

World Coral Reef Conference: Reef Protection of Global Significance

The 14th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS) – the first virtual and climate-neutral world coral reef conference – will end on July 23, 2021. Around 1,300 participants from 80 countries were involved. A strategy paper demanding the saving of damaged coral reefs worldwide has been completed.


Trustworthy Electronics: Network Project Develops Novel Know-How Protection

Self-driving cars, service robots, communication: Our daily lives are increasingly influenced by microelectronics that we have to trust. Within a network project, the Institute of Theoretical Electrical Engineering and Microelectronics is carrying out research on expert knowledge.


Open6GHub – University of Bremen Conducts Research on Next Generation Wireless Communication

Extremely fast, energy-efficient, fail-safe – and extremely complex: The German government is funding research on the next generation 6G wireless systems with up to 250 million euros. University of Bremen experts play a key role in this research.

On stage, wearing a mask and adhering to social distancing rules: University of Bremen students during a rehearsal of a play by Jean-Paul Sartre.

Against War: Theater InCognito Plays Sartre

The Theater InCognito group of the University of Bremen invites you to the premiere in the theatre hall on campus at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, July 27, 2021. They perform Jean-Paul Sartre’s adaptation of “Euripides’ Trojan Women”.


New Trust Foundation Supports Equal Opportunities at the University

The promotion of equal opportunities is a high priority at the University of Bremen. A new trust foundation wants to support this. Dr. Hella and Bernhard Baumeister want to contribute to the breaking down of structural disadvantages in this way.

Old document with handwritten text and seal

Estate of Egyptologist Adolf Erman Accessible Digitally

The Bremen State and University Library (SuUB) is finalizing a major digitalization project: The estate of the founder of modern Egyptology, Adolf Erman, is significant for the history of science and now accessible digitally free of charge.


Graphene-Like Materials: University Involved in Priority Program

Graphene is considered the “wonder material of the future” because it makes entirely new products and applications possible - however, it is now only one of many atom-thin materials. The university is also involved in the research surrounding these “van der Waals materials” with three projects.

Young woman wearing a mask is looking at her mobile phone

High Willingness to Share Health Data

In the pandemic, many people have been prepared to make their health data available for research purposes. This is an important finding from a study on the behavior of the corona data-contribution app users. The study also provides information for future crisis technologies.

[Translate to English:] Die beiden Preisträger mit Konrektorin Jutta Günther

Prize for Doctoral Supervision Awarded

For the second time, the University of Bremen has honored outstanding PhD supervision. Two first prizes were awarded to the political scholar Heiko Pleines and the computer scientist Rolf Drechsler. The Alumni Network of the University of Bremen donated the prize money of 2,000 euros per person.


BIBA Project Optimizes Use of Straddle Carriers

Digitalization in ports has the potential to optimize processes and thus strengthen container terminals in global competition. That is the result of research carried out by BIBA - Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics GmbH at the University of Bremen. Straddle carriers were the focus.

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International Marine Geosciences

Rising sea levels, CO2 storage in the oceans, possible consequences of deep sea mining. These and other pressing issues of the future are on the curriculum of the new international Marine Geosciences bachelor’s degree at the University of Bremen. Applications can be submitted until July 31, 2021.

[Translate to English:] Fahnen mit Logo vor Universität Bremen

“Young Entrepreneurs in Science Campus”

Engaging early-career researchers in the subject of business startups: This is the objective of Young Entrepreneurs in Science (YES). The University of Bremen supports the YES program. It is one of eleven universities to have received the “Young Entrepreneurs in Science Campus" certificate.

[Translate to English:] Blick auf Riff und Strand mit Palmen

Endangered Coral Reefs in Focus

From July 19 to 23, 2021, the university is organizing digitally the world’s largest coral reef conference. The International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS) is also scheduled to take place in person in Bremen in 2022. It is the first time in the over 50-year history of the ICRS that the conference will

[Translate to English:] Teacher in a Classroom

Teacher Education: Info Event

Those who wish to study teacher education surely have many questions. Prospective students will have a good chance to gain an insight into the structure and content of such a degree at the online event “Lehramt studieren an der Uni Bremen.” The event will take place at 3 p.m. on Monday, July 12.

Studierende schauen gemeinsam auf einen Laptotbildschirm
Beschäftigtenportal| Uni-Allgemein|

AI: Government Supports Bremen as Scientific Location

The government and state initiative “Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education” is supporting two University of Bremen projects. By doing so, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is strengthening Bremen’s position as a scientific location in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).

Obst und Gemüse

Regional Done Right - What Bremen Has to Offer!

A topic that is getting more attention all the time: A sustainable diet in Bremen. On Monday, July 5, 2021, (2 to 6 p.m.), students from the University of Bremen are organizing the online event “Richtig regional - Was Bremen alles zu bieten hat!” The event is open to everyone.

Würfel mit Buchstaben

Languages Centre Summer Classes

The Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen is offering a diverse online program from July to October 2021. Those who are thinking about refreshing their language skills or even learning a new language are in the right place. Participation is open to all Bremen citizens.

Logo of the University of Bremen

University of Bremen Conferences in July 2021

In July 2021, the university is organizing two conferences. One of them is the largest coral reef conference worldwide: the International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS). At the same time, an international conference in the field of automata theory will take place.

Studierende im Seminarraum

Social Science Further Training Course

In September 2021, the next two-year “Social Science Basic Training” course will start. Adults can acquire knowledge of social science basic training and develop action possibilities for social-political work in this unique part-time degree. The registration deadline is August 31, 2021.


Global Communities: Traveling Open-Air Cinema

University of Bremen students are showing films in the Gröpelingen district. On each second Friday from July 2, to August 27, feature films and documentaries will be shown at different locations. A supporting program with live music and art installations will begin at 8:30 p.m.

Robots on a playing field. The one on the right kicks the ball.

B-Human Wins RoboCup Once Again

They remain unbeatable: For the eighth time, B-Human – the team from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) – were able to win the world championship in robot football. The tournament took place digitally due to the pandemic.

Black and white photo. Assembly with men and women. In the foreground two men shake hands

In Focus: Decolonization and One-Third Parity

As part of a series marking the university’s 50th birthday, two talks will focus on decolonization and the co-determination right of students in the form of one-third parity, which was in force at the university until 1977. The talks will take place via Zoom at 6 p.m. on July 1 and July 8, 2021.

Englische Postkarte "Our Gipsy Visitors" („Unsere Zigeuner-Gäste“) von 1906, die deutsche Sinti und Roma in Großbritannien zeigt.

And Where To Now? Scenic Reading on Discrimination of Sinti and Roma

The discrimination of Sinti and Roma in the German Empire is the topic of the 16th reading of the “From the Files to the Stage” series. The premiere will be at Theater am Leibnizplatz on June 25, 2021, and will also be available live and for free on the web.


Exhibition on Identity and the Daily Lives of Queer People

Queer life - what exactly does it mean? The “LGBTwho+?” exhibition that can be seen in windows in Bremen and online from Saturday, June 26, to the end of July 2021, will address this question. The idea for the exhibition came from cultural studies students. They want to give the queer scene a voice.

View of building with the lettering Cognium

Brain Research: Advantages of Multi-Electrode Mat

Epidural multi-electrode mats are an important technology of the future for the diagnosis, treatment, and therapy of neuropsychiatric illnesses. University researchers have developed such a mat. Their current findings have now been published in the Nature journal “Communications Biology.”

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DFG Funding: Heisenberg Position for Geoscientist

Dr. Michael Fischer from the Faculty of Geosciences will receive Heisenberg funding. The program from the German Research Foundation (DFG) enables extraordinary researchers to prepare for a scientific leadership role and work on advanced research topics during this time.


CAMPUSiDEEN 2021 Competition Begins

Attention all Bremen startup founders: This year, the CAMPUSiDEEN idea competition will once more pick out the best business ideas and concepts from Bremen’s universities. The application deadline ends on July 9, 2021.


Increasing Energy Efficiency: Help for Small Companies

In the future, small companies are to receive tools, knowledge, and an infrastructure via a platform to aid them in using energy more efficiently. Research pertaining to this has now begun under the lead of BIBA - Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics GmbH at the University of Bremen.


Information Week for Prospective Students

From Monday, June 21 to 25, 2021, prospective students are invited to find out everything about studying at the University of Bremen. Around 50 bachelor’s programs and the law degree course will present themselves at the online Information Week for Prospective Students.

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University of Bremen Foundation Honored

The University of Bremen Foundation has received quality certification for its good management of trust foundations. In total, ten organizations were honored with the certification for quality and transparency in the field of foundation management.

Portrait of a woman with short brown hair and blue jacket

Educational Equity and Higher Education Reforms

How can universities increase educational equity? How did reform universities pave the way for the higher education reform in West Germany? These are the topics of two talks on June 17 and June 21, 2021. The talks are part of the lecture series marking the 50th birthday of the University of Bremen.


Artificial Intelligence Helps People with Assembly Tasks

In the future, a new assistance system for manual assembly stations will support workers individually thanks to artificial intelligence. Assembly faults and process times will be reduced. BIBA - Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics at the University of Bremen has presented a prototype.

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Smart Energy for the Countryside

Renewable energies are some of the most important sources of electricity. The “SmartFarm2” project from the university and its partners helps in optimizing private energy consumption with renewable energies. Interested parties near to Osterholz and in the Allgäu region can take part in the project.

Minister of Labour Hubertus Heil Opens New Institute

The German Institute for Interdisciplinary Social Policy Research (DIFIS) of the Universities of Bremen and Duisburg-Essen (UDE) takes up its work. The Federal Minister Hubertus Heil opens the institute on June 8, 2021. The Federal Ministry provides 8 million euros funds over five years.

Kinder-Uni: Vor Corona vor Ort - jetzt digital.

50 Times DIGITAL Kids’ University

For children aged between 8 and 12, an extensive digital program will start on June 7, alongside the OPEN CAMPUS of the University of Bremen. In the anniversary year of the University, the Kids’ University offers more than 50 different digital courses free of charge until the end of October.


Start a Business? No Problem! Start-Up Day on June 7

Becoming self-employed after or even during your degree? Establishing a new business - how? Answers to many questions surrounding starting a new business will be provided at the University of Bremen start-up day on June 7, as part of the OPEN CAMPUS WEEK. The motto: “Start a Business? No Problem!”

[Translate to English:] Man with glasses stands on the lawn and tucks a small booklet into his jacket.

DARUM. All the reasons WHY. 50 Years of the University to Take Away

Small enough to fit in your pocket: Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, the university’s President and publisher of the yearbook, holds the small and lightweight anniversary publication, which contains many interesting stories and facts about the University of Bremen.

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“Make a Donation, Create Knowledge” Project

The University of Foundation supports researchers in finding solutions for challenges in society. To mark the University’s 50th jubilee, the project “Make a Donation, Create Knowledge” (“MACHT SINN. Stiften gehen, Wissen schaffen” in German) will begin.

Studierende am Laptop

Investment in Digitalization of Teaching

The University of Bremen will receive funding of 3.6 million euros for the project “Studierendenzentriert | kollaborativ | innovativ Lehren und Lernen.” The funding has the aim of moving digitalization in teaching forward.

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The University Invites You to Its Digital OPEN CAMPUS WEEK

The University of Bremen is turning 50 this year. One of the events is the traditional OPEN CAMPUS. This year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it will run digitally as OPEN CAMPUS WEEK from June 7 to June 11, 2021. For many events, participant numbers are limited. Registration is still open.


Successful Investing in Former Soviet Republics

Which obstacles complicate foreign investing in former Soviet Republics? This is what a new Europe-wide project is investigating. At the University of Bremen, the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics and the FSO institute are involved.


DFG Funds EASE Center for a Further Four Years

Great success for the University of Bremen: The Collaborative Research Center “Everyday Activity Science and Engineering” (CRC EASE) will receive a further four years of funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG). The decision supports the expansion of AI-based robotics in Bremen.


University Contributes to Important Climate Paper

Researchers from the University of Bremen actively contributed to the coordination and formulation of the concept paper “Polarregionen im Wandel,” which has now been submitted to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which wishes to invest an additional 20 million euros in polar research.


Studying in Bremen and Bremerhaven

The universities in Bremen State will introduce themselves and provide information on their degree offers and application processes at a joint online event, which will take place twice. Namely on May 27, 2021, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.

University of Bremen

Architecture and Revolts: Talks Marking 50th Jubilee

What makes the University of Bremen’s architecture special and how is the idea of a reform uni reflected in it? That is what a talk by the expert Eberhard Syring is all about. It will take place at 6 p.m. on May 20, 2021, as part of a series marking the University of Bremen’s 50th birthday.

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Bomb-Builder to Civil Rights Campaigner: Andrei Sakharov

To mark Andrei Sakharov’s 100th birthday, the university is holding an exhibition on the physicist on the Boulevard. The 21 pillars were created by University of Bremen students and the exhibition can be seen in front of the State and University Library Bremen between May 21 and July 16, 2021.


University of Bremen Involved in KD²School Graduate Program

Experts from the University of Bremen are involved in the new graduate school “KD²School – Gestaltung von adaptiven Systemen für ökonomische Entscheidungen.” It is one of 17 new graduate schools that the German Research Foundation will fund with 92 million euros from the fall onwards.

Ausgetrocknete Erde

Climate Politics in Times of Crisis: Panel Discussion

The AStA Students’ Union at the University of Bremen has organized a climate lecture series and the climate expert Hans Joachim Schellnhuber will debate with Bremen politicians at the final event. The digital panel discussion will take place at 7 p.m. on Monday, May 10, 2021.

Icebergs in Greenland

New Study: Adherence to Climate Goals Stops Sea Level Rise

If the Paris Agreement target is met, the sea level rise from the melting of ice could be halved this century. An international study in which researchers from the University of Bremen were also involved shows this.

Portrait of a young woman

“Ethically Responsible Science”

At a digital ceremony, Professor Julia Borst received the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize 2021. It is the most significant German prize for early-career researchers. According to the reviewers, the Romance scholar is a role model of dialogue-focused, ethically responsible science.

The MZH reflected in a lake in Campus Park.

Support for Degree Start: Top Results in CHE Ranking

A good start is decisive for the success of a degree. The university provides excellent support. This has once more been shown by the Centre for Higher Education Development’s (CHE) current university ranking. All assessed subject fields got top spots in this category.

[Translate to English:] Studieninteressierte

What Comes after High School Graduation?

The University of Bremen is holding two information events on study applications. They will take place online at 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on May 6 and July 15, 2021. In May, the MOIN online portal will open for applications for bachelor’s degrees and law and will remain open until July 31.

Professor Jochen Zimmermann and research assistant Martin Knipp are part of the team that developed the WiWiNow app.

Positive Learning Effect of “WiWiNow” Uni App

The WiWiNow app from the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics at the University of Bremen is increasing students’ learning. A not-yet published empirical study has shown this. The app has a proven effect on supporting teaching and learning at the university.

[Translate to English:] Filmkamera

International Bremen Film Conference

The 25th International Bremen Film Conference “Mind/Screen: Mental Illness and Film” will focus on spiritual wellbeing on Wednesday, May 5, 2021. The conference addresses the question of how cinema affects and can change our understanding of mental illness. The conference will take place digitally.


Collections from Colonial Contexts

The SuUB is involved in the national pilot project on the digital cataloguing of collections from colonial contexts in Germany. A place of contact is being established by the Federal Commissioner for Culture Monika Grütters, Cultural Foundation of the Federal States.

Nachhaltige Ideen, um die Digitalisierungskompetenzen des Einzelhandels in Bremen zu stärken – das ist das Ziel des Projekts.

Digitalization: Students Support Bremen’s Retail Sector

In a pilot project, master’s students from the University of Bremen have supported Bremen’s retail sector in digitalization. The project is a cooperation between the university and the “Digital Guides” (“Digitallotsen”), an initiative of Bremen State and Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen (WFB).

Two young men sit on red chairs in park and look at camera

CAMPUS AWARD for Economist and Marine Biologist

This year’s “CAMPUS AWARD: Research for a Sustainable Future” has been awarded to the economist Dr. Tobias Wendler from the university and Karl Schrader, a master’s graduate from the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) and the university.

Glashalle im Sonnenschein

Lecture Series: A Foray into 50 Years of the University of Bremen

“Looking Back – Looking Forward. A Foray into 50 Years of the University of Bremen” – that is the name of a lecture series marking the 50th jubilee of the University of Bremen. The series will begin digitally at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 22. Those interested are cordially invited to take part.

[Translate to English:] Mann zuhause am Laptop, neben sich Gemüse auf einem Schneidebrett

Showing Diversity: Second Study Work Life Week

How can studies and career be reconciled with family responsibilities? This is what the second Study Work Life Week will address. The university is inviting its staff and students to take part in online events from Monday, April 26, to Friday, April 30, 2021.


Know-How Protection for Trustworthy Electronics

Our lives will be increasingly influenced by electronic components in the future – e.g. in self-driving cars or service robots. In order to trust said components, the government is funding scientific projects as part of a flagship initiative. The Computer Architecture working group is involved.

Die Universität Bremen

Studying in Bremen and Bremerhaven

The universities in Bremen State will introduce themselves and provide information on their degree offers and application processes at a joint online event, which will take place twice. Namely on April 15, and May 27, 2021, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.


Fake News in Your Letterbox

The internet and social media are full of fake news and misinformation on COVID and the vaccination. Flyers and brochures also find their way into real-life letterboxes. A project at the University of Bremen is examining the content and distribution of printed misinformation.

Eine Radiomoderatorin und ein Radiomoderator

Mediapractice 2021: Secure a Spot Now

Job speed dating, Alumni Talk, and discussion rounds – that is Mediapractice 2021. Organized by students for students, the five-day networking event will take place digitally from April 12 to 16, 2021. Those interested can find out more about media companies.

Studierende im Seminarraum

Third Course for Work and Staff Councils to Begin

The further training course “Work / Technology Organization and Participation” will start in September. This part-time offer is a step towards a master’s degree and is aimed at work representatives. Info events will take place digitally at 5 p.m. on both April 13 and May 19, 2021.

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For the City and Society: 50 Years of University of Bremen

The university is turning 50. It is important for the economic location, the city’s society, and the scientific location of Bremen. This is to be made tangible by means of a diverse and corona-conform program. It is already possible to visit the first locations of the “50 Reasons WHY” exhibition.


VIVATOP: More Insight during Liver Surgery

A network made up of agents from the economy, science, and health sector, which is being led by the University of Bremen, is developing 3D technologies for surgeons. The aids for surgery planning are particularly advanced.

Genetic Code DNA Molecule Structure

Religiousness Is in Our Genes, Our Religious Confession Is Not

The environment in which a person grows up has a great effect on which religion said person chooses. Religious acts and beliefs are, however, partially genetically influenced – independently of the specific religion. That is the result of a Bremen study.

Spielzeug auf einer Leine in der Kita

Children in Focus: Long-Term Study Enters Second Phase

The school closures during the pandemic make it clear: Improving education opportunities for socially disadvantaged children is becoming increasingly important. A long-term study wants to research the advantages of early support of children for a better start to school life.

Mann und Roboter

Science Prize for Michael Beetz

Outstanding work with a high level of relevance for the retail and consumer goods industry: Professor Michael Beetz, head of the Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IAI) at the University of Bremen, has now been honored for this with the Science Prize from EHI Stiftung and GS1 Germany.

Two men holding a picture and laughing at the camera

“Still Analogue Or Are You Already Living?”

Many people know him: Nœrdman. The nerd from Northern Germany. He makes us smirk with his comics on social media. The creators of Nœrdman, Professor Rolf Drechsler and Dr. Jannis Stoppe, have now published their first book with the character. There’s a lot to learn and to laugh about.

