2022 Berninghausen Prize: Two Female Lecturers Are Honored

This year’s Berninghausen Prize for outstanding teaching goes to a production engineer and an Anglicist. The awards were given in the “Blended Learning” and “Student Prize” categories and are endowed with 3,000 euros each.

It’s not just the current students who benefit from good, contemporary teaching. Excellent teaching is also a hallmark of a university that wishes to appeal to the students of tomorrow. The University of Bremen is building on its strengths and has once again awarded the Berninghausen Prize together with unifreunde.

“Blended Learning”: A Successful Combination of Online and Face-to-Face Teaching

In the “Blended Learning” category, Ann-Kathrin Rohde from the Faculty of Production Engineering was honored. The research assistant impressed the jury with her “Technical Logistics” course. In this course, using a concrete example, she gives an overview of the different technologies for the realization of different processes: transport, handling, storage, sorting, and picking.
The jury was impressed by the concept developed by Ann-Kathrin Rohde in view of the necessary switch to online teaching. This concept combines the advantages of face-to-face teaching in terms of location and motivation of the topic and the flexibility of online teaching in terms of project-based work and the processing of tasks in small groups.
The jury is convinced that Ann-Kathrin Rohde deals particularly intensively with the subject matter of her teaching and that she focuses on and promotes the acquisition of skills by her students. In addition, she pursued a self-contained concept and implemented it optimally for her subject in blended learning. The combination of digital teaching, instruction phases, and phases of individual work with close supervision and feedback on performance levels is a good example of modern, high-quality teaching.

Teaching English: Methodically Innovative and Interesting in Terms of Content

Professor of English Language Education Sabine Doff was honored by her students for her successful combination of specialist and language skills in her seminars.
The students were enthusiastic about Sabine Doff’s methodical and content-focused courses. Particularly in the training of future teaching staff, the experience of the teacher, of the professor, is important.
In her seminar, Professor Doff not only combines language and specialist skills in a clear and comprehensible way, but also helps the students with her friendly demeanor with advice and support in their education. The jury found it remarkable that she approached her teaching in such an innovative way, taking a big step out of the “comfort zone.”
For example, she worked on methodical principles combined with interdisciplinary approaches from psychology and rhetoric to prepare a course.

"Hybrid teaching formats will be core elements of good university teaching in the future"

Dr. Claudia Schilling, Senator for Science and Ports: "Hybrid teaching formats that combine the advantages of the analog world with those of the digital will naturally be core elements of good university teaching in the future. This is precisely the direction taken by the didactic approaches of this year's winners, whom I would like to congratulate. With their concepts, Ann-Kathrin Rohde and Sabine Doff aim to ensure that their students develop questions independently, that they practice dealing with problems systematically, and that they understand how insights are gained methodically."
Professor Maren Petersen, Vice President for Teaching and Studies adds: "Excellent teaching responds to social changes. I am therefore extremely pleased about the awarding of the Berninghausen Prize for outstanding teaching to two innovative teachers at the University of Bremen, who have succeeded with great success - as the student evaluations show - in orienting their courses to professional practice or designing them as blended learning. At the University of Bremen, we attach great importance to good teaching and I heartily congratulate Ann-Kathrin Rohde and Sabine Doff on this award."  

About the Berninghausen Prize

Since 1992, the University of Bremen and the association “unifreunde – friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University” have been awarding the annual prize, which is sponsored by the Berninghausen family, to honor outstanding achievements in university teaching. The prize is worth 6,000 euros and can be divided into several categories. All members of the university can nominate lecturers for the prize; only students are entitled to nominate students for the student prize.

Further Information:



Christina Selzer
University Communication and Marketing Unit
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60158
Email: christina.selzerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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