“Half-time as a University of Excellence” – The University of Bremen’s new Yearbook

The University of Bremen’s new Yearbook is now available – a colorful bright yellow edition, studded with post-its and inspiring slogans. This year’s feature topic is “Half-time as a University of Excellence”, because it is now two and a half years since the Bremen University became officially allowed to bear the title “University of Excellence”. The period of extra funding financed by the Federal Government and the Länder will run for another two and a half years: Half-time is a good time for an interim assessment. Yearbook 2014 presents some of the typical people and projects being supported within the frame of the University’s institutional strategy “Ambitious and Agile”. You can pick up the Yearbook on the campus from the University Press Office and the university bookshop. It is also available online under http://www.uni-bremen.de/en/jahrbuch where you will also find additional information, interviews, and photos.

Some examples:

Via his so-called Creative Unit, Professor of Media Studies, Andreas Hepp, illustrates how the University supports new ideas. A crucial advantage enjoyed by the University of Bremen are the many cooperation agreements it has concluded with leading research institutions in Germany and worldwide. Nobody knows this better than Professor of Computer Science, Ron Kikinis: He counts as one of the world’s leading capacities in the area of computer-aided medicine, is leader of the Surgical Planning Lab at the Harvard Medical School, a professor in the University of Bremen’s Faculty for Mathematics/Computer Science since 2014, and Joint Managing Director of the Fraunhofer MEVIS. You can read an interview with him in the Yearbook.

Excellence calls for motivation

“What is that motivates you?” You will find the question of motivation addressed throughout this issue of the Yearbook. After all, without motivated and engaged people our University would not be where it is today – namely, among the eleven universities in Germany permitted to bear the title “University of Excellence”. As a reform university, Bremen is known for its pioneering approach and reinventing itself. Topics like gender mainstreaming, “research-based learning” and inclusion in schools call for high levels of motivation and perseverance. The new Yearbook shows how successfully the University is putting these policies into effect. The new Vice Rector for Studies and Education explains why he finds “research-based learning” so important. Two female professors who attach great importance to promoting women in their respective subjects relate their experience of the University’s gender mainstreaming efforts. In addition to this you will learn about the University’s Collaborative Research Centers, and the chronicle with the timeline contains an overview of the past year’s events, prizes and awards.

Yearbook 2014 containing additional links, photos and video clips is also available online

This issue was produced by the University Press Office and Uni-Transfer in cooperation with Gruppe für Gestaltung (GfG), and once again financed by the many friends and sponsors of the University of Bremen.

If you would like to have more information, please contact:
University of Bremen
Press Office
Meike Mossig
Phone: +49 421 218-60168
e-mail: mmossigprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Young woman reading the yearbook of the University of Bremen
The current Yearbook of the University of Bremen is now availiable in print and online.