May 25: Information Day for Prospective students

This year once again, on May 25th people thinking of studying at the University of Bremen are invited to attend “isi”, which this year is held under the motto “isi – good questions, good answers”. The German abbreviation “isi” stands for information day for prospective students of the University of Bremen. It’s a great opportunity for a face-to-face with representatives of the University’s Bachelor programs, and the Faculty of Law will also be represented. Visitors will be able to attend information events and put their questions concerning the contents and structure of degree courses; and prospective students can learn what will be expected of them, too.

Guided tours of the campus and tips on how to apply

The varied program kicks off at 8:30 am. There will be guided tours of the campus and inner-University institutes, information on studying abroad and learning foreign languages, as well as tips on being a student and how best to approach university studies. Experts from the Central Student Advisory Service are organizing extra information events and will also be on hand to answer questions on applying for a place at university and the structure of Bachelor and Master programs.

Info-breakfast and taster courses

In the morning, students of the University invite visitors to join events like “Breakfast at Philosophy” or the Info-Café. And in the afternoon, “isi” is offering a number of special events and taster courses.  For example, in the area English-speaking Cultures visitors will be able to join experts in analyzing the language of current TV series. Under the heading “About mold, carrots, and lemons – a day in the life of A.”, the Law Faculty will deal with three examples of civil law cases.

Central help desk: Info desk in building GW 2

The info desk run by the Central Student Advisory Service in building GW2 is acting as central point of contact on isi day. It will be open from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm. Apart from information on study programs, here visitors can ask about the many events on offer and where to find them. And, of course, representatives of the different departments and service units are also there to help.

For more information, please contact:
University of Bremen
Central Student Advisory Service
Phone: +49 421-218-61160
email: zsbprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Junge Leute an Informationsständen
Informationen rund ums Studium erhalten Studieninteressierte am 25. Mai auf dem Isi - Informationstag für Studierende