Job Vacancies

Professorship (f/m/d) for the subject area Marine Geology

Faculty 5 Geosciences

Classifications W 2, W 3 - full-time
Reference number: P573/25
Closing date: 04/03/2025
External vacancy

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The University of Bremen is offering the following position in the Faculty of Geosciences as of 01.10.2025:

Professorship (f/m/d)

Salary group W2/W3 for the subject area

Marine Geology

Reference number: P 573/25


If the general requirements under civil service law are met, tenure is granted for life.

Job description

The position requires a team player (f/m/d) with outstanding scientific qualifications in the field of marine geology, especially in marine geodynamics of the ocean floor. Experience is expected in the application of modern underwater technologies such as Remotely Operated and/or Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (ROV/AUV), imaging systems (autonomous seafloor characterisation) and subsurface sampling (e.g., MeBo drilling) to record the dynamic development of the seafloor, in particular with regard to tectonic and sedimentological processes and their effects on material turnover and fluxes. A key aspect is the contribution to research at the interface of endogenous and exogenous processes and their influence on ecosystems and the marine environment in general.


Research areas may include the combination of state-of-the-art technical-analytical methods for spatially resolved, multi-method research of the seabed, its subsurface and the interactions and material flows between the subsurface, seabed and water column. Innovative approaches in the investigation of rock, fluid and sediment samples in combination with geophysical/seismic data to record geodynamic processes and fluid circulation in the ocean crust would be desirable. Participation in the MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences and the willingness to contribute to its further development is expected. In addition to departmental opportunities for close cooperation, for example in geodynamic modelling, there are rich opportunities for cooperation with regional research partners such as the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven. Further important opportunities for cooperation exist in connection with the University of Bremen's scientific specialisations (see Research experience in an international context with relevant publications is required. In addition, appropriate experience in the acquisition of third-party funded projects and the willingness to acquire third-party funding are expected. Active promotion of early-career researchers is a prerequisite.

Teaching: Responsibilities include assuming a teaching load of 9 lecture hours (LVS) per semester in the German and English-language Bachelor's degree programmes ‘Geosciences’, ‘Marine Geosciences’ and ‘Natural Sciences for Sustainability’ as well as in the Master's degree programmes ‘Applied Geosciences’ and ‘Marine Geosciences’ of the faculty. Teaching should reflect the discipline of Marine Geology in its entire breadth and contribute to the further development of the subject and to the international profile of the faculty. Teaching should cover a wide range of marine geological topics, including seabed exploration and marine geology. In addition, participation in basic field training (mapping courses, field trips) is expected.

Other: Classes are held in German and English. The willingness to teach English-language courses and to offer German-language courses after two years at the latest is required. Furthermore, interest, willingness and, if applicable, experience in the area of innovations in teaching, continuing training in higher education didactics, academic self-administration and institute development/management are expected. Furthermore, critical reflection on issues of gender justice, diversity and anti-discrimination in research and teaching is expected.


A completed academic university degree with a geoscientific focus, a relevant outstanding doctorate in one of the aforementioned research areas, further academic achievements (habilitation or habilitation-equivalent) in the field of marine geology, pedagogical aptitude and didactic commitment are required. The appointment is made on the basis of § 18 BremHG and § 116 BremBG. Classification in group W2 or W3 is based on qualifications and experience. The fields of research, promotion of young academics, teaching and academic self-administration are taken into account. A summarised table of the relevant criteria can be found at:

General Information

Open to unconventional approaches in research and teaching, the University of Bremen has retained its character as a place of short distances for people and ideas since its foundation in 1971. With a broad range of disciplines, we combine exceptional achievements with great potential for innovation. As an ambitious research university, we are committed to an approach of research-based learning and a strong focus on interdisciplinarity. Actively and in partnership, we organise scientific cooperation worldwide.

Today, around 23,000 people learn, teach, research and work on our international campus. In research and teaching, administration and operations, we are fully committed to the goals of sustainability, climate justice and climate neutrality. Our Bremen spirit is expressed in the courage for innovation, in solidarity, respect and appreciation for one another. With our study and research profile and as part of the European YUFE network, we assume social responsibility in the region, in Europe and in the world.

The University offers a variety of services to support newly appointed academics (f/m/d), such as a Welcome Centre, childcare and dual-career opportunities, and staff development and continuing education programmes. The University aims to increase the proportion of female academics and therefore strongly encourages female academics to apply. Applications from academics with a migration background and international applications are explicitly welcome. Disabled candidates with essentially equal qualifications will be given preference.

Application modalities

Applications should be written in English and include a letter of motivation, a CV with a list of publications, research and teaching concepts, proof of teaching qualifications and copies of certificates and diplomas. Applications should be sent to the following address by April 3rd, 2025, quoting reference number P 573/25:

By post to: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen, MARUM Administration, Leobener Str. 8, 28359 Bremen or by e-mail (as a single PDF file): Bewerbung-Geologieprotect me ?!marumprotect me ?!.de

Preliminary enquiries can be directed to the Dean of the Faculty of Geosciences, Prof. Dr Simone Kasemann: kasemannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

Further information on appointment procedures at the University of Bremen can be found at: