University of Bremen Conferences in March

Three conferences will take place at the University of Bremen in March. They deal with health literacy, research vessels, and particles and process engineering.

Health literacy and public institutions – what are the responsibilities of professional actors? Conference of students for students

On Monday, March 4, and Tuesday, March 5, the student conference “Health literacy and public institutions: What are the responsibilities of professional actors?” will take place at the University of Bremen. Health literacy enables people to make decisions regarding their own health. However, different population groups have differing capabilities for obtaining, understanding, evaluating and implementing health-related information and decisions. An important issue from a public health ethics perspective is determining who is responsible for failing to strengthen health literacy, especially among vulnerable and/or marginalized groups. The conference provides new impetus for this question with keynote speeches, student lectures and discussion panels. Contact: Dr. Solveig Lena Hansen, Email: sohansenprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de. Further information:

Status Conference Research Vessels

On Tuesday, March 5, and Wednesday, March 6, the University of Bremen will host the Status Conference on Research Vessels. The chief scientists of eight research vessels present the most important scientific results of their voyages. In total, the results from 108 trips will be presented. There will be sessions on marine chemistry, marine biology, marine geology, oceanography, marine engineering, marine geophysics, marine geochemistry and marine biogeochemistry, as well as lectures and poster sessions. The conference usually takes place every two years and is hosted by the office of the Review Panel German Research Vessels (GPF) and the Project Management Agency Jülich (PtJ) on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Contact: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Bohrmann, Email: gbohrmannprotect me ?!marumprotect me ?!.de Further information:

Annual Meeting of DECHEMA Specialist Groups and the VDI

On Wednesday, March 20, and Thursday, March 21, the annual meeting of three specialist groups of the Dechema Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology and the VDI (Association of German Engineers) will take place at the University of Bremen. The conference of the specialist groups on multiphase flows (MPF), computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and aerosol technology (AT) will consist of three plenary lectures, 63 specialist lectures, and approximately 60 poster contributions. About 150 participants from universities and research institutions as well as industry are expected. The conference is organized by the Particles and Process Engineering group (MVT) in the University of Bremen’s Faculty of Production Engineering. Contact: Prof. Dr. Udo Fritsching, Further information: (in German only)

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