Alice Lima de Faria receives HUCKEPACK Picture Book Award 2018

Alice Lima de Faria has been awarded the 3rd HUCKEPACK prize for her picture book "Ich war’s nicht!, sagt Robinhund" [It wasn’t me!" Says Robinhund]. The HUCKEPACK prize is awarded jointly by the Bremer Institut für Bilderbuchforschung and the project "Reading aloud to Families".

The Swedish-Norwegian stage designer received the prize endowed with 1,000 euro on 14th April during the internationally attended educational conference "Mit dem Herzen beim anderen” [My heart is with others] held in the Goethe National Museum in Weimar. At the conference, psychologists and educators from Germany, Austria and Switzerland came together to discuss to what extent reading picture books is particularly suitable for promoting empathy. Altogether, the jury had received over 200 titles.

The picture book prize HUCKEPACK wants to draw attention to picture books that help to strengthen children mentally and emotionally. The first time the prize was awarded was in 2016 on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the named project.
Not so many words, but striking pictures
The story "It wasn’t me, says Robinhund" tells in a few words and impressive pictures the story of little Robin, who every time there is a mishap in the nursery school declares "It wasn’t me! ", and yet gets blamed for everything. Only at the very end does it turn out that Robin actually means to have done nothing on purpose, but he lacked the words to express this. With her picture book, mainly in bright red and blue-green pastels, Alice Lima de Faria directs the reader’s attention to a stressful moment that results from children not being able to express themselves adequately in all situations. She points out that quite often a second look at a situation is needed to differentiate between intention and accident, thus giving a voice to all the children who are much too quickly and unkindly labeled “problem children”.

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If you would like to know more about this topic, feel free to contact::

Sven Nickel

University of Bremen
Faculty Pedagogy and Educational Sciences
Phone: +49 421 218 69431
EMail: snickelprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Elisabeth Hollerweger

University of Bremen
Faculty Pedagogy and Educational Sciences
Phone: +49 421 218 69439
EMail: hollerwegerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de