
University of Bremen Mourns the Loss of Willi Lemke

Willi Lemke, Bremen's former Senator for Education and Science and for the Interior and Sport, has died at the age of 77.

The qualified sports teacher began his professional career in 1971 as a research assistant at the University of Bremen. He was a member of the Sports Committee of the founding senate’s Teacher Training Planning Commission. Willi Lemke contributed to concepts and plans for university sports and the establishment of a faculty of sports science and subsequently held a teaching position.

Willi Lemke became well known far beyond the borders of Bremen, particularly as manager of the Bundesliga football club SV Werder Bremen. The club enjoyed its most successful era under Willi Lemke as manager and Otto Rehhagel as coach.

Willi Lemke was also a dedicated politician. Prior to his time as SV Werder Bremen manager, he had taken over the management of Bremen's SPD regional association. After the 1999 state elections, he became Senator for Education and Science and held this position until 2007. In this role, he proved to be a controversial figure who supported the university's integration into the city's society and promoted its academic performance. Following his active political career, he became a UN Special Adviser on Sport for Peace and Development.

The University of Bremen mourns the loss of its former employee, successful football manager, and distinguished politician in the field of academia.



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Willi Lemke