
We Welcome Martin Mundt to the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science

Martin Mundt has been a professor of lifelong machine learning within the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science at the University of Bremen since January 2025.

Martin Mundt received his doctorate in machine learning and artificial intelligence from Goethe University Frankfurt. He then worked at the Technical University of Darmstadt as a junior research group leader for lifelong machine learning as part of the Hessian Center for Artificial Intelligence (hessian.AI) and as a substitute professor of knowledge engineering.

The central focus of his research is the implementation of lifelong learning fundamentals in machine learning processes. This enables developed artificial intelligence systems, such as vision and language models, to continuously learn throughout their entire life cycle without ever forgetting knowledge, similar to the adaptability of the human brain. Such features are crucial for dealing with new situations and handling different contexts. Martin Mundt works on AI solutions that can be used in the industrial sector and in health and social services. In doing so, he is particularly concerned with the technical and social sustainability of AI in order to tailor it to individual needs and thus make AI technologies more human-centered.

The connection between lifelong learning processes and the resulting sustainability is also reflected in Martin Mundt's teaching. Inter and transdisciplinary perspectives that, for example, link components of the cognition and design of algorithms with complex questions about collected data and the impact of developed systems are particularly important to him. Martin Mundt is especially looking forward to teaching formats with practical relevance, backed by the faculty's focus on research-based teaching and learning.

[Translate to English:]
The central focus of Martin Mundt's research is the implementation of lifelong learning fundamentals in machine learning processes.