
Bremen Study on the Trump Effect Becomes Media Hit in the USA

The sociologist Lara Minkus did not expect this sort of media response. Her study on the Trump Effect in Europe, which she published together with two colleagues from Florence and Magdeburg, was reprinted by many US newspapers.

Media outlets in Germany, Jordan, India, Nigeria, and South Korea also picked up on Bremen’s research results. “An end is not yet in sight,” says the research associate from the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy. She already has a list of 18 US media publications that have printed her text, including heavyweights such as the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, and the Houston Chronicle.

Lara Minkus has only just completed her dissertation. The 31-year-old knows her coauthors from their joint scientific work at the BIGSSS – Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences and Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. Jan Delhey now works as a researcher there; Emanuel Deutschmann, at the European University Institute in Florence. The three recently presented findings of their study in the US journal Perspectives on Politics. A summary was published by The Conversation, a platform where scientists and journalists publish relevant topics online, which may be reprinted.

What Does the Study on the Trump Effect in Europe Explore?

The study examines whether and how Trump’s election has changed support for the European Union in Europe. The result: Europeans – especially those who lean right in the political spectrum – see the EU in a more positive light. To investigate this effect, the authors used a Eurobarometer survey that was conducted during the period of Donald Trump’s election as 45th president of the United States. The EU received more support from the public after the Trump election. However, this increase is unevenly distributed. It is, above all, among right-wingers that the Trump effect can be measured. The authors asked themselves what the motives of those who are more right-wing are, but they can only speculate here. The most plausible thing is that the Trump election has fueled hopes in these political circles of developing the EU into a Europe of Nations that is more closed to the outside world and pursues a more protectionist power policy, says Lara Minkus. These results were of particular interest to the US media.

The Study: A Trump Effect on the EU’s Popularity? The U.S. Presidential Election as a Natural Experiment.

Additional Information:

How Trump and Brexit United Europe – The Conversation
Los Angeles Times
Houston Chronicle

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The sociologist Lara Minkus has studied the "Trump effect".