Glass Hall of the University of Bremen

Academic Senate Demands Adherence to Science Plan

The Academic Senate of the University of Bremen demands that the Science Plan 2025 be adhered to. With the announced cuts, the state government is putting Bremen’s education and innovation strength at risk. The university is training experts and teachers who are desperately needed in the region.

Frau am PC

University Strong in Research: Leibniz Prize for Veronika Eyring

Awarded digitally but no less important: Professor Veronika Eyring from the University of Bremen received the renowned Leibniz Prize on March 15, 2021. That fact that one of the most globally sought-after scientific prizes has come to Bremen, once more show the university’s research strength.

[Translate to English:] Männer und Frauen arbeiten im Labor

University of Bremen Successful in MINTchallenge

The "MINTScience Blog" at the University of Bremen explains complex research topics. The editorial team were successful in the MINTchallenge. In the competition hosted by Stifterverband and Club MINT, the team won over the jury with its blog and was awarded the third prize.

Doctoral student Carry Luise Zimmermann wearing a VR headset.

Learning About Sustainability in a Virtual Space

A virtual learning space where students can work on sustainability in a practice and research-based manner: That is the aim of a new research project at the University of Bremen. Volkswagen AG is funding the project with one million euros over five years.


Gründungsradar: University of Bremen a Front Runner

When the topic is start-up support, the University of Bremen is one of the top universities in Germany. In the current “Gründungsradar 2020” (Start-up Radar 2020) ranking from the Stifterverband, the university places 11th among the big universities.

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Most Notable German Young Academics Prize

The romance scholar Dr. Julia Borst from the University of Bremen will receive the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize 2021. It is the most significant honor for early-career researchers in Germany. The prize that is sponsored by the DFG and BMBF is endowed with 20,000 euros.

Two young men look into the camera

"rent a teacherman" Supports "Boys’ School" in Bremen

The "rent a teacherman" project at the university supports primary schools in Bremen and Bremerhaven where there are too few male teachers. For a short while now, the only "boys’ school" in Bremen State is also involved – the Support Center for Social and Emotional Development.

Studierende sitzen um einen Rechner

Bremen Thesis Award 2020

The "unifreunde" Association of the Friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University will digitally award the Bremen Thesis Prize for outstanding theses at 6 p.m. on March 16, 2021. Bruker Daltonik GmbH is sponsoring a special prize.

Sonja Bastin: Bremer Frau des Jahres 2021

Sonja Bastin: Bremen Woman of the Year 2021

The sociologist Dr. Sonja Bastin from the University of Bremen has been named Bremen Woman of the Year 2021. The awarding ceremony took place digitally on March 8 – International Women’s Day.

Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik hehemann’s innovative research approaches are now being supported for a Heisenberg Professorship from the German research Foundation (DFG).

Algal Sugar as Fiber for Good Digestion in the Ocean

Too many carbohydrates, especially the simple, sweet sugars, can make you fat. Complex sugars like fiber, on the other hand, are an important factor for our health. Unlike simple sugars, we cannot easily digest these fibers in vegetables and grains.

Glashalle im Sonnenschein

Social, Geo and Marine Sciences Ranked in Global Top 100

It is once more confirmation of the research strength and visibility of the University of Bremen. In the often cited, international QS World University Rankings by Subject, the university has placed in the top 100 for social, geo, and marine sciences.

Woman wirh child

Equal Care Bremen 2021: For a Stable Care System

Care work is not only unequally distributed in times of crisis. Strain, however, is particularly visible in the pandemic. On Friday, March 5, 2021, the digital event Equal Care Bremen 2021 – For a Stable Care System will raise awareness for the situation of care providers.

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University of Bremen Strengthens Partnership in Thailand

The university is strengthening its partnership with one of Thailand’s best universities. Alongside the deepening of the cooperation with the Mahidol University, a Christian Freska Scholarship has also been established. The recently deceased professor played a key role in creating the cooperation.

Studierende stehen um einen Tisch

ProMentes: Looking for Leaders and Mentees

The career-oriented ProMentes mentoring program at the University of Bremen will be back once more in September. For ten months, experienced leaders from the fields of economy, culture, and administration will be available to advise students who are ready to enter into the working world.

Term Paper

Digital “Long Night of Postponed Term Papers”

Your term paper is nearly finished but you’re missing that last bit of motivation to complete it? The successful Long Night of Postponed Term Papers (“Lange Nacht der aufgeschobenen Hausarbeiten“) from SuUB will be online for the first time between 5:30 and 11 p.m. on March 5, 2021.

View on hands holding smartphone in front of unfolded laptop

Rethinking Digital Media in Crisis Situations

How does digital media influence public debates and our behavior? How can we rethink its role in times of crisis? That is the topic of an English-language online debate on March 1, which is being organized by Academia Europaea’s Cardiff Knowledge Hub and the university.

Szenische Lesung

“From the Files to the Stage” in Digital Theater

From the Files to the Stage – in the frame of a joint project between the University of Bremen and bremer shakespeare company, further digital readings will be held on Wednesdays in February and March. The event is free of charge.

The University of Bremen is developing an open science and open innovation training program with eight partner universities across Europe.

New Open Science Training Program

The University of Bremen is developing an open science and open innovation training program for early-career researchers in cooperation with eight partner universities across Europe. The project will receive a total of 250,000 euros funding from the EU and starts at the beginning of 2021.

Drillship during ice transit

Arctic Climate Change: From Greenhouse to Icehouse

The Arctic Ocean plays a key role in global climate change. An international expedition planned for August 2022 by the European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD) will take place there. The University of Bremen is participating in the expedition.

Station in Ny-Aalesund/Spitzbergen

Effect of Corona Lockdown: Ozone in Troposphere Decreases

The ozone in the layer close the Earth, which is damaging to humans, decreased in the spring and summer of last year thanks to the first corona lockdown. This has been shown by a study in which scientists from the Institute of Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen were involved.


Workshop: Cognitive Architectures for Robots

From March 22 to 28, 2021, the University of Bremen is hosting a virtual workshop on the interface between artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and neuroscience. The TransAIR project deals with cognitive architectures for robot agents. Registration is open now.


LIFE: Flexible Further Training at the University of Bremen

Further training at the University of Bremen: The application phase for the further training program LIFE is open until March 15, 2021. Due to corona, many offers will be digitally available. An online information event on March 3, 2021, will explain more about the contents and perspectives.

Landscape in Africa

Bacteria for Sustainable Use of Teak in Africa

A team from the University of Bremen has discovered bacteria whilst carrying out research in Africa that may help to cultivate the popular teak tree. That is an important contribution to more sustainable local use of the valuable timber.

Würfel mit Buchstaben

Language Centre Offers Courses for Everyone

The Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen is offering a diverse online program in March 2021. Those who are thinking about refreshing their language skills or even learning a new language, are in the right place. All interested people in Bremen can take park and register now.

Die Autorin mit dem Kinderbuch

Finja Finds it Out Again! Artificial Intelligence in Children’s Book

In the second part of the children’s book series Finja Finds it Out! It is all about artificial intelligence. To mark its 50th birthday, the University of Bremen is giving away 50 class sets of the book titled The Mysterious Robot to Bremen school pupils in grades 3 to 6.


Neuroscientists Want to Make Visual Impressions Possible for the Blind

Providing the blind with visual impressions: That is the aim of the I See project, in which neuroscientists from the University of Bremen are involved. The approach: A miniature camera collects visual information and translates it into signal patterns that are transferred to brain implants.


Important Step in Alzheimer’s Research

Immense research success in cell biology: Professor Janine Kirstein’s working group at the University of Bremen has taken an important step towards better understanding Alzheimer’s. The decisive nerve cells, in which the disease takes hold, were found in threadworms.

Uni in Kamerun

Goal: Better Transport Chains in Cameroon

International research projects are still possible despite corona. The German-Cameroonian project NAVEL – Logistics Innovation Center Ngaoundéré, in which scientist from the University of Bremen play a leading role, shows this. The aim is innovation in Cameroon’s logistics industry.

Landscape from above with free standing trees

AI Provides Important Information on Africa’s Ecosystems

The results of a research project on the mapping of trees in West Africa can help to strengthen ecosystems. An important contribution was made by the Center for Computing Technologies with its expertise in AI. The results were published in Nature journal.

Seniorin vor Laptop

Senior Citizen Studies: Program for Lecture-Free Period Online

The Senior Citizen Studies Program is starting with a digital class schedule for the lecture-free period on February 17, 2021. Alongside the fine arts – art, music, and literature – history and natural science are also being offered. Registration is possible now.

Menschen auf der Straße

Researching Society Together – Project on Societal Solidarity

What do we believe “societal solidarity” means? What meaning does it have in our day-to-day lives? There are some of the questions that the citizen research project “GINGER – Gemeinsam Gesellschaft erforschen,” which is led by the Centre for Labour and Political Education (zap), asks.

[Translate to English:] Stolpersteine auf der Straße

Day of Remembrance: Guest Presentation on Conspiracy Theories

On the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of National Socialism, the University of Bremen invites you to a presentation by the scientist Michael Butter from the University of Tübingen. He will talk about “Die Neue Querfront: Die ‘Querdenker’ und die Neue Rechte” on Wednesday, January 27, 2021.

Bremer Vukan

Presentation: “Tanz mit dem Vulkan – die ostdeutschen Werften und der Bremer Vulkan“

A research projects is focusing on the question of what effect the transformation in East Germany has had to date on economic structures. The tracks that lead to Bremen will be highlighted in a digital presentation with subsequent discussion round at 6 p.m. on Thursday, January 28, 2021.

Frauke Meyer, with short hair, jacket and glasses, stands in the "Glasshalle". In the background, you can see the green trees on campus.

Frauke Meyer is Director of Finance and Administration at the University of Bremen

The University of Bremen now has a female director of finance and administration: Frauke Meyer took on the role of administrative head on January 1, 2021. Her term in office will last eight years.

Man and woman standing at digital table.

25 Years of Top International Research for Bremen at TZI

The Center for Computing Technologies (TZI) at the University of Bremen has been significantly contributing to the technological location Bremen since 1995. This year, the TZI is celebrating its 25th birthday. It is time to take a look into the past and the future of this strong research institute.


COALA: Voice Assistant for Future Manufacturing

A trustworthy, intelligent voice assistant is to help production staff to provide answers to specialist questions – immediately, solidly, and reliably. An international team from science and industry is now researching this under Bremen’s direction and as part of an EU project.


Claudia Harsch Becomes Vice president of International Language Testing Association

Professor Claudia Harsch, head of the Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen (SZHB) and university lecturer within the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies, University of Bremen, has been chosen as vice president of the International Language Testing Associations (ILTA).

Man with glasses sits at a table in front of a painting and laughts.

Thank You to the Director of Finance and Administration

After nearly eight years in office, the director of finance and administration at the University is retiring. The university and state councilor thank Dr. Martin Mehrtens for his work. Frauke Meyer will take on the role of university director of finance and administration on January 1, 2021.

MINT-Forum 2019

Government Funds Bremen and Bremerhaven STEM Cluster Named “meerMINT”

Success for the meerMINT STEM cluster in Bremen State. New recreational offers are being created for children and youths who are particularly interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (in short: STEM). The aim is to expediently strengthen their interests and talents.

Veronika Eyring

Outstanding: Bremen Climate Scientist Receives Renowned Leibniz Prize 2021

Professor Veronika Eyring from the Faculty of Physics/Electrical Engineering has received the 2021 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize from the German Research Foundation for outstanding work in the field of climate modelling. The most renowned German scientific prize is endowed with 2.5 million euros.

Portrait of a young woman in front of black background

“A Role Model for all Women in Science”

It is an award for an extraordinary woman: The master’s student Sanaz Sadat Afzali from the University of Bremen received this year’s DAAD Prize for outstanding achievements of international students studying at German universities. The prize is endowed with 1,000 euros.

Die Universität Bremen

Nature Index: Earth and Environmental Sciences at the Top

In the current Nature Index ranking, the University of Bremen is among the top 5 German research institutes for earth and environmental sciences. The index from the scientific journal Nature is based on article publications in renowned journals.

[Translate to English:] Tiefsee-Bohrschiff

How Hot Is Too Hot for Life Deep Below the Ocean Floor?

At what depth beneath the seabed does it become so hot that microbial life is no longer possible? This question is the focus of a close scientific cooperative effort between the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) and MARUM at the at the University of Bremen.

Zwei Schülerinnen mit Smartphones im Unterricht

Teacher Education: PORTAL Prize

Three projects from teacher education students will receive this year’s PORTAL Prize from the Center for Teacher Education and Education Research (ZfLB). The award honors particularly successful initiatives and projects under conditions that have radically changed due to the corona pandemic.

Group picture with cheering young men and women

Further Funding for DFG Research training Group

Good news from the German Research Foundation (DFG): They have approved the international training group at the Center for Industrial Mathematics (ZeTeM) at the University of Bremen for a further four years. The funding amount is around 4 million euros between April 2021 and September 2025.

Krankenpflegerin mit Mundschutz und Handschuhen am Bett

High Work Strain: 2020 Care Report Presented"

Caregivers are exposed to extreme physical and mental strain. This leads to a decreased level of health and more absences due to illness. That is the result of this year’s Care Report, which the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy put together.


Millions in Funding for CRCs – Bremen Involved

Millions in funding for the University of Bremen. The University of Bremen is a part of two collaborative research centers (CRCs) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). They focus on topics surrounding marine sciences and physics.

View of glass hall with boulevard and drop tower in the background

Excellent Teaching Under COVID-19 Circumstances

Teaching is challenging in times of a pandemic. At the university, this is recognized by the Berninghausen Prize. Therefore, this year, there is not only the traditional student prize. Two teaching staff also receive an award in the category “excellent teaching under COVID-19 circumstances”.


How AI Works in Medium-Sized Companies

Making artificial intelligence usable for small and medium-sized companies – that is the focus of the KI_Cafe research project. The Bremen Institute for Mechanical Engineering (bime) at the University of Bremen is introducing a teaching and learning system in two companies for this purpose.

Wolkiger Himmel über vertrocknetem Acker

Alliance of Top Universities Urge G20 Leaders to Prioritise Net Zero Emissions

The “International Universities Climate Alliance”(IUCA) has called on the G20 leaders to increase efforts to combat climate change. In the run-up to the G20 summit, members warn that failure to do so will have devastating effects on future generations.

The university of Bremen

COVID-19: Focus on Bremen’s Innovation Policy and Structural Change

How does the pandemic impact on the regional economy? This is the question addressed in the study “Structural Change through COVID-19: Implications for Innovation Policy in the Bremen State” published by the University of Bremen and the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI).


Cybersecurity Navigator – For the “Right” Data Security

Another consequence of corona: Many companies need to increase the tempo of digitalization and this results in questions: What needs to actually be considered in terms of data protection and security? The Cybersecurity Navigator, which was developed by the University of Bremen, provides answers.


Children Create Knowledge – with Online Developmental Psychology Studies

How do children develop a sense of rules and morals? This is one of the things that the Department of Developmental and Education Psychology at the University of Bremen is working on in a research network. All of the network’s scientific studies are bundled on the internet.


MOMENTUM: Improved Data and Information Flow In Emergency Management

The Department of Communications Engineering of the University of Bremen is an important partner in the Mobile Medical Technology for Integrated Emergency Care and Accident Medicine (MOMENTUM) research project. The goal is a better exchange of data between rescue services and emergency center – 5G i

Portrait of a young man with beard and suit.

New Answers for Basic Business Issues

The Wolfgang Ritter Prize for Outstanding Economic Works has been awarded for the 35th time. Three dissertations were honored – one prize was awarded to the University of Bremen graduate Thomas Scholdra.

 wind turbine

Optimized Wind Turbines with Digital twin

In the future, wind turbines will be able to be operated in a more environmentally friendly and economical way – thanks to a digital twin. To this end, scientists at the University of Bremen are now conducting research together in the new WindIO project.

Girl with microscope

Pilot Phase for New MARUM School Project “Klima – Ich wandle mich!”

Climate protection, change, and crisis: Humans affect the climate, and as a result the environment - even the immediate one - is changing. The “Klima – Ich wandle mich!” project initiated by MARUM aims to give pupils concrete information about the options for action that they have.

Symbilbild Digitale Daten

Data Science Opens New Paths for Science and Teaching

In the frame of the key discipline of data science, one can gain important insights from complex data sets. With the Data Science Center (DSC), the University of Bremen is creating optimum conditions for forward-thinking, data-led, and cooperative science.

Korallenbleiche eines Riffes bei Mahé, Seychellen.

Coral Bleaching: Reef Recovering Faster Than Anticipated

In 2015/2016, high ocean temperatures led to global coral bleaching. A study under the leadership of the department of Marine Ecology at the University of Bremen now shows that coral reefs have the ability to recover from such disasters faster than anticipated – if humans leave them in peace.


“See Me!” International Developmental Language Disorder Awareness Day

Children with a developmental language disorder often have trouble understanding language. This often results in them finding general learning difficult. Around seven percent of all children are affected. The International Developmental Language Disorder Awareness Day on October 16 aims to draw atte

[Translate to English:] Teacher in a Classroom

Milestone for Dual PhD Program for Teacher Education

The Academic Senate Research Committee has recognized the Dual PhD program offered by the Center for Teacher Education and Education Research (ZfLB) as the first structured PhD program at the University of Bremen.

Backside of a computer with lots of cables

How AI Is to Simplify the Protection of Data Networks

The Center for Computing Technologies (TZI) at the University of Bremen is contributing to a research project that is counting on artificial intelligence to ensure the protection of complex communication networks.


New Mobile Networks for Industry

The mobile networks of the future are vital for German industry. Researching and testing the application of such networks together with industry is the aim of the Industrial Radio Lab Germany project. The field of communication engineering at the University of Bremen is playing a decisive role.

Zwei Männer und eine Frau stehen in einer Halle und arbeiten mit Material

Bremen Students Develop Climate/Friendly Electric Car

A team of students from the University of Bremen and Bremen University of Applied Sciences have developed and built an electric racing car alongside their studies. At 3 p.m. on Monday, October 5, 2020, the newest model – called “BreMo20” – will be presented via a live stream.


You Can Still Apply to the University of Bremen

Those who still wish to apply to the University of Bremen can find attractive degree opportunities: You can still enroll in non-restricted bachelor’s degree programs from October 1-15. More information will be available at the “Abi Zukunft” online fair.

Patient at eye examination

Artificial Intelligence for Medical Technology

Scientists at the University of Bremen are contributing to the North German innovation network KI-Space with two sub-projects. The aim is to increase the use of methods of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of medical technology.

A doctor talks to her patient

Patients Help to Shape Clinical Research

Clinical research has the aim of improving patients’ health. The Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) at the University of Bremen has now developed the first German-language guidelines on how patients can be better involved.

Drillship JOIDES Resolution

Unraveling 66 Million Years of Climate History from Ocean Sediments

An international team of researchers has analyzed data from deep-sea sediments in order to reconstruct Earth’s climate. The team was led by MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen – and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

Haupteingang des Mensa-Gebäudes auf dem Uni-Boulevard

The university Mensa cafeteria is reopening

From Monday, September 14, 2020, there will be 250 places available for students and staff between the hours of 11:30 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. Payment is only possible with a Mensa card.


Playing Games and Saving Lives by Doing So?

Playing games in order to be able to operate better later? Students at the University of Bremen together with researchers from varying disciplines have developed a game that trains a type of “Guide using tone”. This could help in the field of medicine one day.


The Art of Thawing Tuna

Tuna: Popular and tasty, but sensitive. Processing is complex – especially thawing. The Institute for Microsensors, -actuators and -systems (IMSAS) at the university is now developing a sensor that aims to reliably recognize when the goods have been thawed to their core.

