Prof. Dr. Thomas Brey

Faculty 2 – Biology/Chemistry

Thomas Brey has been Professor of Functional Ecology at the Faculty of Biology/Chemistry at the University of Bremen since October 21, 2011. He was born in Würzburg in 1957 and studied zoology, biochemistry, oceanography and limnology at the University of Kiel. Since 1990 he has been working at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, where he heads the section "Functional Ecology", interrupted by several stays abroad. His field of research is the influence of environmental and climate changes on the function of marine ecosystems, especially in the Polar Regions. Brey analyses changes in marine food webs and material cycles. In addition, he reconstructs the environmental and living conditions of marine organisms in past warm periods from fossil bioarchives. He works closely with biogeochemists and climatologists.

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Michael Gesing

Faculty 2 – Biology/Chemistry

Thorsten M. Gesing took over the professorship for "Chemical Crystallography of Solid Substances" in the Faculty of Biology / Chemistry on January 20, 2011. After studying chemistry in Münster, he received his doctorate in inorganic solid state chemistry. After only five years, Gesing habilitated at the University of Hanover, where he worked as a senior assistant for eight years. After several guest lectureships at Dhaka University, Bangladesh, he joined Professor Reinhard X. Fischer in Bremen in 2008 as part of a package project of the German Research Foundation (DFG). Thanks to Prof. Fischer’s support and the commitment of the university management, Thorsten Gesing was appointed Heisenberg Professor of Chemical Crystallography of Solid Substances. In Bremen, he is now working in the field of Inorganic Chemistry on setting up a new research group dealing with the synthesis and temperature-dependent structure-property relationships of inorganic solids.

Prof. Dr. Christine Knipping

Faculty 3 - Mathematics/Computer Science

Christine Knipping has been Professor of Didactics of Mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science since July 2011. She studied mathematics, physics, educational science and philosophy in Göttingen, Berlin and Hamburg. She then worked as a research assistant in Hamburg and earned her doctorate in 2002 with a double degree from the Universities of Grenoble and Hamburg. After her post doc time at Concordia University in Montréal, Canada, she was appointed junior professor at the University of Oldenburg in 2003. Since 2005 Christine Knipping has been a professor at Acadia University, Canada. Her research interests include the heterogeneity of learners, argumentation and proof processes in mathematics teaching, and international comparative perspectives on school mathematics teaching. In Bremen, together with Dr. David Reid, she is developing an international Advanced Masters in International Mathematics Education.

Prof. Dr. Armin Lechleiter

Faculty 3 - Mathematics/Computer Science

Reinforcement at the Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science: Armin Lechleiter has been junior professor at the University of Bremen since October 1, 2011. He will establish the Inverse Problems working group at the Center for Technomathematics (ZeTeM) in the Mathematics Faculty and represent this field as well as numerical mathematics and applied analysis in research and teaching. Lechleiter started his scientific career in 2006 at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, where he studied mathematics with a minor in computer science from 2001 to 2006. Following his doctorate in 2008, in 2009 he was awarded second prize in the Leslie Fox Prize Competition by the British Institute of Mathematics and its Applications for his research work. From 2008 to 2011 he worked in the group "DeFI - Détermination de Formes et Identification" at the École Polytechnique in Paris. In Bremen he will work on theoretical and practical aspects of parameter identification.

Prof. Dr. Wilfried Jokat

Faculty 5 - Geosciences

Wilfried Jokat has been Professor of Geophysics of the Polar Regions at the University of Bremen since December 2011. He studied geophysics at the FU Berlin from 1976 to 1982. He then worked for the company Prakla-Seismos in exploration geophysics. From 1983 to 1986 he obtained his doctorate at the University of Kiel in the field of signal processing of deep seismic data. Since 1987 he has been working as a geophysicist at the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) Bremerhaven. His research focuses on a better understanding of the tectonic and sedimentary history of both Polar Regions. To answer these questions, he takes part in extensive research expeditions and ship expeditions. He mainly collects seismic data and values about potential fields. In Bremen he wants to complement his teaching in the field of geophysics of Polar Regions and applied geophysics. As part of the cooperation professorship with the AWI, he will continue to carry out research projects in the Arctic and Antarctic.

