New Research Training Group “System Design” Takes up Work

The University of Bremen’s new research training group entitled “System Design” (SyDe) has officially started work. It is the result of a cooperation project involving the University of Bremen and two non-university research institutes located on the Technology Park adjoining the campus – the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The training group for young researchers was made possible by the University’s success in the Excellence Initiative.

SyDe is embedded in the University’s high-profile research area “Information – Cognition – Communication”. Initially the group will comprise ten doctoral candidates, providing them with a structured and intensive training, involving among other things research on the design of ultra-modern electronic systems. In today’s world, these systems can be found all around us – for instance in mobile telephones, automobiles and aircraft. Because they constantly have to fulfill more and more functions they are becoming increasingly more complex, calling for new intelligent procedures in their conception – for in such sensitive applications there can be no room for mistakes and the complicated electronics must be capable of functioning reliably at all times despite their growing complexity.

The highly sophisticated systems rely on smoothly functioning computer chips and integrated circuits that interact at lightning speed. Some special types of hardware – for example satellites, space vehicles and robots – call for even more sophisticated electronic systems. Such applications can only be made feasible on the basis of especially refined systems. In order to be suitable for use on flights to planet Mars, for instance, and some particularly security sensitive applications, they have to be extremely robust and have a long life.

The doctoral students researching in SyDe will find plenty of opportunities to come to grips with such applications. Together, the University and its partner institutes DFKI and DLR cover a broad spectrum of challenging research topics of this type.

For more information, contact:

Universität Bremen
SyDe Spokesperson
Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler
Phone: 0421/218-63932

E-Mail: drechslerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Grafische Darstellung einer Rechnerarchitektur
Elektronik und Software von Anwendungen werden immer komplexer. Im neuen Graduiertenkolleg „System Design“ beschäftigen sich Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden mit dem Entwurf von vielschichtigen elektronischen Systemen.