“#MOIN intends to show the many possibilities that applied mathematics creates. It places the focus on four areas: industrial mathematics as a driver for industrial innovation, on the path to entrepreneurship, in schools, and in public,” project leader Prof. Dr. Christof Büskens explained. In the next years, there will be a wide range of projects – from researcher days for school students to mathematical city tours for the public to innovative research projects in cooperation with business and industrial partners, as well as workshops with regional companies. After its initial phase in Bremen, Bremerhaven, and the Osterholz county, the industrial mathematics model region will be expanded to further counties and cities.
“Strong research and innovative transfer ideas that include all target groups – this makes not just the University of Bremen, but the entire region attractive for students,” University of Bremen’s President Jutta Günther said. “By making the numerous possibilities and application areas for (industrial) mathematics accessible to the general public, we can succeed in getting more students interested in MINT topics and counteract the shortage of skilled workers.”
Kathrin Moosdorf, Senator for Environment, Climate, and Science, agreed and added, “The #MOIN project shows in the best way why we need science. Mathematics makes modern life easier in many ways: Mathematics is needed for every wind generator and each remote heating pipeline – we don’t give this enough attention. #MOIN shows the research and transfer focus in this area for Bremen State and strengthens our science and business location.”
“The digital transformation is changing both the working world as well as our private lives. We are therefore happy to be partners in the #MOIN project, since we see great potential in industrial mathematics for Bremen’s key industries. Steering of ships, airplanes, cars, or robots can be improved with the help of innovative algorithms and in the future be performed autonomously. The project found an ideal location to bring science and industry together with the Digital Hub Industry. Additionally, it is a place outside of school that allows school students to experience tangible applications of mathematics,” Kristina Vogt, the Senator for Economy, Ports, and Transformation, said.
“The model region industrial mathematics makes a significant contribution to strengthening the competencies of the location and counteracting the structural development in the region Bremerhaven, and thereby securing sustainable jobs and creating new ones,” the director of the BIS Wirtschaftsförderung (Economic Support) Bremerhaven, Dipl.-Ing Nils Schnorrenberger, said.
Representatives at the launching event in DHI were, amongst others, Sven Wiebe, State Councillor for the Senator for Economy, Ports, and Transformation, Irene Strebl, Councillor for the Senator for Environment, Climate, and Science, Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther, President of the University of Bremen, Nils Schnorrenberger, Director of BIS Bremerhaven, and Eduard Dubbers-Albrecht, President of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce.
Participating partners in the #MOIN project include:
- Center for Industrial Mathematics (project leadership) and Mathematics Didactics Education Research Group of the University of Bremen
- Senator for Economy, Ports, and Transformation of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
- BIS Bremerhaven Society for Investment Promotion and Urban Development
- Osterholz County
- TOPAS Industrial Mathematics Innovation gGmbH
- Fraunhofer MEVIS
- manymany motion GmbH
- ArcelorMittal Bremen GmbH
- AcquahMeyer Drone Tech. UG
- marinom GmbH
- aisencia GmbH
- Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland e.V.
- Bruker Daltronik GmbH
- Alpha Robotics Germany GmbH & co. Kg
There are many additional partners from Bremen State and beyond. The project is looking to add further partners in the upcoming years.
Text: Kerstin Ksionzek
Further Information:
https://www.uni-bremen.de/moin-industriemathematik (available in German only)
Project Presentation Video: https://youtu.be/HmpNGgyJb5o (available in German only)
Prof. Dr. Christof Büskens (principal investigator)
University of Bremen
Center for Industrial Mathematics
Research Group Optimization and Optimal Control
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 6a
28359 Bremen
Phone: 0421 218-63861
Email: bueskensprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de