Job Vacancies

Post-Doc / Research associate (f/m/d)

Marum Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen

Classifications E 13 - full-time
Reference number: A126-25
Closing date: 04/01/2025
Public vacancy

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The University of Bremen, MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, is offering the position of a

Post-Doc / Research associate (f/m/d)
as a temporary replacement from 01.09.2025 until 30.11.2029 at the latest (according to § 14 para. 1 TzBfG)
Pay grade 13 TV-L in full-time (39.2 hours per week)

in the field of Marine Geochemistry.

Job description

The Research Center MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences provides an ideal environment for early career researchers to become excellent in their field of expertise and to develop their personal skills to further their career. The Research Faculty offers plenty of opportunities for transdisciplinary exchange and collaboration across different disciplines in marine sciences. Postdoctoral researchers can make use of coaching and mentoring offers as well as a dedicated course and training program.

MARUM houses the international Bremen Core Repository, archiving all scientific ocean drilling programs’ cores from the Atlantic and adjacent seas. MARUM is also part of international mission-specific scientific drilling projects with seagoing expeditions and onshore activities in Bremen.

Specific duties will include:

  • Conduct a research program to enhance our understanding of geochemical processes in the Earth system.
  • Preparation and follow-up expeditions as part of scientific ocean drilling projects at sea and in home laboratories, in particular with regard to geochemical analyses.
  • Organization, participation, and analytical measurements related to seagoing expeditions with the aim to obtain interstitial water and microbiological samples utilizing our container laboratories.
  • Supervision of analyses of established and new parameters (standard measurements in ocean drilling programs).
  • Presentation of scientific results at international conferences and in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Writing of project reports.


  • Completed scientific university studies (Master/University Diploma) in a relevant geoscientific or environmental scientific field.
  • Applicants who are in the final phase of their doctorate will also be considered. Please note that the presentation of the doctoral certificate is mandatory for employment.
  • Completed doctorate in marine geosciences, in particular in geochemistry or a closely related subject.
  • Demonstrated knowledge in geochemical laboratory and measurement techniques, particularly applied to sea-going expeditions.
  • Physical fitness (Seaworthiness) and willingness to participate in research expeditions.
  • Excellent English language skills.
  • Excellent German language skills.
  • Joy in working in an international and interdisciplinary team.

General Information

Open to unconventional approaches in research and teaching, the University of Bremen has retained its character as a place for closely connecting people and ideas since its foundation in 1971. We combine exceptional performance and innovative potential in a broad spectrum of subjects. As an ambitious research university, we stand for research-based learning approaches and a pronounced interdisciplinary orientation. We actively pursue international scientific cooperation in a spirit of global partnership.
Today, around 23,000 people learn, teach, research and work on our international campus. In research and teaching, administration and operations, we are strongly committed to the goals of sustainability, climate justice and climate neutrality. Our Bremen spirit is expressed in the courage to explore new things in cooperation, respect and appreciation for each other. With
our study and research profile as well as with our cooperation within the European YUFE network, we assume social responsibility in the region, in Europe and in the world.

The university is family-friendly, diverse and sees itself as an international university. We therefore welcome all applicants, regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion/belief, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity.

As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female employees in science, women are particularly encouraged to apply.

Disabled applicants will be given priority if their professional and personal qualifications are essentially the same.

If you have any content related questions regarding the advertised position, please contact Dr. Ursula Röhl, uroehlprotect me ?!marumprotect me ?!.de.

Please send your application with your complete documents (cover letter, curriculum vitae, qualification certificates, references) to the following address, quoting the reference number A126-25 until 01.04.2025 as a PDF file by unencrypted electronic mail to: bewerbung-a12625protect me ?!marumprotect me ?!.de

or by mail to

Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
Dr. Ursula Röhl
Leobener Str. 8
28359 Bremen

We kindly ask you to send us only copies (no portfolios) of your application documents, as we cannot return them. They will be destroyed after the selection process has been completed.

Any application costs cannot be reimbursed.