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Institutional Partnership Project between Freie Universität Berlin and Higher School of Economics Moscow. David Karpa, Olga Masyutina, Ekaterina Paustyan and Michael Richter presented their research ideas, while
Torben Klarl's paper, together with his co-authors David Audretsch and Dirk Fornahl, introduces the special issue of Small Business Economics on "Radical innovation, entrepreneurship and (regional) growth"
Section: FB7
and Systems for Robot Perception (Kopie 1) Open Software Libraries and Systems for Robot Perception David Bisset, PhD - Robotics Platforms: Disruption and Democratisation" (Kopie 1) © Universität Bremen /
Section: Sites
Workshop zum Thema "The Economics of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems" . Die Professur konnte mit Prof. David Audretsch, PhD einen der weltweit führenden Ökonomen im Bereich der Entrepreurship-Forschung als
with civil society actors from Lithuania, Russia and Belarus, and a chess tournament organized by David Karpa.
David Karpa, Prof. Dr. Torben Klarl and Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz have published a new working paper entitled "Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Big Data" which deals with the impact of surveillance
using zig-zag persistent homology. Finally, and if time allows, I will describe recent work with David Spivak and NASA, which provides a complete description of delay tolerant networking (DTN) in terms
Section: Fachbereich 03
Technology John Laird University of Michigan Carlos Hernandez Corbato Technical University Delft David Vernon Carnegie Mellon University Africa Michael Beetz University of Bremen The EASE Fall School 2022
Section: FB3
Columbia University Global Center-Istanbul on September 30-October 1, 2022: Michael Rochlitz and David Karpa, “Authoritarian Surveillance and Public Support for Digital Governance Solutions.” Olga Masyutina