Illustration mit hellen, bliztartigen geraden Linien auf dunklem Hintergrund

September 9: Online Debate on New Perspectives in Cooperative Science

Does the archiving and provision of data lead to cooperative science and a growth in knowledge? Experts will discuss this topic during an online debate at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, September 9, 2020. The event host is the U Bremen Research Alliance.

Hirn und handy

FunKI: Artificial Intelligence for the New Mobile Network

Research for the newest mobile network generation: The Department of Communications Engineering within the Faculty of Physics/Electrical Engineering is coordinating the BMBF collaborative project FunKI. The project focusses on the application of artificial intelligence in future 5G and 6G networks.

Jana Wenz, Projektleitung Architekturbüro ksg, Dr. Claudia Schilling, Senatorin für Wissenschaft und Häfen, Rektor Prof. Dr.-Ing Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Prof. Dr. Michael W. Friedrich, Nutzervertreter (v.l.)

University of Bremen: BIOM Celebrates Topping-Out

The construction of a biology teaching and research building is well underway: After 15 months, structural work was finished, and the topping-out ceremony took place. The building will hold around 1,000 students and 100 staff and should be finished by summer semester 2022 at the latest.

The logo of the University of Bremen on the Glass Hall building.

Despite Corona: Economics and IT Students at Summer Camp

46 students from the University of Bremen and the Jacobs University are working for 12 regional companies as part of the PRAXIS Summer Camp held by the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics. The participants will present their results via Zoom on Friday, August 28, 2020.

[Translate to English:] Schülerin mit Pizzakarton

Digital Lessons: Students Develop Learning Concepts for Schools

Students from the University of Bremen have developed digital learning materials for 5th and 6th grade school pupils in Bremen as part of an online seminar. The basics of mathematics and writing have been realized in the form of interactive exercises on the itslearning platform.

University Library: 1st Prize in Best Practice Competition

The State and University Library Bremen has come first place in the Best-Practice Competition of the German Library Association and Association of German Librarians. The motto was The Self-Explanatory Library – Becoming Information-Competent in Passing by Using Services.

Young woman with mouth-nose covering looks at her smartphone.

Corona App Survey Starts: What Do People Who Donate Their Data Expect?

The Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research is looking for participants for the short study Corona Data Donation App from the Robert Koch Institute. With the survey, scientists wish to find our which feelings people connect to the donation of data.

Cars close together on a parking lot

Car handling in ports more efficient in future

In their “Isabella” project, partners BIBA – Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik, BLG LOGISTICS and 28Apps Software demonstrated that an intelligent planning and control system can improve the efficiency of car handling at ports. Now it’s time for Isabella 2.0.

Studierende im Seminarraum

First Master’s Degree for Work and Staff Councils in Germany

In January 2021, the advanced master’s degree program Work-Consultation-Organization. Forming Participative Processes (Arbeit-Beratung-Organisation. Prozesse partizipativ gestalten) will start at the University of Bremen. This part-time offer is unique in Germany and aimed at work representatives.

Der Preisträger Markus Janczyk

Early Career Researcher Prize for Psychology Professor

The psychology professor Markus Janczyk has received this year’s science prize for early career researchers from the Wilhelm Wundt Society. The prize is awarded for outstanding achievements in foundation research within the field of psychology.

Uni Logo an der Glashalle

University of Bremen Offers Learning Islands

Students in need of a place to revise, can do so at the University of Bremen from Monday, July 20, 2020, onwards. They have the chance to book a working space for themselves or their revision group at varying locations on campus. Hygiene regulations must be adhered to.

Group of woman with flowers and two men

Frauke Meyer Is to Become Director of Finance and Administration

For the first time, a woman is to become Director of Finance and Administration at the University of Bremen. In a meeting on July 15, 2020, the Academic Senate (AS) made the decision. The AS agrees with the President’s nomination for Frauke Meyer to succeed Dr. Martin Mehrtens.

Smartphone steuert Küchengeräte

Protection Against Safety Loopholes in Smart Home Systems To Become Easier

A team led by the University of Bremen is developing new solutions to close the safety loopholes in smart home systems. The project is to create new ways for the usage of digital technologies to harmonize with the demand for data protection and privacy.

Gletscher in Alaska

International Study: How Can Glacial Melting Be Better Predicted?

The world’s glaciers are melting, and the temperatures are rising more quickly in the Arctic and the globe’s high mountain regions where they are located. In order to predict the further melting of the glaciers, an international study led by the University of Bremen has compared various models.

Schülerin sitzt vor Laptop und hört ihrem Lehrer zu

Teacher Education: PORTAL Prize for Creative and Innovative Solutions

Students with a teaching orientation and PhD students can be nominated for the PORTAL Prize until October 15, 2020: The Center for Teacher Education and Education Research wants to honor exemplary dedication during the corona pandemic with the distinction. The prize money amounts to 6,000 euros.


CarbonSat Concept from University of Bremen Realized by OHB

The new Copernicus CO2 monitoring satellites (CO2M) are based on the CarbonSat Concept from the Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP), University of Bremen. The European Space Agency (ESA) has chosen the Bremen space travel company OHB for the construction of new CO2M-greenhouse gas satellites.


“Machine ECG” to Protect Environment

Planned maintenance avoids interruptions, yet there are more resource-saving, efficient solutions according to scientists at the Institute for Integrated Product Development (BIK), University of Bremen. For example, the “machine ECG”. That is the working title of the system they are currently creati

BIld mit Hand und Handy

Research for Secure Electronics

The German government is promoting the development of high-tech, key technologies so that more electronic components can be produced in Germany. The Computer Architecture working group is part of one of the first funding projects and is taking on the function of the TÜV, so to speak.

Drawing of a car at a blind intersection

How Does AI Drive a Car Through Chaotic City Centers?

Together with two other universities and the technology company Continental, the University of Bremen is carrying out research on automated vehicles. The PRORETA project deals with the recognition of complex traffic situations in city centers.

[Translate to English:] Blumenwiese

Data Resources for Research: University of Bremen Plays Key Role

Bremen will play a decisive role in the new National Research Data Infrastructure. Based on the recommendation of the DFG, the Joint Science Conference has decided to fund four consortiums with Bremen participation. Coordination of the NFDI4BioDiversity consortium is managed by MARUM.

Die Glashalle der Universität Bremen

Academic Senate for More Face-to-Face Teaching in Winter

The university wishes to offer as many face-to-face lessons as possible in the winter semester. After comprehensive discussions, the Academic Senate members decided the following on June 17: Face-to-face lessons should have priority over digital teaching, as far as is possible regarding the pandemic

[Translate to English:] Mann sitzt lesend vor eine Laptop

Library and University Open Learning Spaces

The university library is offering individual working spaces in its headquarters and at the Juridicum with immediate effect. Visiting to find literature, borrow media, and make copies has been possible since the beginning of May. Learning spaces at the university are also to be made available soon.

[Translate to English:]

Coral: Drastic changes off Mexico

A team of researchers led by the University of Bremen and the National Autonomous University of Mexico has determined the ecological changes in the Mexican Caribbean coral reefs over the past 40 years. The results: Only few reefs are still dominated by coral.

Schüler stehen an einem 3-D-Drucker

How FabLabs as Learning Spaces Support Digital Education in Schools

How do children and youths learn to deal with digital media? And how can the practical work of people at non-school locations such as FabLabs be integrated into schools? That is what the FabuLoUS project is investigating. The project is being coordinated by the University of Bremen.

Group with man and women

Family-Friendly University of Bremen May Carry Certification Permanently

The University of Bremen has once more received the “audit family-friendly university” certification for its family equality. The special feature: After a development and assessment phase lasting several years, the university may now carry the quality seal permanently.

Nurse and resident of a nursing home with mouse-nose covering masks

Corona Crisis Destabilizes Outpatient Care

People in need of care are among the most affected during the corona crisis. Sixty percent of all deceased were people cared for in nursing homes or by outpatient care services. An online survey shows, people in need of care make up only 8.5 percent of the total number of infected persons.

Photo from an operating theater shows woman with hood and mask

Surgery: Intelligent OT Lighting

A science and medical technology consortium is developing a technical system that automatically ensures optimum lighting in operating theaters. It compensates shadows that develop due to the surgery team moving around and can be expediently controlled using gestures and voice.

Young man and woman are sitting on stairs and are looking together in a book.

The University Offers Online Events for Prospective Students

Prospective students can learn more about the courses offered by the University of Bremen through numerous online events. Starting on June 15 and ending on July 3, 2020, most events will take place from June 22 and 26, 2020 during the Virtual Information Week for Prospective Students (VISi).

Materialwissenschaftliches Experiment

University Successful Twice: Two New DFG Priority Programs

The University of Bremen has been successful twice in the German research Foundation’s (DFG) choice of new Priority Programs. The Faculty of Geosciences and Faculty of Production Engineering belong to the 14 new programs that have been chosen from 49 submitted initiatives.

Young woman with mouth-nose covering looks at her smartphone.

Survey: What Is Moving People During the Corona Pandemic?

The Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) at the University of Bremen is looking for participants for the new “Stress and Resources in Times of the Corona Pandemic” study. Everyone who is over 18 and owns a smartphone can take part.

Woman with children on a meadow

More Appreciation and a Fair Distribution of Care Work

Two sociologists from the university are involved in the Equal Care Day initiative, which addresses national politics with a manifesto. It calls for a long-term strategy for the fair distribution of private and professional care work, and can be signed online.

Studierende am Laptop

Application Deadline Extended: Dual PhD in Teacher Education

Completing a PhD and practical teacher training phase at a school at the same time. That is what future teachers can do within the university’s unique Dual PhD program. Applications can be submitted from now until July 15, 2020. There are a total of eight scholarships available.

Smartphone with Apps

Tracing App Could Be Important Component in Fighting Corona

In the fight against the spread of the corona pandemic, tracking contact with apps could be an important component for reducing the rate of transmission. It could support the work of health authorities. This is what experts from the Public Health on COVID-19 network have found out.

Das Jahresthema „Und dann? Wege nach dem Studium“ ist auch online verfügbar.

New University of Bremen Yearbook: And Then? Paths After Graduation

And then? Your degree is over, your apprenticeship complete. Bring on your first job – or not? Women and men from nearly 50 years of the University of Bremen tell us about their lives after graduation. Find out about the meetings, places, and people who influenced them in the new yearbook.

Titelseite des Kinderbuches

“Adrian Does NOT Have A Horse” Wins HUCKEPACK Prize

The 2020 HUCKEPACK Storybook Prize goes to Adrian Does NOT Have A Horse by Marcy Campbell and Corinna Luyken. This is the fifth time that the Institute of Storybook Research at the University of Bremen has awarded the prize together with the Phantastische Bibliothek library in Wetzlar.

Collage with fish and satellites against a dark background

Visible Research Strength: U Bremen Research Alliance Perpetuates Collaboration

The U Bremen Research Alliance makes the research strength of the university and its non-university partners visible across the globe: The collaboration with the regional research institutes will now be perpetuated: The U Bremen Research Alliance will become a charitable organization.

Man works with a roboter in a lab

Surgery Training with Robots and Virtual Reality

The insertion of hip implants places high demands on surgeons. To help young doctors practice this operation under realistic conditions, scientists from the University of Bremen and Chemnitz University of Technology are developing a dynamic hip implant simulator.

Studierende am Laptop

Dual PhD for Teacher Education: Apply Now!

Completing a PhD and practical teacher training phase at a school at the same time. That is what future teachers can do within the university’s unique Dual PhD program. Applications can be submitted from now until June 1, 2020. There are a total of eight scholarships available.

Man with curly hair is smiling in camera

Courage to Take Risks: Millions Granted Once More for Researcher

This funding enables an immense amount of freedom so that innovative, scientific work can be carried out: The German Research Foundation (DFG) has granted Professor Rolf Drechsler a Reinhart Koselleck Project once more. The funding amount, which is spread over five years, exceeds 1.5 million euros.

Absperrbänder in der Bibliothek

Bremen State and University Library Offers On-Site Services Again

Students can borrow literature for the digital summer semester from the SuUB headquarters again. There and at the Juridicum library, essays can be copied and scanned. The Bremen and Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and the University of the Arts Bremen offer a collection service.

Young women and one man are sitting at a table and are working with a laptop.

CHE Ranking: University Supports Degree Start Well

In the current university ranking by the Centre for Higher Education development (CHE), the majority of the assessed university subjects take top spots in terms of the evaluation of support for degree starts. Furthermore, individual areas also landed on the top spots in other categories.


Unsteady Blood Flow Promotes Arteriosclerosis Development

It is often more turbulent in the human bloodstream than is actually good for the human body. That is what an international research team led by Dr. Duo Xu from the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) at the University of Bremen has found out.


Awards for More Sustainability

The 2020 “CAMPUS AWARD: Research for a Sustainable Future” was awarded to two University of Bremen graduates – engineer Dr. Georg Pesch and the marine biologist Julian Engel, who wrote his master’s thesis at the Leibniz Centre for Marine Tropical Research (ZMT).

Professor Andreas Breiter smiles into the camera.

Andreas Breiter is first Chief Digital Officer at University

In order to promote digitalization of teaching, research, and administration, the University Executive Board has named Andreas Breiter as the University of Bremen’s first Chief Digital Officer – in short: CDO.

Junge Menschen am Computer

ifib Launches Project on Handling Data in Digital Education

The government is funding the “All is data” project with 1.1 million euros. The Institute for Information Management Bremen GmbH at the University of Bremen is carrying out the research together with the University of Cologne and the TU Kaiserslautern.

Finger auf Wasser

Online Lecture Series on “Sensory Materials”

Everything is online thanks to corona: The Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science and Faculty of Production Engineering at the university and also the Fraunhofer IFAM have, for the first time, designed the interdisciplinary “Sensory Materials” lecture series online and opened it to the public.

Professorin Rita Groß-Hardt

ERC Grant: Contribution to Agriculture of the Future

The biologist Professor Rita Groß-Hardt will receive the ERC Proof of Concept Grant from the European Research Council. Within the TriVolve project, the scientist and her team want to investigate whether plant breeds produced by so-called three-parent-hybridization can be implemented in agriculture.

Universität Bremen

Funding for Innovative Further Training Offer

Thanks to an exemplary concept for further training that combines digitalization, internationalization, and lifelong learning as three important elements, the University of Bremen is receiving funding of 10,000 euros from the Stifterverband and Daimler Foundation.

Junge Menschen vor einer Pinnwand

“Festival of Action” takes place digitally as a “living room” edition

Creating socially innovative ideas and projects from the living room: This is what high school students, university students, apprentices, and young professionals aged between 18 and 35 can do on May 8 and 9 at the digital “Festival of Action”. Participation is free of charge.

Microphone and headphones

Corona in Africa: Podcast Interview with Researcher

In a podcast interview, Klaus Schlichte from the Collaborative Research Centre 1342 “Global Dynamics of Social Policy” at the University of Bremen looks at the Covid-19 pandemic in African countries and the measures taken by governments there.

Die Beschäftigung mit Camus‘ „Die Pest“ geht auf einen Vorschlag der Philosophie und der Kulturwissenschaften zurück, wurde dort gemeinsam von Lehrenden und Studierenden erarbeitet

University Wins “One Uni – One Book” Competition Again

In the summer semester, the University is reading Albert Camus’ The Plague. As well as in 2018, the university has once more been successful again in the “One Uni – One Book” competition held by Stifterverband and the Klaus Tschira Foundation. The project will receive funding of 10,000 euros.

Computer und Smartphone

University of Bremen Develops App for Media Research

Two free apps from the University of Bremen are to simplify media research despite social distancing. They were developed by ZeMKI. The Hamburg Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute (HBI) and the Institute for Information Management Bremen GmbH (ifib) were also involved.

Scientists in the laboratory

Bremen Scientists Coordinate COVID-19 Public Health Competence Network

The coronavirus is keeping Germany and the whole world on its toes and politicians must make quick decisions that affect many people. A network of around 20 specialist associations, including the University of Bremen, is aiming to help improve the basis for such decisions.

Die Glashalle der Universität Bremen

Digital Summer Semester Starts on April 20

The summer semester 2020 will begin with lectures on April 20. The classes offered will mainly take place digitally. The students can find out more about the digital formats available from April 14 onwards.

Man and woman are carrying a child on their back and laugh

Fairer Distribution of Private Care of Children and Relatives

Researchers of the Deutsches Jugendinstitut (DJI – German Youth Institute) and the University of Bremen recommend a general entitlement to a nine-year career break in order to care for children, the elderly, or to pursue further education and self-care.

Ein Eisberg in der Antarktis

A Worldwide University Network for Climate Protection

The University of Bremen is one of the founding members of the International Universities Climate Alliance. The network was established by 35 worldwide leading universities in the field of climate research. The University of Bremen is the only German member.

Four-legged robots and autonomous vehicles in a desert landscape

Virtual Robot Swarm on the Planet Mars

Scientists at the University of Bremen have created 40 square kilometers of virtual Martian landscape. The test environment enables an accurate simulation of robot missions and radio networks under realistic conditions on the planet.

Mackerels in a coral reef

International Coral Reef Symposium in Bremen Postponed by a Year

Due to the corona crisis, the International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS) will not be held this summer. The new conference dates are July 18 to 23, 2021. The dynamic spreading of the virus, the protection of all participants, and the travel restrictions were the factors that led to this decision.

Jutta Günther

Jutta Günther Is New Vice President Research

The University of Bremen has a new vice president research. Jutta Günther will enter into office on April 1, 2020. The professor of economics is the successor of the computer science professor Andreas Breiter.

University Glas Hall Buildingshalle

Universities in Bremen State Enter Emergency Operation Mode

University of Bremen, Bremen and Bremerhaven Universities of Applied Sciences, and University of the Arts Bremen are entering into emergency operation mode. Only the most necessary areas will be maintained on site. That is what the management teams and the senator for science and ports agreed on.

Bremen State and University Library

Bremen State and University Library: All Locations Closed

Due to the threat posed by coronavirus, all locations of the Bremen State and University Library (SuUB) will remain closed until and on April 18, 2020. Digital services remain available. No fees will be charged for the overrunning of lending periods of borrowed books.

Uni Logo an der Glashalle

Studying in Times of Corona: More Digital Teaching and Learning

Teaching at the University of Bremen is to be digitalized as far as is possible for the coming summer semester. That is what the crisis committee at the University of Bremen decided during their meeting today. This is being done to curb the danger of coronavirus spreading on campus.

Uni Logo an der Glashalle

Bremen Study Prize Ceremony Cancelled

Please note: The Bremen Study Prize ceremony in the city hall, which was planned for today (March 10), has been cancelled. This is a precautionary measure due to coronavirus.

Gletscher in der Arktis

University of Bremen Coordinates EU Project on Arctic Research

The University of Bremen is coordinating an EU project on international research into the Arctic. The European Commission is fostering international research in the Arctic with the FACE-IT project. The university is receiving 1.16 million euros for this purpose.

[Translate to English:] Vier Leute gucken in die Kamera

Recognizing the Fingerprint of Material Damage

Using built-in sensors to automatically characterize damage using ultrasonic waves and artificial intelligence - that is the goal of the new DFG research group FOR3022 with the participation of the Leibniz Institute for Materials Oriented Technologies - IWT and the University of Bremen.

The university of Bremen

University of Bremen wins Google Faculty Research Award

The University of Bremen is one of three German universities that received the Google Faculty Research Award. Professor Tanja Schultz won the competition with their project “EMG-to-Speech – Direct Generation of Speech from from Articulatory Muscle Activity.”

