BIGSSS reports record number of social science dissertations

At the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), more PhD Fellows have completed their social science dissertations than ever before.

A total of 37 doctoral students successfully completed their doctoral studies in the past two years.

BIGSSS is a cooperation institution of the University of Bremen and the Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH. At the interdisciplinary Graduate School of Social Sciences, junior scientists from all over the world are doing their PhD. Last Friday, 23 doctoral students were honored for their outstanding academic achievements at the festive ceremony at Bremen's Atlantic Grand Hotel in Böttcherstraße.

Place to think and to exchange ideas

Professor Eva-Maria Feichtner, Vice-Rector for Internationality and Diversity at the University of Bremen, emphasized in her speech that the internationality of research and teaching at the BIGSSS aimed at by the University of Bremen is already a reality. She emphasized that it was great to see that the BIGSSS was a place to think, to exchange ideas among young scientists from around the world.

"We need the social sciences, we need you"

For his part, Professor Michael Hülsmann, President and Managing Director of Jacobs University, pointed to the need for a better understanding of today's societies, which are threatened by loss of confidence and unsettled by political information wars. "We need the social sciences, we need you," said Hülsmann to the graduates.

BIGSSS's Dean, Professor Olaf Groh-Samberg, referred to current movements of anti-intellectualism and to the fact that "our responsibility is to redefine what social scientists are, how we act and work, and deal with the worldviews that we have do not share, and we need to think about our relationships with other social groups."

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Question answered:

Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences
Dr. Christian Peters
Telefon: + 49 421 218 66400
E-Mail: cpetersprotect me ?!bigsss-bremenprotect me ?!.de

To the BIGSSS Yearbook 2018

(Maike Koschorreck)