Prof. Dr. Marcel Kuypers

Faculty 5 - Geosciences

Marcel Kuypers has been Professor of Biogeochemistry at the Faculty of Geology since July 2011. Kuypers studied chemistry at the University of Nijmegen from 1992-1995. In 2001 he received his Ph.D. from the University of Utrecht with his thesis "Mechanisms and biogeochemical implications of the mid-Cretaceous global organic carbon burial events". From 2001-2004 he was a scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology. From 2005-2009, Kuypers headed the Nutrient research group at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology. Since 2009 he has been head of the Department of Biogeochemistry and director of the institute. His research focuses on the metabolic pathways, interactions and regulatory mechanisms of microbial processes in the water column and sediment. Microorganisms control marine material cycles, which are influenced by global climate change and contribute to the spread of oxygen minimum zones.

Prof. Dr. Gesine Mollenhauer

Faculty 5 - Geosciences

Since September 1, 2011 Gesine Mollenhauer has held the cooperative professorship for Organic Sedimentology embedded in the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) in Bremerhaven and the Faculty of Geosciences. She studied geology-paleontology at the University of Bremen and the Central Michigan University in the USA from 1993 to 1999. After her Diplom she continued her studies in marine geology and palaeoceanography. Her focus was on the investigation of the organic components of deep-sea sediments and radiocarbon dating. In 2002 Gesine Mollenhauer also received her doctorate in Bremen. Subsequently, she did research at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA and the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research until 2005. Her research focuses on the processes that determine the deposition and preservation of organic matter in marine sediments and the time periods during which these processes occur. She works worldwide, but especially in the permafrost regions of the Arctic and on continental margins and estuaries.

Prof. Dr. Lorenz Kähler

Faculty 6 - Law

Another professorship at the Law Faculty: Lorenz Kähler took over the Chair of Civil Law, Civil Procedure Law and Philosophy of Law in July 2011. Kähler studied law and philosophy in Heidelberg, London, Cambridge and Göttingen. In 2003 he received his doctorate on "Structures and Methods of Changes in Jurisprudence", which was based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis of Supreme Court decisions. In 2010, he also completed his habilitation in contract law in Göttingen on the subject of "Concept and justification of abdinable law". Contract law, the analysis of judicial decision-making processes as well as legal philosophical reflection will also shape his future work in Bremen. Current research projects include the "Forgotten Obligations against oneself" and the "Agreement in Complex Contracts".

Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Zerbes

Faculty 6 - Law

Ingeborg Zerbes has been Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law at the Faculty of Law since 1 November 2011. She studied law at the University of Vienna, where she received her doctorate on exemption from criminal responsibility for crimes of emotion. She then did research at the University of Basel and at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg. In her habilitation, she dealt with the powers of secret surveillance of communication ("spying, spying, spying"). In addition to developments in criminal procedural law, her research focuses today on criminal law, as influenced by the European Union, and the as yet unexplained criminal-law boundaries of the economy. In Bremen, Ingeborg Zerbes will continue to pursue these questions and develop solutions with practitioners. In her teaching, she aims above all to teach students the basics from which they can develop their own independent discussion of criminal law.

Prof. Dr. Christian Cordes

Faculty 7 – Business Administration and Economics

In July 2011, Christian Cordes took over the Chair of Economics, in particular Evolutionary Economics, at the Faculty of Economics. The focus is on a naturalistic approach to economics. Other disciplines such as psychology, anthropology or cognitive science are used to better understand human behavior in economic contexts - for example in relation to consumer behavior or concepts of justice. Cordes studied economics in Hanover and joined the Max Planck Institute for Economics in Jena in 1998, where he received his doctorate in 2003. This was followed by visiting scholarships at the University of Manchester (2004) and at the University of California (2005-2006). In 2009 he completed his habilitation in Jena. His research activities in Bremen will concentrate on the field of "transnational companies". The focus here will be on evolving corporate cultures.

Prof. Dr. Herbert Kotzab

Faculty 7 - Business Administration and Economics

On April 1, 2011, Herbert Kotzab took over the professorship for Business Administration and Logistics Management at the University of Bremen. Born in Vienna, he studied business administration with a focus on marketing and management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (WU) from 1984 to 1991. He began his scientific career at the Institute for Retailing and Marketing at WU, where he received his doctorate on "New Concepts in Distribution Logistics in Retailing" and habilitated in 2002. Since 1999 Herbert Kotzab was at the Copenhagen Business School until he moved to Bremen. During this time, he received several awards for his achievements in research and teaching (Best Paper Awards, Kardinal Innitzer Förderungspreis). In Bremen, Herbert Kotzab intends to continue his work on retail and consumer goods logistics and to deal with institutional economic considerations for the optimization of logistics and supply chain management as well as sustainable logistics systems.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Klee