Roboter arbeitet in der Küche am Tresen

AI: Uni Scientists in Bremen Are Some of the World’s most Influential

In the field of artificial intelligence (AI), four scientists from the University of Bremen are some of the worldwide leading experts. That is the result of the renowned Chinese Tsinghua University ranking.

Drei Leute im labor

When Genetic Material Is ‘Smuggled’ into the Next Plant Generation

In a new molecular genetics study, Professor Rita Groß-Hardt and her team have shown that it is possible to ‘smuggle’ genetic information past ‘quality checkpoints’ within the reproduction process of plants. The discovery is of particular interest for agriculture of the future.

Edison Denisov

Concert Honors Master Composer Edison Denisov

The Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO) at the University of Bremen in cooperation with musicians from the Kammerphilharmonie Bremen invite you to a concert honoring the Russian composer Edison Denisov. The event on February 7 is free-of-charge. Donations are welcome.

Uni Logo an der Glashalle

University of Bremen Conferences in February 2020

Analysis of today’s historical consciousness, the challenges of modern logistics, and technical education in primary schools – these are the topics of conferences at the University of Bremen in February 2020.

Würfel mit Buchstaben

FZHB Language Courses

In February and March 2020, the Foreign Languages Centre for the Universities in the Land of Bremen (FZHB) is offering various courses where you can refresh your language skills or even learn a new language. All interested citizens of Bremen can participate.

gambling addiction, addiction, online casino, addictive, glasses, slot machine, business, cash, casino, chance, commercial, computer, dark, dollar, entertainment, bad mood, fortune, gamble, gambling, gaming, laptop, lifestyle, luck, machine, money, office, online, play, player, rich, risk, screen, slot, spin, social issue, turn, view, win, social, winner, man, dark, junkie, addicted, refection, compulsive gambling, night, looser, loosing, jackpot, promising, gambling addiction, addiction, online casino, addictive, glasses, slot machine, business, cash, casino, chance, commercial, computer, dark, dollar, entertainment, bad mood, fortune, gamble, gambling, gaming, laptop, lifestyle, luck, machine, money, office, online, play, player, rich, risk, screen, slot, spin, social issue, turn, view, win, social, winner, man, junkie, addicted, refection, compulsive gambling, night, looser, loosing, jackpot, promising

Literature Analysis Proves Addictive Potential of Online Gambling

Scientists at the University of Bremen and ISD Hamburg have analyzed 63 studies on online gambling – most of them warn of the dangers. As a result, the Bremen gambling researcher Dr. Tobias Hayer is demanding strict regulations.


University Commemorates National Socialism Victims

In the frame of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the University of Bremen is inviting everyone to a talk by Professor Christoph U. Schminck-Gustavus. On January 27, 2020, the law scholar will be speaking about Walerian Wróbel who was killed at the age of 17 by the Nazis.

student, architect, startup, designer, group, teamwork, together, business, friends, workers, people, unity, learning, education, home, modern, urban, carefree, female, man, male, hipster, woman, young, youth, floor, sitting, plan, laptop, contemporary, casual, digital, worker, blueprint, creativity, project, lifestyle, professional, descent, eyewear, workplace, work, diversity, ideas, communication, glasses, warm, color, indoor, computer

New Transfer Strategy: More Communication and Closer Cooperation

The University of Bremen has developed a new transfer strategy. The aim is to organize communication, dialog, and cooperation with politics, economy, and society in a closer and more efficient manner. The university will take target-oriented action in six specific areas.

Geldschein und Münzen

Caregiving as an Income Risk? Research Team Publishes Study

When employed relatives take over family care for a longer period, they lose 2.7 percent of their hourly wage. That is the result of a study carried out by the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy at the University of Bremen together with the German Centre of Gerontology.

3D laser metal deposition

3D Printing: New high-Tech Device for Bremen Material Scientists

A strong network within material research has been established at the University of Bremen with the MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes. The center has now been granted 2.2 million euros by the German research Foundation (DFG) to build a device for 3D laser metal deposition.

Business Graduation Ceremony

Throwing of the Caps: Business Graduation Ceremony

At 4 p.m. on January 16, 2020, the University of Bremen will be saying goodbye to 490 graduates of the following degree courses in the Glocke: Business Studies, Economics, and Engineering Management. Prizes will also be awarded at the ceremony.

Portrait Tanja Schultz

High Distinction for Computer Sciences Professor Tanja Schultz

The computer sciences professor Tanja Schultz was named as an IEEE fellow from January 1, 2020. The honorary membership from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is awarded to persons who have produced outstanding work. This is a great honor for the University of Bremen.

Unterwasserbild mit Taucher und Korallen

2020 – Bremen’s Year of Coral Reefs

In July, the University of Bremen will host the most significant coral reef symposium worldwide. There will be public events in the city from January onwards. For the first time, the symposium will take place in Europe and is the largest marine sciences symposium in Germany to date.

Studentin liest Buch

Sunday Opening: Bremen University Library Begins Again

Revising in the university library on Sunday will be possible from January 12, 2020. For six weeks, the headquarters on the university campus will be open until 8 p.m. on Saturdays (instead of 6 p.m.) and will additionally open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays. Books cannot be borrowed or returned.

University Glas Hall Buildingshalle

University of Bremen Conferences in January 2020

School is the main focus: How one can create modern spelling lessons and what role does fear plays in math lessons – those are the topics of two conferences at the University of Bremen in January 2020.

Logo der Universität in der Glashalle

Increase in Unstable Employment Types

Unstable employment types have increased in the past decades. This was shown in a study conducted by the Institute for Labor and Economy (iaw) at the University of Bremen. According to the study, temporary employment, mini jobs, fixed-term contracts, and small-scale self-employment are on the rise.

[Translate to English:]

Is Hate Speech the Reason for Close Election Outcomes?

Are hostile political messages the reason for the close election and poll outcomes that have become more regular recently? Scientists working with Professor Stefan Borndholdt at the Institute for Theoretical Physics have proven these connections using a physics-inspired model.


University of Bremen Planning Core Facility

The MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes will receive 750,000 euros from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the planning of a core facility for material analysis. A collection of highly valuable, scientific analysis equipment from several disciplines is to be used there in the future.

Portrait of a young woman

“A Bridge Builder”: DAAD Prize for Indian Student

Prachi Dadhich has won the DAAD Prize for outstanding achievements of foreign students. The Indian national was honored for her scientific performance and her exceptional social commitment at the University of Bremen.

Drei Studierende lächeln in die Kamera

Summer Semester 2020: Apply Now

From applied philosophy to physics or mathematics – The University of Bremen is now accepting new students for the coming semester for 2 bachelor’s and 15 master’s degree programs. Applications can be submitted from now until January 15, 2020.

Abbildung: ESA.

ESA Realizes University of Bremen CarbonSat Concept

The European Space Agency has agreed on the construction of a new greenhouse has satellite and released the corresponding funds – and research at the University of Bremen was decisive. The new satellite is based on the CarbonSat concept from the Institute for Environmental Physics (IUP).

[Translate to English:] Studierende im Hörsaal

Two University of Bremen Teachers receive Berninghausen Prize

At 6 p.m. on Wednesday, December 4, 2019, this year’s Berninghausen Prize for excellence in teaching will be awarded in the Shütting. Two teaching staff members from the University of Bremen will receive prizes in the categories “Outstanding, Innovative Course” and “Student Prize”.

Man with burning things

Glowing Electric Pickle and Gummy Bears in Hell

Gummy bears in hell are part of this year’s traditional Christmas chemistry lecture with Dr. Stephan Leupold, Katharina Schneider, and Anne-Marie Lilje. The show starts at 4 p.m. on Friday, December 6, in the large lecture hall C1, NW 2 building, block C, on Leobener Straße.

Collage with fotos of marine animals and plants

International Coral Reef Symposium 2020 Holds Photo Competition

“Colorful diversity, white death – what can colors tell us about coral reefs?” is the motto of the photography competition being held in the frame of the next International Coral Reef Symposium, which will be held in Bremen for the first time in July 2020. Entries will be accepted until February 29.

Hands on a table with building blocks

Outpatient Care Receives Higher Benefits without Better Quality

New housing and care types form the core of the Care Report for 2019. The report is published yearly by a team of authors from the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy at the University of Bremen. The contracting party is BARMER.

3d, anatomy, blue, body, brain, cerebellum, cerebral, cerebrum, cortex, head, health, human, illness, illustration, intellect, intellectual, intelligence, isolated, medical, medicine, memory, mind, neurology, organ, people, power, profile, psychology, radiology, ray, scan, science, scientific, technology, test, think, thoughts, transparent, wisdom, x-ray, xray, molecola

“Mind Talks” Series Presents Innovations from Brain Research

What makes our brain flexible? What mechanisms allow us to process the immense amounts of sensory information that we receive every second? The “Mind Talks” lecture series at the university presents understandable answers from brain research in Bremen and surrounding areas.

young woman with her host

Humboldt Scholarship Holder Researches Civil Society in Russia

The social scientist Daria Skibo from St. Petersburg is visiting the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen as a Humboldt research fellow. Moreover, she is a “foreign agent”.

What Are Nanoparticles? Early-Career Researchers Explain in a Video

Nanotechnology is seen as being one of the most important key technologies. PhD students within the NanoCompetence graduate school at the University of Bremen are researching its chances and risks. In order to make the topic understandable, they have produced a playful explanation video.


“Knowledge4Retail”: Artificial Intelligence in Retail

The University of Bremen was extremely successful in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy AI competition. Based on research findings from the Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IAI), the project with funding of 13 million euros will incorporate AI into retail in the future.

Haus im Eis

Climate Change in the Arctic: Collaborative Research Center Continues

Good news for the university’s Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP): The Collaborative Research Center (CRC) Transregio 172 “(AC) 3 Arctic Amplification“, in which the IUP has been a participant since 2016, has been extended for a further four years by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Die Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten des Deutschlandstipendiums.

High Achieving and Socially Committed: Deutschlandstipendium Awarded

They stand out due to their great performance and are active in the community: 104 Students from the University of Bremen will receive a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship. The scholarship includes financial support and free workshops for the development of soft skills.

Eisberg im Meer

University of Bremen Supports Climate Week

The university is supporting the campaign week from November 25 – 28, 2019, which was proposed by the Students for Future climate movement. There will be daily events. The aim of this protest is to draw more attention to the issues highlighted by Fridays for Future.


Christmas Physics Show for the Whole Family

The Faculty of Physics of the University of Bremen invites you to their traditional show "Physics in Advent". The university scientists will present a sequence of physical phenomena from the fields of mechanics, acoustics, and vacuum physics on Saturday, November 30, at 11 a.m.. Admission is free.

Studierende vor der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek

“Image Propaganda in the Weimar Republic“: Exhibition at the SuUB

Propaganda in the Weimar Republic. In the politically charged atmosphere, this meant sharp attacks on the enemy and image propaganda played an important role in that. An exhibition with original documents from magazines will open at the SuUB on Friday, November 22.

Group of men and women

Creating a European University Together: Panel Discussion on Diversity

Which chances and challenges arise when you establish a European university? That is what experts from the YUFE partner universities will be discussing at a panel discussion in the mensa (cafeteria) at 3:30 p.m. on November 27. The topic is diversity.

Birgit Mahnkopf

Birgit Mahnkopf Is Guest Speaker at Fifth Senghaas Lecture

“The War Against the Planet” is at the center of the fifth Senghaas Lecture of the Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS). The talk by Birgit Mahnkopf will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 27, 2019, at the Haus der Wissenschaft (House of Science).

Bremen, Deutschland, Marum, Orte, Uni Bremen

Geosciences Collection Open Day

The open day of the Geosciences Collection of the University of Bremen on November 23, offers a fascinating insight into past worlds. Visitors can marvel at minerals, stones, and fossils. There will also be presentations and a tombola. Entry is free-of-charge.

Der Besuch der ONOC ist kostenfrei und für jeden offen.

Open Night of Code at the University of Bremen

Once a term, everything at the University of Bremen is all about programming for one night. On November 22, it is happening again: At the Open Night of Code, students of computer science and other interested people can work together on projects. The free event at the MZH starts at 6 p.m.

Two men discussing

Scholarship Holder from Western Siberia Researches Philosophy of Law

Professor Vitaly Ogleznev is visiting the University of Bremen with a Humboldt research fellowship. The Russian scientist chose the Bremen philosopher of law, Professor Lorenz Kähler, as his host. He will carry out research and publish with him for one and a half years.

[Translate to English:] Leute stehen rum

NorShiP Is Launching: Bundled Competence for Cybersecurity and Data Protection

Cybersecurity and data protection are among the most important topics of our time. The Bremen initiative NorShiP, in which the University of Bremen is involved, will in future bundle the areas of competences for research and education in northern Germany.

Five young people at an exhibition

10th Bremen StartUp Lounge Invites Interested Parties

“Ingenuity." is the motto of the tenth Bremen StartUp Lounge, which will take place on Wednesday, November 13, 2019. It is organized by the BRIDGE university initiative, which is the main point of contact for students and members of Bremen universities on the subject of business start-ups.

Foto with two women and European flag on the Uni-Boulevard

The Development of a European University: Panel Discussion in the City

With funding from the EU Commission, the University, as part of a consortium of eight European partners, is designing one of the first European universities. What this means for the city and its inhabitants is the topic of a panel discussion at 5 p.m. on Monday, November 11, at EuropaPunktBremen.

Exponate aus dem Nachlass des Kunsthistorikers Igor Golomshtok

FSO Collaborates with World-Class Moscow Museum

An online platform from the Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO) at the University of Bremen and the renowned Moscow museum “Garage” are combining worldwide-unparalleled inventories of contemporary Russian art. The aim is to promote and simplify the research into this archive material.

first.stage ermöglicht die Platzierung von Figuren und Objekten im virtuellen Raum. Bewegungen werden mit Hilfe der farbigen Markierungen geplant und umgesetzt.

EU Project: Virtual Reality for Theater and Film Productions

With the help of virtual reality applications, film and theater producers can plan realistic scenes. The technology was developed in the “first.stage” project under the direction of the University of Bremen. The EU has provided funding of around three million euros for the project.

Rektor Bernd-Scholz Reiter und Fernando Silva bei der Vertragsunterzeichnung

Permanent Partnership with Santander Sealed

The University of Bremen and Santander will continue their partnership, which started in 2013, indefinitely. In the next three years, the BISIP, U Bremen Research Alliance Welcome Center, and Deutschlandstipendium projects will be supported by Santander Universities.

Gruppenbild mit zwei Frauen und einem Mann

YUFE: Political Support for European University

Together with seven partner institutions, our University is designing one of the first European universities. The YUFE alliance (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) is receiving a great deal of international, political support. This was shown at a meeting at the University of Cyprus

[Translate to English:] Universität Bremen begrüßt Frühstudierende

It is not only regular first semester students that are currently beginning their studies at the University of Bremen. The university is also welcoming 19 school pupils. The talented and interested young people are taking part in some foundation courses in the frame of the “Early Study” program.

Mann lächelt in Kamera

Hans-Koschnick-Professor John W. Meyer Holds Talk on Liberalism

At 6 p.m. on October 17, 2019, Stanford sociologist John W. Meyer will be holding a talk on education and the university as an institution in the House of Science (Haus der Wissenschaft). He is a guest this fall at the University of Bremen in the frame of the Hans Koschnick Professorship.

Crypto currency on a digital display

Diginomics Research Talks: Digital Experts Hold Public Talk Series

Work 4.0, digital project management, and digital currency are topics of an event series from the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics. The series begins on Tuesday, October 22, 2019, in the Kontorhaus Passage, is free of charge and open to anyone who is interested.

Ambulance on the way

Taken to Hospital by Ambulance: Nobody Wanted to Take Responsibility

A study of the University of Bremen led by the University of Oldenburg indicates that nursing home residents are very often unnecessarily admitted to emergency rooms and hospitals. In Germany, the number of hospitalization of nursing home residents seems to be much higher than in other countries.

Eine Gruppe Studierender bei einer Campusführung

University of Bremen Welcomes around 5,000 New Students

Around 5,000 students will begin their studies at the University of Bremen in the winter semester 2019/20 with a mix of preparatory courses, information events, guided tours, as well as parties.

A student in the work place.

Learn Languages This Winter

The Foreign Languages Centre for the Universities in the Land of Bremen (FZHB) is offering various courses where you can learn a new language, refresh your language skills or take exams in the coming months.

Professor Hoffmeister überreicht Preise an zwei Schülerinnen

Dr. Hans Riegel Awards for Outstanding Research by Pupils

On September 26, 2019, the University of Bremen and the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation honored pupils from the region for their outstanding prescientific papers. The Dr. Hans Riegel Awards are endowed with a total of approximately 5,200 euros.

Young Man smiling

Geographers Honor Ivo Mossig’s University Teaching

Professor Ivo Mossig has received an award for innovative teaching. The association for geography at German-speaking universities and research institutes has honored him for his module “Introduction Project.” Students already start researching independently in their first bachelor’s semester.


Economy in Practice: Students Trained as Certified Derivatives Traders for the First Time

Practical teaching: at the University of Bremen, prospective economists have successfully passed the examination to become a certified derivatives trader of Deutsche Börse AG for the first time. The special training is part of the economist Professor Lars Hornuf’s course.

YERUN Cooperation Network: Scholz-Reiter Voted New President

The President of the University of Bremen, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, has been voted president of the YERUN network – Young European Research Universities. The aim of the 17 universities in 11 countries is to give young universities in Europe a voice as part of the cooperation network.

Andreas Caspari / Universität Bremen TZI

Swarm of Satellites to Make 5G Mobile Communication Available Nationwide

A Bremen consortium from industry and science is now developing a software platform for the optimization of satellite networks. This involves the establishment of a satellite-based layer of communication for 5G mobile radio, which supports the network on the ground.

Gunnar Spreen

MOSAiC Expedition: Dr. Gunnar Spreen Starts His Adventure in the Ice

It is the most important scientific work of his career: Dr. Gunnar Spreen, Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, is taking part in MOSAiC, the biggest Arctic expedition ever. On September 20, 2019, he will depart from Tromsø (Norway) to carry out month-long research in the ice.

portrait of a young man

Study: Personality Is More Dependent on Genes than Assumed

A University of Bremen study has shown that personality differences between people in one family are more dependent on genes than has been assumed until now. The research group has published its findings in the current issue of the international “Zeitschrift für Psychologie” (Journal of Psychology).

Atmosphärischer Beobachtungsdom auf dem NW1 der Universität Bremen. In dem Dom befindet sich der Sonnenfolger der das Sonnenlicht in das Spektrometer leitet, mit dem die Spurengase in der Atmosphäre vermessen werden.

New Cooperation to Significantly Improve Climate Models

To be able to make better predictions for air quality as well as for weather and climate is the aim of a new cooperation in which the University of Bremen is involved. The work of the Research Infrastructure for the observation of Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases (ACTRIS-D) starts in 2021.

Zwei Mädchen sitzen am Tisch und schauen auf ein Tablet

Understand Math: Innovation Award for University of Bremen and the Oberschule im Park

Man kann nur etwas erklären, das man verstanden hat. Diesen Leitsatz verfolgt ein Projekt der Universität Bremen, das in der Oberschule im Park in Bremen-Oslebshausen inklusiven Unterricht mit digitalen Medien unterstützt. Jetzt wurde es mit dem Innovationspreis der Sieben Faulen ausgezeichnet.

Young scientist working in a laboratory

University of Bremen: Even Better Career Chances for Young Academics

Young academics at the University of Bremen now have even better chances for a plannable career. 6.6 million euros from the Federal Government and Länder Program for the funding of junior academics make it possible for the university to fill seven further tenure-track professor positions.

