Orchestra and choir rehearse for the end-of-semester concert

The university orchestra and choir are currently rehearsing intensively for the final semester concert, which will take place in Bremen Cathedral on 27 January 2019 - the day of commemoration of the victims of National Socialism. This time the contemplative and moving oratorio "A Child of Our Time"

The oratorio was composed by Michael Tippett from 1939 to 1941.

The 17-year-old Jewish youth Herschel Grynszpan is meant by the "child of our time". He had assassinated a German embassy councillor in Paris. The Nazis used this as an occasion for the "Reichskristallnacht".

At the moment the orchestra and choir rehearse separately. Only at the performance in the cathedral will they stand together on stage. Tickets are already available at all known advance booking offices - also a nice gift idea!


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