It's Children's University Once Again

The 15th Children's University has begun: From March 12 to 14, some 1,200 pupils from grades 3 to 6 will be attending the traditional event at the University of Bremen. During the Easter break, around 420 eight- to twelve-year-olds will become junior researchers for the 3 days from March 19 to 21.

The 15th Children's University has begun: From March 12 to 14, some 1,200 pupils from grades 3 to 6 will be attending the traditional event at the University of Bremen. And during the Easter break, around 420 eight- to twelve-year-olds will become junior researchers for the 3 days from March 19 to 21.

The event, which is supported by Sparkasse Bremen, is therefore once again almost fully booked with around 1,500 participants. “We are thrilled about the enormous demand “, says Professor Thomas Hoffmeister, Vice President for Teaching and Studying. “It's not only important to us; it's also fun to bring our scientific topics to life with the children.” The Vice President also thanks all employees and lecturers who are involved in the Children's University.

Varied program

Together with the school classes, our University researchers get to the bottom of different questions. They explain, for example, whether fish have to be afraid of jellyfish, why so many people in the world speak English, whether space explorers really have to fly into space to carry out experiments, or what the chocolate Easter bunny has to do with justice.

The spectrum of topics in the Easter holidays ranges from marine, climate and space research to the natural, engineering and social sciences, as well as mathematics and English. For example, children develop secret scripts, analyze rock samples as paleontologists, are road planners, develop their own smart home, and much more. Especially for girls, there is a special offer from the field of computer science / electrical engineering. Parents can take advantage of an additional program and visit the drop tower or get to know the climate-friendly racing car developed by the student team “Bremergy Racing” and the FabLab (Fabrication Laboratory).

More information under:  (In German only)

If you would like to have more information on this topic, feel free to contact:

Area University-School 
University of Bremen
Email: schuleprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de   
Phone: +49 421 218-60393

Girl is slamming a hammer to illustrate what acoustics means.
Close your ears! It sometimes gets noisy at the Children's University. Slamming with a hammer is a good way to illustrate what acoustics means.