Polarstern, Arktis, Expedition 2012, ARK XXVII-3, sea ice, Meereis

Low Sea-Ice Cover in the Arctic: Second-Lowest September Minimum

Only 3.9 million square kilometers of the Arctic Ocean are covered by sea ice, according to researchers from the University of Bremen and Alfred Wegener Institute. This is the second time that the annual minimum has dropped below four million square kilometers since satellite measurements began in 1

Handelskammer, Universität, Bridge, start up

CAMPUSiDEEN 2019 Award Winners

The winners in the categories "Business Idea" and "Business Plan" of the CAMPUSiDEEN start-up competition have been announced. Four of the six winners come from the University of Bremen. The prizes were awarded on September 3, 2019, at a ceremony held at the Chamber of Commerce.

digitaler nachlass, tod, testament, nachlass, digital, sterben, beerdigung, konto, konten, account, nutzer, zugang, kreuz, tot, friedhof, online, internet, daten, datengrab, erbe, bestattung, löschen, anteilnahme, ende, trauer, beileid, computer, nutzer, nutzerdaten, web, social media, profil, besitzer, email, e mail, konto, schwarz, weiß, blau, symbol, digitaler nachlass, tod, testament, nachlass, digital, sterben, beerdigung, konto, konten, account, nutzer, zugang, kreuz, tot, friedhof, online, internet, daten, datengrab, erbe, bestattung, löschen, anteilnahme, ende, trauer, beileid, computer, nutzerdaten, web, social media, profil, besitzer, email, e mail, schwarz, weiß, blau, symbol

Digital Inheritance: What Happens with My Data after Death?

A research network, in which the University of Bremen is involved, is developing a comprehensive study on digital inheritance. The aim is to create recommendations for testators, heirs, and the law.

Three rainbow flags were hoisted outside the university.

CSD: University of Bremen Raises Rainbow Flags

The University of Bremen has officially raised the rainbow flags in order to mark Bremen’s Christopher Street Day (CSD) on Saturday, August 31, 2019.

Eine männliche Person interagiert mit einem virtuellen Industrieroboter

New Research Project: Ready for the Working World of Tomorrow

A new project at the University of Bremen is investigating how humans can be prepared for working together with robots. The focus is especially on vocational school students: in a virtual environment, they will experience working together with industrial robots.

Young people work at a laptop.

You Can Still Apply to the University of Bremen

Attractive degree possibilities are still available for those who did not receive their desired study place at the University of Bremen or did not apply on time: Registrations for non-restricted bachelor programs and for six master programs are still being accepted from September 1 to 15.

Mann und Frau stehen in einer Telefonzelle

TZI Researches the Use of Chat Bots in the Bremen Bürgerservice

In the future, artificial intelligence could help answer citizens’ questions around the clock: the Senator for Finance has commissioned the Technology Center Informatics and Information Technology (TZI) at the University of Bremen to research a chat bot that automatically processes text messages.

Professor Cristiano Mazur Chiessi

Humboldt Scholarship Holder Researches Effects of Climatic Change on Rainforest and Gulf Stream

How have past climatic changes affected the Amazonian rainforest and the Gulf Stream? Professor Cristiano Mazur Chiessi is looking into this question for six months at MARUM in the frame of the research fellowship for experienced researchers awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

People sitting at a table in a seminar room.

Mediation Training: Solving Conflicts Amicably

In January 2020, a 17-month mediation course is starting at the Academy of Continuing Education, University of Bremen. Interested persons can learn more about the contents and aims of the training at three info events from 5p.m. to 6 p.m. on August 21, and September 6 and 17, 2019.

Eine Studierendengruppe vor dem Bunker Valentin

Interactive Remembrance of Soviet Prisoners of War

In the frame of a joint historical project, students at the University of Bremen and students from the Ukraine and Russia have investigated how their countries remember the Soviet prisoners of war. The results are now presented on an interactive internet platform.

Frauen lernen

LIFE: Flexible Further Training at the University of Bremen

Further training at the University of Bremen: The application phase for the further training program LIFE is now open until September 15, 2019. Interested persons can learn more about the offer at information evenings on August 21, and September 4, as well as via a webinar on August 27, 2019.

A teacher performs in front of a class in a seminar room.

Continuing Education Course in Social Sciences Begins in October 2019

The Centre for Labor and Political Education (zap) at the University of Bremen will start their social sciences continuing education course, which runs for two years, on October 15, 2019. Interested persons can learn more about the offer at two information evenings on August 22, and September 5.

University of Bremen Nominated for European Eco-Management Award

The University of Bremen’s eco-management is outstanding and sustainable, which is why it has been nominated as the German representative for the EU Commission EMAS Award 2019. Environmental protection, biodiversity and the incorporation of sustainability in teaching make the university stand out.

Porträt Dr. Cordula Weißköppel

Bremen’s Colonial History: Expert Demands Better Processing

On August 11, a remembrance service in Bremen will commemorate the victims of genocide in Namibia. The cultural scientist Dr. Cordula Weißköppel from the University of Bremen criticizes what she believes to be the hesitant addressing of Bremen’s colonial past.

Junge Leute

Three Weeks of Practical Experience: Students at Summer Camp

From August 5, 2019, 52 students are taking parts in the third practical summer camp of the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics. 12 interdisciplinary teams, some of which are international, will work on practical projects for three weeks. The results will be presented on August 23.

Tropical Nature Tourism: How Can Wastewater Management Be Improved?

Social-ecological research and a new working group at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) in cooperation with the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Bremen are being funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with nearly 2 million euros.

Prof. Dr. Dana Schmalz

Maritime Rescue: “Europe Must Assume Responsibility”

Rescuing people in distress at sea is an obligation under international law according to the legal scholar Dana Schmalz. She points out the connection to the Dublin Regulation with regard to responsibility for asylum seekers and argues for a European solution.

Young man in front of a screen

Bremen Economist Analyzes Federalism in Russia and China

At the University of Bremen, Professor Michael Rochlitz is comparing the political economy systems in Russia and China and has yielded astounding results. He is an expert on both countries.

Im Projekt OPA3L arbeiten Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Universität Bremen an der Weiterentwicklung des Autonomen Fahrens.

Map Material for Autonomous Driving

In order to equip autonomous cars for the road, Scientists from the OPA3L project at the University of Bremen will measure the Bremen district of Borgfeld to the exact centimeter using several laser scanners.

Professor Benedikt Buchner und Professor Alex Boniface Makulilo

Big Data in Medicine: Project with the Open University of Tanzania

A team from the University of Bremen and Open University of Tanzania will investigate the challenges connected to the data protection laws in the healthcare sectors of both countries for the next three years. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is funding the project with around 48,000 euros.

two men discussing

Guest from Cameroon Researches German Migration Literature

Humboldt scholarship holder Dr. Serge Yowa from Cameroon is currently a guest at the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies at the University of Bremen. The scholar of German from Central Africa will research German migration literature in the next two years. His host is Professor Axel Dunker.

Man sitting in a chair testing virtual reality glasses. Spectators are standing around.

AI for Surgery and the Fight Against Infectious Diseases

How can researchers support the work in surgical theaters and help to contain infectious diseases? An international cooperation between the University of Bremen and Mahidol University in Bangkok is working on answering these questions. In August, they will meet at a symposium in Bremen.

Roboter kurz vor einem Mittelfeldschuss beim Gruppenspiel gegen das SPQR Team auf dem RoboCup 2019 in Sydney.

Success Story Continues: B-Human Wins World Cup for the Seventh Time

With a 2:1 finish, B-Humans - the joint team from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) – reclaimed the world champion title in Sydney, Australia.

Professorin Kerstin Schill

University of Bremen Represented in DFG Executive Committee and Senate

The University of Bremen is now represented in Germany’s largest research support organization: Professor Kerstin Schill was elected as one of the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) Vice Presidents. Professor Michael Schulz is a new senate member.

two men

Participants Needed for Psychological SPeADy Study

The Department of Psychology is looking for monozygotic and dizygotic twins from 14 years of age onwards who would like to take part in a study. A 30-minute questionnaire is to be filled out by varying age groups. The aim is to find out how personality changes over the course of a lifetime.

Preisträgerin Iris Pigeot, Wissenschaftssenatorin Eva Quante-Brandt, Preisträger Andreas Fischer-Lescano und Konrektor Andreas Breiter (v.l.n.r.)

Prize for Doctoral Supervision Awarded for the First Time

For the first time ever, the University of Bremen has honored outstanding PhD supervision. Two first place awards were given to the mathematician Iris Pigeot and the jurist Andreas Fischer-Lescano. The Alumni Network of the University of Bremen donated the prize money of 2,000 euros per person.

display of a smartphone with a robot

School Pupils Bring Pepper the Robot into Play

Robots that relieve you of all day-to-day tasks – many people dream of such intelligent helpers. When will you never have to tidy your room again or hoover? During a summer vacation workshop from the “smile” project, school pupils from grades 7 to 9 can have fun getting creative.

Landschaft mit Felden und Bäumen und Hecken dazwischen

Hedgerows: The Older, the More Species-Rich

A research team from the Institute of Ecology at the University of Bremen has compared the plant community of old and young hedgerows in Schleswig-Holstein. This showed that there were significantly more forest plant species in the old shrubs.

Die Universität aus der Luft

University of Bremen Conferences in July 2019

Gender research in Turkey, the digital world of work and English linguistics are the topics that are on the University of Bremen’s conference calendar in July 2019.

RBei der RoboCup 2018, nahm B-Human an dem Wettbewerb für gemischte Teams zusammen mit rUNSWift aus Sydney, Australien, teil. Das Foto zeigt einen schönen Querpass.

RoboCup World Championship: B-Human Is Travelling to Sydney with High Hopes

World championship fever is growing in the B-Human team – the joint team from the University of Bremen and the DFKI. From July 2–8, the current German champion and vice world champion will take part in the RoboCup World Championship to win back the trophy.

Woman with a book

Summertime Means It Is Language Learning Time

The Foreign Languages Center for the Universities in the State of Bremen (FZHB) has many offers for the non-lecture period from July to September 2019. Interested persons can learn a new language, refresh their skills, take exams or prepare themselves linguistically for university admission.

[Translate to English:]

European YUFE University: University of Bremen and Network Successful

In the frame of a pilot process, the EU Commission has chosen the YUFE alliance – Young Universities for the Future of Europe – to create one of the first European universities. YUFE will receive 5 million euros in the next three years. The University of Bremen is part of the network.

Two musicians with bassoons

Strange Stories Told Musically

Grotesque music from Berlin and Leningrad in the 1930s is planned for the traditional semester end concerts of the University of Bremen orchestra and choir. They will take place on Tuesday, July 2, 2019 and Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at “Haus am Walde” and in the Gutsscheune Stuhr in Varrel.

Die in der Ausstellung portraitierte Frauen- und Geschlechterforscherin Gülay Toksöz

At Risk: Gender Studies in Turkey

University of Bremen researchers are providing insights into three decades of women’s and gender studies in Turkey. An exhibition at the Haus der Wissenschaft, a public talk held by the renowned gender researcher, Professor Andea Petö, and a summer school will take place at the start of July.

Yasemin Karakaşoğlu

University of Bremen Represented Again in DAAD Executive Committee

Major commendation for University of Bremen internationalization work: Professor Karakaşoğlu has been elected onto the DAAD executive committee for the second time. The previous Vice President for International Affairs and Diversity will begin her role on January 1, 2020. Her term will end in 2023.

Three young women on stage

Theater InCognito Presents Arthur Miller’s ‘The Crucible’

The university theater group InCognito invites you to the premiere of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible on Friday, June 28, 2019 at 8 p.m. The performance will take place in the theater of the university, which is located on the ground floor of the canteen on the boulevard.

Photo of a woman with flowers in her hand and a man

Vice President Approved for Second Term in Office with Vast Majority

Continuity on the University Executive Board: Professor Eva-Maria Feichtner will continue her role of Vice President for International and Diversity at the University until 2022. The Academic Senate recently approved the nomination by the President, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, with vast majority.

Rund 20.000 Gäste kamen zum vierten OPEN CAMPUS an der Universität Bremen

Large Crowds at Fourth OPEN CAMPUS

Experiments, talks, fun for children and open-air concerts: On Saturday, June 15, 2019, there was a large crowd of around 20,000 visitors at the OPEN CAMPUS event of the University of Bremen. In the evening, the hip-hop stars Namika and Megaloh set the party mood on campus.

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IPP Is now a WHO Collaborating Centre

The World Health Organization (WHO) has named the Department of Social Epidemiology at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research, University of Bremen as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health Inequalities under the direction of Professor Gabriele Bolte.

Gaestehaus im Dunkeln

Guesthouse Celebrates its Birthday: 25 Years in the Heart of the City

Jubilee at Teerhof: The ambitious university with its guests from all over the globe needs a place that can accommodate all international guests. That was the initial idea for the construction of the guesthouse in the city, which is now celebrating its 25th birthday.

Junge Menschen schauen in einen Laptop

The Fight against Malaria: Gaining a Better Understanding of Infection Paths

Computer Science students are significantly contributing to reducing the spread of malaria in Thailand. In the frame of a practical project, they are developing an app-based system together with the Mahidol University in Bangkok. The aim is to gain a better understanding of the paths of infection.

Students talking in the GW 2 cafeteria.

Orientation in the Subject Jungle of Degree Options

High school graduation is over – and what now? The Study Pilot project allows for people interested in doing a degree to take a look into the day-to-day life at the university and supports them in making a decision.

Computer keyboard.

Promoting Digital Change in Teaching

The University of Bremen is in the middle of a digital transformation and will now receive strategic support for teaching from renowned, external experts. The university was able to win said support from the Higher Education Forum for Digitalization (Hochschulforum Digitalisierung).

Teilnahmeberechtigt sind Studierende, Mitarbeitende und Ehemalige der Universität Bremen, der Hochschule Bremen, der Hochschule Bremerhaven und der Jacobs University Bremen sowie aus deren Instituten und Forschungseinrichtungen.

CAMPUSiDEEN 2019: Apply now as the best start-up idea

Bremen start-up founders, please pay attention: Once again this year, the CAMPUSiDEEN competition honours the best business ideas and business plans from Bremen’s higher education landscape. The closing date for applications is 25 June.

Projektgruppe vor Auto

Will Shuttle Buses and Cars in Sharing Schemes Be Driving Themselves Soon?

Within the new OPA3L project, which currently has a project volume of 5.3 million euros, mathematics and computer science groups from the University of Bremen are working on the development of autonomous driving. The aim is to move from the university parking lot to the city roads.


OPEN CAMPUS: Experiencing Science with all Senses

From 2 p.m. onwards on June 15, 2019, the University of Bremen is opening its doors for the fourth time for OPEN CAMPUS. Some of the events on offer include short talks, tours and a poetry slam. Namika and Megaloh, two stars of the German music scene, will perform in the evening.

Ziel des Projekts ist es, Musterprotokolle – sogenannte Domain-Data-Protokolle (DDPs) – für den Umgang mit Forschungsdaten der Bildungsforschung zu entwickeln.

Qualiservice – Better Preparation of Research Data

The research data center QAULISERVICE at the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy, University of Bremen, will receive funding from the BMBF for the development of data-specific, flexible tools for research data management together with ten partners.

Zwei Ärzte vor einem Computerbildschirm, der einen virtuellen Operationssaal zeigt.

Augmented Reality and 3D Printing for Surgery

A group led by the University of Bremen is combining virtual reality, augmented reality and 3D printing in order to improve the planning and realization of surgeries. The technologies can also be used for the training and continuing education of doctors.

brain, cerebral, intellect, 3d rendering, robotic, robot, technology, electronic, artificial intelligence, cyborg, cybernetic, futuristic, android, automaton, clever, wise, smart, brilliant, intellection, power, humanoid, circuit, convolution, wisdom, ai, programming, intellectual, machine, learning, neural, computer, neuro, science, network, digital, board, connect, motherboard, processor, shape, automatic, automation

University of Bremen Plays an Important Role in Development of Artificial Intelligence

The University of Bremen plays an important role in German artificial intelligence (AI) development. Three of the university’s professors are either one of the ten formative thinkers or are responsible for some of the most significant technologies in German AI history, according to an expert jury.

An der Universität Bremen spielt Nachhaltigkeit auch in Zukunft eine wichtige Rolle

Sustainability: University of Bremen is Forerunner

The University of Bremen has been accepted into the circle of partner universities of the sustainability network “HOCH-N”. For this, the university had to show how it is dealing with sustainability in teaching, research, operation and even transfer into civil society.

Zwei Männer und eine Frau lächeln in die Kamera

Eva Schöck-Quinteros Awarded the Federal Cross of Merit

The Bremen historian Dr. Eva Schöck-Quinteros received the Federal Cross of Merit from the German Federal President Frank Walter Steinmeier. The award was given for her work in historical-political education with the successful project “Aus den Akten auf die Bühne” (From the Files onto the Stage).

two women and a man sitting on a table

Scholarship Holders from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Carry Out Computer Science Research

Professor Martha Yifiru Tachbelie and her husband, Professor Solomon Teferra Abate from Ethiopia are guests of the Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science of the University of Bremen. The scientists were each awarded a Georg Forster Research Scholarship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Die Artenzusammensetzung von planktonischen Foraminiferen aus der Vergangenheit wird im Sediment gespeichert.

Marine ecosystems have entered the Anthropocene

Researchers from MARUM the University of Bremen, and the University of Oldenburg have shown that the associations of marine plankton in the present are markedly different from those of preindustrial times. The team has published their results in the journal Nature.

The façade of the glass hall.

Who Has a Spare Room in July and August?

For the summer courses at the University of Bremen, the Foreign Languages Centre for the Universities in the State of Bremen (FZHB) is still looking for rooms for international guests.

Luftaufnahme der Sportstätten

University Sport Facilities: School Sports Can Take Place

The University of Bremen’s sport facilities can be used as usual. “The normal training, sport and school activities in the sports halls should be possible in the fall and winter”, stated Dr. Martin Mehrtens, Director of Finance and Administration at the university.

Frierende Menschen vor Schiff

38 Days in the Ice: IUP PhD Students end Russian Arctic Expedition

May 20, port of Murmansk: The Russian research icebreaker “Akademic Treshnikov” is running in – a further milestone of the Russian-German cooperation in Arctic research is ending. Arantxa Triana Gómez and Dmitrii Murashkin, PhD students from the Institute of Environmental Physics were on board.

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Buzzing for the City

Right on schedule for World Bee Day on Monday, May 20, 2019, two beekeeping groups will be launched in Osterholz-Tenever and Vahr under the instruction of researchers from the University of Bremen. The initiative stems from a research project, which investigates food production on a district level.

two men with laptop

Study: Digitalization as the Way Forward for Inclusion in Schools

Frank J. Müller, Junior Professor for Inclusive Education at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences at the University of Bremen has investigated open educational resources in Norway in a current study. Freely available educational materials could set a precedent in Germany’s schools.

Group of two young men and one young woman.

CAMPUS PREIS for Three Excellent Works

One junior researcher and two master’s graduates have received this year’s “CAMPUS PREIS: Forschen für nachhaltige Zukunft.” The jury honored Dr. Anna Schwachula for her dissertation. Daniel Ortiz and Philipp Kenkel each received prizes for their master’s theses.

Four teenagers standing in front of a poster

Food for Thought: Summer Academy for Young People

“Your brain is hungry? We’ll feed it!” – under this motto, the university is once again inviting high-performing high school students to the summer academy, which will take place in the first week of the Bremen summer break from July 8 to 12. Applications can be submitted until June 16.

