Harvard Professor Beckert: “Bremen has won my heart”

The semester topic “Global Cotton: One University - One Book - One City” has been successfully launched at the University of Bremen. At the central opening event, Harvard Professor Sven Beckert presented his book "King Cotton - A History of Global Capitalism" and opened the discussion.

All universities in Germany were invited to participate in the competition “One University – One Book” and designate a book to be discussed and debated over one whole semester. The University of Bremen chose the book “King Cotton - A History of Global Capitalism”. In his book King Cotton, author Sven Beckert, a historian at Harvard University, tells the global story of cotton.

At the central opening event of the topic "Global Cotton: One University - One Book - One City" at the University of Bremen, Beckert first presented his work “King Cotton”. This was followed by a lively discussion – and the audience also had the opportunity to ask Beckert questions about “King Cotton”.

Fascinatingly written in a “wonderfully accessible” style

The project leader Professor Michi Knecht from the University of Bremen describes Beckert’s comprehensive 500-page work as a “fascinatingly written” and “wonderfully accessible” book.

“Bremen has sort of won my heart,” said Beckert, who during his research for the book, among others, searched the archives of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, the Bremen State Archives and the archive of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce. At the University of Bremen, the topic of cotton will be on the agenda in the coming weeks, accompanied by numerous events.

More information under:

Interview with Michi Knecht and Sven Beckert

University of Bremen a Winner in the Competition “Eine Uni – ein Buch”


[Translate to English:] Harvard-Professor Sven Beckert hat die Universität Bremen besucht