Prof. Dr. Birte Berger-Höger – Faculty of Human and Health Sciences

Since November, Birte Berger-Höger has held the position of Assistant Professor for Nursing Science at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research. She is taking over the leadership of the Department for Evaluation and Implementation Research in Nursing Science.

After her vocational training to become a nurse, she studied teacher education for vocational schools with a focus on health sciences at Universität Hamburg. In 2019, she completed her PhD on the topic of decision coaching by specialized nurses in oncology there. Her research received the David Sackett Prize from the German Network for Evidence Based Medicine (Deutsches Netzwerk Evidenzbasierte Medizin DNEbM). Research jobs at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg followed. In her research, she focusses on the development, evaluation, and implementation of complex interventions for the promotion of informed, joint decision making between care providers and those in need of care.

Foto von Birte Höger