Dennis Barasi Receives Advancement Award for Intercultural Master’s Thesis

Dennis Barasi, an educational scientist from Bremen, has received the Augsburg Academic Prize for Intercultural Studies advancement award for his master’s thesis. He is a research associate in the department of intercultural education, where he is writing his dissertation on the topic of migration.

Dennis Barasi studied at the University of Bremen to become a teacher of Mathematics and History in secondary schools and wrote his master’s thesis on the topic of “Rassismusbezogene Deutungsmuster am Beispiel zur Flüchtlingspolitik im universitären Raum” (racism-related interpretive patterns using the example of refugee policy in universities). Since 2017, he has been a research associate and lecturer for the department of intercultural education within the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Social Sciences  at the University of Bremen. Here he is already the third winner of the Augsburg Academic Prize for Intercultural Studies – Professor Yasemin Karakaşoğlu and Professor Marc Thielen also received this award for their dissertations. Barasi is currently working on a dissertation project that concerns the aspect of migration in university teacher training. Within university teacher training, he even teaches topics such as racism critique, political and ideological positioning, and MINT subject cultures in migration society.

The Augsburg Academic Prize for Intercultural Studies

The Augsburg Academic Prize for Intercultural Studies, created by Helmut and Marianne Hartmann in 1998, is awarded annually by the University of Augsburg together with the City of Augsburg and the Forum for Intercultural Living and Learning e.V. (FiLL) association in Augsburg. The aim of the prize is to motivate young scientists to discuss the topic of intercultural reality in Germany. An 11-member jury selected the winners for 2018. The jury is chaired by Professor Eckhard Nagel. He is a member of the German Ethics Council and managing director of the Institute for Medical Management and Health Sciences at the University of Bayreuth.

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five persons at award ceremony
At the award ceremony (from left to right): Professor Leonie Herwartz-Emden, chair of FiLL e.V.; Bremen scientist Dennis Barasi; Eva Weber, mayor of Augsburg; Professor Sabine Doering-Manteuffel, president of the University of Augsburg; Professor Eckhard Nagel, jury chair.