Online Voting for the Innovation Radar Prize

For a second time, the European Commission is awarding the Innovation Radar Prize. The award is for particularly innovative EU-funded projects in the field of digitalization. This year, two University of Bremen projects have been nominated. You can support the project you find best by placing your vote online via the European Commission website. The first 16 candidates will be invited to attend the finals to be held in Bratislava this September. The following University of Bremen projects have been nominated for the prize:

“openEASE”: Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IAI) at Uni Bremen

Nowadays, robots are capable of performing even the most complicated manipulation tasks – albeit, only when in surroundings they are familiar with, with objects they already know, and under precisely defined conditions. However, in the real world with all its imponderables, robots without general knowledge and a basic understanding of physics are unable to behave competently or dependably.
"openEASE" is something like a “Wikipedia for robots”: It makes up for the lack of knowledge they require to perform tasks and even enables them to share expertise – and learn from one another. The actions robots perform in everyday operations are saved in a cloud-based knowledge database containing information on things like the use of tools, how to bake a pizza, or behavioral rules for interaction with humans. “openEASE” makes it possible for other robots as well as scientists to access and even expand on the pooled knowledge. This knowledge sharing considerably facilitates and harmonizes programming.

“openEASE” was developed by the Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IAI) at the University of Bremen. IAI is member of the University’s Center for Computing and Communication Technologies (TZI) and belongs to Faculty 3: Mathematics/Computer Science.

“InnoNetScore“: BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik at Uni Bremen

When developing innovative products and services, especially small enterprises are dependent on the help of external partners. However, in the event that such innovations are advanced in collaboration with a number of different organizations, it very quickly becomes an extremely complex matter to fine tune the necessary coordination among all the many processes involved.

BIBA, the Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics, has developed a system called “InnoNetScore” to support quality management in such large collaborative research projects. At all stages of development, an online questionnaire is used to determine the current maturity of innovation management. Potentials for improvement can be specifically identified and all the research partners are kept completely up-to-date on a shared platform.

For more information, please contact:
University of Bremen
Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Prof.Dr. Michael Beetz
Phone: +49 421 218-64000
email: ai-officeprotect me ?!cs.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

University of Bremen
BIBA - Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics
Benjamin Knoke
Phone: +49 421 218-50185
email: knoprotect me ?!biba.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de