In Mourning for Ludwig Huber

The University of Bremen is in mourning for Professor Ludwig Huber. “The passing of Ludwig Huber is a great loss”, stated Thomas Hoffmeister, Vice President for Academic Affairs. “He accompanied our university as a friend and advisor. We will miss his exceptional mind.”

The renowned educational scientist passed away on Friday, May 10, at the age of 82 years. Huber was a professor of pedagogy at the University of Bielefeld and an expert in research-based learning. Prior to entering into emeritus status in 2001, he also led the Oberstufenkolleg (preparatory college) of the University of Bielefeld as Scientific Head. Before his time in Bielefeld, Huber worked at the University of Hamburg. There, Huber was professor of university didactics, managing director of the Interdisciplinary Center of University Didactics and was Vice President of the university from 1982 until 1984. The native of Bielefeld published the magazine “Das Hochschulwesen” (Higher Education) and was on the advisory board of “Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft” (Magazine for Educational Science).

Member of University of Bremen Expert Circle

Ludwig Huber’s publications on research-based learning form an important conceptual pillar in the orientation of teaching and learning scenarios at the University of Bremen, which is reflected in the mission statement, teaching and strategy 2018-2028. A great deal of the university’s substantial improvements in teaching concepts in the Quality Pact for Teaching (Qualitätspakt Lehre) were based on his concepts. Moreover, Huber provided support for the University of Bremen as a member of the expert circle for the ForstAintegriet project, of which the main aim is the long-term improvement in quality of teaching and studies through research-based learning. In 2013, Professor Huber, alongside Margot Kröger and Heidi Schelhowe from the University of Bremen, published the anthology “Research-Based Learning as a Distinguishing Feature of a University” (Forschendes Lernen als Profilmerkmal einer Universität), which was based on the University of Bremen.


Prof. Dr. Ludwig Huber
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Huber
Mitglied des ExpertInnenkreises (hier aus dem Jahr 2013): Professor Ludwig Huber (zweite Reihe, erster von links)
Member of the expert circle (taken in 2013): Professor Ludwig Huber (second row, on the right)