
Meeting with Bremen Parliament President Antje Grotheer

The President of the Bremen State Parliament, Antje Grotheer, visited the University of Bremen and met with President Jutta Günther and Director of Finance and Administration Frauke Meyer.

Parliamentary President Antje Grotheer knows the University of Bremen well as she studied Law there and then went on to work as a research assistant.

One of the topics discussed with the University Executive Board was the university's upcoming move to the city center. The University of Bremen is already well connected with the city's communities, and this connection will become even stronger in the fall when the branch at Domshof is occupied and the Faculty of Law, among other groups, moves into Forum at Domshof. “The location at Domshof will bring us even closer to the city and continue the positive development of the relationship between the university and the city,” explains President Jutta Günther.

Another point of discussion was the university management's desire to introduce members of parliament to the university's diverse and socially highly relevant research and teaching work and to give them even more insight into the university. Suitable formats for this were discussed, such as a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee for Science, Media, Data Protection, Freedom of Information, and Digitization (WMDI) on the university's premises or a parliamentary evening with contributions from academics and teaching staff members from the University of Bremen.

The university’s management and the President of the Bremen State Parliament will remain in contact in this regard.


[Translate to English:]
A visit to the University of Bremen: Bremen State Parliament President Antje Grotheer with President Jutta Günther and Director of Finance and Administration Frauke Meyer.