University of Bremen Conferences in September

The University of Bremen’s conferences in September 2022 will focus on a diverse range of topics, including artificial intelligence and robotics, the mathematical question of Boolean logic, the exciting field of presenting data via sound, and the challenges presented by modern logistics.

EASE Fall School

Every year, doctoral students can attend the EASE Fall School. With funding from the German Research Foundation – DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), the Collaborative Research Center EASE at the University of Bremen runs the school. FromMonday, September 19, 2022 to Friday, September 23, 2022, the school will be giving young researchers the opportunity to get into the exciting field of cognition-enabled everyday activity robotics. In lectures given by established academics and hands-on courses, participants from around the globe can exchange thoughts and ideas with invited speakers and experts from the Collaborative Research Center EASE on topics related to artificial intelligence, robotics, and the challenging field of robot manipulation. The course is planned as a face-to-face event at the University of Bremen’s Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Contact: tel.: + 49 421 218-64049/64040; email: easeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de. Further Information and Registration:

15th International Workshop on Boolean Problems

The 15th International Workshop on Boolean Problems will take place in Bremen from Thursday, September22 to Friday, September 23, 2022. This year’s event is being organized by the University of Bremen and the Cyber-Physical Systems research division of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence – DFKI (Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz). The workshop focuses on scientific exchange in the field of Boolean logic and algebra. This provides researchers and engineers from different disciplines with a forum to exchange ideas and discuss problems and solutions. The workshop is dedicated to theoretical knowledge as well as practical applications. One of the main goals is to initiate scientific cooperation and open up new fields of application. Contact: Professor Rolf Drechsler; University of Bremen; Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science
Computer Architecture working group (AGRA); tel.: +49 421 218-63932; email: Further Information:

Interactive Sonification Workshop (ISon) 2022

The Interactive Sonification Workshop (ISon) 2022 will take place at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg in Delmenhorst and online at 9 a.m. on Thursday, September 22, 2022. The workshop will focus on sonification and the presentation of data via sound. Examples of sonification’s uses include exploring data, monitoring states and processes, and navigating.Interactive sonification primarily examines the human user from the perspective of ergonomics, cognitive science, and perceptual research. Psychoacoustics is a discipline that investigates the relationship between physics and the perception of sound through experimental methods and computer models.The workshop highlights how research in interactive sonification and psychoacoustics can benefit from each other. For example, psychoacoustic models can help maximize the comprehensibility of sonification and minimize fatigue. At the same time, interactive sonification is a useful tool for expanding psychoacoustic experiments to include aspects of dynamic sounds, cognition, and embodied sonification. Contact: Dr. Tim Ziemer; University of Bremen; Tel.: +49 421 218-64280 Further Information:

18th Logistics Colloquium

The 18th Logistics Colloquium will take place at the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Technische Logistik (WGTL e.V.) in Bremen on Monday, September 26, 2022. The annual event allows scientists and practitioners from the field of technical logistics to cooperate and exchange ideas. This year, the Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik (BIBA) is responsible for organizing and running the event. The main topics include construction and mechanical engineering design; control engineering and IT systems; planning, analysis, and simulation of logistics systems; and management, administration, and operation. Contact: Professor Michael Freitag; Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH (BIBA) Tel.: +49 421 218-50001; email: wgtl2022protect me ?!biba.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de. Further Information and Registration:


12th Days on Computational Game Theory

Am 29. und 30. September finden an der Universität Bremen die "12th Days on Computational Game Theory" statt. Der Workshop dient dem informellen wissenschaftlichen Austausch von Wissenschaftler:innen im Bereich der Algorithmischen Spieltheorie. Er bietet damit Raum für Vorträge von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern aus Informatik, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Mathematik und anderen Gebieten, die an algorithmischen Fragestellungen der Spieltheorie interessiert sind. Der Workshop gibt die Möglichkeit, Kooperationen zu finden oder zu festigen, wissenschaftliche Ideen auszutauschen und eigene Arbeiten zu präsentieren. Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Daniel Schmand; Fachbereich Mathematik / Informatik; E-Mail: cgtdayprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de; Weitere Informationen:

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The University of Bremen will once again be hosting a series of important conferences in September 2022.