Students sitting in an auditorium

CHE Ranking: Good Grades for the University of Bremen

In the current university ranking by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), the University of Bremen occupies the top positions for degree courses in linguistics, literature, engineering, education, and psychology.

Entwurfsansicht des BIOM

Modern New Building for Biology

The Faculty of Biology at the University of Bremen will receive a new modern teaching and research building – the BIOM. The almost 6,000-square-meter building on James-Watt-Strasse is to provide space for around 1,000 students and around 100 employees. Construction starts on May 06, 2019.

Entspannt und erfolgreich studieren: Dabei unterstützt die Studierwerkstatt der Universität Bremen seit 20 Jahren.

20 Years of the Studierwerkstatt at the University of Bremen

The Studierwerkstatt study workshop at the University of Bremen teaches students the basics of scientific work, supports them in dealing with learning and examination stress, and prepares them for lectures and examinations. The center turns 20 this year, which it will celebrate on May 8.

Logo des March for Science Bremen

March for Science: Together for Strong Science

On Saturday, May 4, 2019, the March for Science in Bremen once again calls for people to take to the streets for the value of academic and scientific freedom. The University of Bremen supports the movement and invites everyone who wants to make a strong statement for science to participate!

University Glas Hall Buildingshalle

University of Bremen Conferences in May 2019

Family portraits in film and depictions of living in magazines are topics of the May conference program of the University of Bremen.

Symbol der Uni an der Glashalle

Lecture Series on Goals for Sustainable Development Begins

The artec Sustainability Research Center will start a lecture series on Tuesday, April 30, 2019, on the topic “Goals for sustainable development: ambivalences of a global agenda.”

women with bicycles

University of Bremen Launches Survey on Active Mobility in Old Age

In mid-May, health researchers from the University of Bremen sent out 11,000 questionnaires to 117 communities in 11 administrative districts of the Metropolregion Nordwest (northwest metropolitan region). The large-scale survey is intended to show how mobile people aged 65 and over are.

Two men in front of a screen

BIMAQ Provides Software for Measuring the Flow around Rotor Blades

The Bremen Institute for Metrology, Automation and Quality Science (BIMAQ) has now handed over the “Transition Finder” software to Deutsche WindGuard GmbH in Bremerhaven. It is the result of a joint development.

hands of elderly men and women

Study Begins: Reducing Hospitalization in Dementia Sufferers

“DemWG” – a research project of the University of Bremen, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, and the AOK Bremen – is under way. It focuses on reducing hospitalization of people with dementia in outpatient assisted-living communities. A total of 1,260 residents from various cities are participating.

Das neue Jahrbuch der Universität Bremen gibt Einblicke, wie ihre Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter Transfer weiterdenken und leben.

Transfer: Broadening Perspectives

Transfer plays a significant role at the University of Bremen. It encompasses much more than just cooperation with business and industry. The new yearbook tells you all about what transfer means to the university and how its employees are involved in this area.

Luftaufnahme der Sportstätten

University Sports Facilities: Unrestricted Use Possible

The sports facilities of the University of Bremen can still be used without any restrictions. “The facilities will operate as usual,” says Dr. Martin Mehrtens, Director of Finance and Administration of the University. The facilities would be available to school classes and sports clubs as agreed.

Gruppenbild mit Frauen und Männern

Science Awards for Graduates of the University of Bremen

Three graduates of engineering and social sciences at the University of Bremen have been awarded the OLB-Wissenschaftspreis (OLB science prize). They received the awards together with five other prizewinners from Bremen and Lower Saxony.

The university of Bremen

Free Social Science Education Course Begins

On May 10, 2019, the university’s Centre for Labour and Political Education will launch the six-month course titled “Wege in ein sozialwissenschaftliches Studium” for people with refugee and migration experience. An info event will be held on Friday, April 5, 2019. The offer is free of charge.

Tractor sprays pesticides in a field

Pesticides: Research Team Demands New Thinking

The approval practice for pesticides fails to meet the desired environmental standards and contributes to the loss of biological diversity, which is why an international group of experts, including from the University of Bremen, is calling for a change to the approval procedure.

Personen stehen mit einem Tisch mit Postern herum

New Digital Teaching Formats

Five projects for the digitization of university teaching and learning have been launched. They are just some of the measures of the Quality Pact Teaching at the University of Bremen. The projects aim to tap into new sources of didactic potential and generate freely available educational materials.

Young girls sitting

Bremen Youth Welfare in Dark Years

The State and University Library (SuUB) is now showing an exhibition on youth welfare and educational homes in Bremen from 1933 to 1945. The title of the traveling exhibition is taken from the quote “Denn bin ich unter das Jugendamt gekommen” (Because I was put in the care of youth welfare).

Zwei Wissenschaftler im labor

“Biological Bandage” Could Help Heal Wounds

Scientists at the University of Bremen have now developed a three-dimensional protein structure that could help to heal wounds. It is conceivable that one day this structure could be produced as “biological bandage” from the blood of the person who will use it.

Zwei Männer auf Treppe

Important Progress in the Fight against Testicular Cancer

Researchers at the University of Bremen have made great progress in the fight against testicular cancer. An important biomarker has been developed further in a comprehensive study and is almost ready for clinical application. The results have now been published in a prestigious scientific journal.

Bundesbildungsministerin Anja Karliczeck überreicht Professorin Konstanze Plett das Bundesverdienstkreuz

Order of Merit for Law Professor Konstanze Plett

Professor Konstanze Plett of the University of Bremen has been awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. This award honors the special merits of Konstanze Plett for the recognition of intersex rights.

Zwei Männer im Gespräch

U Bremen Excellence Chairs: Close Cooperation with International Experts

The university is strengthening its cooperation with international experts: it has gained selected experts from all over the world for the U Bremen Excellence Chairs. These visiting professors conduct research closely with colleagues of the university.

Zettel mit der Aufschrift Hashtag zapweekly

The Countdown Is On: 12 Tweets until the State Election

Facts about election day, pros and cons of voting, voter turnout and Bremen regional politics. The Centre for Labour and Political Education (zap) of the University of Bremen is posting short tweets with a varied mix of information about the upcoming 2019 state election.

Junge Frau liest Buch

Sunday Opening of the SuUB: First Phase Was Successful

For the first time, the headquarters of the Bremen State and University Library (SuUB) was also open on six weekends from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturdays and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays. The offer was very well received. Up to 1,200 visitors came on Sundays.

Two young women smiling

Mentoring Program: “I’m Glad I Joined In.”

A mentoring program is part of women’s advancement in the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics. After being part of the program for one year, a mentor and mentee tandem will now discuss what it has achieved. The program will be continued.

The MZH Building with drop tower in the background.

Mathematical Olympiad: Award Ceremony of the Bremen’s Best

A total of 169 schoolchildren from Bremen and Bremerhaven took part in the final round of the mathematical olympiad state competition at the end of February. The best performers will be honored at the University of Bremen on Friday, March 8, 2019, at 3:30 p.m.

Logo of the University of Bremen.

Bremen-Cardiff Alliance: Facing Brexit with Collaboration

The University of Bremen and Cardiff University are entering into a strategic partnership – the Bremen-Cardiff Alliance. A cooperation agreement will be signed in Bremen and Cardiff on March 8 and 25 respectively. The aim is to promote the development of joint research activities and cooperation.


Important linguistic expert meeting at the university

Around 500 linguists are expected at the University of Bremen from March 6 to 8, 2019, for the 41st Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society. It is one of the largest linguistic conferences in Europe.

Group of people

Outstanding Theses Receive Bremen Study Prize

The association of “unifreunde” – Gesellschaft der Freunde der Universität Bremen und der Jacobs University will award the Bremen Study Prize for outstanding theses on Thursday, February 28, 2019, starting at 6:30 p.m. A special prize will be donated by Bruker Daltonik GmbH.


University of Bremen helps build a European University

The University of Bremen is joining forces with seven other universities from as many different European countries. Together they form the YUFE alliance (Young Universities for the Future of Europe).

Two Women with a book

State and University Library Returns Book to DGB

The State and University Library (SuUB) was again able to hand over a book to the rightful owner through systematic searches for Nazi loot. Pen drawings by Julius Mühlfeld, published 1873, are now in the possession of the German Trade Union Confederation in Bremen.

A woman smoking cigarette

Institute Is Looking for Smokers for Study

The Institut für Public Health und Pflegeforschung is looking for participants for a new study. “Smoking in everyday life” is the name of the research topic. The institute is looking for people who smoke at least ten cigarettes a day on average.

Uni-Logo an der Glashalle

University of Bremen Conferences in March 2019

An expert conference of linguists, theoretical political science discussions on the relationship between democracy and truth, a meeting of young chemists, and current issues in the wind energy industry – these are the topics of the conferences at the University of Bremen in March 2019.

Man shows a key of a flat

“I’m Afraid the Apartment Is Already Taken, Ms Gülbeyaz.”

A study by Bremen linguist Inke Du Bois has already attracted international attention: students called landlords in four Bremen districts and spoke to them with a Turkish accent, an American accent, and High German pronunciation. However, not all of them received an apartment viewing.

Zwei Männer auf Sofa

Torben Klarl and Lars Hornuf among Top Economists

Good news for the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics at the University of Bremen: the two economics professors Torben Klarl and Lars Hornuf are among the top ten percent of German economists in terms of current research performance. This is the result of a highly regarded ranking.

DFG-Projekt Chip-Fertigung

New DFG Project for the Manufacturing of Computer Chips

Over the next three years, the DFG will provide around 300,000 euros in funding for a project that will make it possible to manufacture computer chips that simultaneously store and process data. The head of the project is Professor Rolf Drechsler from the Computer Architecture working group (AGRA).

Zwei Studierende mit dem Duden

Foreign Languages Centre Supports Teachers from around the World

Teachers from around the world will be supported by the FZHB in the development of their professional German language skills. The offer of a tutorial and an individual coaching session is made possible by a program in the “Integration durch Qualifizierung” network.

Mann mit Roboterarm

How Humans and Robots Can Work Hand in Hand in the Future

How can humans and robots work together safely? A project that has begun at the BIBA addresses this question. Together with partners, an autonomous assistance system for this interface is to be developed by 2020. The federal government is funding the project with 1.3 million euros.

Professor Michael Beetz und drei Roboter

Robotics Expert Michael Beetz Awarded Honorary Doctorate in Sweden

Computer Science Professor Michael Beetz has received an honorary doctorate from the Swedish Örebro University for his outstanding achievements in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics.


Nationwide Data Service Center Now Also for Ethnology

The QUALISERVICE data service center at the SOCIUM – Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy of the University of Bremen receives further funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Thus, for the first time, an area for ethnological research data can be established.

Auf der Polarstern-Expedition PS 104

Second Bremen Ocean Day at the University of Bremen

On Bremen Ocean Day on February 13, 2019, around 500 high school students will have the opportunity to get a taste of marine research. Scientists will talk about their research and everyday scientific life.

Das FZHB hat im Februar und März 2019 viele Angebote im Programm

Implementing New Year’s Resolutions – Language Courses at the Foreign Languages Centre

In February and March 2019, the Foreign Languages Centre for the Universities in the Land of Bremen (FZHB) has a range of offers in its program to refresh language skills or even learn a new language. Participation is open to all interested Bremen residents.

Zwei Männer stehen vor einer Tafel und diskutieren.

“Doping” for Atomically Thin Materials

Scientists at the University of Bremen are investigating new mechanisms for the targeted alteration of the conductivity of nanomaterials. They recently published their discovery in the internationally renowned journal “Nature Communications.”

[Translate to English:] Stephan Leibfried

Focusing on Poverty and Anti-Poverty Policy: Stephan Leibfried Conference on February 1 with Panel Discussion

How can we fight poverty? What can be done to ensure that poverty does not become entrenched? What does a modern anti-poverty or social policy look like? These issues will be discussed on February 1 at the Stephan Leibfried conference of the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy.

In den IT-Workshops des smile Projekts sollen Mädchen selbst aktiv werden.

Exciting IT Workshops for Girls

The smile project offers insights into cutting-edge IT research for schoolgirls from the fifth grade up to university entry. The BMBF-funded workshops at the University of Bremen aim to present the attractiveness and diversity of computer science professions to schoolgirls.

A pencil with the inscription “University of Bremen Center for Continuing Education” lies on a table in a crowded seminar room.

Flexible Continuing Education with LIFE

The application deadline for the summer semester of the LIFE continuing education program is March 1, 2019. Those interested can find out more about the continuing education courses offered at two information events on January 29 and February 26, 2019, and in a webinar on February 6, 2019.

Uni-Logo an der Glashalle

University of Bremen Conferences in February 2019

A symposium around the presentation of the National (Model) Curriculum “Communicative Competences in Nursing” and an expert meeting on air pollution in European and Asian megacities – these are the topics of the conferences at the University of Bremen in February 2019.

Zwei Stolpersteine

Holocaust Remembrance Day: University of Bremen Events

As part of the Holocaust Remembrance Day for the victims of Nazism, the University of Bremen is holding several events. The central commemoration ceremony, with a lecture by scientific historian Professor Dieter Hoffmann, will take place on January 28, 2019, as part of the “Dies Academicus”.

“A Child of Our Time”: End-of-the-Semester Concert from the University’s Orchestra and Choir

The choir and orchestra of the University of Bremen will present Michael Tippett’s “A Child of Our Time” at the Bremen Cathedral.

Annette Ramelsberger

The NSU Protocols: Interview with Annette Ramelsberger

The NSU trial is the subject of a seminar hosted by the University of Bremen on January 21, 2019. History students will discuss the knowledge gained from criminal proceedings with trial observer Annette Ramelsberger of the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Neujahrsempfang der unifreunde in der Oberen Rathaushalle

unifreunde and Universities’ New Year’s Reception in the Town Hall

The New Year’s reception of unifreunde e.V. and the two Bremen universities traditionally marks the start of the current academic year. On January 21, representatives of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University will meet in the upper room of the town hall at 6 p.m.

Modellprojekt Sonntagsöffnung der SuUB

SuUB Has Begun its Pilot Scheme to Open on Sundays

In January and February, the Bremen State and University Library (SuUB) will temporarily extend its opening hours during weekends, as has been repeatedly requested by students. The first time that the library will open on a Sunday will be on January 13.

Prof. Dr. Dekorsy, TZI - Universität Bremen (FB1) Adaptive Communication

Wireless Technology for Industry 4.0

A consortium led by the Center for Computing and Communication Technologies (TZI) at the University of Bremen has developed the basis of a new wireless standard for industry as part of the “HiFlecs” project. Production processes in factories can thus be made much more efficient.

Mikronapf FEM

CRC “Micro Cold Forming” Finished: 12 Years of Successful Research

After the maximum funding period of 12 years, the term of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 747 “Micro Cold Forming” at the University of Bremen came to an end on December 31, 2018.

Mädchen und Jungs werden bei der Kinder-Uni selbst zu Nachwuchsforschenden

Start of the 2019 Bremen “Kinder-Uni”

This spring, the Bremen “Kinder-Uni” (children’s university) invites schoolchildren between the ages of eight and 12 to discuss exciting research questions with scientists. The events take place during the winter break and Easter vacation as well as in the last week of March.


New Master’s Program: “Angewandte Philosophie” (Applied Philosophy)

The new “Angewandte Philosophie” (applied philosophy) master’s program will start at the University of Bremen in the 2019 summer semester. The degree course is open admission and applications can be submitted until January 15, 2019.

Pupils sitting in front of computers

Joint Project: How Is School Data Recorded and Used?

When it comes to digitization, digital data is increasingly being produced in schools. The Institute for Information Management Bremen (ifib) at the University of Bremen is coordinating a three-year joint project investigating its use. It is financed by the Federal Government with 1.2 million euros.

The logo of the University of Bremen on the façade of the Glass Hall.

Gründungsradar: University of Bremen Ranks Sixth in Germany

The University of Bremen ranks sixth among the major universities in Germany in the 2018 Gründungsradar of the Stifterverband. The university was thus able to improve its best result of 2016 by three places. The current rank included 191 state higher education institutions.

Two women and two men looking at their smartphones

Three New DFG Projects on Media Change

The ZeMKI of the University of Bremen and the Hans-Bredow-Institut for Media Research in Hamburg are receiving funding from the DFG for three new projects. The researchers will be asking, among other things, how journalism and its relationship with the public are changing.

Woman hands over a certificate

2018 DAAD Prize for Student Teacher Samuel Xavier

This year, the DAAD prize, endowed with 1,000 euros, goes to student teacher Samuel Xavier from Brazil. The award recognizes students or graduates of the university for outstanding achievements in their studies and also in their social environment.

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UNESCO Accolade for Sustainability Initiatives

The Virtual Academy of Sustainability and the Hochschule an Nachhaltigkeit – HOCH-N (sustainability at higher education institutions – HOCH-N) network at the university have been recognized by the German Commission for UNESCO (DUK) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Wirtschaftsprofessor Lars Hornuf

Digital Financial Actors: Data Protection Inadequate

Eine Studie unter Beteiligung des Wirtschaftswissenschaftlers Lars Hornuf der Universität Bremen zum Thema Datenschutz bei FinTech-Unternehmen zeigt, dass sich der Umgang mit Nutzerdaten seit Inkrafttreten der DSGVO in vielen Fällen verschlechtert hat.

A Galileo satellite in space.

Second Chance for Galileo Satellite

In August 2014, two Galileo satellites did not reach the planned height. This was a stroke of luck for ZARM scientists at the University of Bremen who are researching Einstein’s theory of relativity. The results have now been published in the Physical Review Letters.

Physikprofessor Justus Notholt lässt es ordentlich knallen

Christmas Physics Event for the Whole Family

The Faculty of Physics of the University of Bremen invites guests to the Physik zum Advent show. On Saturday, December 15, at 11 a.m. university scientists will present physical phenomena in mechanical science, acoustics, and electrical science in a short and relaxed format. Admission is free.

markstones Institute Established: Marketing Characterized by New Technologies

Professors Christoph Burmann, Maik Eisenbeiß, and Kristina Klein, together with their teams, have founded a new institute in the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics at the University of Bremen. The three marketing experts have called it markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding and Technology.

Christmas at the University Chemistry Laboratory

The chemistry department once again invites you to attend a traditional Christmas lecture. The event with Dr. Stephan Leupold, Katharina Schneider, and Anne-Marie Lilje starts in the large lecture hall C1, building NW 2, block C, in Leobener Strasse on December 6 at 4 p.m. Admission is free.

Portrait of a man

„UN Climate Change Conference sets the course for the International Coral Reef Symposium 2020 in Bremen“

The UN Climate Change Conference will be held in Poland until 14 December. Its results will also have a major impact on the future of tropical coral reefs, says Christian Wild. The scientist acts as conference chairman of the International Coral Reef Symposium in Bremen, planned for July 2020.

Portrait of a man with glasses.

December 5: University of Bremen Invites to Day of Teaching

The Day of Teaching will take place on Wednesday, December 5, with a public discussion event in the Haus der Wissenschaft and internal offers of the faculties on campus. It concludes in the evening with the presentation of the Berninghausen Prize for outstanding teaching.

Man smiling into the camera

Professor Hans Joas Is the Guest of the Fourth Senghaas Lecture

The guest of the fourth Senghaas Lecture of the Institute for Intercultural and International Studies is Professor Hans Joas from Berlin. He will reflect on the subject of postnational imperialism. The lecture will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, December 5, 2018, in the Haus der Wissenschaft.

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Center for Decision Research Launches

The University of Bremen is expanding its research expertise and establishing the Center for Decision Research together with Jacobs University. The institute is meant to combine science and application-oriented tasks. The ceremonial opening takes place on November 30 in the Haus der Wissenschaft.

