Bremen Study Prize and New Year’s Reception in the City Hall

Numerous guests representing business, politics and the academic community attended two receptions held by “unifreunde” in the upper rooms of the City Hall. On 28th January 2013 there was the presentation of the Bremen Study Prize 2012, with which the “unifrende” rewards students for outstanding Bachelor, Master, and PhD theses. On the following evening, the City Hall hosted the traditional New Year’s event to welcome the newly appointed professors of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University. This was also the perfect opportunity to officially welcome three newly appointed senior personalities in the Bremen education sector: The new Rector of the University of Bremen, Professor Bernd-Scholz Reiter, and the new President of Jacobs University, Professor Heinz-Otto Peitgen, who reviewed their institutions’ performance over the past year and presented their outlook for 2013. Politics was represented by the new Senator for Education and Research, Eva Quante-Brandt.

To get some impression of the two events, click on New Year’s event and Bremen Study Prize 2012.

The Bremen Study Prize:

Every year since 1983 the “unifreunde” have rewarded outstanding academic performance with the presentation of the Bremen Study Prize. At the same time, another two special prizes are awarded for outstanding doctoral theses in the fields of natural science and engineering studies. The donors are the Bruker Daltonik GmbH and the Rotary Club Bremen-Roland. A total of six graduates of the University of Bremen received awards for their outstanding Master and PhD theses. The prize winners are:

PhD thesis in the field of natural sciences and engineering:
Dr. Sabrina Kombrink (Mathematics)
Topic of thesis: Fractal Curvature Measures and Minkowski Content for Limit Sets of Conformal Function Systems

Master thesis in the field of natural sciences and engineering:
Ina Votteler (Biology)
Topic of thesis: Analysis of the Involvement of Lipid Rafts in the Nonlytic Release of Hepatitis A Virus from Infected Host Cells

PhD thesis in the humanities and social sciences:
Dr. Andreas Maurer (Law)
Topic of thesis: Lex Maritima – Features of Transnational Maritime Law

Master thesis in the humanities and social sciences:
Niklas Schmedt (Human and health sciences)
Topic of thesis: The Use of Antipsychotics and the Risk of venous thrombo-embolism in Elderly Persons with Dementia

Bruker Daltonik special prize:
Dr. Lena Wischhof (Neurobiology)
Topic of thesis: Interactions of Serotonin 2A and Metabotropic Glutamate 2/3 Receptors in Behavioural Control in Rats

Rotary Club Bremen-Roland special prize:
Dr. James A. Collins (Geosciences)
Topic of thesis: Glacial to Holocene Hydroclimate in Western Africa - Insights from Organic and Major-Element Geochemistry of Hemipelagic Atlantic Ocean Sediments

The newly appointed professors:

In 2012 the University of Bremen appointed a total of 23 new professors. Click here for details of the individual persons:

For further information, please contact:

Universität Bremen
Phone: 0421 218-60150
E-mail: presseprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de  

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