
University of Bremen Researchers Appointed to Expert Council on the Climate

Climate expertise: Bremen Senate has appointed three researchers from the University of Bremen to the expert council focusing on the climate. In the future, they will advise the state government on climate protection and energy policy. The new council is due to begin its work at the end of September

The new Expert Council on Climate Protection and Energy Policy is a committee that is independent of administration and politics and consists of a total of six academics with expertise in the field of climate protection and energy policy.

The University of Bremen members appointed to the expert council:

Professor Torben Klarl is a member of the new committee. He conducts research and teaches as a professor of economics with an area of focus on macroeconomics at the University of Bremen. His main areas of research are quantitative applied macroeconomics and regional economics. He has a wide range of expertise and works on numerous topics in which economic issues are linked to aspects of climate protection, sustainability, and social developments.

Professor Ines Weller has held a professorship with a research focus on sustainable consumption and production patterns, sustainability and gender, as well as socio-ecological research at the artec Sustainability Research Center at the University of Bremen since 2005. She was also an associate expert of the Enquete Commission in the field of "Consumption and Nutrition."

Gerrit Lohmann is a professor of physics of the climate system at the University of Bremen and heads the Dynamics of the Paleoclimate department at the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI). He researches, teaches, and publishes on the mechanisms for climate fluctuations and combines analyses of climate data (for example ice cores) with climate models that use this existing information to make predictions for future developments.

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