Europaflagge im Wind

New Study Shows “Trump Effect” in Europe

Donald Trump’s victory in the election for the 45th president of the USA has strengthened the support of Europeans for the European Union. This is the result of a study that now features as an article in a special issue of the US magazine Perspectives on Politics.

The university of Bremen

Active against Predatory Publishing

The University of Bremen is actively combating the phenomenon of predatory publishers. Even before the media coverage on the topic in the summer of 2018, there were various information and advisory services available.

Asia, architecture, around the world, background, banner, building, city, cityscape, design, downtown, house, illustration, landscape, Singapore, modern, night, paper art, paper cut, silhouette, sky, skyline, skyscraper, snow, tour, tower, town, travel, trip, urban, vector, view, white, winter, world famous landmark

China Introduces “Vocational Education and Training PISA” Developed at the University of Bremen

A test procedure developed by the TVET Research Group at the University of Bremen (I:BB) is now being introduced nationwide in China. The Chinese Ministry of Education regards the COMET method – also known as “Vocational Education and Training PISA” – as a key quality assurance project.

Two men are holding a box and sit in a lecture.

A New Scholarship Culture in Germany

They demonstrate outstanding performance and are committed to society: 112 students from the University of Bremen have received a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship this year. The scholarship includes financial support and free workshops to promote soft skills.

Entrace of the university pool

University and Indoor Pools Closed due to Sabotage

Due to a suspected act of sabotage, the entire university and indoor pool facility have to remain closed for the next few days; the police are investigating. Bremer Bäder GmbH and the Verein für Hochschulsport will announce on their websites in the near future when the swimming pools can open again.

A Glacier

How Unknown Glaciers Contributed to Rising Sea Levels

Small glaciers, which are not registered in the inventories, contributed significantly to global rising sea levels in the 20th century. This is the result of a joint study by the University of Bremen and the University of Innsbruck.

[Translate to English:]

BMBF–Joint Research Project on Video-Based Learning

The University of Bremen is a partner in a research project on digitization in higher education. The Bremen project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with around 845,000 euros.

People hoists the red flag at the Bremen Town Hall

New Dramatic Reading: The Revolution of 1918/19 in Bremen

A hundred years ago, not only did World War I end, but the first German democracy was born. This time of upheaval is the focus of the new dramatic reading from the series “From the Files to the Stage.” The premiere is on November 26 at 7:30 p.m. at the Theater am Leibnizplatz, Bremen.


Public Event Series on Gender and Sexual Diversity on Campus

With the “Diversity @ Uni Bremen” public event series, the University of Bremen hopes to stimulate exchange on dealing with diversity. It starts on November 20 with new focus and invites participants to a panel discussion on the question of what it takes to open up the university to queer diversity.

Box with Sweets

Mini Computer Proves Successful in Elementary School

With the support of the Deutsche Telekom Stiftung, scientists from the University of Bremen have investigated whether the use of Calliope computers in elementary schools makes sense. The results of their study have now been published. Teaching materials will follow shortly.

Potrait of a man

“Whoever Demands the Right to Be Heard Must Grant It to Others”

How can understanding succeed in times of inequality and populism? Political scientist Professor Martin Nonhoff argues that no one should be excluded from the social debate. On the occasion of the 31st Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche, he gives an insight into the broad field.

A lecturer speaks to an audience in a packed lecture hall.

Distinction: “Excellence in Gender Equality!”

In the coming years, the University of Bremen will be given the opportunity to receive funding from the female professors program of the Federal Government and Federal States. In addition, it is one of ten HEIs to be honored by the Joint Science Conference (GWK) for approaches to gender equality.

Der Eingang des Schütting

Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche on Inequality and Populism

On November 15 and 16, 2018, the 31st Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche conference will take place. “Liberal Democracies under Stress: Economic Inequality, Cultural Diversity, and Populism” is this year's theme. The panel discussion in the Schütting at 6 p.m. on the opening night is open to the public.

Back of a soldier with a weapon

A Digitally Processed Visual History of the Holocaust

The Bremen research lab “Film, Media Art and Popular Culture” at ZeMKI is involved in an international research project. It concerns the digitization, analysis, and mediation of films documenting the liberation of concentration camps.

A woman in her bed, caregiver holds her hand

Warning: Those Providing Care to Relatives Become Sicker As They Care

Around 2.5 million people in need of long-term care in Germany are cared for by relatives; these caregivers are more likely to be ill than persons from comparison groups. These are the results from the Pflegereport 2018 (Care Report) written by a team of SOCIUM authors and commissioned by BARMER.

Professor Christian Palentien vor einer Bücherwand

Education Professor Heads Federal Commission of Experts

Christian Palentien, professor in the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Bremen, has been appointed chairman of the federal government’s commission of experts for the preparation of the 16th report on children and youth.


EU Project to Strengthen Bremen’s Innovation Infrastructures

European regions should learn from each other in order to improve their capacity for innovation. This is the aim of the EU-funded project “TraCS3,” in which the Institute for Labour and Economy (iaw) of the University of Bremen is significantly involved. A project meeting will take place in Bremen.

Group of students.

Dr. Hans Riegel Specialist Prizes for Excellent Student Research

The University of Bremen and the Dr. Hans Riegel-Stiftung have honored students from the region for their particularly good prescientific work. The Dr. Hans Riegel specialist prizes are endowed with a total of around 5,000 euros.

Mann forscht

University Publishes New Issue of Its Research Magazine “Highlights”

The University has now published a new issue of its research magazine “Highlights.” It presents exemplary projects and planned research – in both German and English – in a comprehensible manner. Interested readers will gain insights into the multifaceted commitment of the scientific community.

A teacher in front of a group of listeners in a seminar room.

Part-Time Continuing Education in Palliative Care

In February 2019, two continuing education courses in the field of palliative care will start at the University of Bremen. Interested parties can get to know the offers at two information events – on November 6, 2018, for the certificate course and on November 22, 2018, for the master’s program.

portrait of a man

SOCIUM Team Evaluates New Medicines in Innovation Report 2018

The team led by Professor Gerd Glaeske and Professor Wolf-Dieter Ludwig, chairman of the Drug Commission of the German Medical Association, awarded more green lights in the Innovation Report 2018 than in previous years. The study examined 32 medicines that were launched on the market in 2015.

Das Wort "Rückenwind" auf rotem Hintergrund

StartUp-Lounge under the Motto “Tailwind”

On November 6, 2018, the eighth Bremen StartUp-Lounge will take place from 6 to 9 p.m. at the University of Bremen. It is organized by the BRIDGE university initiative with the support of STARTHAUS and brings together people with start-up experience and those interested in start-ups.

Logo of the University of Bremen on a glass pane.

University of Bremen Conferences in November 2018

Research data management, the handling of mobility and flexibility requirements in the working world, and a forum for laser users – those are the topics of the events of the University of Bremen in November.

Drei Männer in einem Büro

Materials for the Photonics of Tomorrow

Novel, atomically thin materials could be used in the future as energy-efficient and versatile light sources. Physicists from the University of Bremen have now published the results of their research into these materials in the internationally renowned journal “Nature Physics.”

Man is explainung something.

Fit for the Digital Transformation in Medicine

The Fraunhofer MEVIS Institute for Medical Image Computing is one of the world’s leading research centers in digital medicine. In order to prepare computer science students for the challenges in this area, the institute and the University of Bremen are now cooperating even more closely in teaching.

Two young people on Bremens Market Place

Invitation to Idea Competition: Logo for Local News App Wanted

At the ZeMKI, a mobile app is currently being developed for news about life in Bremen and the surrounding area. Local news and information from clubs will be available via the “” app. The competition for ideas for the development of a logo will run until November 15, 2018.

Group of persons looking on a smartphone screen

Students Create Audio Walk in Memory of Forced Laborers

Students of the University of Bremen have researched the history of the Bremen-Schützenhof satellite camp in Gröpelingen. They have developed an audio walk for smartphones. It describes the forgotten fates of the forced laborers who were sent to the A.G. Weser shipyard every day.

group of wpmen and men in front of a box

Bremen Biophysicists Involved in European Research Network

The Institute for Biophysics at the University of Bremen is involved in a multinational research network that is to develop new tools in biomedicine. These tools could be used to treat various diseases such as cancer. The Bremen team is supported with 500,000 euros.

Two young men on a glacier

Computer Scientists Research Navigation Technologies

Is there extraterrestrial life on the ice moon Esceladus, one of Saturn’s largest moons? This is what the Enceladus Explorer Initiative of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) wants to explore. The University of Bremen is also involved in the preparations for the mission.

a nurse with a patient, holding his hand

“What’s Next for Nursing Care in Germany?”

The Colloquium on Health Policy, which is aimed at the broader public, begins in the Haus der Wissenschaft (house of research). This time, the series of lectures initiated by the SOCIUM – Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy of the University of Bremen focuses on nursing professions.

Young people work at a laptop.

Success in Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung

The University of Bremen will continue its successful work within the framework of the Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung (Teacher Training Quality Campaign). Its Schnittstellen gestalten (designing interfaces) project has been recommended for further funding of around 2.7 million euros by 2023.

People from different generations use media

Innovative Software for Researching Individual Media Use

At the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) scientific software will be further developed over the next three years together with partners. The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) is supporting the research project with more than 720,000 euros.

Autorin Felicitas Hoppe in einem roten Kleid

Lecture Series: Traveling in the Premodern World

The public lecture series of the Institut für Mittelalter- und Frühneuzeitforschung starts on October 18, 2018, on the topic of travel and travel literature in the Middle Ages. On November 22, Georg Büchner Prize winner Felicitas Hoppe will present her book “Prawda: Eine amerikanische Reise.”

Federal Government Selects SOCIUM Research Center to Participate in New Institute

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is planning to establish an institute for social cohesion. A network of 11 research institutes from ten Federal States was selected for this purpose SOCIUM – Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy of the University of Bremen is one of them.

Diverse people between stands.

University of Bremen Welcomes More Than 5,000 First-Semester Students

The overall enrollment figures for the winter semester at the University of Bremen are at the same level as last year. The freshman orientation week from October 8 to 12 and the university start portal ensure a good start to your studies.

Doors to the pool

Indoor Pool Expected to Reopen on October 8

The University of Bremen is expected to reopen the indoor pool on campus at the beginning of next week. The chlorine dosing system in the building was defective. The pool therefore had to be closed at the end of July for operational and health reasons.

Hands of elderly people

Research Project to Reduce Hospital Stays of People with Dementia

People with dementia in assisted living communities should be admitted to hospital less frequently. This is the aim of a research project at the University of Bremen and Erlangen that will begin in March 2019. Dementia living communities in Bremen, Bavaria, Berlin, and Hamburg will be involved.

Excellence Strategy: University of Bremen Successful

The University of Bremen is successful in the Excellence Strategy. Its cluster application “The Ocean Floor – Unexplored Interface of the Earth” from the MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences was selected from 88 applications. It will be funded for seven years from 2019 onward.

University of Bremen Conferences in October 2018

The topics of the university’s events in October 2018 range from “Die Maus” door opener day for children and the demands placed on nursing staff in disaster areas to the global development of social policy.


Environmental Researchers Use Satellite Data to Analyze Moorland Fire Exhaust Gases

The moorland fire near Meppen caused by Bundeswehr shooting exercises has been one of the top news items in the media. Researchers from the Institute of Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen have now analyzed the composition of the exhaust plume using highly accurate satellite data.

Cartoon mit Marsmensch, Ufo und Frau am Fluss

IAC 2018: University of Bremen Presents Space Degree Courses

The 69th International Astronautical Congress 2018 (IAC 2018) will take place at Messe Bremen from October 1 to 5. Some 5,000 international participants from science, business, and politics are expected. The University of Bremen will present its master’s programs in space travel.

Studierende vor einer Zettelwand mit Wohnungsinseraten

Study Shows: Students Suffer from Expensive Rents

Affordable housing for students is becoming increasingly scarce. But the housing situation in Bremerhaven is more relaxed compared to Bremen. These are the findings of a study by the Institute for Labour and Economy (iaw) and the Institute of Geography at the University of Bremen.


Virtual Mars Landscape Enables Testing of Robot Swarms

The Center for Computing and Communication Technologies (TZI) of the University of Bremen is developing a detailed simulation of Valles Marineris on Mars for the DLR Explorer project. In the virtual environment, the collaboration of autonomous space robots is to be rehearsed under real conditions. …

Drawing with cat and mouse

Wide Range of Language Learning Opportunities at the Fremdsprachenzentrum

New semester – new language? No problem with the Fremdsprachenzentrum der Hochschulen im Land Bremen (FZHB)! In the 2018/19 winter semester, which begins soon, the facility will again offer a wide range of opportunities to learn, refresh, or certify languages.

Gruppenfoto Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger

CAMPUSiDEEN 2018 Projects Recognized

In the CAMPUSiDEEN start-up competition, the winners from the “Business Ideas” and “Business Plans” categories have been selected – four of them are from the University of Bremen. They were recognized on September 19, 2018, during a ceremony at the Chamber of Commerce.

Ruine des Diakonissenhauses und Bunker BK6 im Hintergrund

Exhibition on the History of the High-Rise Bunker in Walle

Students present their research on the high-rise bunker in Walle. “Der Bunker, der auf Bremen schaut. Kriegskrankenhaus, Atombunker, Kulturclub” (the bunker overlooking Bremen. Wartime hospital, nuclear bunker, cultural club.) exhibition will open on September 15 and will run until October 12, 2018.

Portrait einer schönen Frau

Kerstin Schill Becomes the New Rector of the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg

Professor Kerstin Schill, head of the institute of Cognitive Neuroinformatics at the University of Bremen since 2003, will become the new rector of the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) in Delmenhorst on October 1, 2018. She is succeeding neurobiologist Professor Reto Weiler.

Kinder sitzen im Hörsaal

Lecture Hall instead of School: More than 1,300 Students Visit the University

In September, more than 1,300 students visit the University of Bremen. At the invitation of institutes and institutions on campus, they will deal with central questions in the fields of climate protection, marine research, application-oriented mathematics, and space travel. 

Gruppe von Schülern vor Labtop

International Conference on Education and School in Transnational Relationships

"Failing Identities, Schools, and Migrations – Teaching in (Trans-)National Constellations” will be the topic of a conference at the University of Bremen from October 26 to 28 October, 2018.

old and young woman

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Supports Nursing Training Project

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) will provide funding of 366,000 euros for a project under the direction of Professor Ingrid Darmann-Finck at the Institut für Public Health und Pflegeforschung. The study examines subjective training courses for nursing trainees.

coloured drawing with a family szene

Exhibition Opening in the SuUB: “Marions Buch”

The State and University Library Bremen (SuUB) invites you to the exhibition “Marions Buch” (“Marion’s book”). At 6 p.m. on Friday, September 7, 2018, Director Maria Elisabeth Müller opens the show in the foyer with humorous watercolor drawings “Ach schau, und wer küsst mir?” from 1936.

Der Raum der Stille an der Universität Bremen

Everything Neutral, Right?

With the panel discussion “Everything Neutral, Right? Ideological Diversity at Higher Education Institutions,” the University of Bremen is participating in the sixth Bremen Integration Week. The event takes place on September 6, 2018, at 4:30 p.m. in the Haus der Wissenschaft.

a man getting a red roll

Bernhard Karpuschewski Receives Honorary Doctorate in Hungary

Professor Bernhard Karpuschewski has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Miskolc for his outstanding scientific achievements. This also honored his long-standing cooperation with the Hungarian university.

[Translate to English:] Logo der Universität Bremen

University of Bremen Conferences in September 2018

The conferences held in September at the University of Bremen will cover topics such as biodiversity, metrology, and algebra.

Three roboter playing soccer

Alumni Association Invitation to the Summer Party in Überseestadt

The alumni association of the University of Bremen is inviting guests to the traditional summer party on August 24. Among those attending are Senator of Science Eva Quante-Brandt and the robot soccer players of the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence.

Liegende Gallionsfigur

What a Splinter of Wood Reveals about a Figurehead

The MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes of the University of Bremen is participating in the “Der Zahn der Gezeiten – Maritime Schätze unter der Lupe” exhibition at the German Maritime Museum (DSM) in Bremerhaven for the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. The opening is on August 19, 2018.

[Translate to English:] Frau spricht zu Studierenden

Flexible Adult Education with the LIFE Module Course

The University of Bremen is breaking new ground in adult education: with the LIFE module course, those interested can take part in selected modules from the courses on offer, sit examinations, and acquire credit points. Registrations can be submitted until September 15, 2018.

Professor Friedhelm Hase

Law Professor Appointed to Federal Joint Committee

Professor Friedhelm Hase, expert for health law at the University of Bremen, was appointed deputy chairman of the Federal Joint Committee in July. The committee decides on which specific care measures should be provided to those insured by statutory health insurance.

Building at the campus

Summer Universities Take a Gender-Critical Look at the Working Worlds of the Future

From August 6 to 24, 2018, the University of Bremen will host the international summer university for women students and professionals in engineering. On August 15, 2018, at 11 a.m., the public is invited to the theme day on gender policy and women in engineering in the MZH building, room 1470.

Junge Leute

Three Weeks’ Experience: Business and IT Students at Camp

Hard at work despite the heat: 54 students are currently involved in the second summer camp of the Faculty of Economics. For three weeks, 16 teams in 13 companies in Bremen are working on projects that were conceived together with the companies. The results will be presented on August 17.

ERC Starting Grant for Research on Sea Level Changes

Marine researcher Dr. Alessio Rovere from the University of Bremen has received the ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council. His project at the MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences will receive almost 1.5 million euros in funding over five years beginning in 2019.

University of Bremen Conferences in August 2018

In August the University of Bremen organises conferences on learner corpus linguistics and on the connection between media didactics and diversity in teacher training.

areal image of a refinery

A Dream for the Future: “Flying with Green Fuel"

The Institute for Advanced Energy Systems (AES) in the Faculty of Production Engineering at the University of Bremen will coordinate a high-ranking joint project in energy research. Together with six partners, electricity-based green kerosene is to be brought one step closer to market launch.

Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter is standing in the campus park. You can see the MZH building in the background.

President of the University of Bremen on the Practices of Predatory Publishers

In recent weeks we have received several inquiries from the media regarding predatory publishing. ARD, Süddeutsche Zeitung and SPIEGEL have also addressed the problem. Journalists’ research shows that almost the entire German science system is affected by the machinations of predatory publishers.

Man working with his Laptop

Nationwide IT Security Study: Cyberattacks Continue to Increase

Cyberattacks in the form of fraudulent phishing mails and malware that can paralyze entire computer systems are continuing to increase. These are the findings of a nationwide IT security study conducted by researchers at the University of Bremen.

Es sind niele Zeitschriften nebeneinander zu sehen.

University of Bremen Warns Of Predatory Publishers

The media is currently addressing the practices of predatory publishers. Journalists’ research shows that almost the entire German science system is affected by the machinations of predatory publishers.

Three persons smiling

Manfred Fluß Becomes Sponsor and Honorary Citizen of the University

Manfred Fluß, former Senator, has been named as a Sponsor and honorary citizen of the University of Bremen for his decades of commitment. This is the eleventh time that the university has awarded this honor.

Zwei junge Frauen vor Grünpflanzen

Big Upswing in Public Research Funds for the University of Bremen

In the current DFG Funding Atlas for the period from 2014 to 2016, the University of Bremen is ranked 17th out of 430 German HEIs. It received 146.5 million euros from the DFG, improving by ten places compared to the previous ranking.

New Master’s Program: International Romance Studies

A new master’s study program will start at the University of Bremen at the beginning of the 2018/19 winter semester on October 1, 2018. The degree course is open admission and applications can be submitted until September 15, 2018.

