May 27: International “kompass” Network Celebrates 10 Years of International Day

It’s now ten years since the international network “kompass” was set up at the University of Bremen. Between 12.00 pm and 5.00 pm on Friday May 27, 2016, the University invites people to come to the Glass Hall on the campus to celebrate the occasion of the tenth anniversary of “kompass” International Day. The kompass network, comprising the University of Bremen‘s International Office, German and international students, members of the many University institutes, and several other Bremen institutions, makes an important contribution towards the lively international atmosphere that pervades campus life. The network is open to everyone and it links up international communities and project groups with common interests regardless of nationality or religion. The kompass network provides reciprocal support in everyday matters and organizes cultural and recreational programs. At the center of events this year is the 10th anniversary of International Day!

International Day – a diverse program of entertainment

Under the motto “Go global!”, International Day is offering a varied program of varied entertainment. Some 15 international student communities will be presenting themselves with information desks, culinary delights typical for the country they come from, hands-on recreational activities, and a colorful program of stage events. The International Office and Bremen’s cultural institutes will also be taking part. And for the more active, starting at 9.00 pm there will be an After Show Party in Bremen’s Lagerhaus cultural center (Schildstraße 12-19). Everyone is welcome and admission is free.

Selfie Contest, fashion show, and international music

The stage entertainment begins at 12.00 pm with a selfie contest. Competitors have until 2.00 pm to send their creative photos to Under the motto “Future Fusion Fashion”, international students will present their own creations and some fashions typical for their country. Several bands will be playing international music. A highlight will be a “cross-culture dance act” performed by the “compass” team. A number of stands will be featuring Henna tattoo art, calligraphy, and the opportunity for visitors to try their hand at creating their own fashion accessories. In addition to all this, they will also be able to get information on studying abroad, language courses, and the international cooperation agreements concluded by the University of Bremen. You can find more information about the program under

International Campus

Altogether, some 20,000 international students from 120 different countries are enrolled at the University of Bremen. Large numbers of top-level scholars and scientists are also coming to Bremen to teach and research. The University’s success in the Excellence Initiative is strengthening this trend, which is made possible among other things by the extra funding that is subsequently available.

600 cooperation partners worldwide

The University’s international network encompasses almost 600 cooperation partners that provide places for German exchange students as well as opportunities for research stays and teaching activities. With some of these institutions – our so-called strategic partners – the cooperation is of a targeted nature and being expanded on a broad basis. The University has a special focus on cooperation with universities in the USA and Canada, China, Turkey, and southern Africa.

For more information on this topic, please contact:
University of Bremen
International Office
Dr. Jutta Paal
Phone: +49 421 218-60363
email: jutta.paalprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Gruppenfoto mit internationalen Studierenden
Das kompass-Team der Uni Bremen