Studying in Times of Corona: More Digital Teaching and Learning

Teaching at the University of Bremen is to be digitalized as far as is possible for the coming summer semester. That is what the crisis committee at the University of Bremen decided during their meeting today. This is being done to curb the danger of coronavirus spreading on campus.

It is planned that lectures and seminars with a large number of participants be offered online. “With the Center for Multimedia in Teaching (ZMML), we have great possibilities to offer digital learning forms,” says Professor Thomas Hoffmeister, vice president academic. “We can now use this and help to ensure that as few students as possible come together and are exposed to the risk of transmission by means of our teaching and learning offers.”

In the coming week, the University Executive Board will clarify with each of the faculties which lectures can be recorded and which seminars can be carried out as web conferences. Furthermore, the ZMML will have instructions on their website that will prepare the teaching staff for offering online courses.

“Safety is our first priority,” emphasizes Thomas Hoffmeister. “Creative solutions are required. We will do everything to make it possible for students to acquire their credit points.”

In order to curb the spread of coronavirus, there will be no classes held in the period up to and including April 17, 2020. Examinations are to continue with due regard for the assessment of risks. One of the measures being taken is that a distance of 1.5 meters should be kept at all times during examinations. These measures were decided upon by the senator for science and ports together with the universities.


Professor Thomas Hoffmeister

Vice president academic

Phone: +49 421 218-60031

Email: kon2protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


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