Drawing with cat and mouse

Learning Languages in Summer

From July to September 2018, the Fremdsprachenzentrum der Hochschulen im Land Bremen (FZHB)  offers various courses to learn a new language, refresh your skills, take examinations, or prepare yourself linguistically for admission to a course of study. 

Group of young people

Soccer Robots from Bremen Take Second Place at the World Cup

The soccer robots from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) are runner-up world champions. They were also the clear winners in the additional penalty shootout event and the so-called Mixed Team Competition.

Eine junge Frau und ein junger Mann auf der Bühne.

The Final Curtain for the Parlement of Foules

Bidding adieu with a classic – the English-language theater group “Parlement of Foules” takes the stage of the Schnürschuh Theater one last time. “A Midsummer Night’s Dream (more or less...)” premieres on June 27, 2018, at 7 p.m.

Damaged Building

Research project wants to close the gaps in our knowledge of the GDR

Hurdles to modernization in the science and economy of the former GDR and their consequences in the transition to the Federal Republic of Germany: This is the topic of a collaborative research group led by Professor Jutta Günther in the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics.

Women with a white overall

Pesticides: Experts call for more stringent authorization procedures

Whether residues of pesticides in chicken eggs or crop protection products that threaten ecosystems and biodiversity: Many of these chemical substances have a damaging effect. Scientists are therefore calling for more extensive authorization procedures for pesticides.

Drei Männer und eine Frau im Labor

Cartoons reveal gender dynamics

Three cartoonists have been examining gender aspects in the STEM subjects on behalf of the Center for Equal Opportunities at the University of Bremen. On June 21, 2018 there will be a public showing of the cartoons in the LION building (Klagenfurter Straße 5).

Young wöman and young man smiling

KARL, the “ecorobot”, on show at CeBIT

KARL the ecorobot, is a personal digital assistant, designed to help consumers behave in a more environmentally friendly manner. A prototype is already available and waiting to be tried out by those interested – and the KARL team is looking for reinforcements.

Man and Woman sitting at a table

Dürrenmatt’s “Physiker” Premiers in Theater InCognito

The Theater InCognito (TIC) embedded in the Faculty of Cultural Studies is currently staging a classic piece: “Die Physiker” by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. The premier takes place on Tuesday, June 19 at 8 pm in the University of Bremen’s theater hall, which is adjacent to the Mensa.

EU Support Program “Horizon 2020”: What happens next?

“Horizon 2020”, the 8th EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation, will end soon. What happens next? Some 350 participants will come to the University of Bremen to discuss just this at the 30th KoWi Conference on EU Research and Innovation Funding. The event will take place from June 19 to 21


ONOC at the University of Bremen: Programming through the night

On June 15, 2018, students from the University of Bremen will once again be holding “Open Night of Code” – ONOC, for short. The event starts at 6 p.m. and is aimed at computer science students and all interested hobby programmers. You can be creative until the next morning. Admission is free.

Two Wome and a man smiling

Helga Grubitzsch wants to help young refugee women

Until 1988 Helga Grubitzsch taught French literature at the University of Bremen. Now, she has decreed that after her death a foundation for female refugees should be founded and held in trust at the University.

Democracy Workshop: Young people shape the future

During the summer holidays, the Center for Labor and Political Education (zap) at University of Bremen invites young people from the age of 15 to take part in the Democracy Workshop. The event hosting Bremen Youtuber Fabian Nolte will take place from July 23 to 27, 2018.

“Passion.” Is the motto of the 7th Bremer Start-Up Lounge

Passion is essential for start-up entrepreneurs: To be increasingly fascinated by an idea, to be able to motivate and to inspire others. "Passion." is therefore the motto of the 7th Bremer Start-Up Lounge, which takes place on Wednesday, June 6, 2018 at the University of Bremen.

Gruppenbild mit Männern vor Flugzeug

Scientists research Europe's largest source of methane

Scientists at the University of Bremen and the Free University of Berlin are measuring the spatial distribution of methane in the atmosphere at Europe's largest source of methane, the Upper Silesian coal district around Katowice, Poland. The aim is to enable the monitoring of this greenhouse gas.

The picture book artist and illustrator Tobias Krejtschi is in the Hanseatic city on June 5, 2018 by invitation of the University of Bremen.

Picture book artist and illustrator Tobias Krejtschi visits Bremen

The picture book artist and illustrator Tobias Krejtschi will be in the Hanseatic city on June 5, 2018. The Bremen Institute of Picture Book Research at the University of Bremen invited him to the workshop talk at 6 p.m. in the Kultur- und Bildungsverein Ostertor (KUBO). Admission is free.

[Translate to English:] Kunst

Science Meets Art: "Adding System to Coincidence"

New perspectives enhance the overview – the dissemination of science is no exception. On action day June 2, 2018, the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1232 "Colored States" at the University of Bremen and students of the Kunstschule Wandsbek will be taking a look at the research done in the CRC.


University of Bremen is Still Looking for Rooms for International Guests on its Summer Course

120 students are expected to arrive on campus in July. Bremen residents who want to host a guest can register at the foreign language center.

Zwei Männer und zwei Frauen lächeln in die Kamera

Successful Reusable Cups: Student Invitation to Join the Crowd-Funding Campaign

"Cup2date" is a successful project run by Bremen students of Economics. The idea to supply 28 bakeries and cafés with returnable cups for “coffee to go” has attracted keen interest. Now the team needs support from a crowd-funding campaign.

Group of men and women sitting at a table

For a Competitive, Innovative and United Europe

Seven young universities belonging to the YERUN network have joined forces under the name of YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe – in order to participate in an EU pilot funding call for European university networks. The University of Bremen is on board.


Digital Neighborhood Guide for Walks in Hemelingen

The digital neighborhood guide for senior citizens has been in operation for several months now. It was developed by the Institute for Information Management (ifib) at the University of Bremen. Initially only for the Bremen suburb of Osterholz, as of May 28, 2018, it will also include Hemelingen.

Porträtbild Simone Scherger

SOCIUM Professor Is Appointed to the Government’s Pension Commission

Professor Simone Scherger of the University of Bremen‘s SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy has been appointed a member of the German Government’s pension commission.

Screen with numbers

New Master's with the Specialization “Digital Society” Starts

The master’s program “Digital Media and Society” will soon start at the University of Bremen’s Center for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI). Unique in Germany, it is marked by a pronounced interdisciplinary approach and an innovative study program.

Hand mit Smartphone vor dunklem Hintergrund

DFG supports Development of Innovative Research Software

One of the focuses set at the University of Bremen’s Center for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) is on the development of research software. The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding further development of the project with over 700,000 euro.

building at the campus

SuUB Exhibition on an Important Personality of the Enlightenment

On May 17, the Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen (SuUB-Bremen State and University Library) opens an exhibition on Justus Möser. It documents the life and work of the politician and publicist, who in the 18th century was considered one of the most important personalities in Northwest Germany.

Menschen ziehen einen Schlitten durch den Schnee, dahinter ein Pferd

New Theatrical Reading: Journey into Ice

“Out of the files, onto the stage”, a cooperation between the University of Bremen and the bremer shakespeare company, goes into its twelfth round. “Vom Eis gebissen – Im Eis vergraben” will premiere on May 23 in the German Maritime Museum and on May 28 in the Theater am Leibnizplatz.


Sensor Technology to Save Miners’ Lives

The Center for Computing and Communication Technology at the University of Bremen is cooperating with Wits University in South Africa on the development of sensors designed to reveal the location of miners who go missing underground.

Personen unterhalten sich an einem Stehtisch.

Information day for prospective students

On Wednesday May 16, prospective students are invited to come to the University of Bremen to learn about studying here. The information day for prospective students is a chance to learn about the University’s bachelor's degree programs and the law degree program.

zwei Männer schütteln sich die Hände

Professor Thomas Hoffmeister Appointed Vice President Academics for Another 4-year Term

“I dream that we will be visible in excellent teaching,” said Professor Thomas Hoffmeister at his re-election as Vice President Academics at the University of Bremen. The Academic Senate has now reappointed him in this capacity for four more years.

Young students are writing in their exercise books

Ten Years of School Consensus in Bremen

Ten years of school consensus in Bremen is the topic of an event to be held in the Überseemuseum from 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. on Thursday, May 17, 2018. Lectures will deal with the most important results of an evaluation of the structural school reform in Bremen.

CHE Ranking 2018: Excellent Results

The University of Bremen has performed excellently in the current CHE Ranking 2018. Numerous subjects are in the lead in some areas - sometimes several times. Students also give high marks to the university.


National Contact Point for Research-Data Management

To improve the management of research data, the German Research Foundation is prolonging funding of the project Deutsche Föderation für Biologische Daten (GFBio) in an amount of 4.3 million euro. Project coordinator is the MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen.

National data service center for social research

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding an infrastructure project titled QUALISERVICE at the University of Bremen’s SOCIUM Research Center for Inequality and Social Policy with one million euro. The goal is to implement a national data service center for qualitative social science data.

Group of two men and two women

Association passes the baton on to the University of Bremen Foundation

The association FEAV – Bremer Frauen- Erwerbs- und Ausbildungsverein – is closing down. Its mission, though, will live on. In future, its century-and-a-half tradition will be continued under the umbrella of the University of Bremen Foundation. 

Junge steht vor dem Bildschirm. Ein weiterer schaut ihm zu

Register now! University of Bremen Summer Academy for High-school Students 

From the 2nd to 6th July, 2018, senior high-school students (gymnasiale Oberstufe) once again have the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of science and research. It’s possible to register up to 15th June. The event is supported by the Sparkasse Bremen banking institute.

Robots on a football pitch

RoboCup German Open 2018: B-Human Comes Third

At the RoboCup German Open, the Team B-Human “trained” by the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) took third place in the Standard Platform League. Of the 32 goals scored in seven games, the reigning world champion conceded only one.

Group of men and women

CAMPUS AWARD for Natalie Prinz and Jann Lasse Grönemeyer

On Thursday, 19 April 2018, the CAMPUS AWARD: Research for a Sustainable Future was awarded to two young researchers from Bremen. The award in the master’s thesis category went to Natalie Prinz. Jann Lasse Grönemeyer was honoured by the University of Bremen for his dissertation. 

Zwei junge Menschen, Mann und Frau, lächeln in die Kamera

Support for Bremen Early Career Researchers from the Funding Initiative “digital.engagiert”

May I introduce myself: KARL, the eco-robot – one day, this personal digital assistant will help make consumers more aware of the environment. Kirsten Hillebrand, a research associate in business administration at the University of Bremen, developed KARL together with master student Hendrik Hinrichs

zwei Studierende in einem Laden in Namibia

How Bremen Students Stimulate Projects in Namibia

Students of economics gave support to start-up entrepreneurs in Namibia during a three-week project. They presented the results of their work on site at the Bokamoso Start-up Center in Windhoek with great success, and will now write master's theses on them.

Group of men and women

"Appsolutely Competent": University of Bremen project wins competition

The Center for Labor and Political Education at the University of Bremen (zap) is among the winners in the university competition in celebration of Science Year 2018 – Working Life of the Future “Show Your Research!”. The focus: How can science help to shape the working life of tomorrow?

[Translate to English:] Buch vor dem Eingang zur Uni.

University of Bremen a Winner in the Competition “Eine Uni – ein Buch”

The team of the University of Bremen convinced the jury of the initiative launched by the Stifterverband with its concept based on the book by Sven Beckert titled “King Cotton. Eine Geschichte des globalen Kapitalismus“.

Old books are lying on a table

“Looted Books”: Georgia returns long lost books to the University Library

A welcome development for the Bremen State and University Library: Seven historic books thought lost since the Second World War have now been unexpectedly returned to Bremen via the German Embassy in Tbilisi (Georgia). After a thorough restoration, they will find a place in the library’s historical

Man with glaces is looking in the camera. llustrations are around him.

The University of Bremen Yearbook Celebrates Its Anniversary 

“20 Years of the Future” – that is the title of the new issue of the University of Bremen’s Yearbook, which this year appears for the twentieth time. What expectations did people closely connected to our University have over the past twenty years? How did they experience the time from 1997 to 2007?

In the Interest of the Health and Well-Being of Children and Adolescents

The Institute Labor and Economy (iaw), a cooperation of the University of Bremen and the Chamber of Labour Bremen, has started work on the European Cohort Development Project (ECDP). The project is preparing a Europe-wide long-term study that investigates the well-being of children.

Important Award: Lutz Mädler receives the ERC Advanced Grant

The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded an ERC Advanced Grant to Lutz Mädler, a professor at the University of Bremen and head of the Department of Process Engineering at the Leibniz Institute for Materials Engineering – IWT. The award is endowed with 2.5 million euro.

Hände mit Geld

Balance Sheet for the Crowd: Small Investor Protection Act in Focus

Does the Kleinanlegerschutzgesetz (Small Investor Protection Act) keep its promise to protect private individuals from risky investments? In order to find out, the research group led by professor Lars Hornuf from the University of Bremen will collect and evaluate market data for an expert opinion.

Portrait Stephan Leibfried

Mourning for Stephan Leibfried

The University of Bremen mourns Professor Stephan Leibfried. “It was a great shock to learn about his sudden death. He leaves a big gap. As an outstanding scientist, he was instrumental in the success of our university”, says Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, President of the University of Bremen.

Mann hält ein Plakat vor das fahrende Auto

“Important steps towards automated driving"

The future of mobility lies in automated and connected driverless automobiles – and the University of Bremen is making a major contribution to the extensive research and development going into the new technologies. The project “AO-Car” has just presented initial results.

Luftaufnahme einer Stadt mit Flugzeugflügel im Vordergrund

Research aircraft over Asia

Under the scientific leadership of the University of Bremen, a research aircraft belonging to the German Aerospace Center is currently measuring the air quality of major Asian cities. The aim is to better understand the effects of urban air pollution on the Earth's atmosphere.

[Translate to English:] Gletscher

Glacier mass loss: past the point of no return

Researchers from the Universities of Bremen and Innsbruck show in a recent study that the further melting of glaciers cannot be prevented in the current century - even if all emissions were stopped now.

Network of 18 European Universities Comes to Bremen to Discuss Future Strategy

High-ranking visit to the University of Bremen: Friday, March 16, the University of Bremen is hosting the annual general meeting of the Young European Research Universities (YERUN). The meeting is to discuss further steps of cooperation between the 18 member universities from 12 European countries

Gruppe von fünf Frauen und einem Mann

Promotion of women – in concrete terms! Financial support, mentoring and coaching

Together with leading members of the Faculty and the Dean's Office, the five-woman team of women's representatives in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Bremen has come up with a program to help female students decide on careers in academia.

Gruppe von 5 Frauen

Between Revolt and Repression: Women’s Movements in Turkey

On the eighth of March, International Women’s Day, women are taking to the streets for their rights. In Turkey, the women's movements are a major force for social change. A study by researchers at the University of Bremen now gives an insight.

Mond im All

Microbial life on Saturn moon possible

Microorganisms from the group of the Archaea would also feel comfortable on the Saturn moon Enceladus. This is revealed in a study in which a Bremen geoscientist is involved. The results have now been published in the prestigious journal Nature Communications.

Sticker on a BUS

Self-determined mobility for handicapped persons

Personal mobility and being able to move around independently of others is hardly possible for many people with physical disabilities. The project “adamo” of the BIBA - Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics at the University of Bremen is now working on solutions to this problem.

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Bremen physicists enable energy-efficient nanolaser

Physicists from the University of Bremen are part of an international team of researchers who have managed to develop a highly energy-efficient nanolaser. It took Hanseatic expertise to make it possible to detect the microscopically small light emissions.

Zwei Männer lächeln in die Kamera

Andreas Breiter re-elected as vice president

On February 21, 2018, the Academic Senate of the University of Bremen re-elected Andreas Breiter to the post of Vice President. At the same time, his area of responsibility has grown. He is now the University’s Vice-President for Research, Young Academics and Transfer.

Junge Menschen sitzen in einer Gruppe und schauen auf ein Mobiltelefon

Unsuspecting facebook Users: Survey reveals ignorance about the handling of personal data

A recent study by the Faculty of Law at the University of Bremen leaves no doubt: 99% of facebook users are not aware of the conditions they have actually consented to in connection with the handling of their personal data on the Internet.

[Translate to English:] Papier wird bearbeitet

Crystal Clear: Papyri in the SuUB Get a New Look

The State and University Library Bremen (SuUB) has a collection of 84 papyri. Now the precious documents on the antique writing material – a forerunner of the paper we know today – are having the glass in their display frames replaced. Over the next few weeks, visitors to the library can learn about

Situation im Labor, Mann schaut durch Datenbrille

Bremen Scientists Open Joint Research Lab with Partners in Bangkok

The Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science at the University of Bremen has been cooperating with the Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies of Mahidol University in Bangkok for some time. Now they have established a joint research laboratory in Thailand.

Mat4Rail: EU Research Project on the Railway of the Future

Researchers from the University of Bremen and the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials Research (IFAM) are involved in the EU program Mat4Rail. Together with 16 partners from seven European countries, they are working on new developments in railway technology.

[Translate to English:] Frau an Laptop mit Kind

“konstruktiv”: Flexibility is trumps!

They have jobs or want to study despite family responsibilities; they are returnees or have university degrees awarded abroad: Some examples of the people addressed by the “konstruktiv” project of the University of Bremen since 2014. Thanks to renewed funding, the project can now be continued.

Lecture hall with students and speaker

The First Bremen Ocean Day at the University of Bremen

Around 500 senior high-school students attended the first Bremer Ocean Day. This meant the event held at the University of Bremen in the auditorium building on the Uni Boulevard was fully booked. Expert researchers held four lectures to bring their work to life.

TOP Meldungen|

Researching the LED Wallpaper of the Future

Physicists from the University of Bremen have made a major breakthrough in understanding novel atomic thin materials that can be used, for example, to affix efficient flexible displays on curved surfaces. The results were recently published by the renowned journal “Nature Communications".

TOP Meldungen|

Neighborhood guides – with everything the elderly need!

In the frame of an EU project that specifically targets elderly citizens, the Institute for Information Management Bremen (ifib) at the University of Bremen has come up with a digital neighborhood guide: Among other things, it displays walking paths, benches and meeting points.

Five Graduates Awarded the Bremen Study Prize

The “unifreunde” society of friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University and the company Bruker Daltonik GmbH presented the 2017 Bremen Study Awards in the prestigious atmosphere of the Upper Town Hall.

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3.8 million Euro for the Electricity Grids of Tomorrow

Offshore wind energy is on everyone's lips when it comes to securing future energy supplies, and the need for research in this area is acute. Increasingly, the state of Bremen is seen to possess the requisite technical expertise.

Uni-Logo an der Glashalle
TOP Meldungen|

Two new Humboldt Scholarships

The University of Bremen is pleased to welcome two new guest researchers from Russia: The research stays for Professor Galina Zelenina and Dr. Roman Frolov are being funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The foundation promotes international cooperation among excellent researchers.

Zwei Männer lächeln in die Kamera
TOP Meldungen|

„Nœrdman“ explains the internet

“Nœrdman” explains the world of the internet to his environment: What are Instagram and Snapchat? Is Google the internet? The “Nœrdman” is a cartoon character who combines a passion for technology with North German humor. Every Monday, a new comic about technology, nerds and the north appears.

Drei Männer sitzen am Tisch und unterzeichnen ein Dokument

Leibniz Insitute enters U Bremen Research Alliance

The research network “U Bremen Research Alliance” has been strengthened by a new member: The Leibniz Institute for Materials Engineering - IWT (Leibniz-IWT for short) has also recently been added. The research alliance now therefore comprises twelve members: eleven non-university research institutio