More Money for Science: University of Bremen joins in European demands

The University of Bremen supports the demands of European university associations to increase the funding of the forthcoming EU Research Framework Program. YERUN, LERU, EUA and others had recently come out in public with a joint statement.

In May 2018, the European Union will publish its next Multiannual Financial Framework. The plan will be valid for seven years and also has an influence on how much money the international community plans to spend on funding science. The EU will announce this in its 9th Framework Program for Research and Innovation this summer. The University of Bremen has now joined in demands of several European university associations to double the amount of funding made available to reserach, innovation and education. “As a member of the Young European Research Universities Network, YERUN, we strongly back these demands. The European Research Area needs generous funding if it is to survive in global competition”, says Professor Eva-Maria Feichtner, Vice-President International and Diversity.

In their appeal, the university associations CESAER, CLUSTER, Coïmbra Group, EARMA, EASSH, ECIU, EUA, The Guild, IDEA League, LERU, SEFI, UNICA und YERUN call on the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Council to allocate a total of 160 billion euro for the Framework Program for Research and Innovation. The program is scheduled to start in 2021. In the opinion of the signatories, an increase in funds could create new jobs and make Europe a global innovation driver in important future fields.

The original text of the statement issued by the European university associations can be found under:

For more information visit:
www.yerunprotect me ?!.eu

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