Award for Outstanding Teaching: Teaching Science Live

This year the University of Bremen once again awarded the Bernighausen Prize for extraordinary commitment to teaching for the 25th time. This year's winners of the Berninghausen Prize are the psychologist Dr. Iris Stahlke, the jurist Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker and materials scientist Professor Lucio Colombi-Ciacchi. The award is endowed with a total of 6,000 euros and is awarded by the unifreunde (society of friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University) upon recommendation of the University of Bremen.

Research-based learning in undergraduate studies

Dr. Iris Stahlke, who teaches in the Faculty of Human and Health Sciences, receives the award in the category “excellently designed course in respect of research-based learning in undergraduate studies”. Her teaching of the seminar “Fundamentals, Paradigms and Ethics of Counseling” came in for special praise, in which students are given the opportunity to actively participate in the socio-psychological research project “Violence in Teenage Relationships”. Among other things, they conduct individual interviews and group discussions in schools or counseling institutions. As grounds for awarding the prize, the jury emphasized the mixture of scientific relevance and practice orientation.

Research-based learning in master studies

The jurist Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker is honored in the category “excellently designed course in respect of research-based learning in master studies” for the seminar “IT-Security Law”, which is aimed at students of computer science and law. The aim is to work together on how the two disciplines connect, how they interact, and how they are applied in practice. According to the jury, the lecturer successfully manages to illustrate the bigger picture with practical examples.

Student nomination for eye-level discussion

The student prize nomination went to Professor Lucio Colombi-Ciacchi (Faculty of Production Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering). He was nominated by large numbers of students in no less than five different courses. They were particularly inspired by how Colombi-Ciacchi manages to embed essential foundational knowledge in illustrative practical contexts. The students are impressed by the way he engages them in a lively exchange that always take place at eye level. Quite apart from his own seminars, Professor Lucio Colombi-Ciacchi is known in the Faculty for his commitment to the quality of teaching.

About the Berninghausen Prize for outstanding teaching

The Berninghausen Prize for Outstanding Teaching, which has been awarded since 1992, recognizes extraordinary commitment and special creativity in the area of academic teaching. It is endowed with a total of 6,000 euros (2,000 euros per category) and is awarded once a year by the unifreunde (Society of Friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University). The prize is named after its founder Friedo Berninghausen.

If you would like to have more information on this topic, feel free to contact:

University of Bremen
Vice Rector for Academic Teaching and Learning
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoffmeister
Tel. +49 421 218-60031
E-Mail: kon2protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de    

Gruppenbild mit einer Frau und zwei Männern
Die Preisträger des 25. Berninghausen-Preises: v.l. Dr. Iris Stahlke, Prof. Lucio Colombi-Chiacchi und Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker