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Students Showcase Healthcare Ideas

Students of the "Public Health – Health Services, Health Economics and Health Management" master's degree have spent three semesters working on five research projects with stakeholders in Bremen's healthcare system. They will present their results at a symposium on February 2, 2024.

How can pregnant women with an increased need for care be referred in a more targeted way? How can health insurance companies ensure that more parents attend regular check-ups for their children? What aids can be used to overcome language barriers in hospitals? These and other questions have been addressed by students at the University of Bremen and solutions have been developed together with partners from the field.

The symposium will take place on Friday, February 2, from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the House of Science (Olberssaal, Sandstraße 4/5, 28195 Bremen).
The students will showcase their projects and results. Professors from the faculty and the practical project partners will give speeches and discussion is expressly encouraged. An informal exchange is also planned and will be accompanied by drinks and snacks.
Media representatives and other interested parties are invited to attend the symposium and find out more about innovative approaches in the field of healthcare.

The following research projects will form the focus of the event:

•    Coordination of pregnant women with increased care needs: the interactive website "Schwangerenkompass" was designed. (Hebammenlandesverband Bremen e.V.)

•    Increasing the utilization of the German “U”- and “J”-examinations for hkk-insured children: The intervention developed is an informative personalized reminder letter to the insured. (hkk)

•    Easier access to needle epilation for transgender people. The intervention concept includes the employment of an electrologist in a dermatology practice. (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Bremen)

•    Dealing with language barriers among non-German-speaking patients in hospitals: An extended care pathway shows the use of various tools, including telephone interpreting, as a solution. (St. Joseph-Stift Bremen)

•    Employment of family caregivers. Employment offers the opportunity of financial security for family caregivers as well as appreciation and assurance of the quality of informal care. (Bremen Chamber of Labour)


Prof. Dr. med. Ansgar Gerhardus
Phone: +49 421 218-68800

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Students of the "Public Health – Health Services, Health Economics and Health Management" master's degree will present their results at a symposium on February 2, 2024.