Lecture Hall instead of School: More than 1,300 Students Visit the University

In September, more than 1,300 students visit the University of Bremen. At the invitation of institutes and institutions on campus, they will deal with central questions in the fields of climate protection, marine research, application-oriented mathematics, and space travel. 

How can I contribute to climate protection? What are microbiologists working on in marine research? What career opportunities does studying mathematics offer me? And what is “Astro Alex” doing on the ISS? These are four of the numerous questions students from Bremen and the surrounding area are dealing with this month at events on campus and in the Bremen House of Science. They have been invited by institutions and institutes on the campus of the University of Bremen. 

Youth Climate Conference 

Think, mix, shape: on September 13 and 14, a youth climate conference will take place in the university’s lecture hall building. It is organized by the Environmental Management department of the University of Bremen together with the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND) e.V. of the Landesverband Bremen. A total of 200 students in grade ten and beyond are expected. In workshops, they work together with scientists to develop a climate protection manifesto that is intended to serve as a guide for politicians. 

Max Planck Day

Immerse yourself in marine research: on September 14, 100 high school students will have the chance to get to know the work at the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Marine Microbiology better. To this end, they are invited by the institute to lectures and an exhibition at the House of Science in downtown Bremen. For the general public, the exhibition is open from 1 to 6 p.m. on this day. The occasion is the 70th anniversary of the Max Planck Society. The more than 80 institutes of the research society organize the Max Planck Day throughout Germany, thus giving the public exciting insights into their work. 

Info Day – Future Field of Mathematics

Dream job in mathematics: in the university’s lecture hall building on September 17, more than 400 students will receive exciting insights into the field of mathematics. The technical progress that determines our daily life is inconceivable without mathematics. However, it often does its work behind the scenes. That is why the Zentrum für Technomathematik (ZeTeM) of the University of Bremen and the Fraunhofer MEVIS Institute for Medical Image Computing have invited experts, who will present to the students from their own experience on the exciting topics that mathematicians deal with in their professional lives.

Space Show

“Astro Alex” says hello: the space show of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) has been on tour since August. The occasion is the Horizons mission of German ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst, called “Astro Alex.” The show will stop at a total of 20 locations throughout Germany, and on September 20 it will also come to Bremen. The interest of the schools in the run-up was so overwhelming that the tickets had to be drawn. Over 600 students in grades three to six were lucky winners. In the large lecture hall of the university, they will be able to experience the colorful program that DLR_School_Lab staff have put together for them: exciting hands-on experiments, fascinating videos, and even a greeting from Astro Alex himself. 

Additional Information:


For Editorial Offices: You will find pictures under this link. You are welcome to use these under indication of the copyright: https://seafile.zfn.uni-bremen.de/d/d334e2591fa64819bee1/?dl=1 


Isabell Harder
University–School Transfer Coordinator
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-60393
E-mail: isabell.harderprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 

Youth Climate Conference:
Dr. Doris Sövegjarto-Wigbers
Environmental Management
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-63376
E-mail: soeveprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 

Max Planck Day:
Dr. Manfred Schlösser
MPI for Marine Microbiology Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 2028-734
E-mail: maschloeprotect me ?!mpi-bremenprotect me ?!.de 

Future Field of Mathematics:
Dr. Matthias Knauer
Zentrum für Technomathematik (ZeTeM)
University of Bremen 
Tel.: +49 421 218-63863
E-mail: knauerprotect me ?!math.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 

Space Show:
Sandra Müller
DLR Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 244-201151
E-mail: Sandra.Muellerprotect me ?!dlrprotect me ?!.de 

Kinder sitzen im Hörsaal
At the invitation of institutes and institutions on campus, they will deal with different questions of research.