Studies Linked with Research – From the Outset: Projects Selected for WS 2013/14

Within the context of introducing innovative teaching formats in early undergraduate studies, the Rectorate of the University of Bremen has selected six projects for funding under the ForstA Project (Studies Linked with Research – From the Outset: Heterogeneity as Potential ( All faculties of the University may submit project proposals designed to give freshers deeper insights into their respective disciplines, aspects and methods of research, as well as the social relevance of individual subjects via elements of research-based learning. The new approach aims at boosting motivation and providing students with additional orientation within their chosen fields of study by introducing them to research activities at an early stage of their academic career.

Seven faculties submitted a total of fifteen different proposals. The MINT faculties already have their own parallel project for undergraduate studies and are therefore not represented.

The Rectorate was advised on the selection procedure and conditions for funding by a specially appointed panel of experts (information on the panel members can be found under: The panel, all members of which are experts on research-based learning and aspects of diversity, discussed the submitted proposals at great length and reached its final decision after a series of presentations last week. The Rectorate subsequently adopted the panel’s recommendations and selected the following six projects for funding in WS 2013/14:

  • “Systematic Visualization of Teaching Content by Breakdown” (Faculty of Economics)
  • “Early Undergraduate Studies” / Political Science (Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • “On Structuring Early Undergraduate Studies and Diversity in BA Cultural Studies” (Faculty of Cultural Studies)
  • “Professionalization in Dealing with Heterogeneity and Differentiation in English Classes” (Faculty of Linguistics and Literature Studies)
  • “Qualitative Optimization of Early Undergraduate German Studies” (Faculty of Linguistics and Literature Studies)
  • "Virtual Undertakings – A Flexible and Innovative Form of Learning for Students in Heterogeneous Life Situations” (Faculty of Human and Health Sciences)

There will be further calls for proposals in future years, and applications that were not approved this time can be resubmitted. According to Prof. Heidi Schelhowe, the University’s Vice Rectress for Teaching and Learning who chaired panel meetings, the experts were deeply impressed by the high level of the project proposals and had a hard time deciding which to choose.

You can obtain further information by contacting:
Universität Bremen
Referat Lehre und Studium
Dr. Thomas Köcher
Phone: +49 421/ 218-60350
email: tkoecherprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Dr. Stefanie Grote (Öffentlichkeitsarbeit)
Phone: +49 421/218-60357
email: stefanie.groteprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

BU: Members of the ForstA panel of experts:

Die Mitglieder des ForstA-Expertenkreises: 1. Reihe v.l.: Dr. Margrit Kaufmann, Anja Taude, Anahita Ketaeri, Prof. Heidi Schelhowe (kein Mitglied), Prof. Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs; 2. Reihe v.l.: Jan Giese, Prof. Ivo Mossig, Prof. Tobina Brinker, Prof. em.