Collections from Colonial Contexts

The SuUB is involved in the national pilot project on the digital cataloguing of collections from colonial contexts in Germany. A place of contact is being established by the Federal Commissioner for Culture Monika Grütters, Cultural Foundation of the Federal States.

Two Bremen institutes are among the 25 institutions involved in the pilot project: The State and University Library Bremen (SuUB) and the Übersee-Museum. The SuUB is the first and so far only library within the project. The contribution that it is already making towards the cataloguing of colonial contexts is the digitalized literature collection on German colonialism (Digital Collection German Colonialism). The choice of contemporary texts/titles is based on an investigation of the origin of historical colonial collections from the former Bremen State Library.

Digital Collection German Colonialism

Between 2017 and 2019, the German Research Foundation (DFG) funded the Digital Collection German Colonialism. The project partners were the University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg in Frankfurt/Main and the CLARIN Service Center at Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The main initiator and also supporter of the project was the “Koloniallinguistik – Language in Colonial Contexts” creative unit at the University of Bremen, which was led by Professor Ingo. H. Warnke.

Data from all Project Partners Combined: More Transparency for Collections

The metadata and full texts from the Digital Collection German Colonialism, in the frame of which 1088 publications from the German period of colonialization were digitalized, will be catalogued and made available to the German Digital Library (DDB). All the data from the 25 project partners will be combined there in the coming months and will be published centrally. Digital access to all data is to be made possible via a uniform DDB platform in the spring of 2022. This will be the first step towards enabling a standardized, transparent digital catalogue of various collections in colonial contexts in Germany.

Further Information:


Anke Winsmann
Public Relations
State and University Library Bremen
Email: winsmannprotect me ?!suub.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

The SuUB is involved in the national pilot project on the digital cataloguing of collections from colonial contexts in Germany.