Faculty 8 - Social Sciences

Andreas Klee has been Professor of "Political Science and its Didactics" at the Faculty of Social Sciences since March 2011. He had previously worked in this field for two years as a junior professor. After training as a teacher and studying political science in Baden Würtemberg, he received his doctorate from the University of Oldenburg. His dissertation deals with the investigation of didactic professional knowledge. Since November 2011, Klee has been spokesman for the Centre for the Didactics of Social Sciences, which brings together the didactics of history, geography and political science. The aim is to establish a research-oriented didactic approach. He heads the working group "Political Education and State Change" in the CRC 597 "Transformations of the State" and teaches in the doctoral program "Processes of Didactic Structuring" at the University of Oldenburg. Together with colleagues from the departments of history and geography, he is responsible for the major school project "Bremer Stadtforscher".

Prof. Dr. Veronika Busch

Faculty 9 - Cultural Studies

In June 2011, Veronika Busch accepted the appointment to the Chair of Systematic Musicology at the Faculty of Cultural Studies within the framework of hold negotiations negotiations. At this time time, she declined a professorship at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen. After studying musicology and cultural studies at HU Berlin, Veronika Busch worked at the German Centre for Music Therapy Research in Heidelberg. In 2004 she received her doctorate from the University of Halle-Wittenberg with a study entitled "Tempoperformance und Expressivität - Eine Studie zwischen Musikpsychologie und Musiktherapie". She then worked there as a research assistant before moving to Bremen in 2006, initially as a deputy professor and from 2008 as a junior professor for systematic musicology. In Bremen, Veronika Busch is concerned with the development of children's musical preference and continues her research into the musical experience of time and the connection between music and health.

Prof. Dr. Ansgar Gerhardus

Faculty 11 - Human and Health Sciences

Ansgar Gerhardus has been appointed Professor of Health Services Research at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) at the University of Bremen effective as of April 1, 2011. He studied medicine in Heidelberg, Strasbourg and Columbia, Missouri. In Heidelberg and Mannheim he studied ethnology and political science as well as public health in Hanover. He received his doctorate from the University of Heidelberg in 1995 with a study on malaria prophylaxis in Peru and habilitated at the University of Bielefeld in 2010 on evidence-based public health. Gerhardus worked as a physician in Moshudi (Botswana) and in the outpatient department of tropical medicine at the University Hospital of Heidelberg. From 1998 to 2011, he worked as a researcher at the Hanover Medical School and the Universities of Heidelberg, Bremen, Bielefeld and San Francisco. At IPP, he heads the Department of Health Services Research and will realign it with a focus on health care, patient orientation and interdisciplinary research. Gerhardus has worked for numerous international organizations as a consultant and evaluator.

Prof. Dr. Till-Sebastian Idel

Faculty 12 – Pedagogy and Educational Sciences

Till-Sebastian Idel has been Professor of School Theory and Empirical School Research at the University of Bremen since April 2011. He studied educational science, sociology and philosophy at the University of Mainz from 1989 to 1998, where he received his doctorate with a biographical-analytical thesis on Waldorf Education. From 2008 to 2009 he held a professorship at the University of Education in Heidelberg. In recent years, Idel has been particularly involved with the introduction of new all-day schools, as well as the development of video ethnographic teaching research and the reform of teacher training. In Bremen, he conducts more intensive research at the interface of school theory, reconstructive school research and pedagogical professionalization on issues of the dissolution of boundaries and dealing with social heterogeneity in secondary schools. In addition, he is involved in the development of a focus on school and teaching research.

Prof. Dr. Karsten Detlef Wolf

Faculty 12 - Pedagogy and Educational Sciences

Karsten D. Wolf took up the professorship for didactic design of multimedia learning environments on April 1, 2011. From 2005 to 2010 he taught and conducted research as a junior professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences. Within the framework of the competitive tenure track of the University of Bremen, he prevailed in an open application procedure. He rejected a parallel call from the University of Augsburg for a professorship in media didactics. After completing his doctorate in educational science at the University of Giessen on the subject of "Designing and using an Internet-based learning environment to support self-organized learning", he worked as a scientific assistant at the University of Bamberg. His work focuses on technology-based diagnostics (e-assessment), mediatization of educational spaces, learning with video, videogame studies and process analyses of school lessons. Current projects are the video platform draufhaber.tv and the online support diagnostics for functional illiterates otu.lea.