Education Day - Opportunity to exchange ideas on further education and studies

The University of Bremen uses Education Day to exchange views about the further development of academic teaching and studies with all interested students and teachers. This year it takes place on 22nd November and the main focus is on the concept of “research-based learning”. Various events take place throughout the day within the Faculties. For example, the Faculty of Physics / Electrical Engineering is presenting its research results and a selection of theses. The Faculty of Economics is organizing a workshop on the topic of practice-related learning, while the Faculty of Social Sciences is holding a conference on the internationalization of studies. More events can be found in the program on our website (in German only).

Main events in the afternoon

As a main event, the study workshop invites you to a “World Café” in the GW2, B3009 from 14:00 to 16:00 on the topic “Research-based Teaching and Learning – Everyone stands to gain”, at which the individual phases of research-based learning are presented and discussed.

Starting at 16:15, the Center for Multimedia in Teaching (ZMML) is opening its “showroom” for University instructors. In the GW2, B3010, they will be giving practical demonstrations of their offers. At four different booths, you can inform yourself in a relaxed atmosphere about the manifold possibilities of digitally supporting your teaching in the areas of teaching-learning support, e-assessment and media services. There will also be a presentation of current projects and developments in ZMML. You would like to find out more about the seminar rooms equipped with multimedia, take a look at the recording studio, or get to know the test center? Join one of the guided tours starting at 16:45 (studio, study room) and 17:15 (test center): Meeting point is building GW2, room B3010. The University of Bremen sees this day as a dies academicus and no regular courses will take place.

Prize for outstanding teaching

The highlight of the day is presentation of the Berninghausen Prize for outstanding teaching. Starting at 18:00 in building GW2, room B3009, the prize will be awarded to the following winners:

  • Dr. Iris Stahlke, Faculty of Human and Health Sciences, for an “Outstandingly designed course of research-based learning: in Bachelor studies”
  • Dennis Kenji Kipker, Faculty of Law for an “Outstandingly designed course of research-based learning: in Master studies"
  • Prof. Lucio Colombi Ciacchi, Faculty of Production Engineering - Mechanical Engineering & Process Engineering is the winner of the award proposed by students.

Guests and members of the press are welcome. All events, lectures and workshops are held in German.

Viele Studierende bei einer Diskussion